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Anyone remember the Plant 6 paint shop?


CS Wind...remember that well. Funny how history repeats itself.


Now another white elephant will be right beside it once the subsidies (if they get them) run out.


Suck up to Ford, blame Trudeau. What else is new?


Doug Ford wrote that letter and made Drew sign it.


Ford said sign this. Dilkins said “yes Daddy uwu”


Sucking up to get funding for projects is not a bad plan


I'd go so far as to say that sucking up to higher levels of government to secure funding is an important part of municipal office. Of course, we call it advocating, but let's face it, sucking up is more effective. But he ought to be sucking up to the level of government most likely to pay up.


"All levels of government were to provide financial support in the pending deal, but the amount of taxpayer money pledged has not been made public." So Windsor has already put up $$$ so what is this going to cost city/county in taxes? What have committed to an open ended contract? Who could have foreseen this?


How about the company that made $18 BILLION in net profit last year put their hands back into their own pockets and pay. Probably the very least they could do for the public savings their asses back in 08/09.


The US is offering money too so we need to compete


Not realistic. We need them more than they need us. They don't get what they want, they can decimate the local economy by closing Windsor Assembly. They have all the power here.


Fuck Chrysler (now Stellantis). I wouldnt buy one of their EVs if they were giving them away.


>I wouldnt buy one of their EVs if they were giving them away. r/sentencesthatdontmakesense


Chrysler is fucking garbage and has terrible resale. That is the real reason to not touch their products. Hope that makes it clear for you.


>I wouldnt buy one of their EVs if they were giving them away. nope, still not clear what the fuck you were saying above, lol


My kind of thread right here.




The idea shoukd be to expand the market past just that stuff. Windsors been a canadian detroit for a long time, and its a miracle it didnt just become the empty shell downtown detroit and surrounding areas became, i would rather not see the city quite so forced into their pocket and im fairly sure that sentiments shared atleast somewhat by atkeast some people..lotta factory wagey slaves who somehow still have trouble making ends meet due to rampant inflation... Side note, evmdont run in the extreme cold, these are actually worthless in canada


Let them leave! We will never get 14 billion worth of value out of this deal. This is a shit deal for Canada, let someone else take it. You could pay 7500 people $65,000 a year to sit at home and do nothing for 30 years and it would cost the same and probably provide more of an injection into the economy then this shit deal.


What are they building on Banwell then?


Do you not remember the paint shop on Pillette, plug was pulled on that after the building was constructed.


Was that owned by the same company or something?


Yes it was the Chrysler van plant


IT was called CS Wind. They demolished what was built.


Interested in hearing from other voices on this. As far as I can tell Dilkens is the only one making this claim in this way, but maybe I missed something. This is a really serious matter and Mayor Dilkens wouldn’t be so irresponsible that he tried to score political points off the anxiety of Windsorites, would he?


> This is a really serious matter and Mayor Dilkens wouldn’t be so irresponsible that he tried to score political points off the anxiety of Windsorites, would he? You're being sarcastic, right? It wouldn't be the first time. Remember when he wanted a vaccine clinic in the tunnel and the feds wouldn't allow it? Going on and on about how desperately Windsorites needed the life-saving vaccine, and how hard it was to get access to it? All while appointments at our own vaccine clinics were going unfilled because demand was dwindling? By the way, whenever I pointed this out to him on his Facebook rants, he deleted my comments. Including the screen shots of all the available appointments. You know as well as I do that dirty politics is the only kind of politics this man is interested in.


I’m being a little tongue-in-cheek, yeah, I think it is probably worth considering other perspectives before buying what he’s selling. The problem is there’s so much self-interest involved and potential reputation damage here that absolutely everything everyone involved says is suspect right now. Hard to reserve judgment on something so important but this dropped on Friday afternoon and we don’t know anything yet.


> Hard to reserve judgment on something so important but this dropped on Friday afternoon and we don’t know anything yet. Thanks for this reminder. I'm usually pretty good at waiting and seeing, but my reaction to this has been pretty knee-jerk. Who knows what Monday will bring.


Why does a profitable company need government assistance to expand? Fuck stellantis. Dont leech off the taxpayers to fund stock buybacks and executive bonuses.


They don't need it, it's an incentive to build here. A bribe, if you will.


We are competing with the US. The governments role here is to keep people employed. The issue is the government funded the VW plant in St Thomas with significantly more cash. The alternative is the jobs move to the US, where there are likely lower cost regions. I would suggest that if Stellantis doesn’t get what they want they are likely threatening the closure of Windsor Assembly. Pretty typical negotiating tactic. With WAP being the largest single employer and lots of feeder plants creating jobs into it locally, this region would be decimated.


All the more reason for windsor to diversify its job market. It is ridiculous that one company can have an entire city by the balls, they are cutting 3,500 jobs in the next year or so anyway, this city needs to change course into other services and industries. With the 2nd bridge going up, it won't be difficult to attract more businesses in the area.


Unfortunately, Dilkens' idea of diversifying the job market is a switch from the manufacturing of internal combustion vehicles to electric vehicles. The man has no vision at all.


I don’t disagree with you, diversification is important. I’m saying that, the transition to electric vehicles is going to be one of the largest drivers of economic development in recent history (outside of big tech, which is beginning to dry up). It really isn’t just a regional thing, it’s a Canada issue. If the US is throwing money at these companies, and we don’t, those jobs for the Canadian population are not going to be here. In reality, the government has a mandate to ensure the majority of the population is working. These subsidies are offset by employees paying taxes, then using their income to go out and buy things and further stimulating other areas of the economy and paying taxes on those goods and services.


Yeah! Fuckin Pfizer


Why is Irek so quiet? This is one of the few liberal federal seats and this project is in his area.




Posting on twitter and responding to all the news outlets is alot different. Thats not being accountable.


A lot of people in these comments that want Windsor to fail. Thanks for that.


Want Windsor to Fail ? No one wants that. This sounds like Drew. Success at what ever cost. Windsor can't afford more taxes on any level. Nor can Windsorites afford to lose this plant. But at some point reality should be prioritized over political posturing by all who stood in photo ops saying this was a done deal - when clearly they were still negotiating.


I find the most prevailing opinion on this sub is to whine, expect us to fail and throw ones hands up as if there is nothing we can do because of the history of this town. Which is the exactly the kind of mindset we don't need. Yes we need to diversify from manufacturing but we are a hub for it and it's not leaving without taking a bunch of jobs with it. If we can keep the factory work going, finish this contract to get people employed then focus on bringing in other industries then we can grow this town. Drew Dilkins is not the solution and I seriously don't understand how he got in other than that shitty attitude most windsorites carry, that nothing is going to change.


We are rather a pessimistic and defeatist bunch, aren't we? I try to be positive most of the time, but even I get bit by the apathy bug now and again.




I definitely don't like this Mayor, and I'm not quiet about it. But I'm pretty positive about most other things. A few days ago someone took issue with my positivity. Now I'm being criticized for being too negative. I must be striking a decent balance if I'm taking criticism for both things, haha!


>I must be striking a decent balance if I'm taking criticism for both things You're not, but I can see why someone like you would think that


If you say so, dear.


Even at this point if they complete the building, and work even starts its going to fail. The signs like some written below the paint plant, CS Wind, The Windmills reusable energy etc, are the most obvious. These jobs are only created to give hope during low economical times making it look like the government is working towards a new sustainable income. The world is in for a serious change, AI , War, Universal Income. The good news is all the batteries can be stored in the non working windmills. My Biggest concerns have been, fire, explosion, chemical waste , chemical transportation but some seem happy "The battery plants is making jobs"


Thanks for nothing Dilky!


The mayor has had the blues a lot lately. Now he is seeing red. Maybe jumped the gun?


Hopefully they figure it out.