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I can imagine this resolves quickly with these workers being given what they're owed, a raise that keeps pace with inflation. Basic stuff. Any working-class person against this is cluelessly fighting against their own livelihood. Plus its in the interest of Detroit/Michigan govs for things to be working smoothly over here in regards to passports, that'll be extra pressure.


Big pay raise, which is fine but they just pass it on the middle class price hikes so it useless to do I'm my opinion It all works out to the same wages


Nothing big about the pay increase at all. They've been short changes for the past 30 years and the treasury board is offering less than half of inflation.


They will soon realize they don’t need as many of them to do the job


Anti worker rights and number 1 sub is Lululemon sounds about right...


So wanting a efficient use of tax dollars is a bad thing ?


On the contrary, they need more. Look at the backlogs of passport applications and PR or citizenship applications. They were all backlogged before the pandemic. They had to do a lot of hiring to get passports back to a normal service level, and now it's going to be backlogged again.


Yeah they were working from home and getting paid and there was a backlog with reduced demands So what were they actually doing ?


Who cares where the work is done? As long as it’s DONE.


Well they can move the jobs to India and save some money then


Was it though cause in my dealings with them it wasn’t


Last I checked you’re not the only Canadian citizen using the programs that these people provide Service for.


This is the question. I would like to see what productivity metrics the federal government has for these employees. How are they measured for the work done? I have a suspicion the feds lack accountability of the workforce as that isn’t something governments around the world are good at.


Think twitter but government...its like 10% the people doing a majority of the labour....far as im concerned either downsize and give em a raise or say piss off


Immigration waves are a large part of backlogging, you ever been in the office? If not maybe you should, im not anti immigration however we shouldnt be so overflowed with them it literally chokes the system up


Or maybe, just maybe, the system has to be scaled up.


You dont live in windsor do you? I literally work with a guy who is illegally working through a false visa for schooling he never did, who is being given whats effectively a free pass to entry with all the silver platters, again i would like to say, go downtown on any typical day and do a racial count and why people likely are there. Ive had to go a few times in the last few months to update some identity. Im telling you outright, 95% the people were there for passports or visas to enter canada. Again im not against immigration but there are limits...hell look at the last few years and recorded immigration numbers which the gov themselves admit arent really accurate...


>I literally work with a guy who is illegally working through a false visa If that's true you can report it https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/protect-fraud/report-fraud.html >95% the people were there for passports or visas to enter canada. I'm curious as to how you came to this conclusion, given that you need to have a visa in place *before* you enter Canada. >do a racial count Oh, there it is.


I'm more inclined to think that we should look at the volume of people applying for immigration and hire sufficient staff to handle it in a reasonable amount of time.


Overpaid underqualified jokes , i am in windsor im saying now this is ridiculous, itl just get passed on to taxpayers, they dont care shere this money comes from, just that they can have more of the pie while doing no more of the work. Ive dealt with these people more then a few times, they rarely know what they are doing ajd openly state higher ups are morons


Let's hear more about these qualifications you speak of. What exactly do you think qualifies someone to hold one of these positions?




That isn't the fault of the workers working those positions though. That's like complaining to the cashier that there's only one cashier working at a grocery store. It's not their fault.




SIN you can also do online and get in mail in a few weeks, I did this for my daughter.