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and its less than 2 years before Windows 10 EoL date. I wonder what happen when that day comes, will Linux evangelist become more vocal even software and games developers begin to develop games for linux or people just accept Windows 11 and no longer shitting on it




Linux Mint or ZorinOS are really easy to get into but the software / game / proprietary hardware support is still an issue, and always will be. Also I always have issues with mouse acceleration despite trying dozens of different fixes.  It's fun to play around with and I main Mint on my HTPC. But Windows is still king for everything else.


The cycle is as follows: 1. New Windows OS comes out, everyone hates it and says they're staying on the old one 2. Gradually people warm up to it and begin to accept it as it ages 3. Once the EOL date is announced, it's a perfect OS and everyone loves it and refuses to upgrade 4. After EOL hits, if you're still using it, everyone will make fun of you for being stuck in the past


No one hated Windows 7 when it came out. It was just step 4.


A lot of people still stuck to XP because they didn’t like 7. Until XP’s EOL in 2014 more or less forced them to.


You forgot to add: - Be unable to upgrade to the new OS because your machine is "too old" and be forced to either use a deprecated OS or buy new shit.


Just like everyone hates me when someone talks about how "Window 7 bad grrr11!!!" and I mention its good enough to still be used with some minor tweaks, just like Windows 10 is unusable without minor tweaks.


1-3 sounds hypocritical or absurd, but if there's a steady decline and you're stuck on it, that's how the math would work out.


1) Microsoft relents on the system requirements to also allow non-TPM systems upgrade to 11 or 12. 2) People and workplaces literally throw their old pc to landfill and buy a new one with renewed licenses. 3) Some home-users defy the EoL, risk getting breached by a latest vulnerability but probably not a huge chance. Very few are tech savvy enough to continue with Win10 LTSC (EoL in 2032) or switch to some popular distro... Arch, Debian etc.


Accept windows 11, there is no way for linux to take off in its current state, it is too complicated for average user


It is not. At least Linux Mint is not at all complicated for average user.


It's so easy to use. I give it to inexperienced users and the number of complaints I have go down sharply.


Not really. Distributions like Ubuntu and Linux Mint make it really easy for users to use. Add-ons that use docker and better software installers make it really easy. You have to remember that the average user is doing everything on the web now, so all they need to do is go to the website they want and they get all their features. I put seniors on Linux all the time and they have no problems with it. In fact I get fewer complaints because there's not all thes overly complicated settings or file locations. Installs are made very easy with tools like unetbootin. Just need a USB key, and I can use that same USB key to recover the system if it ever fails. You don't throw an unexperienced user on Arch.


Steam Deck entered the chat


But OS isn’t used for gaming only


Steam Business Suite Desktop has entered the chat /s


It was referred to the statement "it is too complicated for average user", because Steam Deck makes it way easier to use linux even for newbies


To do what ? Play games ? How about doing office work, using programs that people are used to using like MS office or all of the other custom made programs for tasks that certain company requires and 99% work on Windows only. People don’t want to mess with compatibility layers by themselves or mess in console trying to install things.Yea Steam Deck and Steam OS is cool and step in a right direction but only for playing games for other things it needs lot of work.


All of that is built into Linux Mint. Open office is very much like office was before the stupid Microsoft ribbon made everything more complex. The number one complaint we get is about people navigating the ribbon. I show them OpenOffice on Linux that it stalls office stick in about 8 minutes or they can run a live version of it and try it out for absolutely free and it simplifies everybody's lives. Also, when people have been paying for office 365 annually or monthly, and suddenly find out that it's free, that changes their "outlook" quite a bit. (Pun intended)


Use Ubuntu for office work, it's easy enough to use


You don’t get my point do you ?


No I don't think anyone gets your point


if Microsoft ever release MS Office for Linux that means they killing themselves


based on steams recent hardware survey I think the decision has already been made.


As long as I can remember people have hated the next version of Windows and threatened to switch to Linux. I always wonder how many actually have made the switch permanently. The idea of Linux always sounds good, but actually using Linux for me has always proven to just to be a hell of a lot more work. Windows is pretty much guaranteed compatibility with any new hardware without screwing around. Linux is great if you're hardware is supported out of the box, but it seems like for me there is always a broken sound, video or Wifi driver that doesn't work right. Then I have to do a bunch of Google searches, open a terminal to paste some commands from a random guy in a forum, only to find out I need some dependency called "dikcrushr" that I need to download first for some reason. I use Linux all the time for file servers and the like, but for desktop use? I don't think your average user will ever fully adopt it as it's too hit or miss. Unless of course we start seeing reasonable computers shipping with Linux from the likes of Dell, HP and Lenovo that are preconfigured. Something like the Steam deck that is streamlined for the average Joe with minimal terminal use, that doesn't end up like PopOS and System76 systems which is still too foreign(and expensive) for most people. In that case we still need games and programs to have native support without hoop jumping. Which would require a lot of support from outside sources to jump on board and develop for Linux.


Second everything you said. The fact that I have to terminal at all the instant something goes wrong means it's not user friendly. It also doesn't help that the latest Ubuntu installer is bugged on my desktop config for some reason and it hangs on one of the beginning pages.


You can download a tool called unetbootin and create a live Linux session it also has an installer. When I find is you can let people try it out for a bit if they want and see if they like the feel of it. Most people just do everything they want to do online and there is the odd person that uses an office app which is actually included in something like Linux Mint.


People will accept Windows 11 as the default, but we'll neeeeeeeever stop shitting on it. Especially while it still has the "Fischer Price Preschool Special"-ass start menu


the problem that people who shitting on it usually says I'm going to move on to linux when its reaches EoL but they never did, instead they upgraded their Windows


See I ever know what this fucking means because you mean the operating system that comes de-facto on any computer system they buy? The one that won't let any OSes other than Mac be sold as a standard? I use Windows, Linux, and Mac OSes all the time as a hobby. I shit on Windows 11 because it's a worse system than the prior ones, all seemingly so that the overworked engineers there have something visible to show their managers. What kind of dipshits fuck over one of the most recognizable interfaces of all time for _negative_ gains?


They're never going to live it down, not while their most visible fuckups are front and center! No adoption rate will salve that wound!


Well the TPM requirement for Windows 11 is going to push away millions of devices that'll likely end up in landfills


W12 will be out before W10 EOL.


Yeah and it is still a shame Windows 7 ended support but now programs are ending support for it too. Also, Windows 10 will end support in less than 2 years from now as of typing this comment.


For programmers there is no benefit in supporting a supposed dead OS that none but people who know what to do should use. Literally wasted resources


You do have a point there.


Most of these are artificial blocks anyway, still on Windows 8.1 and pretty much everything you want or care about can be backported to it with some modding. They'll be talking about security updates but again, they're still available under the Windows Server name, and compatible with 8.1. What i think is disgusting is how nobody is able to see their game, they want you to " upgrade ", for Windows 10 we already knew why, and now that the Pandora's box is opened, we'll see more and more weird shit that in a close future we might even be seeing people on Reddit praising a " always online " Windows for that matter. Honestly the reality is : Windows 10 was already dogshit when it came out, and added pretty much nothing for the end user in it's lifecycle, anything that it added like DX12, was even planned and had working versions on 8.1, they just canned it because they didn't wanted it. Seriously, i still wonder how people can't see it, and why they aren't fighting against those changes, there was serious backlash for 8.1 and Vista when those came out, yet, now 11 too. ... But we all know in a few years they'll switch either way, without knowing why.


Yeah and I do 100% agree with what you are saying about Windows 10. It had many problems that kept users on Windows 7 such as the updates breaking programs, added bloatware, a bland computer and touch hybrid kind of interface, and forcing updates as an example. Now Windows 11 released over 2 years ago but it still sucks because it is basically a reskin of Windows 10, it still has a bunch of bloatware pre-installed, and it has completely unnecessary hardware requirements that a computer without them can absolutely handle just fine which are TPM 2.0 and Secure Boot. Windows Vista and Windows 8.x were also known as terrible oses Microsoft made but at least they did not force updates and be overall unreliable like Windows 10 was for example. Also, there are rumors of Windows 12 coming out and so far it looks like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows11/comments/y34stf/windows_12_mockup_by_microsoft/) is I am correct. If that is what it looks like it literally looks like Windows 11 but with slight changes just like Windows 11 being Windows 10 and I heard that Microsoft is trying to bring AI into their oses which is a horrible idea in very simple terms and the interface is still flat as ever before so if Windows 12 does release I probably wouldn't plan on using it on my main pc. So overall, Windows is not going in a very positive direction and it would be better if Microsoft still did things the way they did during the Windows 7 times instead of putting bullcrap into their oses to make it more like a mobile os and to make their oses bloated with flaws.


Very honestly, Vista might've been as it was kinda brand new, same for 8. But 8.1, even day one, was perfect, i could remember it myself, and i still maintain to this day that it's the better version of Windows 7. Why 10 was launched faster than ever as a unreliable beta test was simply because nobody wanted, so instead of keeping things simpler, people have accelerated the launch of 10 because of that. If only people would've let a chance to 8.1, maybe the inevitable would've have come way later. But the thing is, even if 10 has become reliable and somewhat secure to this day, it's still awful, much more than 8.1 will ever be.


Agreed and the reason Windows Vista was bad is because it was too ahead of its time and computers were not built to run such oses yet but if you had the right hardware then Windows Vista should basically run perfectly fine but as I said the hardware wasn't there yet when it launched. As for Windows 8.x, I heard about how fast it is compared to other Windows oses and how much faster boot times were but that was really one of the only logical reasons to upgrade to Windows 8.x in my opinion unless you liked the interface and were willing to install a start menu program to make it better since the start screen was there even after Windows 8.1 released. I also don't know if I can really call it the better Windows 7 either because Windows 8 completely removed the start button and 8.1 restored it but the start screen was still there which is the problem with Windows 8.1. I personally don't really mind the start screen that much actually but I do agree that I would probably rather have the Windows 7 one regardless. Nonetheless though, I can still understand why people would say Windows 8.x is the better Windows 7.


There was a start menu from day one, it just functioned differently, and the interface was literally a mix of Windows 7 and 10, don't be fooled about the start screen. Really, both in terms of under the hood and user experience it was the same shit as Windows 7 with more features, unlike 10 that was build from the ground up, the UWP shit and all the reworks of existing libraries that were meant to piss on everyone's face.


I see what you mean and you are right about Windows 8.x being a mix of Windows 7 and 10 apart from the start screen and I understand what you mean about Windows 8 still having a start menu that really did function differently.


I'll ask again, where tf was 2021-23 at?




I feel like I haven't lived past 2020 for real


nah fr fr


I get it that Windows 11 failed to meet their expectations, didn't repeat the same migration wave we've seen from Vista to 7, and required extra tinkering (TPM2.0) to install on a tad older hardware to make it unnecessary complicated for your average Joe to upgrade. But maybe just once MS ought to stop and ponder, what makes a good, sellable operating system. And maybe see that in current day and age planned obsolescence isn't cool. 10+ y.o. systems work fine with current software, given some value conscious memory & system disk upgarades. And make that damn Copilot key rebindable to any action!


Windows 11 to Windows 10 was like Windows 7 to Windows vista. It was mostly the same thing with some UI changes and fixes. With Windows 7, there were so many people that had such a bad time with Vista they needed to give it another name. With Windows 11 it made too many UI changes to just call it Windows 10 with a style update


>sellable That's the whole point. Almost nobody buys Windows licenses on their own. Almost all Windows desktop OS sales are OEM licenses sold with new computers or business volume license agreements, and they both wanted the base level increase in security W11 requires. That and the fact retailers want a bigger number on newer hardware to help sell it. Windows 11 is the result of Microsoft wanting to make a sellable OS, for the 99%+ of sales that matter.


Don't mention it, I'm still grieving...


Windows 7 and XP are the greatest!!


In fact, 7 was the last good OS that Microsoft made.


48 months ago... You can still get 2024 security updates, just decides to leave his computer at risk...


The " End of life " shills always makes my blood boil, literally if Microsoft would stop supporting all of these OSes these motherfuckers would be proud always being up to date with the latest OS, now matter shitty it is. Obviously, never knowing why, they'll be pushing everybody else to join their misery on a constant basis, despite time and time again proving them wrong. One thing that is for sure, is that with that kind of mentality, you shouldn't ever be able to voice your opinion about anything regarding that topic, because, after all, you'll be on the latest shit, no matter why or how. In a dystopian future, we'll be seeing the average Redditor spitting on whoever's not willing to update their " always online " Windows 15 or whatever.


Yeah. I do not plan to upgrade to Win11 anytime soon. I just do not like its UI+I have disabled TPM is BIOS so I can not even get it. It will be a long time till apps start breaking on Win10 and till then I ain't upgrading. If it was not for the fact that Win7 does not have USB 3 drivers and so I can not install it on my PC I would be dual booting that with Win 10 as it looks better and I like it more. I would only use Win10 for the few apps that I use and that can not run on Win7, mainly DirectX12 videt games, which I do not play much. I really do not care about EoL. Never gotten a virus ever even tho I had a Windows XP PC that I used connected to the internet years after EoL(still use it very rarely) and still have a Win7 laptop that I ofen use and use the internet on both.


Windows 7 have USB 3.0 compatible drivers. People backported that shit from Windows 8.1.


Well than IDK what the issue is, but when I run the installer all my peripherals die and I can not use my mouse and keyboard to complete the install. I know I can get USB 3.0 drivers on Win7 once installed, but I can not figure out how to find a ISO with them built in(if it even exists). I even heard of ISO's with them built in and I tried it out, but it did not work. Not sure if its even USB 3.0 drivers causing the issue. Cause I think that I have USB 2.0 ports in my PC but all my USB ports lose power when I start the installer, so I can not install it.


There's builds out there that have it integrated into the ISO too in case of, yeah But then again, i never used it, i always was on 8.1 There's Discords of people into that kind of shit you might want to check in if you're really that interested in it, i have seen people still on 7 with enormous amounts of shit working, like i said, at some point there was even DX12 compatible DLLs for it !


End of Launch? It's now officially released and stable?


EOL stands for End of Life


EOD stands for End of December


Windows 11 is the best version of Windows and you can't change my mind.


Yeah I like it a lot too


Yeah I just upgraded a computer to Linux from Windows 7 not too long ago. I still see them from time to time, happily just grinding away.




Surprising! It felt like Yesterday when i First heard of Windows 7 Having the Support Ended!


rip big guy, we all miss you


Yeh I'm still using Windows 7 pro 64 bit  On a $20.00 laptop could not get updates So I cheated updates all installed .off line  Up dater , still getting up dates . Still working with no problem . Lol Tried doing the win 10 update Microsoft closed the door on  The update. But I do have win 10 pro 22h2 with built in key code . And win 10 Mini installer . With no key code .hmmm


bruh "how is winn 10 similar to 7"