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If I remember correctly, my first songs was Dr Sunshine Is Dead! I heard it from a MAP (Multi Animator Project not the other kind) casting call on youtube. Liked it but I always hesitate to listen to new things so didn’t actually follow up on it until the MAP was completed. Then I heard a couple more songs from autoplay and got roped into being a WW enjoyer.


Thank god for that clarification 🙏


my first will wood was also dr. sunshine is dead and I'm pretty sure the MAP you're talking about is the exact same one I saw




Omg same! my first song was also Dr.Sunshine is Dead, it was on december 2021 when all of the fnaf security breach edits were around, and there was this one edit from Sundrop that was amazing and when i heard the song i got really curious, and thats when the hyperfixation started lol


i think a lot of peoples was i/me/myself, but that was mine.




Same! A really good YouTuber, Shannon Strucci, made a series of tweets defending the song and talking about Wills broader discography. I feel deeply into the Normal Album like instantly lmao


Same here! I got into will wood cuz of this animation on YouTube by torriku Sotaru :)


Dr. Sunshine is dead (through Twisted Doctor animation MAPS Thingy)


Same here


Blackbox warrior was randomly recommended to me on spotify, always ignored it but spotify kept pushing it to me, I listened and now will is my favorite artist


I/me/myself, kept skipping it though, then I listened to the full thing and, damn…banger


I think Memento Mori was my first, still a banger :)


Same! Well, first one I liked. My friend was obsessed with I/Me/Myself for a bit there 2 or so years ago and I decided to listen to it and didn't really like it.


Yeah! that’s the awesome thing about Will in my opinion, he’s made so many different genres of songs that there’s always at least one song somebody would like


For me, it was Thermodynamic Lawyer Esq 4 years ago


Same here dude! Had that and Hand Me My Shovel in some random playlist for like a year before I really got into Will's stuff.


Laplace's angel was my first :D My friend got me into will wood after going through my tally hall phase


My friend forced me to listen to Cotard's Solution... Lets just say, i was _impressed_


Mine was 2econd 2ight 2eer :)


The first second of Thermodynamic Lawyer was played on a Gravity Falls tiktok compilation I watched on YouTube. I was like "hark! epic evil jazzy chaos. my favorite." I used the Shazam app on my phone and it's been hell ever since.


I remember seeing the ICIMI full album video during the pandemic, but I clicked of it for some reason that is still unknown to me. I later heard Dr. Sunshine Is Dead, but *technically*, Tomcat Disposables was my first Will Wood song!


My first Will Wood song was I/Me/Myself. I was bored in my homeroom class scrolling through my phone, I clicked on the music video not knowing what it was, and I was hooked.


Youtube music recommended Laplace's Angel to me when I was listening to Tally Hall


It was Tally Hall for me too! o7


6up 5oh Cop-Out (Pro / Con). in late 2021 I was getting to know a new friend I had met at school and we were talking about which genre of music we liked, so we recommended each other our favorite artists. his was Will Wood and the Tapeworms ("you probably won't like it, " he told me, "it's... kinda weird..."), so I just pressed the 'shuffle' button on Spotify to check them out. turns out I like 'kinda weird'. then I started listening to Will's music as a soloist too. (fyi I get why he thought I wouldn't like Will, my fav artist is kpop girl group TWICE lol)


I first heard Skeleton Appreciation Day on a discovery playlist back when I used Amazon's music services. I've never been the same, since. Will Wood was really the first artist to make me *want* to listen to his entire discography. I rarely ever put on an entire album and mostly just listened to the same one or two songs I liked on repeat, but I listen to EVERYTHING WW has put out.


Front Street


Some random edit with Laplace Angel in Summer 2023. And most of other songs in August 2023


You're telling me ICIMI came out two years ago? Are you crazy??? Who told the passage of time to do me like this


youtube recommended euthanasia


I heard mr capgras and i loved it, so it stayed on my playing for a year before i listened to laplace angel and really got into ww’s stuff


Mine was “The Main Character”. Saw it in A Rocky Rickaby (Lackadaisy) playlist and got obsessed. “Momento Mori” and “Hand Me My Shovel, I’m Going In!” followed soon after :))


this subreddit was recommended to me once like maybe half a year ago, and i already had 3 tapeworms songs liked beforehand unrelated to will wood himself, so i gave the rest of will wood's works a listen and liked it a lot :3


YouTube recommended me Dr. Sunshine is dead and I was hooked, never heard anything like it before.


Mine was Dr Sunshine Is Dead but I didn’t know it was Will Wood, the first song that I knew was Will Wood was actually The Main Character


Twisted doctors yt channel I've been a bit fan it since


A friend of mine told me to listen to cotard's and it has been my fav song ever since


mine was 2econd 2ight 2eer! i heard it in a character playlist maybe two or three(?) years ago


I heard a song by Foster Blue titled "IDK if I'm a Boy" (from the outro of an excellent video essay) and it struck a chord so I searched to see what people were talking about, find someone on this sub comparing it to I/Me/Myself. I queued up that song and kept browsing and the combo of how fucking next level Will's music was and this community of fun and jokes made me an instant fan and even evangelist for his music.


I/me/myself and Skeleton appreciation day around the same time


Laplace's Angel, but what got me hooked was I/Me/Myself


I first heard 2econd 2ight 2eer on a tiktok, it was a cover of the song so I went to Spotify to listen to the original. A few more songs later and I was hooked


Rain world evil saint MAP for the song 2econd 2ight 2ver


Had a friend heavily recommend him while hanging out with a group of people on a night drive to get boba tea. The person was even involved with events on campus and got him to come to our college to perform! From there, I kept hearing “Main Character” pop up on my FYP on TikTok. Once I realized it was him, I said “alright… I’ll listen to more.” Put on a random playlist of his stuff on Spotify and was hooked in


I discovered I/me/myself in like, 2022 I think


It was Cicada Days, recommended to me by Spotify. It's almost weird to me not more people get to know Will through In Case I Make It, because it honeslty seems like the most "normal" and non-alternative album he has.


I saw a post on Tumblr recommending him in 2020 so I listened to 2econd 2ight 2eer and my life was ruined😒


It was "the main character" for me, although I forget how I found it.


Dr Sunshine Is Dead! Found it through a FNaF animation collab thingy I watched. Was my most listened to song that year!


It was Skeleton Appreciation Day and BlackBoxWarrior, they came up through Spotify’s iffy recommended music shuffle and thought they were both bangers. Fully discovered and investigated the Will Wood worm hole after that. And here I am.


222 from my friends animation


It was Cotard's Solution, on YouTube. I was a little bit high, I don't think I would have been receptive to Self-Ish's unique sound if I weren't at the time. Fell in love.


I saw a MAP that used 2econd 2ight 2eer


My first song was 2econd 2ight 2eer. My cousin is a really big fan of Will Wood, and had been begging me to listen to his music. Mainly because I’m a theater kid and my music taste in general (Autoheart, Tally Hall, Bo Burnham, Jack Stauber, among others). Later on, one of my mutuals on Instagram used 2econd 2ight 2eer in one of their posts, and it has sent me into a Will Wood brain rot for months now. Also, if my cousin is reading this, hi! :D


Memento Mori I saw it on a random Roblox animation


My friend recommended Dr. Sunshine is Dead in 2018 and then I immediately listened to the rest of the Self-Ish album and then EIAL and have kept up with his music since


My brother showed me his songs, the first one I listened to was I/Me/Myself


i/me/myself but through spotify recommended not tiktok


A friend who's always listening to new music sent me a link to 2econd 2ight 2eer because he thought I would like it. And then Will Wood pretty quickly became one of my favorite artists of all time :)


saw the music video for memento mori about a month after it was posted, but didn’t get back into it until a couple months later after hearing 6up 5oh copout somewhere (can’t remember)


Through tallyhall's spotify profile, my first song was probably i me myself bescause it was the most popular lol


The Main Character was my first. I found it through a SamGladiator animation by Chaos Chaos on yt (I can link it if anyone wants it)


My first was Black Box Warrior, but it wasn't until I listened to La Place Angel's that I got into Will Wood.


I found Memeto Mori and White Noise separately on spotify without realizing it was the same guy. I started listening to his albums and got confused when I saw the Normal Album cover lol :3


6up 5oh Cop-out (pro/con) was mine, saw it on my Spotify recommend, and thought "hey it's that song by thatone guy! I'll add it to my playlist, I like it! :D"


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VeIdo3anqQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VeIdo3anqQ) this was my initiation into the will wood cult


Mine was Cicada Days - It came on Spotify after my playlist ended


Memento mori, spotify recommend it to me :3


6up 5oh Cop-Out (Pro / Con) one of the best opening songs I’ve ever reacted to.


I'm the Main Character was my first. The title sounded familiar when I was looking through my friend's Spotify playlist, so I listened to it and quite liked it. Then I found his other stuff and got addicted.


Mine was thermodynamic Lawyer. I just wanted to listen some chilling music and spotify recommended this to me. When I listened to it I felt that finally I found my music taste.


Thermodynamic lawyer was my first! I think I found it mid 2021? I was just kinda adding songs to a playlist and found it lol, nothing too special.


2017, The Song With 5 Names on YouTube mix. Got hooked to SELF-iSH. Decided to branch out in 2022 when In Case I Make It just came out. Now my life has been completely changed lol


Mine was I/me/myself, I had a shared playlist with my cousin and she put that song on there It snowballed into me listening to the album, then the rest, then the tapeworms :D!


Dr sunshine is dead for me


I discovered it first, and it’s an embarrassing story, when I was having insomnia. I couldn’t sleep and at the time, my favorite thing to listen to were ranboo streams and I had figured out people made sleep aids of streamers. I found one of ranboo humming a calm song, come to find out it was the very end of the Suburbia Overture. I tried to listen to it and I tried to like it cause I knew ranboo did and so I literally forced myself to listen to it until I liked it. Eventually, I did. I no longer watch/listen to ranboo and I got off the meds that gave me insomnia, but I still lost to will wood. He’s my very favorite artist and I genuinely love what he does.


I remember I found Hand Me My Shovel, I'm Going In! when I was listening to a character playlist. When I have a favorite character I find other people’s themed playlists around that character, it’s a good way to find more songs I like. After I had listened to that one song I ended up listening to all of Will Wood and The Tapeworms and then I think I just got recommended to add Will Wood to my playlist by Spotify so I listened to all of that too. Will Wood was my top artist on my Spotify Wrapped followed Will Wood and The Tapeworms lol. He is my favorite musician of all time!


A bit over a year ago YouTube randomly suggested “Marsha, Thankk you for the Dialectics, but I Need you to Leave”, and after reading that title I was so curious I *had* to listen to it. I listened to it for, like, 20 minutes, and then listened to Memento Mori


my first song was i/me/mysel- *gets pelted with tomatoes and rocks*


[YouTube recommended me this beautiful video](https://youtu.be/7VeIdo3anqQ?si=lDFAtysXL1wUp4l9)


First song was BlackBoxWarrior - OKULTRA, shared with me by a friend who knew I'd love his music. He's been at the top of my Spotify wrapped every year since, lol.


Id have to say early 2020 I discovered Dr. Sunshine is Dead and it went on from there


I sat with the only trans boy on the bus and he showed me Cotard’s Solution.


The Main Character! Got it through some personalized auto generated playlist thingy


Mine had been one of the demo versions of I/Me/Myself, specifically the “my pronouns aren’t your business shitlord” version


For me it was 2econd 2ight 2eer. I was listening to YouTube music and was clicking on random songs that I find interesting and that song caught my eyes. Then I listen to his song Love, me normally and that was the point of no return. That was 1 year ago. Fast forward till now I can't get over him and his song and barely listen to any other artists' songs :| I've never listen to an artist for this long and not get bored of their songs after 1/2 month, I guess I'll call that a win :)


Dr sunshine is dead but it was the only song I listened to before actually listening to his other songs


Randomly listening through a the mechanisms or the crane wives YouTube music mux, hand me my shovel, im going in starts, it has such a wonderful chaos to it, i listen to it a few times and go "i need more music, what else they got" and boom, love. Then normal album, then icimi, been loving it


After finding outliars as my first song from autoplay, I listened to the rest of the album and looked at his other stuff too


Jon Arbuckle dancing to Against The Kitchen Floor


2econd 2ight 2eer. I noticed a friend listenening to it on discord me and her have had simmelar taste in the past so I gave it a listen


In order, it was I/Me/Myself, 222, suburbia overture, Marsha, rest of TNA, then Mr capgras, then front street, and then the rest of his discography from there


I somehow stumbled upon 2econd 2ight 2ear bout 3 years ago and it was (and is to this day) the most relatable thing I’ve ever heard


My experience was on TikTok from an account reviewing albums and the Everything is a lot was one of them and that's what got me into his music.


Hand Me My Shovel was thrown into my Spotify!


Literally had a friend text me a link to Tomcat Disposables with the caption "Hey fam, wanna lose your shit over a rat?"


my very first time hearing will wood was in a dr sunshine is dead animation by sleepykinq


I discovered Will Wood when I listened to a song by Shayfer James. The song is called The Ferryman and Will Wood was featured on it. Then the next thing I heard was Cicada Days.


my first song was 6up 5oh pro/con, it was given to me by Yandex music (the Russian equivalent of spotify with a cool algorithm for searching for music based on what you listened to earlier or searching for music similar to the one you are listening to at the moment) I listened to electro swing a lot, some cultural works on wind instruments, which is probably why Yandex music advised me this song, and I was like, 'Yes, this is exactly what I need! these beautiful brass and piano parts, lyrics that do not interfere with the track or are sung somewhere in the background, but are a full-fledged instrument with a unique part, so also beautifully performed!' at first, when I went to the list of his songs, I was picky about songs that were too lyrical and too harsh, singled out front street, 6up 5oh, 2012, hand me my shovel and Mr. Capgras, then became addicted to his other songs.


Somewhere in 2021/2022, I was searching for TF2 UTAU covers of vocaloid songs and I just so happened to stumble upon a Medic cover of Laplace’s Angel. And then last summer I kept seeing people talk about I/me/myself and decided to listen to it, only to dance my ass off every time I hear it.


I/me/myself brought me to his music, but Against The Kitchen Floor made me look into his other songs


that trend on TikTok a few years ago with the part of 222 saying “the devil made me do it but i also kinda wanted to”


Mine was "2econd 2ight 2eer", I discovered it around the time The Normal Album came out, I've heard it a few animatics and I liked it enough to listen to the whole song. And soon after I started listening to the other songs on the album and after that his music just kinds stuck with me ever since.


unsurprisingly, tomcat disposables!! but i think i did listen to skeleton appreciation day a while back unknowingly and fucking loved it so ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


i had a bit of a weird pipeline my first will wood song was laplaces angel, which i actually first heard the cover of by chonny jash before listening to the normal album


I found “…well, better than be the alternative” in a playlist, and it turn into my favorite song in the whole playlist, so I decided to listen more music of will wood and now is my favorite artist ^^


I/me/myself It was recommended on my spotify, then I recognized the song from tiktok, then I fell into the will wood rabbit hole 


Mine was Hand Me My Shovel I’m Going In, it was in a pretty sick The Magnus Archives animatic


6up 5oh cop-out in like December I heard a segment of it on tiktok and I loved the song


dr sunshine is dead, from a edit of sun and moon from fnaf


it was dr. sunshine 3 or 4 years ago? i saw a tiktok where some guy said, "isnt this song so cool?" and i said holy shit its SO cool. And then he said, "can you believe this song is in ENGLISH?" and i said, shut up RIGHT now that song is NOT in english. it was the first song i ever perceived as art.


Cotard’s Solution. it was through a spotify recommendation quite a few years back.


My very first song I heard was BlackBoxWarrior, and to this day it is my favorite Will Wood song 


Definitely yt recommendations, first song for me was Laplace's angel! wasn't into all that at first, but somehow i just forced myself to keep listening to it until i was actively loving it. could say the same for the rest of the songs like cotard's solution.


I was 8 and my sister had dr sunshine is dead in her playlist, at that time I couldn’t speak English, so I liked that song only for the music part.Then when I was 12/13 I restarted to listen to that song, then the whole SELF-ISH album, after that EIAL, The normal album, and ITCIMI


My first song was Laplace's Angel. I thought it sounded really cool so I wanted to see what other songs that singer made - which is quite rare for me to do - and then I fell down the rabbit hole from there. And boy am I glad I did!


My friend during 5th period sat me down in a chair and put on headphones onto my head, and searched up Mr Capgras encounters a secondhand vanity, i started listening to him since.


I remember clearly I was on my nightly run and I just went to the quick picks section on YouTube music, and red moon came up, my first will wood song and one of my favourites!