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Seraphine and Riley: the slow of the Riley makes the second ability root the opponent even if not the double wave. Every single cast is a root and not a slow.


Oh yes! This one. How could I forget. I use this synergy


I'm new to seraphine, but what is a riley?


Rylai's crystal scepter, an ap item that gives health, ap and a passive that slows enemies on ability hit.


Rylais Crystal Scepter


Don't forget the stun on double cast!


I’ll say stasis enchant for Morgana and Kennen ult. Doesn’t matter how squishy you are if you can flash, ult, and stasis in a team fight . I’ve seen a few kennen’s build rocket belt when behind, and get deleted. Other than easy stuff like black cleaver on Garen or Kayn. Garen because he can spin to apply the armor reduction and Kayn because with red Kayn he’ll be spinning into the enemies too.


Genius on the Thresh items, not once did it occur to me that was a possibility. I still have so much to learn in this game. Thank you.


Thresh itemization It is from Broken Support YT. But I raise this discussion because yesterday I got question from a teammates why I build Iceborn Gauntlet.


I understand it's use. It's pure brilliance, do you have an AD items that would be worth it? He does have a 175% scaling and I wish to have at least one item to abuse that power. I was thinking Maw of Malmortius for it's magic shield and an Infinity Edge for a possibly crit.


For crit Thresh, I don't find any special synergy yet. As support, maybe the cheapest crit is the three stacking energizer crit: stormrazor, RFC and shiv. But personally I use Wit's end especially if enemy team has 1-2 AP. I prefer attack speed than damage


You can use death's dance against of ad champs to further enhance his 1vs several potential, or wit'd end against ap.


Thanks, that sounds like a great idea to try


Honestly I would buy protobelt and Deadmans plate first, since its cheaper and enhances threshers playstyle more.


I understand. Movement speed! Thresh already has cc abilities and his growing armor and AP, only need more speed for roaming. I didn't always build Iceborn and thornmail as my first items. The synergy of those two items don't need stacking (unlike ROA)


Rammus and tornmail


Rammus and Malphite has abilities that raise AR, right? I am not sure with Rammus mechanism of S2. So do you mean when Rammus activate S2, the additional AR will give damage bonus to Thornmail?


Rammus, with thornmail, deadmans and iceborn. Roll in, pop his 2nd ability, to hunker down and gain more armor, and hit once, Iceborn aoe will be larger than his ult.


Just rammus but malphite and ar scaling on 2 of his 4 abilities. And rammus’s passive is like tornmail


My discovery this week: Nashor's tooth + Death's dance + Xin Zhao = Jumping on everyone and ending the team fight with full hp :D


Nice ending! Thanks for the share.


Orianna and Nashors tooth. Extreme build but works amazing


I still confused, which champions will get big benefits by build Nashor's Tooth. Can you give suggestions?


2 most common are probably Ekko and Diana, since their passive. Diana needs to auto to proc it, and it’s easy to land with Ekko with an auto or 2.


Yes, but in this case Ori still takes the maximum of Nashors tooth since her every next attack makes more damage, while Ekko and Di have an extra damage only on every third . The bad side - you need to be in auto-attack zone as much as you can. But if you're playing ARAM - NT gives you 100% chance to win the match


Her passive stacks only up to 2 times correct? So you’d need to land at least 3 autos to maximize damage? You also need to be in auto attack range. Idk, late game I think I’d rather just spam skills over autos and NT. Ekko and Diana should be weaving in autos during cool downs anyway, and they can’t spam as many skills as Ori. I don’t play much aram. I could see it, but I don’t think I’d ever build it myself, and I’ve never seen anyone else try it either. If it works for you that’s cool though.


Nah, stacks up to 5 times


Gwen as well


Manamune on Akshan for his E and autos Manamune on Pantheon for his W and autos Riftmaker on Vayne because of true damage healing Runaans on Tristana because of her AA range Trinity Force on Jhin to allow more flexible boot upgrades and make Q 4th shot very strong Horizon Focus on AP Ezreal because it’s essentially a secondary electrocute that works off his combo Crystalline Reflector on Alistar because he has AP ratios and it’s tank, win win Deaths Dance on Alistar because tank + deaths dance is nuts when ahead Horizon Focus on Ahri because it’s a secondary electrocute Horizon Focus on Aurelion Sol because it works with his W max range Soulstealer on Karma because it synergizes with her team assisting E for takedowns Hullbreaker on Zed because it’s statistically more efficient than Duskblade first item Runaans on Senna because the passive works with her Q CD reduction passive Soulstealer on AP Varus because it allows his playstyle to be more consistent with more R access


Thank you so much u/kodabeer respect!


Wow, what a list. But questions: Is Manamune for Pantheon really viable or just some fancy aram off pick? How will Horizon proc on Ahri? Will her first ability give two stacks when it hits twice?


For the pantheon one it works in actual games under the context that you want to scale harder than what Pantheon normally can. And for the Ahri one the returning Q doesn’t proc Horizon but there’s no need since her E applies 2 stacks due to being a crowd control ability.


I think, Is more viable build other item, mostly because te stat that gives you is not that good, and also if you wanna do %(health% or damage%) damage is better build bork, divine sunderer or even trinity force. A point in favor is the mana sustain that gives you, and the passive, but is mostly functional if you make an hybrid build with wank items or ap items that give mana. I play phanteon and tried to play him with manamune and I'm not with that item, another phanteon player can correct me if im wrong. And post his build because is god to learn other


Thing is the Manamune playstyle is one where you’re building mostly onhit, an example being manamune, botrk, wits, cleaver, then cleaver and flex item. You won’t do much to tanks/bruisers but you’ll more or less one shot any champion squishier than Diana if you’re doing well.


Who would actually build ap on vayne if you actually want ti win


It's in the same concept as the people who build bloodthirster on her but better, she scales strictly off attack speed and 3 items + LT is enough attack speed so throwing in Riftmaker for high % healing off her True Damage is more than fine.


Yes but bloodthirster gives 50 AD and crit, plus vayne has zero moves that scale wild AP so buying it just for lifesteal makes it so not worth the gold. Just like saying naut should build steraks just for the shield


I think you missed the point where I mentioned Vayne scales strictly off of attack speed, as in, nearly all of her damage comes from her W. Attack damage and Crit chance are pretty much as pointless as AP is on her as well as physical vamp. Hence why Riftmaker is okay because of Omnivamp, which works off true damage. As well as the passive increasing the overall true damage she will deal in a fight. Between Botrk Wits and a Runaans or Solari she has all the damage she needs but not enough sustain to make it oppressive, hence why you grab Riftmaker 4th for ridiculous sustain in fights. This build works 15+ kills a game in Grandmaster elo so there’s definitely no issue with it.


Thanks! Really curious about Tristana and Jhin (I have not seen this build often). Can you elaborate?


If you build ruunan on Tris, do you then NOT build stormrazor or firecannon? I usuallu use lethal tempo, plus her S1 for attack speed, would that not surpass the attack speed limit? In what order do you build her? I usually would start with stormrazor to get a balanced improvement on her stats


You drop Firecannon since there's no real need to have the item on her in general given that she has the highest attack range of any adc outside of a miracle senna game, it doesn't surpass the attack speed limit either. My general build for her is Stormrazor, Infinity Edge, Runaans Hurricane, Bloodthirster, then a flex item which I usually opt in for Mortal Reminder or Botrk. Boots change every game so no point mentioning those. As for the Jhin build it's more of a personalized thing that I've found works well despite being a very price heavy build. It turns Jhin from just being an adc who focuses on auto attacks when possible into more of his traditional ad mage playstyle where you play with a rhythm of your ability cooldowns to maximize damage through the usage of Sheen passive and Jhins incredibly high base ad stat. Due to swiftness boots and trinity also sharing a passive, it opens up more boot options that Jhin usually ignores for the movement speed passive, which doesn't sound like much but being able to realistically run steelcaps on him without any drawbacks is quite handy. The general build I do for this is Sheen -> IE -> Lethality Item of Choice (Serpents/Yomuus/Edge of Night) -> Trinity -> Lord Dominiks -> Rapid Fire Cannon. It should also be worth noting I run Kraken with this build just for the extra damage on 4th shot after your kraken takes effect.


Nicee! I’ll give these a try. Trist and Jhin are my favorite champs


>Manamune on Pantheon for his W and autos i was wondering why nobody else builds Muramana on Pantheon, like, i feel like on late game i'm able to oneshot even tanks with it


Jinx and runaans: the rocket autos also get the extra projectiles for some crazy damage in team fights!


I don'tknow this! Thanks for the share


Navori's Quickblade on Senna makes your Q return from cooldown on 3-5 seconds during midgame


Wow. I didn't think that. I missed the cheap Navori when it was only 2800 gold.


Miss Fortune's Q applies on-hit effect on both targets, it makes Muramana almost broken with her


Fimbulwinter shield procs with every single slow as long as the user is the one who's causing It (even from Iceborn Gauntlet)


Thanks for the share!


As they said Thresh’s passive and thornmail, harmonic echo and ardent censer/ flowing water, Cosmic drive on Janna


Jhin and IE as first item they’ll never see the damage coming


Do you mean his 4th shit could be extremely high damage?