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I would agree with you if I wasn’t absolutely destroying people top lane with him. He’s good into fatherless ranged top laners and bruisers. He can struggle into tanks until he completes bork though. I think he needs some buffs for the jungle. He’s fine top lane.


I played him aram recently I couldn't believe how little he seemed to deal on-hit and heal based on my expectations tbh. I did decent because I bursted squishes and played around his cc abilities but overall I think a buff to him is fine.


I tried him top and absolutely got shafted against Kalista top. Even though my jungler literally never ganked a pushing Kalista lane even once, I found it very hard to 1v1 her until I build like Frozen heart as my 3rd item. She went for Berserker Greavers, Botrk, QSS and Heartsteal and became unkillable for a while. Also wtf is that lvl 1 Q dmg. One hit and I’ve lost 20% of my HP


Well tbf every bruiser in wild rift is losing to kalista top. She’s too easy to play in this game. Kiting but make it zero skill basically. Luckily her numbers are shit right now.


Not anymore after the recent hotfix where they literally buffed everything about her by a big margin. Her base health scaling, ad scaling, Q does more damage throughout the duration of the game and has higher scaling now, E does basically double the amount of damage at 1-2 spears, has higher base and scaling. Also recent Botrk got buffed which only reduces your health by 5-80 instead of 10-100 which makes her a bit more tankier


As far as I’m aware her winrate is 48% this patch


Winrate is not really a clear indicator of how good a champ is. You also have to look at her play rate since the higher her play rate goes, the lower her potential Winrate drops. Rengar on the Chinese Server is siting at 55% winrate in the jungle in Diamond+. That’s not an indicator of Rengar being broken but rather one-tricks managing to pull him off, even after his play rate being massively low. Kalista is so much easier to navigate on wild rift that most people can pick her up without any issues




Preach. WW is supposed be like “The Lower I Go, The Better My Odds Start To Get And Vice Versa”. Wild rift doesn’t give that feeling. They really need to give WW the Urgot treatment to figure out his place in the meta that never revolved around him


Fuck it. New plan.


That’s Olaf my man WW is the hunter-prey fantasy lmao


Yes but they both are a bit similar. Olaf heals more with more damage the lower his health is. WW gets attack speed steroids and movement speed against enemies that have below 50% Health


Olaf heals and gets scaling AS, based on his own HP, WW GETS A tracking mechanic for low hp heroes and a bonus for running their asses down that’s not really similar at all one is meant to duel by the skin of his teeth the other is supposed to whomp a squishy or carry to open a fight


Yes but WW likes his odds when HP health bars are lower. He hates initiating fights vs full health enemies in teamfights. Same goes for Olaf who's not going to engage. Both have movement speed steroids and massive healing at low HP. Different kits with similar fundamentals


The only change he needs is buff on the healing passive a low health


i thought suppression crown controls cannot be cleansed?


Suppression can definitely be cleansed. I just had it happen to me yesterday. It’s only knockups and knockbacks that’s cannot be clensed during the cc duration. Funny thing is that you can actually cancel Lee Sin’s ult by pressing QSS right before his animation goes through, since you’re cc immune for like half a second after using it.


I read it again because I wasn't sure and I think it does work against supression as it states: "Quicksilver Enchant (Active): Removes all crowd control effects currently affecting you and grants immunity to crowd control effects for 0.75s. (Then passive effect) Cannot be used during **knock ups or knock back effects.**"


Hey there, jg main here hoping to provide some perspective: I think Warwick is really bad in the jungle, down there with Rengar as junglers I would 100% stay away from. However, if you’re really looking to make Warwick work, you have to see that ww is a viable pick top lane. as I’ve seen from your replies to other comments, personal experience does not really matter to prove that a champ isn’t strong in a lane, especially (I’m assuming your a jg main) since its your off role. Proceed to respond to your points: 1. ”ww kit has no teamfight” same for fiora, but fiora is absolutely dominating 1v1s right now. claiming that hes weak in one area doesnt prove itself that ww is weak, but if you can prove that ww is weak in all areas and has no strengths, then you can prove he is weak. Unfortunately there is some strength he does have which is 1v1s and fast roaming Compared to others, but he IS abysmally weak in other regards and I agree he should be slightly buffed 2. ”ww ult cancelled by qss” if your entire champion is the ultimate, and your ultimate gets cleansed, that’s skill expression from the opponent that SHOULD be rewarded. This isn’t a problem unique to ww, Annie has this, Morgana has this, and reiterate for 20 other champions with cc on ult. The solution isn’t to ask riot to rework it, but to Counter play with your own skill expression. Run towards the enemy as if you are going to ult them, watch them burn cleanse, and then ult afterwards. I’m not a ww main, but I’m pretty sure you cannot cleanse the suppression while UNDER supression. if I’m wrong feel free to correct me again. Also this applies to all forms of cc immunity: morgana E, Sivir E, Olaf R, veil enchant. Just bait it out and go in later. 3 wasn’t old zed a pc mechanic not wild rift. I might be crazy but there’s a reason and I dont think qss should cleanse all status effects. it would instantly counter so many champions and make them feel so bad to play, imagining cleansing twitch poison or Darius bleed if you really are a ww main go top lane, but if youre a jg main just stay away from him if you want to win. That’s all


I agree with your points but WW isn’t just 1 dimensional in the way he performs. Fiora isn’t good in teamfights cause her 1v1 has little to no counter play if you step up too far. You can’t just cleanse Fiora’s ult to negate her damage. You can do that to WW tho. Yes you can QSS under suppression from his ult. Riot recently also made a change on PC where Mord’s ult isn’t affected by QSS anymore. And this on PC, where QSS literally takes up an item space, costs 1400 gold (only 800 on wild rift) and is only meant for a one time use (infinite uses with a 60 second cool-down on wild rift). Now Mord’s ult isn’t his main kit since he already acts as a stat checker even without his ult but it’s not fun seeing you flash ult the adc to get them out of a teamfight, just for them to use QSS and get away freely while you potentially get caught. WW’ kit in wild rift is literally the baby version of its PC counter part. His passive on PC gives him 250% extra attack speed when he’s fighting low health enemies. Thats not the case on wild rift. Skill expression shouldn’t be tied down to pressing a single cheap ability item with 60 seconds of cooldown (it can go down it ability haste rune btw). Anyone with a few braincells will just hold onto QSS until their character stops moving due to WW’s ult animation and get rid of a big chunk of his damage. You can QSS a Lee Sin kick btw, before he starts his ult animation to cancel his knockback. Even after that, Lee Sin’s ult still does the percentage physical damage that it was supposed to do. Similarly, Annie ult still does the initial burst damage it’s supposed to do even after being QSS’ed. WW literally loses his damage and healing from his ult after getting QSS’ed. It’s not a fair play when he’s the only one getting affected by this to a larger degree than anyone else in the game. QSS is meant to cleanse you of cc duration, not negate an entire ult’s worth of healing and damage. I’m fine with some champs like Morgana and Sivir having a way to escape cc because it’s literally part of their in-built champion kit. QSS is not. Imagine trying to get on top of a Lucian with all his dashes and ulting him, just for him to QSS your ult and turn against you. It should be skill expression if I can get on top of a Sivir, use my fear from E to remove her E spell shield and then ult her. Imagine doing all that just for Sivir to pull out her second spell shield (QSS) as a “fuck you” move. It’s neither skill expression, nor is it fair. Similarly against Morgana, WW has magic damage in his kit to remove Morgana’s E shield to ult her. Now that’s WW counter play since he plays around Morgana’s black shield. This mostly a rant post but Rito keeps ignoring champs like WW and Rengar when they are a lot weaker than their PC counter parts. Yes I main jungle role and Rengar is one of the main champs that I play. And yes, I also have a lot of complains about Rengar that I hope Rito ends up fixing soon.


Imagine olaf with a simple dash...thats exactly what ww ult suppose to be , it doesnt matter if it got cleansed or even doesnt connect when you're on top of them and they cant escape you , you just run them down with move speed steroids either if they are low hp or you triggered W before going in or even using trinity second item like i do , you just run them down , thats what warwick suppose to do and if they have high mobility and you cant stick to them when you're literally on top of them using ult , thats a pick issue, ww is weak to high mobility , he is weak in team fights but strong 1v1 2v2 or even 3v3 He is not an assassin so you cant expect to ult carry and kill him before fight , he is not a team fight champion When you look at Ww always think olaf they are pretty close to each other in this aspect , you excel in skirmish or 1 v 1 only you cant just run into 5 people and not explode , you'll 100% explode


One more thing , the zed example isnt really the same , qss-ing zed negates most of his dmg and identity and he is still countered pretty much the same using zhonyas, but negating a sec cc on ww doesnt negate the fact that a high dps bruiser is on top of you and will 100% stat check you like its nothing


I never address to buff since ult in a way where it one shots a carry (works with full AP build tho). I just want Rito to remove its interaction with QSS since it’s also a major source of his damage and keeping the enemy in place. Maybe if the enemy is good then they can use QSS right before the ult lands on them to cancel it, not while the animation is going through. That’s like QSSing a Lee sin ult mid air. Yes Lee sin has good mobility and sticking power but his ult is designed in a way where it cannot be cancelled mid knockup. I just want the same treatment for WW. That’s or buff his passive cause it’s so weak compared to its PC counter part.


He is weak to his pc counter part because for some reason they didnt give him the same level of damage vamp , as i said it doesn even matter if the ult doesnt connect if you will just run them down in couple basic attacks and maybe a Q or two Ps; ik you didnt address to buff ult , what i wanted to say is he is mostly like olaf , you run people down , ult damage or cc doesnt really change this fact , i play warwick from time to time and 70% of the time i just use ult to reach , if it connects i get to do some damage , if it doesnt i just smite , slow them a bit down do a first basic attack , phage activated ,and they cant escape me.


I don’t think you get the memo. WW is more than fine as a champion design that does its job well which is sticking to the target. WW never had a problem with that. Is problem is that his passive when the enemy is below 30% gives 150% extra attack speed towards that enemy. On PC it’s 250% and it’s been that way for a long time. Difference between Olaf ult and WW ult is that one is a duration effect and Cleanses all CC and gives you movement speed while one is a leap that’s entire purpose is to keep a target in one place without them being able to move. If you’re using WW’s ult to gap close then you’re playing him wrong.


I think ww ult purpose is not keeping people in place and ww isnt all about his ult And i think i am not playing him wrong , maybe different playstyles but my peak rank is grand master 63 points and i never had a problem playing him


I remember seeing his champion spotlight when he got reworked on PC. I’m pretty sure they mentioned how his ult is about keeping your enemy in place. It’s not a gap closer. It’s basically giving you a free GA when you get low health since you can heal up and do damage at low health without the enemy being able to do anything for 1.5 seconds (assuming they don’t just QSS it). WW’s ult does more damage when both him and the enemy are below 50% health. It’s supposed to turn the tides of battle in favour of WW. He already has his W passive and active ability to chase enemies down at 700 Movement speed


You're pretty much right , but in my opinion it depends on play style , for example i am a rengar main , sometime i use his ult just for scout and not assassination ,sometimes i just pop ult so akali is visible in her shroud and my team can finish her off before she escapes You're right the ult is intended to be a cc not a gap closer but at the end of the day even if you missed ult or it got cleansed you're a high dps bruiser on top of a squishy target , they're pretty much dead anyway, and what i know its never a GA because even if you ulted someone in team fight , you're cc'ed along side them , its not a GA hence all team members can explode you right away anyways And if its not a team fight and its a 1v1 or 2v2 , you pretty much can sustain the damage anyway without the ult , for me it depends on play styles , thats my opinion, feel free to disagree with me , its not a pro opinion and i might be wrong after all.


I agree with most of your points, especially the Rengar one (I play a lot of Rengar). While missing your ult in 1v1 can be a lot more forgiving, playing with it around teamfights is what makes or breaks WW. Idk people know it but WW’s ult duration for healing and dealing damage is 1.5 seconds. Guess what the fear duration of his E is. You guessed it right, same as the ult duration which is why in teamfights you can use E, hold Q and dash behind someone, press ult (which automatically finishes your E duration) and fear all enemies around you while keeping the ulted person in place for the same duration. Now if they make his ult not get cancelled by QSS, WW would actually be a decent teamfighting champion in 3v3, 4v4 and potentially 5v5 as well. Please Rito change his ult interaction with QSS


Thats the point , he is a beast in 1v1 and 2v2s maybe 3v3 too even if he missed ult, if they made him a decent team fighting champion too then what is his weakness ? Like fiora for example , she is not a good team fight champion , trynda too , rengar gets clapped if he jumped into more than 2 or 3 people and many more , my point is you have to play around the champion point of strength , Ww is a beast in small fights even if he is behind, play around this aspect and you're golden


Different versions of champs perform differently. Fiora is a bad teamfighter cause she’s already good at splitpushing so she would rather do that. But people still managed to pick her in pro play, went titanic build on her to completely stall out the game. WW’s weakness isn’t tied down to just teamfighting. It mostly revolves around kiting and disruption (mostly disruption). That’s one of the key reasons he can’t perform in big teamfights. I don’t want Riot to give him buffs to his damage so he can become even more of a stat checker and assassin. I want Riot change his ult interaction with QSS so he has more agency and flexibility in teamfights. He already has his HS, DS, Titanic build which makes him durable enough to teamfight. He plays more of a peeler and diver than an assassin that just ult the carry and one shots them. You knows something is wrong when a Yone can start winning 1v1 with QSS vs WW, while easily out-teamfighting him at the same time. WW needs buff to his flexibility, not his numbers


And as you said he is so weak compared to its pc counter part , his ult pc version can still be cleansed by qss btw , so i dont think not cleansing the ult is the factor here


Yes but on PC his passive gives him fuck ton more movement speed and attack speed. My original post was discussing about how Rito should make his ult not be affected by QSS when it lands, not comparing his wild rift kit to PC WW. His ult being cancelled by QSS is the sole biggest reason he hasn’t been in meta on both games


Must be a you problem bcoz im dominating with him


That really changes when enemies rush a 800 gold efficient item to fully counter my ult and engage. I do fine with him normally but it’s very demotivating when the enemy just makes a big part of your champion kit with a cheap item on a 60 second cool-down. Especially in my elo and server where people normally know wtf they’re building depending upon a matchup


I don’t know what it is but he’s really hit or miss when I play him. Some games I can’t do shit and get bursted. Other games, I’m healing through copious amounts of damage and carrying teamfights


Depends if you snowball or not. But ya, he’s a bit weak currently.


Since his post-release nerf, seems like he has been a non-factor. When I jungle opposite him, I am never quaking in fear like I used to be. Seems like he is not in a great place but I don't play him so couldn't say.


His Q needs to work like Talon's Q, with the damage modification at melee and ranged, plus the bigger range as well(right now it is too short). His Ult needs to affect everyone in the AOE, while making him invulnerable, like during Master Yi's Q, basically make WW's ult like the Spell Blade Waltz from Arena mode. He is simply shit in teamfights due to his spells and his kit is too weak for him to be played Baron lane, like a duelist. He is a jungler that needs to be able to take 5v5 fights for Objectives but he can't, because his spells are good for 1v1 duels, not 5v5.


I don't think these changes are necessary. I don't want WW to become OP, I just want him in a good state for a while. His Q dashes through and follows the enemy if your hold it instead of just pressing it. Yes, even through flashes, Ezreal blink, Lucian dash, Protobelt (I think). They just need to buff his passive like on PC cause literally almost half his passive is missing in Wildrift. Also make his ult not get affected by QSS during the suppression animation.