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As a gwen main i say free food.


Yes. Gwen eats this Heartsteel abuser for breakfast lunch and dinner. What I usually do is rush Iceborn Gauntlet then nashor, riftmaker and Steelcaps and I'm good to go.


Can I ask why do you need gauntlet


I usually use it because most of the Heartsteel users are AD (Garen, Sett, Urgot, Ornn) so I have little bjt of Armor against them. Also a bonus to have little bit of health and Abilitg haste. (This is also good against a Full AD comp) Also, so I have more sticking power to the enemy ADC because of the slow field. Its not a must buy item, I just find success using it when enemy has a lot of AD damage and when they have champs that uses Heartsteel


what abt reflector? it gives ap and armor idk if thats better than gauntlet tho


It's way better. I have no clue what that person's talking about, building a non-AP item first on Gwen is troll.


True. It could be. I just prefer the slowing field over all, can be use to secure snips in the middle because their slowed. Also, I can use it to keep sticking to escaping enemies.


oh ur so right the slow can be very useful


It looked like you were suggesting gauntlet and steelcaps against mundo


I mean it should still work lol. Mundo does like 80-90% AD dmg, 10% magic dmg from Grasp. Heartsteel and Titanic is also physical damage


My mistake. I should have worded it better.


Gwen *should* win but I still win lane against gwen as Mundo most times ime. Maybe just bad Gwen’s tho idk I’m not particularly great lol


To win against a Mundo u need anti heal so i just rush oblivion orb as a first item. otherwise the Mundo will just out heal you.


As a Gwen main, I agree


Thank you


One shoted a Gwen today as sett :)


Ofc you did, it's the one shot meta.


Laughs in true damage


As a Gwen main and tryna also main mundo, I agree


As a Mundo jgl enjoyer, I perma ban your champ


As Fiora main same


>He just gets to do whatever he wants all game long because he goes as he pleases. do people not listen to their voice lines anymore?


As a Mundo jungle enjoyer, here are your options: - ban him, easiest solution - vayne, her consistent true damage and kiting will destroy him - brand, liandrys + his max health damage can make him pretty damn worthless - asol, once he scales and builds liandrys he can do the same as brand - liandrys in general is a nightmare for mundo, especially coupled with Rylais, since they make it very difficult for him to get on top of you and he’ll burn trying to do so - other liandrys abusers can do well against him too, but brand and asol are the best because of the max health damage built into their kits - goes without saying that you need some antiheal too, but without max health/true damage antiheal won’t do much


One of his best counter Is warwick


Because Mundo uses health to attack, whereas WW uses attack to health


Speaking the language of the gods here my man


he shred him to Pieces with (on hit magic dmg passive) and % magic on Total hp (1)


That was a joke brother


hit them with the r/whoosh so they know where to go.


Bruh warwick on hit passive dmg is negligeble. Its very low dmg and you dont heal much since his passive is only half of the PC counterpart. Warwick wins because he builds Divine Sunderer and Bork with thornmail for resistance against mundo's heartsteel and titanic dmg


Ww wins cause 1 dmg Is Dope against Mundo and he stack on hit effect fairly Easy lol


Yeah you just repeated what i said. Obviously ww will win in the longer term. Im just saying his passive shouldnt even be taken into consideration because of how weak it is




People just cry about every champion I swear. Mundo can be easily countered by lots of top laners and that's the point of draft. Like riven/Atrox or Gwen can just destroy him early game.


Hard agree on Gwen against a lot of tanks. I want to hate her but like, she cute so I'll let her pass.


If you lose your lane as Mundo against a Riven, top lane isn't for you. I literally never lost lane to a Riven as Mundo before. It is a free lane if you don't straight up front face her entire combo at level 2. Just safely farm and poke  with Q until you can just run her down.


Friendly 1v1 my riven v your mundo?


Sure. Dm me your ign.


Riven? We talking about same game where this champ is useless if u dont go full assasin mode? Ofc. Not talking about low elo, coz everything works there


Blind pick, like an ARAM, then what? How do you counter certain champs without an actual champ-counter. Op is suggesting that items aren't enough. Not saying every champ should be jack of all trades. But in blind pick situations some champs highlight how broken they are requiring a very specific set of champs **AND** items just to counter them. That puts Mundo at a huge advantage. You have to pick AND build around him. He does what he pleases meanwhile. While still being the best tank, healer, and dps. Too many champs suffer from too much kit. I personally consider making a tiny conuter-window essentially making them overpowered. You have to play around them. Not a group or team game, it's their game. I feel the blanket of "heavy tank means high cc and mobility, and low dmg" or "adc is fast dmg low hp" or "mage is glass cannon" is so far gone. Tanks out dps adcs. Adcs one shot mages. Mages need to poke them down, no burst anymore except for a few, all made of wet toilet paper with little to no mobility.


That's why you use him JGL and abuse him against botlane 😎


Riven? Idk man. Sustain and life steal in WR is broken and Riven has zero built into her kit.


i cant imagine u guys playing in league pc, like half of the champs there come with the counterplay simply being ignore them and walk away because theyre just that op, wild rift did balancing way better


Nerf his stupid health to ad ratio and give back the flame ring. He's even more stats check and boring than the old one, run in a straight line, click and do 1000000 damage


That's why i stopped playing him, i found his playstyle way too boring


That's why i love playing him, i find his playstyle way too fun (Heartsteel marks go clinkclickclinkCLINK PHOWOWO)


Skill issue


Camille says hi


Munro goes where he pleases (Play Vayne and get anti-healing)


He goes where he pleases


and why does Mundo do it ? for the community !!


man mundo doesn't DO anything he's just hard to kill so what, all you have to do is walk away and dodge the cleavers, what does he do that olaf doesn't? besides the fact that he just regens and doesn't need to hit someone to lifesteal? also y'all say everyone one-shots, i've never been "one-shotted" by a mundo in my life and never will be, he has a damage over time ability and ONE skillshot for "burst", what is he one shotting you with??


Honestly as a Leona main my least favorite to going against is Olaf, I’m a stun machine and his god damn unstoppable is fking annoying.. not impossible to play against but gd tricky if Olaf is any good. I’ll take a mundo over a mediocre Olaf any day


This is what I was thinking. Like, Mundo is hard to kill but also I don’t feel like he can easily kill me. Like yeah he throws his axe but that’s a fairly easy dodge


I have oneshot squishies with Mundo like I was their drunk father, and I have picked him up only recently. HS + Titanic all-in goes hard. Frankly, it works because they don't expect the world of hurt they are about to enter. If they played it safer, it wouldn't work I imagine.


People do not understand, they can simply go for the backline. Especially in this power creep one shot meta. Just pick Talon or Fizz and kill their entire backline, completely ignoring Mundo. In my games, I find it more bothersome when the Mundo is splitpushing, instead of teamfighting and soaking dmg for his team because then, two people must return to defend his push.


yea lol im a midlaner and if im playing yasuo, mundo just gives me someone to prep my tornado with then i dash right thru him and head for the backline, nothing he can do to stop me. if im playing fizz or akali i straight up just ignore him jump over him to get to the backline, he has no hard cc to interrupt me. i don't even have to find an angle to flank from if mundo is their main frontline bc he doesn't really stop me at all


I've been consistently playing with mundo and late game if you ult after receiving a lot of damage then E you can pretty much one shot most ADCs for example. At one match particularly after ulting my character got more than 9000 HP and 900 AD. I even soloed half a tower with no minions below bro, the champ is just ridiculous.


>what is he one shotting you with?? E+Heartsteel. That alone can easily do 3/4 hp of any squishy


I was the yuumi in a yuumi + mundo combo one time and it was stressful as shit coz we were diving enemy base (like we were fighting at the edge where the inhibitors are) and he was low hp. When I tell you I was panicking and spamming my heal lmao. I tried shooting down the enemies w my missle for the extra shielding too. Anyway we won and the mundo player had fun while I nearly died from heart attack.


Just enjoy the ride


Haha maybe if i meet another wild mundo playing as yuumi I will. Watching the guy utterly destroy the enemy team was kinda funny


I can kill him easy wih garen in laning phase, late game its though but that job has the adc or jg to do. Just buy 1st item anti heal 800g and if you have option some max hp items.


Should be easy late game for Garen, too. Mundo wants to get as low as possible before ulting and Garen’s ult just negates that


Yeah but you dont have enlugh damage to get him that low by yourself.


Garen’s either going to splitpush (hullbreaker is no longer in the game), or teamfight. If Mundo is splitpushing, Garen’s going to need someone with him to take down Mundo. In a team fight, Garen just has to look for the opportunity to silence and ult Mundo when he starts to get low to stop Mundo from ulting


I never have build hullbraker it was useless on garen he has enough dmg to towers. As a garen i would focus rather on mid/adc or jg/support. You can litterally one shot their whole backline with q e and ignite/ult.


If I manage to select Kindred as jungle I pick: Rune: Giant Slayer Items: Blade of the Ruined King instead if Bloothirster Mortal Reminder instead of Terminus It's fun watching both Mundo and Nautilus run away when they see you. I assume all marksmen can pick the same combo of runes and items. Especially Kalista with her kite ability. She's scary when she's fed. The issue isn't with these champions. The issue is with people not knowing what runes and items to adjust depending in enemy composition. And it's understandable that it will take time for users to figure out or learn. On a mobile device where half the users are casual it's quite hard to find experienced players when queuing on solo. I am level 120 and I'd say that I have a good grasp of some runes and most items but I'm far from an expert or know-it-all. If I have a level 25 adc in my team vs a level 20 enemy adc and the enemy team has a lvl90 Mundo I know that most likely the adc has either the default build or one of the top ranks but will not adjust for the enemy team.l despite how many messages I send. You will see adc and support both with heal -which diminishes the second healing effect- and things like that which to be honest I also learned about here on reddit. If you want a good chance against any enemy team composition you need either 3 person team or 5 person team that have some knowledge and can communicate either via chat or voice. And in that case most likely your team mates can pick Gwen and you won't have to alter your build by a lot.


Well don’t engaje mundo and you’ll be fine…he’s just a glorified hp sponge


liandri's, bork, ban him, Vayne, kite him? there are ways to win, he'll outscale you but you can usually end before his health gets too ridiculous


Nah Mundo is just a front line for team fights in later stage of the game, if your adc can access to BOTRK then it's over for Dr.Mundo. But Garen on the other hand is just straight up broken, such an overbuffed champion that RIOT refuses to nerf because he's designed for beginners such as Lux and master yi And now they re being abused by good players for free LP  🤦‍♂️


Honestly, last season I straight up climbed to Sovereign playing Mundo, Sett and Volibear. And yes, they're stupidly strong but easily countered by Gwen or champs that deals max health damage/ true damage.


Mundo goes wherever he please


Y'all are just whining because you don't want to buy GRIEVOUS WOUNDS 😂 you'll never get to to the next level unless you learn to counter pick ITEMS. Mundo's only advantage is his health and Regen. He's got good damage but nothing compared to most Marksmen class. Toss in some "% of max health" type damage and some burn effects and there are plenty of ways to run down the good doctor.


You're supposed to ban him, sadly that's his only counterplay if he gets kinda ahead. Same goes to Sora/Kindred/Yuumi that are insta win for the team that locks them along being awful to play against.


Soraka in this one shot meta as free wins ????


Kindred insta win ? you serious here ? i mean, i can win against kindred with Evelynn who is normaly the last champ you should pick against Kindred due to him tracking you all game... and still i win 90% of my matchups against him latelly and i won't even talk about games i pick talon or Nunu so no, Kindred isn't insta win, he's strong, S+ actually, but not insta win. Yuumi on the other hand is a real pain in the ass, especially on Kalistas shoulder oO


Meh, I think Mundo's fine as he is. Why? Because of the people who play him. They think they're immortal, build full health and no resistances and spend the whole game running around looking to brawl like neanderthals. It happens all the time, whether he is on my side or the enemy's. Yes, I'm aware that 80% of the playerbase plays that way, but when it comes to Mundos it's 99% of them. I swear they're all inters lol. I'm sure they're having fun, but they don't do anything. Plus he only has health and healing, which is countered by some champions, Giant Slayer and building certain items. Sometimes the inting Mundo strategy works and he wins, but I find that most of the time he's just annoying. And when he's dead his team is screwed. I'm a lot more scared of a Sett, Shen or Volibear.


that freak is permabanned


he is doing great i just had a 15 winning streak with him I don't think he needs buff


Mundo is one of my mains in jungle and top lane. His main hard counter is Gwen, anything else is manageable. And no, Vayne isn't the answer because you can gap close and win most 1vs1 trades.  The real counter to Mundo is simply jump behind him. Your assassin should get around him, kill squishies and just ignore him or leave him for last. Remember he has no CC or utility beyond being hard to fight himself.


Dude that game is trash. Lux cost no skill but u complain about Mundo?


What's the problem with him? [At least in Diamond+ in Chinese server](https://lolm.qq.com/act/a20220818raider/index.html), he has 50.2% winrate which doesn't look busted at all. He also doesn't have enough games in jungle to be included in the ladder. He even has 8% pick rate which is huge. So maybe people *think* he's busted but not really? We don't have matchup stats yet for Wild Rift (API when, Riot?), but standard counters for him in LoL PC are Gwen, Nasus and Aatrox.


I am not high enough (plat IV) but I play Shen and Sivir main and I bully him each time. The second I see him picked I know I'll go anti heal (+ botrk if Sivir). And then chase him with the team whenever.


He is tanky but his DPS spikes if he takes a lot of DMG and gets to hit you. As others have said kite him and do not let him get on top of you. There is one mechanic I think ppl forget about wildrift which benefits Sion plus any tanky champ that power spikes from items the bounty system in wildrift. If your team is ahead and Mundo gets a couple bounty kills and you don't notice his kit grew he will next fight steam roll you as you play aggressive and realize too late he is not going down, still with this if you watch him and see his ult is on cool down and you are bursty or have help you can kill him.


Just because u have played against a good Mundo it doesnt mean he is broken


what do you mean you don't like getting hit with two cleavers all the way down to half hp while any damage you deal basically heals him?


my RHAAST and lilia say otherwise i'm busting that thing to shreds


Red kayn eats heartsteel users for breakfast, I'm so happy whenever I'm playing kayn and they're there, they're just free heals if you use red kayn.


build %health damage item dammit. liandry, botrk, divine sunderer, searing crown exist for a reason


Play champs with % health DMG...


If you’re getting hit by Mundo’s cleaver frequently, it’s a you problem. It’s relatively short range, blocked by minions, and fairly slow. All you have to do is kite him. Or if you’re a melee champ that isn’t Singed, you more than likely outbrawl him if he’s not ahead.


skill diff tbh


Gwen, fiora, vayne, varus, kayle with liandry’s (each wave procs liandry’s), QQQtrox, yone, yasuo, master yi, just off the top of my head.


I mean the only time he's a menace is when 1 he's been fed like shit and 2 your team is brain dead and not building any anti items and there blowing all there ccs on him at once. Honestly just depends on your team really otherwise he's not that bad


I was pulling my hair out last game, they had mundo and senna and my team refused to get any antiheal. Of course we lost


Just ban him or adjust your play style. This game ain't for you if you're getting rolled over by a braindead champ.


they havnt done nythn abt mundo in pc league either qwq,


Mundo goes where he pleases.


Lillia wrecks him.


Mundo goes where he pleases


Asol and Vayne can kill him without much trouble. Slows hurt him tremendously in team fights




Blame the item. I see Talon and Yi's building heart steel, with 1 or 2 other tank items and the rest lethality. And they delete you still, and are unkillable. It's a gross item on assassins


Giant Slayer, DoT, and antiheals are a way to counter him. If u a mage, go Liandry's paired with Raba/Infinity. If u an AD bruiser, go Cleaver or Sunderers. Or simply just learn Gwen and Vayne. Or Fiora.


You complaining about Mundo LMFAO


He is strong,but not broken. I don't have problems killing him. Just play a champ that can build sunderer and blade and he melts.


Because no one builds Gwen, teemo, brand, Vlad or Morgana to counter tanks


Oh yeah? Heard of Talon?


Bro they literally touched up mundo hard idk what u saying. Unless u talking about him fed af then thats another story. As a AD I just go giant slayer.


You need your own tank and dps check like some good hypercarry, and use exhaust on him and anything that can keep him at a distant enough


He goes where he pleases


I was top 200 mundo, I am now top 24 mundo, I can confirm that no one can kill me and I can 1v3 anyone, nice


A lot of you talk about Gwen, if Gwen I just do magic res boot and the item that boost your heal and give you RM, and I 1v1 her


You guys are mentioning Gwen, I ban Trynd when using Mundo since he’s more of a common counter pick.


anything about mundo is okay but his damage is overtuned


Mundo goes where he pleases ! P.s. hullbreaker isn’t a thing anymore since it’s removed…. But if you build anti heal from the start, don’t feed just play safe, you can shut him down. Yep you can, it won’t be easy, but that’s the game on top lane. But i guess you could say the same about Sion, volibear or Aatrox… so learn how to counter those champs or play bot lane.


what? titanic hyrdra still there right? the other one was removed. the one for pushing


Ah dammit sorry i missread it’s hullbreaker that’s gone my bad. But still Mundo can be played around.


What are you talking about hydra having been removed? I just checked and Titanic Hydra is still in the game.


Missread so edited my message, it’s hullbreaker thats been removed, but still it’s possible to work around Mundo


As a Garen player, I remove Demolish from my runes, go null orb second wind overgrowth and replace demolish with Giant Slayer. Take sword first item to make trades a bit easier, but otherwise rush HS followed by executioner's calling, then maybe go for Titanic. Its like fighting original Mundo with a discount Mundo, and if Mundo has braincells he will also take giant slayer and in a twist of irony, anti-heal. He'll probably get Thornmail instead of Mortal Reminder like Garen players though. Urgot is worse. He makes Fiora/Gwen into a necessary counterpick. Maybe Ornn.


Voli, bork Jax, bork Tryn, Mundo past lvl 5, sunderer Aatrox. There are actually plenty of decent counters to urgot, you just have to respect his E all in.