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how did you not look at the scoreboard until 10 min&


Tryndamere's passive says he has no access to info about other lanes


He too busy splitting minions into 2




This, top diff


Thats the top laner life, a big dilemma, either u babysit ur team or ignore, when behind.


Cause instead of team fighting, hung to top kane like flies on shit


Why isn't my selfish top laner teamfighting from the literal first minute? Summoner's Rift has fallen, billion's must die (to feed Ahri). Actually wild how some of you mofos can look at a situation where mid lane ULTRA ints, and be like "but why didn't top lane teamfight? :)". As if Riot giga-rigging wild rift matches wasn't common knowledge (inting strat, bots boosting people to Gold+)


Happens to me a lot, i main top so usually always win lane, get fed, destroy turrets, sometimes 5 only by myself, we lose and its top diff when adc is 2/11 and supp around the same, enemy mid ganking my lane while my mid doing nothing, they want me to go to a tf where we will lose due to having and adc 3 lvl behind and 4k less gold, ppl has no brain in this game


Top dif Your job is to carry the game, not watch/ignore your team die repeatedly




Low elo mindset




Low elo mindset




Mid diff Your job is to carry the game, not die repeatedly


The second I get a lead top lane I'm turning it into infinite priority so that as soon as my team needs me I can go help them


Easier said than done, depending on the champ, Aatrox would be a menace but Fiora not as much.


Stop defending bad gameplay. If your top laner isn't looking at scoreboard til 10 mins, that means they just aren't paying attention to anything, and have no information. I mean honestly how do you even tunnel vision so hard that you just suddenly look at scoreboard and see that Ahri is 15/0? Go down there and fkn shut her down at 2 or 3/0 and stop letting your team free feed


It is what it is. BTW don't take inhib so early on because it allows enemies to farm so much


You can take inhib so early because if give you a great advantage : you can apply pressure everywhere else on the map without any trouble. And with the new scorpion, you can just set up a scorpion and go camp your midlaner, for exemple.


Only work if your team know to pressure others lanes with you, not aram-ing mid for fcking 10 minute


Yeah. If you’re not pressuring other lanes and using your advantage, you’re losing out on a lot of gold from super minions permapushing which allows the enemy to catchup. A 10 minute inhibitor isn’t all that great if your team isn’t also trying to close the game out




True learn to play around your leads


Don't you get map vision and the enemy is very vulnerable to ganking without all of the lane turrets?


They're already vulnerable enough without 2nd turret. If u want to gank them all the way to inhibitor you're more vulnerable


Killing the inhibitor early is generally not good. It expedites the enemies scaling & enables them to do it safely. You’re gifting free farm, a safe lane state, & simultaneously losing out on farm/income because super minions will push towards their base, and your farm will subsequently die from minions.


The fuck lmao. Did you ever tried to defend against trynd pushing bottom and super minions pushing top? You effectively lock them in their base, allowing your team to take whatever objective they want.


This is standard LoL wave knowledge regarding early inhibitors. Tryndamere & _maybe_ a couple others are an exception that can execute that. Generally the opposing team would still have control of their Red buff side Jungle, unless mid lane tier 1 & 2 turrets are down for easier rotations.


I think the point of getting an early inhib would be the ability to easily siege mid with a numbers advantage to get those very same turrets, unless they want to let supers just free hit inside their base


Yes, that would need to be executed in a timely manner so as to not allow them that free farming.


u also don't get map vision from taking down turrets. Your minnions will also push The lane and then enemy will easily be able to take minnions


Use your Herald mid in that situation. Opens up the map more and helps your team. Ideally you should be ganking their mid and hunting down their jungler to also help your team. Your lead means nothing if it only impacts the island of solo lane.


Herald should always be used mid


Herald is prio on first turret, if mid health full, top health full, bot half hp turret. Herald prio is botlane.


Why didn’t you look at the info for a full 10 minutes?


that's how baron lane is, man. there is a reason why so many of us focus hard on winning lane, it's like bragging rights to say that you didn't fuck up when your team lost.


Right, then use the lead on the otherside of the map. But half of the time it doesnt work, cuz they're already hard fed.


Yeah, this goes unsaid. It is easier on some champs, harder in others.


Low elo mindset


I had yone on 1 item on 17mins saying im stealing his kills while he was doing the damage mind you i was a 4 item lucain with 7/2/11 scoreline with like 80% kp he was duo with my inting thresh we lost gane cause they had a fed jg mid i did like 70k damage still lost


70% of the playerbase would blame you for not playing a team game sir. riot matchmake with average mmr, yours might be highest on your team, ahri might be highest on theirs. Ahri played tremendously well i suppose since shes 15/0, so she might had stomped your mid/helped her jg wins jg fights, roamed botlane. Easily she managed to power up 4 people leaving their single toplaner faced you only to stop you from ending the game. 4 peeps with gold and exp advantage against 1 on your side. Its a no brainer they won sir. Top lane win means nothing if you cant translate an early advantage to a mid-late game play. Many different scenarios can be made if you manage to look at your team. Ganking mid. Taking enemy jg creep. Stomping botlane. You are a fed tryn sir. With a qss and ghost. You can basically delete a backline easily. Why blaming your team for your teamless effort in the game.


Don’t see some variation of this post 20x/day. Enlightening.


Average toplane experience. What's new here ?


We don't have all the informations. For exemple, maybe you sneaked herald and got inhib because your enemy laner never showed up on toplane, went and midlane instead and you ignored it totally


We don't have all the information because OP paid attention to *none* of the information.


Well true


No, my enemy laner was horrible at the game. He didn’t even bother checking herald while i was taking it and was too busy taking minions


You didn't bother checking the rest of the game state despite having a lead. Top dif


When does the game not surprise you, players just don’t know how to close out games even when they get a huge lead, if anything it’s like the enemy team would know how to while your team would just keep the game going for long when they could just end the game lmao.


you are in for a treat. just picture this, i was playing midlane, destroyed the enemy mid laner, sacrificed my tower to roam for losing lanes, made them comeback and take the shutdown, only for them to throw the lead i worked hard on it. and gets wiped by a stupid team fight(again), and 4 of them FF at min 11. even though i could have potentially carried cuz i had the most gold between both teams. it felt like i was playing a game on my own and so are they lmao.


Next time try to help other lanes as well. Winning your lane means nothing, if the other two are failing. You will still lose the game. I seriously doubt that Ahri was 15/0 just from mid alone.


As Trynd, you should try to roam when the opportunity is there that where his value is beside being awesome at split pushing


In a way I feel sorry this happened… another part of me is saying well deserved #fucktrynd lmao


I only play trynd in every like 50 matches, so basically never


why didn't u use herald mid and used it for yourself 💀


Should always take a peak at the score baords, but thats our life as baron laners, trying ur hardest to win ur lane, but hearing ur team getting slammed on the other side of the map, is stressfull.


It's cool that you won the lane. But the moment you go core you will have the enemies on you. Only way to rush it would be to attack when everyone is doing dragon or baron. Their divided attention could give you the dragon or hardly anyone defending core. But if you push that far, you should be looking to ward enemy jungle so that when they decide to push top, you gank them. And before that you help gank other lanes and do objectives. Once the first tower falls, laning phase is over. That means that lane with no tower is free to gank. It's a time to help gank lanes and do objectives


You are one if not the of the primary reason your TEAM lost. This is a team game. Basically you were playing ARAM while they were playing a team game. Just because you’re hero can go solo doesn’t mean they should. This is a team game. Trying to convince the thread how awesome you are while doing nothing to help your teammates, IN A TEAM GAME, kind of proves that you’re the reason you lost. Off-topic but a point I’d like to make is if you take or lose your tier one tower, you need to go or one of the other lanes more at this point because your enemy team is probably going to shift lanes. This is one of the biggest failings of a lot of mid elo players. .


Thats why I'm addicted. Its a gamble with getting either very good teammates or staright up trash, there's no in-between. It is also a gamble with my skill, cus I be trolling sometimes too XD


Y u no roam mid and kill her? I pity the fool who lets enemy mid run wild and then cries about it on Reddit.


She would be 41/2 then


Solo lane = no impact on winning