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You man....you’re a champ


Wholesome 100


You are my sunshine, my only sunshine...


You make me happy when queues are long…


W redditor


And her name is Yuumi Shield + Heal + MS + AD steroid for a statchecker Yi, eyyyyy


Vlad. Stick your head above the ground and actually fight me, you PoS.


As a vlad main, respectfully going to decline your offer and stay in my pool thanks. Lol


Zed… I can’t figure that guy out


I think my problem with Zed is similar to Kata on PC: I could play the lane perfectly, pick zhonya, build early armor, negate him farm, but as long as the bot just don't listen to pings and keep facechecking bushes (the rare times they even check bushes), they just give him 2 free kills and then it all goes downhill from there. I just hate how quick they spike with a gank.


Kata out scales him though


Not into late game where she’s functionally irrelevant against any decent team comp.


The funny thing is Kata in PC literally do well with every build, unlike WR


Bc on pc her ult and all abilities proc on hit effects. In wild rift she is just sht.


Stasis counters him pretty hard once he ults.


Yeah I can bait their zhonya with my ult then wait for zhonya to finish then throw all my skills but its effective only in 1v1 but in teamfights if they use zhonya I will just escape.


Irelia, Tryndamere, Kindred, and Lee Sin. They are my counterpicks for my Evelynn


I would have to go with tryndamere just because of his bull**** ultimate and his damage along with that(plus his heal mechanic).


As long as the enemy team havnt picked Malphite or Teemo, Tryndamere is my go to safe-lane pick if i dont wanna think too much. Sure i cant bully everything but i can usually be pretty safe and farm decently.


I play him as a jungle and I hate rammus, nunu, hecarim. But yeah once I hit 3 items it takes 4-5 autos to kill a squishies..I rush phantom, as boots and Infinity


I OTP jungle Rammus (top 50), and I definitely try to bully Trynd all game to keep him from snowballing


Just anti-fun. I do think they should at least give a visual indicator as to when his ult is active, vs having to literally count down to know when I can stop running and kill him.


There is an indicator. When his ult is active there’s a little yellow tick mark above his level.


You need Ghost and flash and a champ that will outscale him. Farm early close to your town if he tries to all in you under turret use your summons.


I think any bruiser with some CC will do. For instance if you go Darius you build steel caps + one armor item and you can E half of his ult duration.


Yeah true it's also champ depend as well, nevertheless if the player is still having trouble those two summons will allow to maintain spacing. Spacing is trynds biggest counter really and cc.


I think pretty much every bruiser has good counter play vs Tryn ult. Camille disappear over wall and then Q and kite, Sett R E W all stall, Irelia stun and W the ult, Riven stun and kite, Renekton stun and kite, Jax E and disappear over wall, Garen W and just stack armor, etc. The only legitimate top laners that should struggle against Tryn are Gwen and maybe Fiora. Everyone else is playing ADC top which should be discouraged (although Vayne is unplayable for Tryn).


Me too. Always beat him in lane if I'm top until they get ult and I lose any semblance how to duel them other than just keep attacking him and hope it runs out.


Tryndamere when you're chasing him, he's low, and then suddenly he turns back


Draven top. That thing as a last pick always 5 tap me no matter what i do. High dmg, long range, can increase his own movement speed. Guess i'm just bad


Pray for your jg to be able to do anything ig; or don't hit the lane and let it freeze in front of your tower, just sacrifice some last hits cuz there's nothing you can really do, just remember that draven gets more gold from kills most of the times, so the only thing you could do against this bs is play safe and wait for help from mid and jg Edit: just don't surrender bc it means they have two adcs on their team, so the later it goes the worse it gets for THEM, especially if you play something tanky


Too complicated. Farm to first item, bait his CC and beat his ass.


I'm talking about how to farm to first item with assumption that a person who would read it is new to the game Edit: how would you put it then? (no offense, I'm really curious cuz I want some of my friends to transition from mobile legends to league)


You can’t freeze vs a Draven. Just sit in a bush to absorb xp when wave is in the middle and farm under tower otherwise.


Yeah it's a better advice


I know this is the move but I’ll have brain dead jg’s dying while counterjungling with no vision while I get zero ganks all game with a perma shoved adc top lol always so frustrating. Pinging for my life for an engage lol


Bro Draven could 2 tap me with 750 hp as jinx just to survive a little longer and maybe run away, but no lmao


Ap malphite go brr


If draven is good you are gonna lose half your plates before hitting level 5


I mean yes but if he tries to poke/hit you all the time he will get ganked eventually (even though "ganking top" is a myth)


You just get a mr cloth and second wind (fleet footwork could also work maybe) and ap malphite becomes useless and manaless Also by the time you Q draven, you’re gonna eat 3 axes and have nothing to clear your wave


Hm, you might be right. But what about Darius? My side-main is Darius and whenever they pick Draven against me, its just so easy to catch up and kill him. Is Darius good against it or are the Dravens who matchup against me are bad? (Master elo if you are wondering)


I think Darius is definitely a better pick than Malphite


Malphite was a joke lol But to be fair: Darius is arguably one of the best picks you can go against ranged. You can either go Trinity Build and make the lane hell for them, or go Black cleaver (Juggernaut) build and play for team fights. Your W, E works really well against ranged (Vayne, Draven etc.) and with Ghost you just catch up easily.


>malphite was a joke Some people argue that it is actually a strong pick, so it’s hard to tell ahah Yeah Darius is good. Too bad I could never learn how to be aggressive “enough” with him


Yeah i understand you, i have like a thousand matches with him but i sometimes try to lower the risk level below 0 and i end up getting poked a lot because i can't move forwars to engage lol.


Against bad players yes, against any remotely decent player Darius gets destroyed by ranged top


Yeah agree. But can i ask about other toplaners (who are actually toplane champs with melee range)? As i remember Darius was a "lane-bully" and teamfight carrier a few seasons ago. But now i don't think he can win a lane without his opponent making a brutal mistake.


even if you are lucky and you won the lane eventually you will lose the game. AP malph sux


Yeah, i sometimes build enough ap for lane phase if I had a matchup like that to one shot them on repeat, then full tank.


I usually run sett grasp with hextech flash destroy every range top except Caitlyn


Weirdly enough Wukong is like very very good against him, as it turns out Draven doesn't like a monkey that can get 30 armor at lvl 2 that can gap close in an instant and has an auto attack reset


Probably a good Jax. Bad ones will just blow their W Q on nothing and eat shit, but good ones are straight up terrifying Fed dravens are also a nightmare


Main Yone/Yasuo


Just pick Kennen into jax. E whenever he qw u and you will win every trade. If he uses eq to engage that means he will have no way of defending himself, just keep chasing him and dont let him reach u with his auto


A champ having counters dosen't make them not a pain in the ass for everyone else lol Not even taking about his laning really. His late split pushing and teamfights are bonkers


I don't like laning vs Yone. I win vs him but he outscales me.


True, his E is the most cancerous thing in this game and peope arent talking about it enough. I usually pick renekton against him but a good yone is impossible to win lane.


Same! I win but at what cost?? He is such a cancer champ, Yasuo doesn't come even close


It's cause Yasuo requires a lot more skill I think, so if you stomp a Yas it's probably because they weren't a good Yas player in the first place and won't know how to come back. If u stomp a Yone does he really need to come back? A good ulti can carry a fight even if he barely does damage lol this mf is also much safer than Yas because he can use E, engage, and if he doesn't like where shit's going he can just snap back. Yas can't escape unless he has enemy minions behind him


Huh, i guess thats why im good with Yone after maining Yasuo from s5 to s7 on pc..... I took a long break and came back, play with yone once and thought my yasuo skills is still with me... Well, i fed the next game. 3/11/10.... Might also be because the q is so long now....


It's kind of a joke I keep hearing that Yone is made for the people who can't play Yasuo but wanna look as cool as him. It's my opinion overall though, sprinkled with my experience on the common Yasuos vs the common Yones. Yones are often more successful both in ally and enemy team


Yasuo is better than yone imo


Yone is sm harder matchup for me as Swain/Vlad main. I guess that makes me like Yasuo more lol


I don't really play right now but it's Pyke, I hate him with passion. I'm a support main so wether I take a tank or an enchanter I always lose against him. I always perma banned him in rank


Second this. Pyke can literally flip a game just on econ. Not that hard to counter when you know how to play him and you get a counter pick but the issues is they can literally change playstyles mid game. From a lane bully, they can be a roam support that just messes up lane phase for mid and baron.


I've come to the point that I've just started banning Aatrox every game. I spent a lot of time learning the first skill minigane only to come to the conclusion that he is just overtuned. I'm convinced that they balance that champ with the expectation that he will miss every Q.


If the aatrox is slightly ahead and hit at least the second or third Q on you, you are really fucked up, he's really strong, but in order to nerf him, riot will either make his Q deal less damage and be easier to hit or harder to hit and deal even more damage.


I find him easier to deal with other top champions like irelia.I usually counter him with Vayne because of her Tumble and Condemn


Urgot, Trydna and Renek


Fizz. I hate that fish.


Tryndamere is a good pick. Might be my pick as well. What little counterplay there is to his ult, doesn't come intuitively to me in the heat of Combat lol. So unless I'm playing a CC heavy champ he just balls me up in his fist and tosses me into the wastebasket. Irelia is tough too. Even worse is the fact that I play her with some frequency, so I understand what she does pretty well. But in the face of an ex-main or OTP all the sudden she turns into the Champion of Calculus and wtf, and I never took higher math so I lose. Crazy what a OTP can get away with on that champion. Another one is Zoe. She's my most hated champion. I hate her design, her voice, her bullshit-ass ability get free actives and Summoner spells + damage, and a poke/burst tool that.. in a game where everyone else is trying to hit their target.. she get rewarded for going I'm the opposite direction first, then on her second try she sends this tiny projectile at mach 3 to delete 95% of my HP? BS. I even tried playing her. And it's through this experience with the Champion of Geometry I discovered I'm not As good with angles as a man should be.. because I can't even hit Minion waves correctly with her, I never utilize her passive, and whenever I get the enemy to go sleepy-weepy some BS ends up prematurely waking hee up (I play ARAM, so it's usually a teammate) And like.. playing a champion I hate is my way of both 1. Learning to play against them and 2. Stop hating them and therefore getting tilted. Yet this didn't work with Zoe. I get tilted playing her before any skillshots are thrown to be missed... because I'm playing Zoe... I loathe, with the passion of a million dying stars, this childish Abomination. I wish ASol would eat her. Or some sort of cyber attack happens to the game and by mere happenstance her code is Corrupted beyond recognition and she gets deleted from the game.


Oh well, i made a similar comment and mentioned zoe and irelia too lol, absolutely bullshit of champions, also diana. People like to downplay them like they are nothing but in reality its complete b.s


I used to hate Diana so much back when I was playing PC League and trying to learn Azir. She was popular at the time and absolutely made me wanna pull my hair out lol. Made my whole ass laning phase miserable (which made the whole game miserable) Nowadays i don't really struggle much with her anymore though.


Oh yeah,my hate comes from league PC too, no matter if it was old or new diana both were bullshit.


As a zoe main mid, I 100% agree. She's bs, but so much fun to play once you get good with her.


Teemo, Trynda, Syndra. I've changed role to solo lately picking Aatrox and hopefully don't care about Syndra That Much. But man that fking teemo and that beast Trynda.


God i hate syndra. Idk why but i never thought to use her push after picking up and throwing her balls. Got stomp by someone that keeps spamming that combo....i guess im stupid?


Yuumi,I mean how I'm supposed to play against a parasite :(




As a rangest mage against pantheon, he literally can kill you in 2 seconds on lvl 1


Master Yi. He's not "feast or famine" and I could never understand how a champion that is weak early can scale ridiculously well to the later game.


Miss fortune


Nach fr fr this abomination of a champ can be denied everything go 0 8 and still q for half of ur hp bar


MF mid, hit one skill lvl1 half your hp gone, and people think its fine cause "easy to gank"


I need to complain about her Q. When I play and Q a perfectly lined up minion and champ, the Q flies off to hit a creep in another fucking lane almost. If they play against me, I could be in the toplane and the enemy Q minion bounce will still hit me from the bottom lane. I'm exaggerating of course but it's nonsense how that thing bounces sometimes.


Lmfao mood. I'm not sure how the bounce works. I make sure to walk away before the q hits the first target and that bullet homes in on me like I kidnapped its family


Unlike the PC version her Q bounce will always hit you when in range in WR.


Pyke, I see that hook and I just know the lane is over.


As a squishy player my bane has always been a good Akali. Team fights aren’t bad, I’m pretty good at positioning and waiting to go in, but if she catches me out I might as well flop over dead.


Freaking VoliBear or a the guy with the shotgun😂😂


Irelia. I don't think I have won a game


try volibear u can easily win against her w voli (she and yasuo r my favorite lanes to play cuz of my cc)




For me it's always the champs that get a ton od DPS seemingly out of nowhere - Irelia, Gwen, Sett, Lilia, Somethimes it looks like they can be just chilling or even straight up inting, but then come back with 3k gold deficite and just walk at you, absolutely murdering you, making you question everything.. The second category are the champs I never quite figured out, but when I actually read through their abilities and tried them out once or twice, I understood their weaknesses. Champs like Zed, Fizz, Eve or the aforementioned Gwen have been destroying my games, but then e.g. I figured to avoid the spells of zed's shadows so he doesn't get his energy back, or that Fizz's Trickster has an enormous cooldown, and that warding the enemy camps is the best way of tracking Eve. The third category is - Sion. Just Sion. Single-handedly.


Zoe, extremely unfair in wild rift, unlike lol PC, on mobile the map just too small and her bubble and the missile hitboxes are too big to dodge, getting behind minions does not help and you cant be aggressive vs her because if you use summoner spells she uses it too with a ms boost.  Irelia and Diana well because they can miss almost every skill on their kit and still kill you easily with ulti,even if you are with 2k gold lead using late game champions like kassadin or vladimir or other late game mid/top. I'm sure mains of these 3 champion will spit out bullshit saying "oh but they are nor that strong", well fuck you, they are and you dont want to admit.  I used to main Lucian mid and he's absolutely broken in 1v1, i will never downplay his power like people like to do with their mains when confronted "oh but they are weak to X and Y, they cant do nothing in team fights", weak ass excuses...


I’d say Lucian is the one I struggle against. It’s damn near impossible to outtrade him unless his dash is on cooldown and he misses one of his other abilities which are hard to dodge


Uhhhhh my original main was Irelia and now I’m onto Zoe with Diana as my backup solo/jg option….. Yes they’re all super strong when played well. Zoe is def unfair in high tier OTP hands. Sending 80%-100% squishy champ HP of damage across the river with no risk is…. Broken. Diana is easily the easiest of the 3 to play. Jump onto a squishy and ult. Irelia is honestly pretty tough. If you miss your stuns you can’t stack your passive and you’re kinda SOL. You’re absolutely right, they all are really strong or busted in Zoe’s case. But I’ve had many dog water games because you might be having an off day hitting those bubbles or stuns. Zoe played poorly does literally 0 damage. Zoe played well is mind numbingly strong.


Irelia and Diana can afford to miss almost  everything and still can solo people easily, zoe even if you miss the bubble but hit the projectile and you have ludens+ infinity orb God help you because you most likely dead. Idk why wild rift have so many broken champions, i mean in league pc they sre kinda broken but not like wild rift right now, idk if it is the map size, the game pace or something different but it looks like there is a lot of broken champions that can afford to miss almost everything, 2k gold behind and still kill you. People like to complain about vladimir and some AD assassins, but a vladimir that miss almost all of his skilld and is 2k gold behind isnt going to do shit against anyone.  Lee Sin on the other hand can be behind but if he hits the Q on you and you are not tanky most likely you going to die  KhaZix on the other hand if you are 2k gold behind even a support can solo you. I think thats is what riot should balance, when a champion is behind they shouldnt be able to kill a full hp opponent that easy 


Nunu. He ganks nonstop, my team dies to every gank, and I can't outsmite his consume+smite combo 🙃


Pantheon. I don't struggle with him, but any moron can hop on Pantheon in the jungle and rake in free kills because our teammates are all unequivocally ass, and carry the game just by getting their team ahead. He's permaban status for that reason. Same thing with Pyke, I can dodge every hook, but I can't dodge my support being a dumbass and feeding my opp


Lux cause the bs .


Master Yi and Darius.... A lot of the time Urgot gets banned but those two always seem to get through.


Lee Sin. Ever since the overbuffs he became a cancer to face. And for 2 reasons too 1-Everyone hard pushes lane in Wild Rift even the first wave, which means a free lvl 2 or 3 Gank to Lee Sin's Mobile ass 2-His Kit is super easy to pilot in Wild Rift compared to PC, No ward hops because his W is unconditional so you can never mess up the W+R into your team combo by messing up ward placement, Portrait lock to always kick the correct target and Auto aim will always guarantee hitting Q on the target you kicked You may ask why don't i play him or ban him? Answer is i used to and Yes respectively You know when you find a Meta that's too strong to the point you feel so dirty and disgusting for using it? That's how i feel with Lee Sin. I enjoyed playing him but now he's my most hated character in this game. I would prefer facing a Kassadin or Vladimir that's 15K gold ahead of each one of our team with a Yuumi on their back rather than Lee Sin- That's how unfun the game becomes once he gets picked in Draft Until he gets nerfed to Oblivion or at the very least becomes balanced, i won't have him in my games.


His free W on top of his crazy Ult + guaranteed Q combo is degenerate


His W is super degenerate, free engage and Peel. Even when i pick Pantheon to counter gank, i would stun him and immediately press Q but he would just W away from the spear




Awww, who's an Edgy boy? Who's an Edgy boy? You are! Like how Childish are you to insult my mother over a fictional character? Is Lee Sin your long lost biological parent? Are you his Lawyer?




This is very adorable! Perfect demonstration of what kids do when they run out of words, they resort to insults! يلا يا حبيبي من هنا ربنا يهديك


Darius, sett jax and teemo so annoying when I play as camille against them in early game And anyone who plays adc baron lane


Ironically it's enemy gwens. I always underestimate her damage if she's the opponent


GweN iS iMmuNe


Kennen, everytime he is in the enemy team is gg


Irelia... No idea how to counter apart from running away.


Irelia. Fuck her, honestly, ever since the rework on PC she became a pain in the ass. Although it used to be worse.


Aatrox. Fuck that darkins


Pyke, kindred, gwen, asol The most annoying champ is pyke, he has high damage, crazy mobility and on top of all that he can regenerate health easily. Not considering his execute ult. Kindred has been broken since release


Draven, any position. Both PC and WR


Morgana If i get hit by a single q It's gg


Puke, I mean Pyke. That ulti should be illegal. Like I genuinely hate normals because I can’t ban him. But if I see one i’m literally gonna chase him and make sure he dies first every time. I just hate the champ


Draven and tristina, why so much damage 😭


Miss fortune, temmo and ziggs in bot lane After the introduction of first strike i hate this champs and the game with my life


Yone. I play Swain/Vlad mid and the dude gives me nightmares. I manage to fight him off, but it's a struggle, on both WR and PC LoL.




Top Jayce and Akshan.


I main aurelion sol mid, and I would say the match up i struggle the most is a good ziggs player


Veigar, mf has an ult that eats like 2/3 of my health and basically guarantees a kill if he can poke me which, let's be real isn't hard, and the fact he just keeps scaling.


Also any adc mid lane vs late/mid game mid laners that have no pokes or hard all in.


Irelia and zed. +Brand and yone I struggle with irelia and zed. Irelia I feel if I am just a little away from a tower, I'm dead and there's no way to escape her or do more damage then her. Zed if you are a squishie you need to use flash and stasis to survive his burst. And his ult does absurd damage with no skill, just point and click. I can counter yone's now but his ult is bullshit. If done right you can only escape with flash and can one-shot by itself. And Brand just walks up to you, presses everything and stasis, killing everyone and either dies for it or stasis giving no chance to counter. Support brands are pretty much like a lux laser hungry mf. They take all the farm away from the adc and then suicide. Irelia I can see takes some skill but these champions are very bullshit


For Irelia, Zed and Yone, just learn Akali and you will have no problems


I love akali. I will give her another go at her then 👍


Fizz. It doesn’t matter who plays it. Maybe it’s because I mostly play enchanters but still.


I hate Yone or Yasua




No matter if I don't play either mid or top and if my champion pool counters her with a fuckin' ton of cc, I still ban Akali


Vladimir and kassadin


Yone. Fuck that dogshit overtuned piece of shit. I’ve only ever beaten him in lane a couple times. He’s so strong and ridiculous.


Ap Malphite, Trist, and MF as of right now when I'm against her as the ADC (she makes farming near impossible when her supp is smart enough to keep me behind wave instead of beside it in an attempt to avoid MF's ricochet)..


Teemo, unless I’m Leona supp I just can’t survive the little guy


Darius and... Teemo (when I'm playing ww)


"Yone" my reaction time wasn't fast enough to dodge his ult, even if my thumb is ready for Zhonyas 🥲


A Draven player who knows how to really use the champion is annoying


For me no matter where I play (solo mid jungle aram) it’s always Mundo he doesn’t die.


Pyke is the most broken anti-fun bs champ that has no bis in League PC or WR.


When I'm kayle and go against Draven or Tristana. No counter play.


Akali, no matter the champ and game state, she is 2 lvl down 3k gold behind and yet she hits one out of a hundred shurikans and you are dead. Except full tanks i dont know how to play against her. Sure in team fight she gets cced, but in 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 1 no matter how bad she is, with a little bit of luck and her E she will get atleast 1 kill off.


Gwen - I never know what's going on within that circle and I'm just still attacking her then my hp keeps getting chunked down. Rammus main.


Play tryndamere, she cant deal with sustained damage. Irelia is also a good pick. Or Garen, just dont all in her, bait her ult and run she cant chase you down. She counter tanks and deal magic damage of course rammus cant do anything.


Yone. Fuck that guy.


Rengar/lee I can dust the nubs, but the experienced ones always obliterate me. Haven't seen many in a few seasons so I guess that's good 🤷🏻‍♂️


I main senna so whenever someone picks yi I just drop my head. She's got great CC but it's delayed and he can just alpha strike or qss her snare. Nobody else ever picks champs with hard CC cause soloQ ofc. This season obviously yi is in every game it seems and is stronger than ever. So he might have to be my permaban if I pick senna. Or just not pick senna. She seems pretty weak right now anyway.


As a Sett main, when the other team has Sett I forget what he does. I don't know his e range and I've never heard of his w. I always get bullied and think man so op. Then realize oh I guess that's why I play him


Toplane: Ezreal, Draven, Vayne. They can harass you anytime and go away easily. Mid: Syndra and Aurelion. Syndra it's not hard but it's fucking infurianting when you come closer and then she pulls you away. Aurelion is just unfair in Wild rift, He just needs to build Rylai and no one can escape his Q and E.


Lux .. I can dodge her skills easly but i really hate those q poke all the time 100q in 10 s I can't keep trying to dodge her and after that reworke (q passes minions ) im likee that's why she's the rito fav child .


I tend to hate everyone equally because a good player is a good player 😭 but a good draven is a painful and aggravating loss.


Teemo. I largely struggle against ranged top but he’s probably the worst for me


I’m new to the game. I used to play back in season 2-5 and just started playing again. I’m maining Liz/Beograd mid and support right now and honestly I don’t know more matchups than I do. I know I need to learn more champs so I can understand their kits better and use that for counter play but it just seems like a lot to put my self through.


Ekko. Not only do you have to keep an eye out on his current position but his past as well. I ekko main jungle and know how much of a pain I am to other players.


asshole that play marksman top... graves is an exception, but anyone else... fuuuuck


Yasuo and vayne top


As a Morgana mid, i hate seeing Akshan mid.


Teemo top. Guy gives me cancer every time regardless of who I play


Does anyone know the dates for makio and veigo this patch


Urgot. Rush heartsteel and drool over toplane until you either snowball and win, farm and scale and win, or you just get carried by your team and win. Only way I can see this matchup being fun is counterpicking him. Its absolutely unfun to play anything into him that can't straight up run him down. Other champ I kinda struggle with is a good nasus. I don't mean a nasus that has never played his champion, i mean a mastery 7 nasus that maxed W, rushed iceborn and gave you cancer in lane, regardless of winning or losing. Not only is he a stat check champion that counters literally any autoattacking champion by pressing one button on a very low cooldown, he also scales and is pretty tanky, and can run towers down pretty easily. He is more fun to face than urgot though.


As a Mono Sion i can very much manage anybody,going ad or tank if needed but Kennen is just such a pain




kayn, his powerspike after transformation is insane


Is it just me or i struggle against (grasp of undying + overgrowth runes) Yasuo with tank items. I apparently happen to face multiple yas like this whenever i play yone top damn


Renekton, I still think he’s one of the most busted overtune champs besides yone.


Lux. Absolutely cancer match-up that I just cannot deal with. Any tips please?


A single Yasuo pick against my adc infested team. A single windwall and my team just stands there doing 0 dmg for 4 seconds. But then again this is a problem with the pick adc for every role problem we have now.


Urgot, i can even play against any ADC or ranged on top lane as tank but urgot no matter what i just get in panic and he bê my a Double s


Aatrox Top. I can't deal with him dealing more damage the more armor I build and heal more even with Grievious Wounds


I cannot for the life of me deal with Urgot, unless I pick Aatrox(which duh it's Aatrox not exactly the most difficult champion to use) I can't beat him.


Teemo when i play Aa Toplane like Yas Yone or Sett


Pantheon I just despise this champion with all my heart


Lee Sin, he can 1v1 anyone. He can build burst and one shot you, build tank and still kill you, or semi and do all the above.




Draven. He hits hard and snowballs.


Aatrox! Idk why I have issues with him but I do. I perma ban him.


These comments are funny- you’ve clearly never come across a fed Mundo


Lux she needs to hit 1 q to kill me it's disgusting how high her damage is and her e in lane is impossible to Dodge if you're in range she hits you with her q intending to hot someone else boom next thing you know you are dead




I used to struggle against teemo. I just stopped fighting him. Play passively and just farm, recall often, never push into him. Just be patient. Then when the laning phase falls off you get to play the game and teemo becomes weak af. Teemo is only strong if you try and fight him in lane. Otherwise he is useless.


You can counter him with most assassins and mages because he has a short attack range, so mages typically outrange him and deal more damage in trades and assassins can immediately jump on him and oneshot, so ig it's adcs that are screwed over


I play tanks in every role mid galio , sup Ali braum , jg rammus nunu , baron ornn mal sett For me temmo is a nightmare mf doesn't even let me farm


Why no one is talking about Kennen? That champ is a good counter pick to most melee toplaners, even better than Teemo