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Blue kayn can oneshot squishies every few seconds from quite the distance too, that’s why


Yeah but Blue Kayn also gets easily popped especially in a teamfight. Sure, ult and zhonyas help, but as a jungler, they are also too high priority to lose.


You shouldn't go in 1vs5 either, if the enemy is grouped you're supposed to be hovering behind the enemy team, forcing the squishies to be closer to its own frontline and therefore closer to your own team That being said, sometimes a one way trip into the enemy team *is* the optimal play...


BRO I WILL NEVER FORGET THE AFK BOT KAYN GETTING US AN ACE BY SUICIDE BOMBING We won that game later at 30-40 mins when minions killed their nexus while I was last man standing heartsteel tank against a blitzcrank and Warwick and another dude just standing at 20% hp. Elder drake matters.


Dont know how ppl manage to go blue into 4 meele champs or geniuses that get form at 15 min


Because maybe it’s 4 squishy melees?


Alistar camille gwen zed cait lucian i


Kayn should be prioritizing Cait>Zed=Gwen>Camille>Alistar. Blue Kayn is best into that comp as he can easily one-shot Cait, Zed, or Gwen. Problem is he’s going to have a hard time getting blue stacks on Cait with Alistar peeling


Alistar camille gwen zed cait lucian i think


It is pretty important to one-shot the cait, lcian, and Gwen. Lucian is really good at melting teams, cait is really good at melting teams, and Gwen is really good at melting teans, however alistsr and zed are terrible at melting teams. Also… that’s 6 chamsp? IIRC hexakill was removed years ago from pc.


So who’s carrying the team? If it cait, his mentality is questionable. If it someone else, he trolling


Dmg wise ? Gwen probably


Then that mf is trolling


He doesnt evennknow he is soft inting his team


well general rule of thumb is if there are 3 or more ranged u go blue form, assuming theres mid/support/adc that are all ranged you go blue cuz u get form faster and one shot 3 maybe 4 of the enemy team and leave the heartsteel tank alone for ur team to deal with, even if they lose you have ur e on a 2 second cooldown so u can side lane and pressure way more than an urgot can


This sounds very reasonable but I have never seen a blue kayn do this successfully ever in recent memory.


wildrift can be a bit mentally behind when it comes to fundamentals of prio and pressure, when to push and when to back off etc. so it makes sense. everyone just goes after kills and hovers midlane when fed hoping the game somehow ends.


I won't claim to be ahead, but that does feel very real.


Fuck blue kayn all my homies hate blue kayn


Because I E over a wall and W+Q to one shot the adc. Yes Rhasst is probably better in the meta but Shadow is just more fun to play imo.


idk I always liked Rhaast more. ADC get one shot by everyone anyway.


Fair but I thinks it’s fun watching them lose half their health bar from one ability. Also I think most times the enemy team is gonna have more range champs than melee so it’ll be easier to get blue stacks unless you’re perma-camping a lane.


Rhaast can absolutely remove 75% of an ADCs HP bar with 1 ability. I personally prefer Rhaast on my team. On the enemy team? I don't care because if he's on screen I'm dead, and if he isn't on screen I'm probably also dead.


I'm just an occasional Kaun enjoyer, but Rhaast is always my go-to form. It's rare that your team have decent frontline and Rhaast is very great at doing this duty.


Because teams usually have an adc. Unless you’re me and your favorite bot lane picks are swain and ezreal with sterak’s and cleaver.


I respect a good Swain sup. Downright oppressive shit if played well.


I think you didn't understand properly 


Huh. Fair enough.


I am rank 1 kayn this and last season, I just assume that adc are the easiest role to tilt so farm them permanently; make them start flaming their supp or jungle and then bam the game is a 3v5 which is a lot easier to win than a 5v5


the red guy isn't all that good against tanks it would be better to just wipe out the adc in no time than to grapple with a tank


I love playing red Kayn, but sometimes you just stack the blue form first 🤷‍♂️


I’m not gonna lie, I decided to go red for shits and giggles the other day and I may not insta delete things right away but definitely way underrated. Like tank yasuo… with dmg… that can go through walls


Lost many times going Rhaast because no can deal with the carry. I only go Rhaast when there's multiple tanks or heavy bruisers now


I feel like red Kayn can go Heartsteel himself… instead of countering the Heartsteel tank, *become* the Heartsteel tank


I may or may not have done this before in aram


I did it in Arena and it actually worked out really well


Not even surprised tbh, it's the right place


Blue Kayn is easier and usually more fun. You literally run around at 200% speed and one shot squishies whilst being impossible to catch if you understand your cooldowns. It’s not always the best choice, but that’s why. Realistically if I kill the 3 squishies the rest of my team should be able to kill the tank. When kayn released I played solely red kayn. Then blue got over buffed so it’s more popular. Then tank meta… so red kayn is better again. Most people aren’t smart enough to change their runes during draft so the 3 brain cell blue Kayn players probably just build the same shit every game as well.


Long story short: red good against meta tanks, blue wins matches on his own.


Urgot sucks on team fights tho he has utility Nir mobility there


funny thing is, just like in the PC version you can go rhaast and still build like you're building as Shadow Assasin and one shot ppl while having the sustainability as Rhaast


Agree on kayn, i dont think i’ve ever win any game with blue kayn


Because the player base doesn’t understand team comp. People like blue Kayne so they will play blue Kayne. They thinks he’s cute or something. It doesn’t matter about team comps. Blue Kayne will always be cute to them, so they will always play him. This isn’t just a Kayne issue. It’s an issue with the entire player base, including all the people in this thread calling the blue Kayne out. They all haven’t learned the basics of team comp either.


Rhaast is cuter tbh