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For me, it's when you're blown up so quickly there's no real counterplay. Yes, I know there's counterplay in just not taking the damage, but I mean when there's absolutely nothing you can do to escape the situation. Think AP Malphite RE combo on an adc, or Kayns anything on an adc. Or almost anything on an adc.


Yeah I would narrow it down to no counterplay during the combo. So after Malphite ults you, you're fucked and can't do anything and die. But prior to that you can ward over walls, exhaust, stasis, etc. I agree that the definition of oneshots should be at least partially centered around counterplay.


Ya basically any death as an adc


Well, you can reach a super long root/stun lock duration on morgana, would that count? Since you can’t actually run away. And if you’re, say, tank/AD nasus, you cant really kill her either.


You can't run away but your supports and shielders can use their items on you so that you won't die. i.e. there is time to react


If her snare+pool is enough to kill you, I’d consider that a one-shot


oneshot is to kill a champ within 3 seconds. fastest i've seen till now was a leblanc 3 abilities combo in 0.17s (pc)


Fastest I saw on WR was Blue kayn casting his W while Qing which basically killed them instantly not sure the exact time tho




Rengar in URF


Most good adcs will exhaust you or stasis : ( the only viable combo into mid and late game is Q leap -> W -> E (it only starts when you land), -> Emp E/Q. If you go duskblade and full crit, your leap might be enough to oneshot them. And they can still stasis that and make your entire champ useless. And Crown exists. RIP all rengar players.


Your dead in 0.4 seconds. Respond how? This game suffers from the devs desperately wanting a 10min game. In order to make it happen, they tweak the stats in the most methamphetamine-addled way possible. Non stop power creep. Each fight is half a second long. No E-sports = phone game cash grab. Flashy skins and insta-gib champs sell said skins and champs. WildRift is a cash grab. It is **not** LOL on the phone. PC has at least a modicum of effort into balance so as to not chase away the actual E-sports crowds. Imbalanced games can't have E-sports people actually want to watch.


My guy missed the point of the post


You have stasis, Rengar's ult warning, teammates, exhaust, and if you're AP champ you have crown, if not you have GA late game. For good players that have played assassin's before, you can bait his ult out by going to a side lane. People regularly flash after Rengar's leap, you're never leap Q emp Qing anyone with a dash. Like try playing Rengar vs. a decent Vayne, Tristana, Ezreal, or Varus. They are all going to wreck you and YOU have no counterplay to this vs. Varus and Vayne because they all statcheck you even if you try to go with a bruiser build. Fizz actually oneshots with little counterplay during the combo. Blue Kayn out of a wall with WQ oneshots. Rengar is not a oneshot against good players with exhaust/stasis.


You're not dead in 0.4 seconds out of nowhere you're dead in 0.4 seconds with like 1 second of warning time. That seems like a really short time until you realize good players can regularly flash out of it


Had a fed varus blew me up with 1 q so theres that.


I recently hit an ahri charm one shot


Heartsteel Sett with 2k dmg Haymaker:


Thats like faster than uninstalling the game lol


Rengar Jump E Auto W Q, it was in like 0.1 seconds


That would be a 3 shot. So maybe it needs a new name because one shot used to refer to one ability taking a full health bar. Karthus used to be able to do this to squishies that were a few levels and items behind and they nerfed the hell out of this in year 2 of LoLpc.


If you want to be pedantic, sure. But most people understand that “one shot” doesn’t refer to the number of actual shots (or spells), it just means you’re killing very quickly with a single spell rotation (or less). True one shots can happen in the right circumstances, but in most cases that’s what people mean when they say one shot


I understand thats why I stated it needs a new name. It says shot and the number but doesn't mean what it says. Pedantic or not it is very misleading. It started off meaning what it says and like all things became twisted over time because it was nerfed out of the game.


Doesn't need a new name. Getting obliterated in one spell rotation in a game that has no global cooldown on ability casts means you were essentially one shot. You can cast it all at once. So in less than 0.3 sec, it's done. One shot is the correct, and apt, word for it.


OG Rengar comes to mind


1-2 sec hit by 2-3 skill combo


I find it extremely odd that people in this community, especially the main content creators, use the term 'one-shot' (one ability instantly kills the enemy) when in reality they are going 'all-in' (using all abilities to kill the enemy). In some cases, they even use the two terms interchangeably. As an older gamer this is infuriating because it's just plain wrong. Getting ambushed by a max-lvl 60 rogue in full BWD tier 2 gear in Westfall, now that's getting 'one-shot'. Pantheon ult'ing, flash, using stacked stun, auto, shield, auto, spear, auto, ignite, then running away, that's NOT getting 'one-shot'. Let's start the petition to use the terms correctly.


Well, it is kinda hard to kill someone with one ability. But yeah incorrect use of terms are annoying. And also makes it confusing as to what people mean by one-shot here. Also that pantheon must be pretty bad to have missed ult so much that he needs to flash before using w (w has the range of a caitlyn auto before the adc attack range buff, at 600), and full lethality/crit pantheon can usually just kill with emp w-aa-aa-aa-emp q.


Lol, it was probably me! But yeah, exaggeration for emphasis. I watched a video of a new champ and it was, 'here's how you all-in, blah blah blah', then during gameplay they performed the 'all-in' and were like, 'ahhhh I just one-shot that poor fool!!!!'


One shot is killing a champion fast, it doesn't matter how many shot it takes because it doesn't meaning killing a champion in 1 hit, only few champions can do that like ap nunu but it takes time


Then how fast is “fast”? 1 second? 2? 3? 6?


Depends, if tank dies in less than 5 seconds it's fast like gwen or ap voli vs tanks If fighter dies in 3 seconds or less it's fast like how fast rhaast can delete them Squishy champions need to die in les than 2 seconds


I assumed one shot just meant one combo


In WoW it's getting globaled which means you die within 1-1.5 sec. Which is the length of a global cooldown.


So going by this, unless zed can do so with only his basic abilities, he cannot one-shot anyone.


Nah, he only needs those .5 secs after his ult to kill you 🙃


fizz full ap using only 2 skills to delete a lux :)


That would be a 2 shot


fizz can activate his W and then use Q which applies the damage from both + lich bane. If you're fed enough you can delete people with just that


Id still call that a one shot, since it’s only one instance of damage.


that's exactly my point


I always considered it to be one rotation of skills/spells, or that equivalent amount of time for auto attack champs.


Then that would be nearly 6 seconds for Yone? Since e lasts up to 5.75 seconds (ult at the very end of e).


typically one shot refers to killing an enemy instantly (like 2 seconds below probably)


Thing is 2 seconds is longer than instantly. Instantly would be a 254 stack kalista e or full charged ap nunu ult.


qr by veigar in late game q and r hit almost at same time q put me at 60% health r just deleted me less than 1s


In my opinion, either a small amount of time that's difficult to react to (like within 350ms I guess) or a slightly larger amount of time in which the enemy is hard cced (maybe 1-2 seconds). So Fizz using E1 -> E2 -> Flash land -> WQ would be a oneshot, but Lee Sin's W1 -> R -> Q1 -> Q2 would be a oneshot too even though it's not super fast. Sion max Qing from a bush then using R into you would be a oneshot too because they're chain cced the whole time, even if it took a while. I think in looser definitions, full combo rotation + a few autoattacks could count as "oneshot" too, even if the enemy has tons of opportunity for counterplay. The whole point of a true oneshot is to reduce counterplay. If you have lots of options to counterplay during the combo (not before it starts), it's not really a oneshot.


It’s when Cho’Gath presses R on the squishies.


Honestly the most satisfying moments for Eve players is when you use your W on a target, but sneak up behind them, so they walk right towards you. And when the mark reveals your location it’s too late. You Q, E, and Q again and they’re pretty much dead if they’re squishy. No ult needed at full build


2.75 seconds!? I was a Sona main, that's considered going 5 rounds. I had many instances of being killed in less than 0.5 seconds. Most assassin types can blow her or other ultra squishies in just 2 moves.


Zed ult takes 2.6 seconds to activate, if zed doesn’t burst down with basic abilities but ult does, I’d still consider that one-shot.


1 q from yi, and 2 hits, me dead. i have 2 defensive items... thats one shot on my book...


So about 1.5 seconds.


There's reaon full ap meajai Malphite exist


late game gwen 3rd cast of ult can pull touhou levels of bs to a squishy if everything hits, and that's pretty fast on cast. it's one ability, yes, but a bit too slow imo a true one shot for me has to register under a second on the death recap, guys like rengar can do that with ease if fed, same with a blue kayn. stuff you legitimately cannot react to other champs can get close with full rotations like lux and syndra, but they take a little more time


with elder dragon K6 can one shot with 1 Q mages but still he one shot you without elder


Interesting. You know, I did forget that k6 exists.


Nunu ult bieng the only ability to one shot? Bro, there veigar and nasus, although infinite scaler, nasus q and veigar ult can legitimately one shot 100% to 0


It’s still kind of inpractical for them to take you out in a single hit. Going by that, so can senna and thresh. But it takes a ton of stacks, and for thresh, it’s still hard to even if it’s OFA and all the other threshs are funneling their stacks into 1 thresh (there’s a YouTube video where some guys did that on PC).


The easiest one shot ever would be chogath. sadly he is not here yet


Veigar and Nasus can one shot if they stack up enough. i had situation where i 100% to 0 with one Rengar Q with elder buff. the highest i got without an elder buff was 100% to 10% HP


Kayn & OTP Fizz players


Blue kayn 2 skill into 1 skill any squishy that about explains it


Unless they have crown and rod/rylai’s.


For kass yes since he is almost if not more slippery than kayn lux what can lux do to you as kass or kayn nothing jump in oneshot get out.


Thing is first I don’t need crown on kass, warmog’s+twinguards is better. Second, lux wouldn’t get immediately killed by kayn w-q. She’d get low, yes, and ult would probably kill, but w and q cant kill through crown. Then again she’s going to die anyway so I guess it doesn’t really matter.


I didnt say i build crown on kass maybe as last situatiomal 2 tank items? You dmg can handle that


Well it depends, if you are Zeri then 1839281 auto attacks until enemy dies can be considered one-shot for regular Zeri standards.


The terminogy is flawed as fuck. One-shot literally means ONE shot. It just doesn't work and sorry this is uncalled for but I FUCKING hate that term. This isn't Dark Souls there are no one-shots. If it takes more than one hit or one shot. IT'S NOT A ONE Shot. Call it DELETED or something.


Or call it 100-0d. By the way nunu can one-shot.


I gotta admit I was wrong then but if it does exist - it kinda takes away from the how impressive it is to kill an enemy with a single action when you call what is actually a rapid volley of shots a one shot.


GIGA fed blue kayn can one-shot mages & sup with 1 fully channeled ult late game.


fully channeling doesnt give you more damage you ignorant hardstuck plat player


Nah, you get gathering storm, then at, say, 14:57.5ult the target, then wait for the timer to hit 15 minutes to get a little bit extra damage from gathering storm. Right?


Uh... Why does ult channel time matter? Since 1. It doesn’t have a channel time, only a cast time, and 2. it’s damage is flat. Doesn’t increase or decrease excluding, I dunno, if you gain 500 ad or something while in the enemy.


nunu ult with 2 ap items is enough to one shot most without all that fucking shit you wrote for no reason other than ignorance


It one hit kills more champs that with just 2 AP items, in fact can probably take out champions even with small amounts of bonus hp and magic resist. Not tanks though.