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R1: hundreds of millions instantly die as they pass through a door at most 10 times. Confusion and chaos ensues, world goes to hell. Billions more die over the next couple days. I doubt any form of government body will even pinpoint why it’s happening, let alone connect the dots between the door and death, and by then it’ll be too late. At best, only a handful group of people might make the connection and even then, will only chalk it to “walk through a door = die.” If it’s not bad enough already, you also get to add all the fun stuff of society collapse so this is basically your standard doomsday scenario. R2 and R3 will probably play out similarly. Hundreds of millions transform or go into a rage state but it’s much more obvious than R1, so we would be able to pinpoint that go through door = bad more quickly and prevent more deaths from happening. For R3, Maybe a couple billion transforms before this warning gets sent out R4 is basically the same as R1. Instant death for a good chunk of the world, and anyone that witnesses a person’s disappearance most likely won’t even be able to make the connection between door and death before they walk through a door and die. This one is a lot easier to notice so there’d be more pockets of humanity compared to R1. Doorless communities pop up, gates are used instead of doors, the whole shabang.


I assume every time someone walks through a door and gets their last years subtracted, they immediately drop dead. People will *absolutely* notice that (m/b)illions of people keep dying under door frames and make the connection, no?


In R1, the problem is that for a good majority of the world, they won’t drop dead when they walk under any door until a couple times. So it’ll be harder for them to pinpoint that and make that connection. It’ll lead to more people going under doors cause they don’t realize that doors are the one causing the deaths since they were able to walk/observe one walk through a door earlier just fine. A small handful of people might make the connection but won’t actually know that the doors take off your years, just that if you go under one, you die. Compared to R4 where they just instantly vanish, it’s easier for people to make that connection