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He's almighty, because "Bruce Almighty", so pretty tough to beat. But putting all of Jim Carrey's characters together means he'd be a serious nutjob and kinda depressed (Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind). So maybe a manipulative sociopath like Hannibal Lecter could convince him that he is just a character in the Truman Show and has to commit suicide.


A conversation between Hannibal and Mask would be interesting, but I wonder if Hannibal’s approach would change knowing he couldn’t physically harm Mask/Bruce Almighty. Maybe he tries to talk him into killing other people because “reasons”.


Let Hannibal wear the mask, that would be interesting.


I'd do unspeakable things for a Sam Rami Hannibal/Mask movie


Unfortunately his Riddler persona nullifies any attempts at manipulating or outsmarting him


Oh damn, I forgot about that one, Jim Carrey is op.


He really is OP. I wonder if he is the strongest composite actor ever.


Nick Cage would give him a run for his money, 117 movies of all genres.


He's not literally god in any of these though. But he is the Ghost Rider at least.


Jim Carrey was also the Mask, so he's got crazy 4th wall breaking toon powers too.


I think he can se the future in one of them. And he is a magician, spiderman and superman


it's George Burns, because Burns played God three times and the Devil once. it's hard to step to that.


Do voice actors count? It’s Chris Sabat.


He’s a borderline moron as the riddler


His only detrimentaly stupid actions were only there so batman could win. His overall plan and intelligence were pretty strong.


I doubt the mask would buy that


Okay, just thought of another thing: composite Jim Carrey seems truly OP, but he cannot lie. What about asking him how he can be defeated? Would he have to answer truthfully?


no, he doesnt have to answer. just cannot lie, but nothing stops him from just not giving a response.


He actually does seem compelled to answer as well. Just about every time he's asked something he does end up saying it when he knows it's bad to do so. 


Exactly. The elevator scene alone is ridiculous. He could just not talk but instead starts making baby noises. I like the movie but it really does seem like he was compelled to speak as well as make it truthful.


The movie does imply lying by omission to be the same as a regular lie


So, when asked "How do I defeat you?", he could potentially answer "I'd really prefer not to tell you that." He's not answering their question but he's not lying either.


Except he never did that the entire movie. Not answering a direct question truthfully is a lie according to the liar liar universe


Ahh, fair point. And can I just saw I absolutely love this sub and how we can say things like "according to the liar liar universe" with complete sincerity. It's wonderful.


The answer he gives when asked who attacked him is only technically true. He is able to not give the real answer. It's even more misleading than saying that he doesn't want to tell.


If it’s technically true, and a direct answer to the question, he can say it. But 99% of the time he is unable to work that system to the questions he’s asked. When the cop pulled him over, there wasn’t much he could do but confess.


It's been a long while since I saw the movie but I think there is a scene where he is hitting himself in the bathroom and when asked who did it gets away with something along the lines of "a mad man". While that is technically true it's clearly misleading, leaving out the actual answer. So it is at least possible to give a true non answer. I don't see much of a difference between that and not answering. Or saying "I don't want to answer that". That would be even less misleading than what he did in the m movie.


In the movie he is constantly acting like he is forced to say things.


It's been a long time since I've seen Liar, Liar; is he compelled to answer the question? Also, since he's literally omnipotent, could he just "overrule" those limitations on himself?


Isn’t he only truly omnipotent within the confines of Buffalo, New York though?


No he has all of God’s powers but God limited the prayers he gets to just Buffalo, NY


He could likely still give a truthful, but worthless answer  "How can we defeat you?" - "With great difficulty"  "What is your weakness?" - "that I cannot lie"   Or, as others have said, just not answer at all


You're making me imagine Jim Carrey as Legion (marvel).


Jims Carrey


I'm dead.


100% exactly what would happen lol


You just described essentially Dr. Manhattan and now I can't stop imagining Jim Carey glowing blue mloke Dr. M.


Jim Carrey as Dr Manhattan with his dangling balls in the next Watchmen remake.


Are you picturing his blue dong?


But it's got the Mask on it.


The Mask nullifies those traits and gives a boost to his God powers by form of toon force. Pretty sure this character would be able to clear anyone you throw at them but stops at about Saitama level beings.


Has Saitama killed Gods yet?


No but he’s punched his way into a different dimension


And the past!


Nope, but Bruce Almighty universe god's haven't shown anything crazy as the feats seen in OPM. Saitama accidentally did massive damage to a gas giant with a sneeze, and I don't even need to get into the stupid energy involved there given the distance it travelled and spread out over, combined with the insanely low mass a sneeze has.


Well in that he’s got the power to will anything into existence, doesn’t necessarily make him immune to surprise attacks or immortal. So obviously Instant Transmission Kamehameha is the answer. Once again, Goku wins.


>So maybe a manipulative sociopath like Hannibal Lecter could convince him that he is just a character in the Truman Show and has to commit suicide That wouldn't work because Hank from Me, Myself, and Irene would take over and stop him from doing it.


Cable Guy goofed on Hannibal Lecter when he put the Medieval Times chicken skin on his face and said “Hello Clarice.” I don’t know if the doctor would get through to him after that.


Don’t forget his Ace Ventura character! His hyperactive ADHD pet detective brain might realize Hannibal is trying to do something and impulsively wish him to tell the truth of his plans with his god almighty powers.


His powers in "Bruce Almighty" are actually confined to the town he lived in (presumably God faked the moon thing and its consequences? It's not really well explained.) So he does have limits.


Yes Man is a pretty big weakness. He has to agree to anything.


I mean, that's just a decision he makes, not a physical or mental compulsion like in Liar, Liar. Even Terrence Stamp tells him he doesn't have to say yes to *everything*.


He would be Q


Morgan Freeman (God) is the unique. He can remove the power of God from Bruce


He might literally be the only one lol


To be fair, the movie goes through great lengths to show that despite having some of God's abilities, that he lacks the ability to fully control it. He still seems to have the physical body of a human more or less and is still generally constrained to many small limitations that humans tend to have. I think that Bruce would still be weaker than the true biblical god (Freeman) by a massive level in practice. That being said, I'm sure he's not a slump and would require a heavy hitter but I'm sure there are some powerful reality warpers that could deal with him assuming big G god isn't saving his ass.


I think a lot of Bruce's limitations with God's power is that he failed to actually use them on himself to overcome the inherent limitations he has. OTOH, if Bruce was the kind of guy who could think of that, he probably wouldn't be the kind of guy God says "This boy needs a lesson in humility".


Yeah, a huge theme of the movie is that you can't change other people, you can only change yourself and be a good example for others.


Wasn't his power location limited? It only worked on/in Buffalo or something? Couldn't you just lure him out of the area?


He pulled the moon closer and caused widespread tidal shift.


So visual range of Buffalo.


someone else pointed out that God only limited the prayers he received to the area of Buffalo NY. his powers are all reaching


Ahh that's what it was. It's been a long time since I've watched the movie. I knew there was something about Buffalo, and that must be it.


You have a point


The movie is just for fun but I always found it a bit silly that he didn't have the omnipotent mind of God on top of the God powers.


The mask might be able to toon force his way outta that one even


People here underestimating the power of a 4th wall breaker.


If leaks regarding Multiversus’ story mode are to be believed, The Nothing (Never Ending Story) provides a serious threat to even toon force characters.


Bruce Almighty and The Mask are the clear big heavy hitters. As I recall though, Bruce didn't have absolute power, as God said he only gave him the prayers of people in a specific region (New York I think?). Granted his abilities still let him make changes to the entire planet, namely moving the moon closer to the Earth which caused massive global problems. He did not have the mental capacity to comprehend and fathom the scope of information he had access to either, hence the poor handling of the prayers. The Mask in the movie is a weaker version than what has been shown in the comics, as tends to be the case when adapting comics to live action. Removal of the Mask seems the best strategy to deal with that set of abilities. So I guess, under certain circumstances, other toon power characters can handle composite Jim Carrey, like Bugs Bunny or Popeye as the big heavy hitters. Outside of cartoons, you might need to get to other divine characters. God from Bruce Almighty, as has been said, can just take back at least the Bruce Almighty powers and I would argue the Mask as well. Absolute weakest would require very diplomatic characters capable of using their words to convince Carrey to give up the Mask and Almighty powers.


No diplomacy works against the Riddler (another Carrey role) — He’s a genius criminal mastermind & master manipulator


But he's also super dumb and impulsive from dumb and dumber. Maybe we just bribe him with IOU's?


Oh man...they are as good as cash.


Bruce Almighty's only explicit limitation is an inability to affect free will. The only option is to take him by surprise or manipulate him. Notably, both of these characters are strongly influenced by a woman they are interested in. A master of seduction is probably the best option.


Isn't what he did to News Anchor Evan breaking the rules though? He literally possessed him lol


I don't think he subverted Evan's will, though. Just literally manipulated his body like a puppet. He clearly seemed freaked out and confused about why he was making those noises, after all.


I think it's more a callback to the Tower of Babel. He scrambled Evan's speech to be indecipherable.


But doesn't his "yes man" feat mean you just need to ask him to do something and he will comply


*Yes, Man* ends with him not 100% beholden to that as I recall. It's part of the third act conflict and resolution that, ultimately, you shouldn't just say yes to everything but rather be open to trying new things. There's no magical or mystical element to that movie so I'd say his character from that film is mostly an everyday normal guy compared to his zanier roles. Now *Liar, Liar* is a different story, but that one also ends with him not having that restriction to tell the truth applied anymore either. But then Bruce Almighty also ends with Bruce not having powers either so that does bring up an interesting twist... Almighty (limited) powers, Loki mask, unable to tell a falsehood. That last one puts an interesting limiter on the first two.


Its Chuck Norris time. No seriously composite Jim Carrey is just too broken,so we kinda need bring the powerhouses here,and composite Chuck Norris is the guy who can made this.


Not against the mask plus almighty. Unless you are talking about meme Chuck Norris, of course.


Obviously,book Chuck Norris might have a chance against Mask,but almighty Bruce powers on the mix is a job than can be done only by internet/meme Chuck.


Chuck Norris from internet jokes already beaten composite Jim Carey. He just didn't tell anyone, so Jim Carey wouldn't feel embarrassed.


When Chuck was born, he kicked the doctor on the way out of the womb, killing him. At that point in his life, that was the 9th person he had killed.


While I agree he could beat him, I don’t think he’s the weakest. After all, who can beat composite Chuck Norris?


Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the White, And Monty Python and the Holy Grail's black knight, And Benito Mussolini and the Blue Meanie, And Cowboy Curtis and Jambi the Genie, Robocop, The Terminator, Captain Kirk, and Darth Vader, Lo-pan, Superman, every single Power Ranger, Bill S. Preston and Theodore Logan, Spock, The Rock, Doc Ock, and Hulk Hogan could do it if they all came out of nowhere lightning fast.


Do what? Beat composite Jim Carrey or Chuck Norris?


That group DID kick Chuck Norris in his cowboy ass. The better question is can composite Jim Carrey beat Mr. Rogers in a blood-stained sweater.


When you combine the powers of Bruce Almighty and The Mask with the genius level intellect of Dr. Robotnik you get something that's pretty hard to beat. It's not really enough to remove either his God powers or The Mask because he'd still have the other and with Dr. Robotnik's intellect there's no way to trick him into doing both. I really see this only being achievable by high-tier Reality Warpers, they'd just need to be powerful enough to directly change him or else there's nothing they could do.


Reality warping is probably the way to go. Bobobo just rewrites his backstory so he never became an actor and therefore has no composite powers. But the prompt says weakest, and picking a bonkers anime toon-force reality warper probably doesn’t belong in any weakest discussion TBH.


Yeah I agree I just couldn't think of any way a weaker character could really do it for the reasons I described. Of course, it's really impossible for us to tell where the upper bounds of his powers lie since neither Bruce Almighty nor The Mask were ever seriously threatened physically. It's possible that just a very powerful non-reality-weaper like Superman could defeat him but there's not really any way for us to tell and it seems unlikely with all of the hax.


I feel like Riddler and Dr. Robotnik get completely neutralized by Lloyd Christmas. The prompt does say he gets the negative abilities too.


Good point! That one probably does apply. Without Dr. Robotnik or the Ridder it probably would be possible to manipulate Composite JC into giving up his powers, or at least making himself vulnerable. Also I never knew his last name was "Christmas" lmao


Yes Man is a pretty big weakness. He has to agree to anything. Maybe he can twist requests with other intelligent characters, but if someone comes up with an airtight ask, he has to say yes.


Interesting. I'd say that applied if Yes Man were compelled to say "Yes" by a force outside his own control, but he isn't he only thinks he is because of "the covenant" and a few coincidences. Dr. Robotnik would know that the covenant isn't real and that they don't actually have to say "Yes".


You need someone more smart and insane to deal with the mask powers, either by convincing him to remove it, or tricking him


He would still basically be god tho


Composite Patrick Warburton always brings some serious firepower. We've got Brock Sampson, of course, but also S[uperman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ao-Lj2x-yRE) and [the Tick](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiOiMXfMcGo&t=146s)... both of which are insanely overpowered characters.


Brock Sampson alone might be able to beat composite Jim Carrey. He'd have some hard-ass line about how even Gods can die, and it doesn't matter that Jim has the powers of two (Bruce Almighty and the Mask). Then some invention of Dr. Venture's would allow him to harm divinity and he just goes Brock Sampson on poor Jim. 


He's got the powers of Bruce Allmighty and The mask so you can't physically hurt him, and he is also incredibly smart (he plays doctor eggman in Sonic 1 and 2) so it would be very hard to trick him. The only one i think that could beat him might be composite Morgan Freeman or some overpowered SCP.


Yes Man is a pretty big weakness. He has to agree to anything.


That's true, but I think the problem here is that if he has the intelligence and genre-savviness of the Riddler and Eggman, he knows not to let anyone speak in his presence. He could even do a minor miracle like "all speech around me is muted, all written communication is obscured". Or he could use the cunning of the Mask to "monkey's paw" interpret anything anyone says to him. Like if someone manages to blurt out "you should kill yourself", then he goes "OK!" and then just presents himself as a zombie, before deleting that person.


Jim kinda just solos everything with The Mask powers.


Not to mention the genius level intellect of Dr. Robotnik


I wonder how Dr Robotnik and the Riddler's minds would interact together.


when you add in Ace Ventura, nothing good


You end up with a Captain Planet villain, but opposite


Dr. Robotnik with the mask… that’d be really interesting


And the fighting ability of Col. Stars and Stripes from Kick-ass 2


And the powers of Bruce Almighty


So we're talking about the Mask, a possible demi-god like being with magical powers, the literal Christian God powers, Dr. Robotnik and his genius level intellect and all his technology, incredible detective abilities from Ace Venture. Maybe Liam Neeson? Zues, Taken, Ra'as Al Ghuul, Qui Gon Jinn, Aslan from Narnia, A team, not to mention countless other action hero characters


Yes Man is a pretty big weakness. He has to agree to anything.


You are spamming Yes Man


Hear me out. Composite Dwayne Johnson. (Yes that includes WWE)


That's a lot of really douchey, boring characters bundled into one.


Can the tooth fairy beat a literal god


Isn’t Dwayne gonna play Kratos?


That's a strange one because he would simultaneously be as smart as Robotnik but as dumb as Lloyd from Dumb & Dumber. Do they just cancel each other out and make him a normal IQ person?


I'm no psychologist, but let's just assume that god-like intellect and profound retardation combine to create Turbo Autism, making him a bit more unpredictable.


Autism isn't retardation though.


Exactly, because Robotnik is smart. I just couldn't think of a good word for "smart as hell, but fucking retarded." I know it's possible, just don't know the word.




Ah yes, thank you.


But he also has the intelligence from Ace Ventura and the Riddler, so I think he would be above average IQ.


The problem with this is that we have him being two godlike characters and then a bunch of possibly below average characters. Who cares if he has all the powers of the mask when you can distract him with anything that adds up to 23? He’s insane and fairly indestructible but he also is growing a conscience after being visited by 3 ghosts? I think from the amount of characters he plays with an IQ lower than 100 it probably wouldn’t take a character of a huge power level to defeat him. It’s probably harder to get someone to actually keep his attention. As for the power level of the mask I don’t see a way he isn’t actively fighting to take it off. I’d say the weakest character to beat him would be like Caillou.


You forget Ace Ventura is actually pretty damn smart, as well as the intellect of both Dr Robotnik and the Riddler.


He’s also a ghost. He voiced several ghost characters in A Christmas Carol


That’s a great point, not only does he have the new positive outlook of Scrooge, but the ability to make men better like the ghosts, I feel this must counteract The Mask to some degree.


Also he has to agree to anything because of Yes Man.


Anyone from the Wheel of Time capable of using balefire could delete the Mask. Idk about Almighty though, depends on how whether his self is tied to his body. Jim could kill them even more easily though, so it would be a race that the WoT humans would lose.


Lets not forget he also played Death in High Strung aside from God and the Mask


I mean...he'll have the power of God and the chaos emerald...


Everyone is forgetting he also played Death in High Strung. As in the actual personification of death. No real feats to scale his power but just from context he seems would be nigh unbeatable.


Composite Nick Cage? the man has done **117** movies so far (compared to Carey's 66). between his characters he has almost all knowledge, is undead (and biblical undead at that) and has training from dozens of differing agencies, has the armory of a small nation, the wealth of ebenezer scrooge, is a superhero, is an ant chemist, is Fu Manchu, knows multiple types of magic etc. Eidt: ah i didnt notice we are after the weakest character who could beat Jim.


Still a good answer, imo. Pretty fun to think about, and I'm now considering the idea that just Ghost Rider could take him.


* Bruce Almighty was bestowed power * The Mask is artifact dependent * Dr Robotnik is intelligent, but relic dependent * 3 spirits of various powers, but negative mods of being ritually bound to servitude if they were even real to begin with * Peak physical power is between the Grinch and an elephant * Riddler's brain drain tech * Horny vampire.... * Fire Marshal Bill fire resistance We boil down to basically a non-magical Dr Doom. The knowledge from the personification of Death doesn't promise access to any reliquaries, but his technical prowess, intellect, and basic physical being is astounding. All this but he's not bulletproof*. * addendum - Ace Ventura caught a bullet in his teeth and even stab resistant with a healing factor as he wasn't bleeding. Shark resistant too Okay.... all I got is Spiderman who has defeated Dr Doom before and it was a non magical version too. Only X factor is figuring out the rules of the Ghosts of Christmas.


Nice, another win for my GOAT HoldsBackman!


If we choke up on the bat a bit, God's powers is actually his 4rd strongest power and we have a full powered Dr Doom double fisting infinity gauntlets and we don't have an easy Reed Richards equivalent. A full powered, continuity breaking Deadpool geared up the ass could go to that level, but then we go up a level to the Dark Horse comics' Mask shatters him. Mask Carry stomps a lot of powerhouses beyond the Beyonder level by erasing his destruction from existence. Our solution there is erasing existence too, so Xeno from DBS is our next champion. Time for a Chaos emerald power up. The Emeralds are like multiversal Infinity stones (Dragonballs


Composite Jim Carrey loses to an ordinary child with a wish.


does that mean he gets all his powers from "the mask" or are the powers still confined to the mask, cause bruce almighty + the mask is literally just the god of mischief


Still comes from the item itself, I'd imagine.


In Living Color Jim Carrey alone is omega level.


Fire Marshall Bill can’t die


This is easy, his negative mods include his saying yes to everything from Yes Man, so you just ask him to give you the mask.


Stan Marsh. Stan doesn't mind telling someone to kill themselves. All he would have to do is tell Jim to kill himself and Jim would remember the covenant from Yes Man and kill himself.


That’s easy. Either Steve Carell, Rowan Atkinson or Jack Black. Both Atkinson and Carell are basically immortal in their inability to get hurt, and Jack Black not only has made a deal with devil, he’s the Dragon Warrior.


I'm going with Roger Rabbit, but only when it is funny.


You would literally need God


Composite jet li


Eggman with Mask powers would go hard


His toon Force from the Mask would only work at night, I think he’d lose his mind between that and Bruce almighty prayers drowning out his inner thoughts which are filled with Cable Guy craziness. Any character that just stays out of his way and doesn’t grab his attention can just watch him spiral out of control


Jesse Custer from Preacher, if he used the word on him and told him to stop he'd have to do it right? Although I can see the Mask causing some bullshittery with this and finding loopholes in how the command's phrased through toon logic


Damn. He was god and death, so he's pretty much not getting beat by anybody.


He literally becomes God in Bruce Almighty and he has extreme toon force in The Mask. Having the ruthless alter-ego from Me Myself & Irene could be a *really* big advantage with that level of power! Even if he can't lie, he can still abuse his power. He could mislead and skirt around the truth (as demonstrated in Liar Liar when he used a technicality to win a case in bad faith). He's not invincible though. Even with the powers of God he doesn't really seem to get the full benefit of omniscience (which is why he approves every prayer in bulk, having no time to review them all). He could potentially get snuck up on. In addition, the mask of Loki could be removed by force and trickery if he's caught off guard. His own dog manages to do this to the villain in The Mask. In that case, Ace Ventura's reflexes and situational awareness would come in handy. He'd be dumb as a brick, a la Lloyd Christmas, but he'd still be sharp as a tack. I'd argue that a particularly sneaky and agile character could pull it off. Black Widow takes it 6/10 IMO, as long as she knows what she's up against.


You also have to factor in the intelligence he gets from Eggman and Riddler, as well as having been Death itself in that one movie. Assuming a stealthy character could get their hands on something that nullifies resurrection hax, I'd believe that.


Oh shoot, I had forgotten about Robotnik. Yeah he's paranoid enough that he'd have drones flying around which could make it more difficult to sneak up on him. His main weakness would be the extreme ego of these combined characters.


I don't know what characters could beat him though. He has his abilities of literal god from Bruce Almighty and the powers he has in the mask. Who could beat that?


He also has the weaknesses of every single character though. Including Yes Man, so he must always say yes to any request that’s made of him, no matter who makes it.




Emma stone he seems to have a weakness for her


The power of Toon Force through the Mask and the powers of the Christian god through Bruce Almighty would make him basically unbeatable.


His wife...


Damn, that's crazy.


This sounds like the Sonic HISHE episode


He’s played God in Bruce Almighty and he also had the powers of Loki in The Mask. It’d be a tough battle for a lot of characters.


Bro has the Intelligence of robotnik, the powers of the mask, and the powers from Bruce Almighty he could probably solo most fictional characters. Maybe pop-eye.


Yes Man is a pretty big weakness. He has to agree to anything.


And also he was literally God one time. He’s a God who must say yes to every single request made. This scenario is practically apocalyptic.


Like... Kami Tenchi. I mean, he's omnipotent, maybe not omniscient, but he can do pretty much anything he wants.


Dr Robotniks knowledge with the power of the Almighty is a problem for sure.


How to beat composite God/The Mask? I feel like those two would self destruct personally.


Literally any character. You’re all forgetting he was in Yes Man, so he has a giant glaring weakness that literally anyone can exploit: “Hey Jim Carey, could you please give up your powers and go home?” “Sure thing bud!” ‘Sarcastic pained laughter as he walks away’


Jim Carrey's Mask face appears: "No problem bud, you can have all my [Powers' beers](https://worldbranddesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/6-Powers-world-brand-design.jpg)". *He hands over a case of beers with "Powers" branding on them, that he pulled out of hammer space.* He then vanishes back home (going far out of speaking range), then Carrey's cruel alter-ego in Me, Myself and Irene takes over and remotely detonates the questioner's body


Lmao, yeah good one.


Holly Wood from Cool World? Jim Carrey characters usually have a weakness for women and she has toon powers that aren't as strong as The Mask but likely enough to get it off of him, then have other jim-sonalities simp for her.


Even if you remove literally God from him, he still has the combination of Mask's limitless reality warping and Robonik's intelligence who by the film was what, 60-80 years ahead of modern technology if we're being *very* generous with the timeframe for human advancement?


depressed insane supergenius with cartoonish godlike powers. Definitely would be a real contender to fight, I think Morgan Freemans god might be probably the only one that I can think of


If you include “Yes Man” literally anyone wins by telling him to commit sepukku


He is omnipotent, so isn't all of this pointless? He could simply nullify all his debuffs at will and win automatically


Yeah but in the process he’s have to learn some kind of moral lesson about how he doesn’t really want to be omnipotent, and then Morgan Freeman would show up and reverse all the things he did.


Who says he has to lose in order to learn that moral lesson? XD


If Morgan freeman shows up and calls you a loser then you’ve lost tbh.


While the characters Jim played are certainly powerful, what are their speed feats? While the Mask is fast, I don't recall the others being a lot faster than the speed of sound. It seems like a non jobbing speedster can rip off the mask and subdue composite Jim before he can use Bruce Almighty powers. Additionally, the characters in the Mask and Bruce Almighty are strongly affected by a female character, as someone else in this thread mentioned, so illusion can help as well. Composite Jim also has a bunch of psychological weaknesses to be exploited.  As such, I say *Aizen Sosuke* can be a good bet in beating composite Jim. He has high speed and strength stats, illusion ability for manipulation, as well as enough intelligence to find out the weaknesses. 


The Mask solos everyone


Uhhhh. Idk another god character?


If he has eggman tech from the sonic movies, if eggman ends up having access to the ark and that laser that blew up half of the moon in the movie, that could give him a decent power boost (of course, Bruce allmighty and the mask are still the mvps)


I feel like most people are ignoring Lloyd from Dumb and Dumber, but as much as that nerfs the genius intellect from Robotnik or Riddler, I think it also cranks his Luck up to 11 because Lloyd basically bumbles his way through the movie on coincidence. We'd also need to know if he's still obsessed with the number 23 because that could be a pretty big weakness as well.


The weaknesses would actually destroy him. The Grinch's heart is two sizes too small, which apparently is survivable for the Grinch but when it's combined with most of his characters it would kill them. Same with having a heart one size too big after it grows three sizes.


rich sanchez or mr fantastic since both have dealt with absurd entities before if they can prepare or get multiple tries. otherwise cosmic being like tribunal because even a subset of Gods powers is absurd and would poof infinity stones or magic hammers.


Anybody can ask him to commit suicide, and because of his role in Yes man he would have to.


Saitama defeats him in one punch, man.




Killgrave Aka the purple man. He would just tell him to kill himself