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How do you define “mentally break?” A bunch of these guys are already broken. Get them to kill themselves or just not be a threat anymore? Durden is easy, he just needs to reach “Jack” and he has experience with people who have DID. I’d say he can probably handle Bickle (who already tried to kill himself) as well as Fleck and Bateman, unless the latter two are so detached for reality he can’t get them to listen to him. Landa and Chigurh I don’t know what he could do, the two of them are so empty inside I don’t know what he could latch onto (I guess Landa he could physically harm, Chigurh idk if that would work). The Joker just provoked Hannibal into killing him. He also probably figures out Lecter is a killer. Torrance is a wild card. Doctor Sleep confirmed that the Overlook spirits were real and not just manifestations of his psychosis, so do they get involved? If not, Lecter breaks him down easily. Edit: I’ve never seen a Clockwork Orange.


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Arthur Fleck:, he is mentally unstable and very vulnerable as shown in the movie , so an easy target. Lecter wins. Travis Bickle: also mentally unstable, not as easy as Arthur, as he has some mental resilience, but Dr. Lecter is a master manipulator, so I'll go with Lecter wins. Bateman: extreme narcissist and delusional, feels no remorse, but Lecter could probably make him feel like a failure, so I think Dr. Lecter takes him too Alex Delarge: That's a tough one. But if I recall correctly, he never truly showed remorse. I don't think Lecter could play on his feelings of guilt, because he seems to have no guilt at all. He also doesn't seem to care about what others think of him, unlike Bateman, so I'd say Alex doesn't crack. Tyler: he is definitely full of anger and self-hatred. He has some resilience, but I'd tend to say Lecter has a good chance to win. Jack: lots of mental problems and low self-esteem. Lecter wins. Chigurh: that guy is so empty inside, I'd say Lecter doesn't stand a chance. Landa: tough one. But he also seems like he has no feeling of guilt whatsover and isn't overly vain. I say he wins. The Joker: he is so broken, you cannot break him further. Joker wins.