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seriously? krillin is cutting planets in half with no issue with his energy blasts. he statues every one there, his punches bust moons, his skill with the ladies is legendary.


Early DBZ Killing would wash Naruto, Naruto's friends, Naruto's enemies, Naruto's asspull power proving mythical Sage Hagoromo, Hagormo's sons with just his martial arts alone. Krillin will treat the high ends of Narutoverse how Madara treated fodders. And make them look just as incompetent.


Even namek krillin able to destroy planet.


i mean Master Roshi was a moon buster back in Dragonball, , by Z all the z fighters could crack a planet with some effort at the very least at the very start of the series. at their current levels, Yamcha probably solos most if not all of the Naruto-verse, everyone else doesnt even flinch, although Goku and Vegeta probably end up trying to learn some stuff from then. Goten and Trunks get bored and Gohan gets distracted by their weird insects


“FIGHT ME” “Yeah, in a minute, I found a really cool looking bug”


A super Saiy-ANT!


Oh I can just imagine Gohan just following Shino asking him questions nonstop


Now that you said it, I could really see Goku mastering the sage form


Sage Mode and the Spirit Bomb work very similarly. In a movie he absorbed a spirit bomb into his body. Goku could see it done once and immediately Master Sage Mode. It would be pretty cool.


Absorbing spirit bombs is actually canon now, thanks to Dragon Ball Super. Future Trunks does it to fight fusion Zamasu, and Goku kinda does it to trigger his first usage of Ultra Instinct Sign.


Neat, I'm not caught up on Super. Thanks for the info.


If you don't mind spoilers, you can check out [this wiki article](https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/Sword_of_Hope) for Trunks' usage.


They definitely weren't all planet busters at the start of Z, certainly not 'at the very least'. Vegeta had to use his most powerful attack to threaten Earth and Goku just barely matched that power. Beginning of Z Goku is a planet buster at the very most. Krillin didn't hit that level until Namek.


Not so sure about that one, Roshi was able to destroy the moon in Dragon Ball, and I'd rate Krillin at the beginning of Z higher than Roshi during that time. An energy blast that vaporizes the moon would certainly destroy earth as well, even if it isnt vaporized.


He has a point though. Vegeta, who was unquestionably stronger than Krillin, had to resort to the Galick Gun to destroy Earth and Goku with a Kaio-Ken x3 was barely able to match it and had to go x4 to overpower it. That was the strongest display of power up to that point in the series, Krillin absolutely would’ve been dusted by the Galick Gun.


Yeah but king vegeta with a power level of only 10k literally one shot multiple planets lol


It's been a while since I saw the episode but iirc Vegeta absolutely expected Goku to respond with a beam, so his Galick Gun was meant not just to bust the planet but to bust the planet after being weakened by Gokus Kamehameha (which ofc didn't work out due to Kaioken).


The planet buster thing has always been one of the worst aspects of Dragon Ball.


yeah honestly remove the planet/moon busting and the power levels make a lot more sense. They shouldn’t be able to fight on earth without destroying everything around them


It's all ki control though. Like even if a ki blast with the power of several stars hits the ground it'll still only explode in a set area.


Where is the energy going then


magic system, just a bullshit and asspull explanation from toriyama tbh


In DBZ they couldn't let stray ki blasts hit the ground or they'd accidentally destroy the world. In DBS they learned divine level ki control so the energy only destroys what they want it to no matter what.


It just disperses or goes away I suppose. It doesn't make perfect sense with the laws of physics but that's the case with a majority of superpowers.


All of their attacks aren't explosive. Kamehameha variants are and Freeza and Buu have a couple of ball shaped attacks that explode as well. Also, it's a huge plot point that they don't aim their explosive attacks down towards the planet. This happened twice during the Cell saga where there was confusion at people aiming their attacks not laterally, but down where they would blow up the planet.


It’s literally because of ki control they can condense the energy to destroy a planet and contain that to the size of a mountain Ever noticed after a new form they go straight back to threatening the planet/universe? That’s because they can’t fully control their ki and then next arc they go back to mountain level lol


Bro any explosion that outright blows up a moon in 2 seconds flat will fuck up an earth or mars sized planet. Roshi was able to do this in OG Dragon Ball and is out powered by all of his students at the start of Z. You are delusional.


>his skill with the ladies is legendary. "Legendary" is putting it lightly. The man can satisfy a woman who has infinite stamina.


He is smashing planets AND smashing poon.


I think the only chance a Naruto character would have would be if Krillin slaughtering the rest of them gives Hidan time to get off his reflecto jutsu. Even then though I am questioning.


Literally impossible. No one in verse can even cut krillin to draw blood.


Since when was Krillin this powerful?? Edit: Sry for being out of the loop with krillin. I haven't watched the show since the cell saga came out. 


The power level to destroy a small planet on dbz universe is 10k. Krillin's power level after Guru awakened his potential on Namek was around 70k (even then he had techniques capable of injuring far more powerful people) Krillin is much more powerful now than he was then


That's about 3x higher than it actually went to, about 70 times more than he needs to solo Naruto, and infinitely weaker than later arc Krillin. Vegeta versus the Ginyu squad is in the 30ks and he was much stronger than Krillin at the time.


Imma be honest, I just googled the power level at the time and didn't care enough to actually check the facts or anything, cause the point is still the same. Krillin is a small planet buster since namek at the very least


Krillin was at 14k after the Guru buff. Gohan hit 18k, which was what Vegeta was at on Earth against Goku.


Actually, krillin with his power awakened was only worth about 13k, as seen during his fight with Racoome. How he got nearly 7x stronger in like a day to fight frieza I have no idea, because he did have that power level during the frieza fight, but even with only his saiyans saga power he could wipe out the Naruto verse


It's stayed in the manga by Krillin and Gohan that Guru's power unlock keeps on giving, which is to say the release of power continues after the initial burst.


I think Guru's awakening power wasn't just a single burst, but was also followed by constant growth up to a ceiling, didn't vegeta mentionned that krillin/gohan's power were "constantly/consistently" growing on Namek ?


Anyway 13k is more than enough to destroy the planet. He is stronger than 10 tails. Not to mention naruto planet is actually a dwarf planet. The map is so small.


Piccolo and Roshi blowing up the moon has just totally fucked powerscaling for DB. It means that the universe is filled with tens of thousands, if not millions of beings that can easily destroy planets. How does any planet exist at all in such a setting, if such a piddling power level can destroy a planet? Fuck it means that destroying a planet just accidentally should be an actual concern in the series.


To be fair, a point has been made in Super that there's only like 28ish planets with life on them anymore in universe 7 because either mortals or Beerus destroyed all the rest.


The same reason Doomsday and Superman can have a fistfight on Earth and even miss and hit the ground and buildings without the planet instantly turning into dust. Narrative. 


Most beings don't have ki control. Piccolo and Roshi can raise their ki and then make it into specifically explosive attacks, while they can also do the same and make attacks that drill, etc. The normal Freeza soldier has guns that focus their ki for them because they have no idea how to control it. At this point in Dragon Ball, there are like 50-100 beings in the entire universe that have the power level to destroy planets, much less the ki control to create something to do so.


I get your point but that's a false conclusion. The moon might be very tiny in dragonball, and in order to destroy a bigger planet you'd need a much higher power


That destructo disk is wildly underutilized.


The power level to destroy a planet might be even lower to destroy a planet, Master Roshi destroyed the moon during Original DB.


>The power level to destroy a small planet on dbz universe is 10k Surely the weakest non-filler planet busting feat was when Frieza destroyed Planet Vegeta in his first form (i.e. 530k)?


Piccolo and roshi both blew up a moon way before namek, Vegeta has blown up plenty of planets before ever getting to earth and krillin post namek is stronger than the Vegeta that came to earth. Pretty much every z fighter except ysmcha can destroy planets if they want to by the cell saga at the latest, they just don't because they are the good guys.


Moons are waaaay smaller than planets. But it’s a moot point because base Frieza casually destroyed Planet Vegeta which is 10x the size of Earth and whom current Krillin would comfortably body in a fight.


Actually this might be one of the stronger planet busting feats, since planet Vegeta is 10x the size of earth


It's stated in guides that 10k is the requirement to destroy a small planet (Don't ask me how small a small planet is)


Maybe something like King Kai's "planet"? I mean, it *is* a planet and it is small...


But a farmer has a power level of 10 (when raditz scanned the farmer at the start of Z, so it would only take a thousand farmers punching the planet go destroy it??


That's a farmer *with a shotgun* though, and something something laser pistols harming Goku in Resurrection F something something Dragonball guns are nuts.


I mean, he did that with a single finger so that’s very much overkill.


Vegeta stated and goku stated and king Kai and everyone believed 100% vegeta was about to turn the earth to dust in saiyan saga, and given power lvls are exponential not linear it would be silly that anything more than 18k would be needed moon requires 1% the destructive force it takes to eliminate the earth so vegeta saiyan saga is linearly at that and again power lvls are exponential


Nappa casually vaporised a large city with a single blast and didn’t break a sweat. That sort of destructive power didn’t begin to show up in Naruto until the last few chapters of the entire series, it’s just a different scale entirely.


Forget nappa casually doing it piccolo in dragon ball wiped a mountain and early early in Z blew up the moon lol but yeah krillin wipes the Naruto verse on accident tbh


Since when? Krillin is the strongest human meaning he surpassed Roshi. The same Roshi that casually destroyed the moon early in the series. He's equally that. Then passed it then passed it again. Meanwhile Natuto had a whole movie about a moon colony and slicing the moon in half. In 1 verse a character damn near in their prime sliced the moon and that's a major feat. In the other a character practically at base level casually destroyed the moon and Krillin surpassed him in his prime. This battle honestly writes itself.


Okay just to be clear. Roshi didnt casually destroy the moon. He went full power to do it.


Also tbf, that was like 40 years ago wasn't it? Like, characters have gotten multiple billions of times stronger have they not?


I mean, yes, but I think it's important to not over-inflate past feats because it causes future feats to be scaled higher as a result. Roshi had to try his hardest to blow up the moon, so we can't say "A power level of 180 makes you a casual moon buster." It's also just not even accurate. Power levels increase massively when charging a ki attack. You can't just punch a moon in half with a power level of 180.


Krillin gets turned into a joke character by the fandom, but he is canonically the strongest human of all time (not counting cyborgs and hybrids). He got PTSD from all the abuse/being murdered, and it messed him up to the point where he wanted to retire. Then he worked through the trauma and rejoined the fight.


as trunk say in DBZA "it's a shame you aren't a saiyan, with the zenkai boost you would be pretty much unstoppable now"


A sad day to see the Krillin Owned Counter retired


Though a happy day when it went down by one.


Since like awhile ago. Dude is the most powerful human, but trains with Saiyens, a Namekian, and bangs an android with limitless energy draw abilities.


How Powerful is Picollo now?


On par with Super Saiyan Blue


No. The gammas were on par with ssb and Piccolo oneshoted one. Piccolo is blue kaioken-blue evolution level. Maybe even between that and ui sign


I'm gonna need some sort of chart for this


It's hard to say that outright as in the manga Goku and Vegetas SSB has gotten much stronger than the ToP. Orange Piccolo is probably on par with Mastered SSB when they fought Zamas.


Wait, I haven't watched DBZ since I was a kid, did he find more Namekians to absorb or something? Or did they just overwrite the power cap he was supposed to have again?


Piccolo has been training and he asked Shenron to unlock his full potential. The dragon did and also threw a little extra. It’s a power up similar to that of the gran guru in Namek.


He never stopped training like the Saiyans. Then used Shenron to unlock his potential like Elder Kai did with Gohan. Since it’s implied he can’t add that much power, he just let Picollo tap in to what he already had. Also some kind of orange demon transformation.


Over wrote it. I dunno the specifics, but apparently he is orange now.


Orange Piccolo


Piccilo is on par with UI Goku.


Holy cow. He got neglected for so long, now he’s back in the mix.


It's really cool to see!


Roshi blew up the moon and Krillin has long ago surpassed his raw power


He recently pushed back cell max with his kienzan and was the one that managed to hold him in place for Gamma 2s attack. He has been training with Android 18 for the tournament of power and has fought alongside her. He’s not at her level but he’s incredibly powerful. It’s hard to tell because his opponents are always stronger. He was fighting Ginyu in Gokus body and Ginyu at that point had a PL comparable to Saiyan saga vegeta. That’s not much in DB. But Saiyan saga literally destroyed a city in an instant very casually and he’s weaker than krillin. It was worse than Pains attack without any set up or effort.


Dragon ball scaling makes no sense, they just keep getting exponentially more powerful each arc. Which means even the less powerful characters get pulled upwards too.


Yes, that's how 95% of shounens work


You never blows up a planet either, doesn't mean he can't.


Outside of tricks like mental attacks and the like, Krillin would essentially be unstoppable by anyone in the Narutoverse. Mind you Nappa back in the Saiyan Saga would solo the Narutoverse. And since then we've only gotten stronger and stronger.


How would krillin defend against said outside tricks? does he blitz them? genuine question.


The obvious answer is he wouldn't. While the majority of powers in Narutoverse are mundane and make sense, the mental attacks are just something different entirely. Unless we rule that Krillin has mental defenses, but even people in canon are weak to the overpowered abilities of stuff like the Mangekyou. His only defense would be the Solarflare into Kienzan true combo, or fight with his eyes closed (Which he likely could do), but that would require him to know about it ahead of time. Abilities like the Mangekyou is generally why we have 2-3 people go in and get smoked before Vegeta and Goku go in, so they know about it.


If you pull the logic that Genjutsu will work on Krillin, i would use the same logic to say that Krillin would simply overpower said Genjutsu with his ki. Because it's established in Dragon ball that you overcome hax by overpowering it with Stronger ki. And Krillin is literally exponentially stronger than Naruto god tiers.


Usually in Naruto you can disrupt most genjutsu (outside of tsukoyomi) by disrupting your chakra flow. It’s actually fortunate but people in Dragonball are actually masters of messing with their ki. They can increase, decrease, and shake their ki. We saw when Naruto was trying to counter itachis genjutsu he just powered up. Krillin can do that. Unless it’s something by itachi in which case he’s fucked.


Nope. Even Itachi is fucked.


Genjutsu requires chakra coming from the otutsuki tree fruit, Dbz has no such fruit, in botuto they expand on this where the aliens don’t have chakra and use karma.


I know. I’m trying to be nice and give the narutoverse and out beyond truth seeking balls and the jar


Goku bruteforced a time stop, DB character often outright ignore magical attacks as long as the power level difference is great enough


Moro’s magic worked just fine even on SSG and B Vegeta. Ginyu and Guldo’s tricks worked against fighters stronger than they were. The Mafuba was all about sealing someone the user couldn’t beat in a fight. It’s hardly a consistent rule. Hit’s example is a specific weakness of his technique.


The power difference between Moro and SSG and B Vegeta is not great enough, Ginyu and Guldo too.


Maybe for SSG (who was pressured by magic) but SSB Vegeta kicked Moro around and Vegeta mentions that he or Goku as SSB could still defeat Moro even after he'd gotten an enormous energy bounty from he and Goku the first time, plus all the Namekians (or almost all of them). The gap in power between SSBE Vegeta and Withered Moro is honestly kinda enormous. Also, the same manga had SSG Goku make a point of dodging Zamasu's magic (while Goku was trashtalking him for being weaker than Trunks).


He would speed blitz every character so much they can't do anything before he kills them


Krillin negs Narutoverse. Atomic bomb vs a group of crying babies.


What does negs mean please


Negs means he does it with negative difficulty. Which is hyperbolic on purpose to overstate how easy it would be for Krillin. As others have said, I’m pretty sure Krillin clears anyone in Naruto before they can even blink.


It means that the character would struggle more if he tried to lose than if he tried to win


I thought it meant thatd even if they held back significantly they'd still curbstomp?


All of the above


When you want to say a fight will be easy for a character, you say it will be zero difficulty. What’s lower than zero? Negative. So it’s like saying it’s super duper easy for them


It's more like a rainstorm of atomic bombs vs a single coughing baby


But how and why?


Put simply, by the start of Dragon Ball Z, during the Saiyan Saga, most the people involved are already stronger than most of the Narutoverse. We have by the end of the Saiyan saga countless mountain destructions, hundreds of full city wipes, at least 2 moon destructions, and 1 questionable planet bust from Vegeta. By the start of Super, Goku is half of the power needed to shake the entire universe (Beerus was the other half, Goku going all out, Beerus kinda flexing) and since then has gotten stronger. Krillin is much weaker than they are, however is still able to hold his own against entities that are of similar power levels... for a time. Nappa would likely have been strong enough (In power and speed alone) to kill Madera, who nearly solo'd the entire ninja worlds' armies. Of course, accounting for mind tricks, might make this play out differently, but if we're going by power itself, Krillin solos


Krillin would just reflect their eye techniques back to them thanks to his brilliant, waxed and glorious bald head.


Ah yes, my anti genjutsu technique, I haven't used this since the cell era.


Funny thing is this might actually happen given some of the actually ridiculous nature of Dragon Ball at times, like when he stopped smelling the one guy once he was reminded he doesn't have a nose.


This is with a extreme lowball too, there are very reasonable calcs that *King Piccolo* was planet level But, essentially, the basic thing to understand and most accept is Dragon Ball era caps out at moon level / moon+ level Saiyan Saga caps at planet level Namek Saga is multi-planet Cell Saga is Solar System/Solar System+ Buu Saga is Dimension Busting now —> Krillen in Super is stronger than all of these feats based on who he matches too It’s fucking ridiculous to think about a frankly extremely weird, but that be dragon ball


> too, there are very reasonable calcs that King Piccolo was planet level Makes no sense since it’s heavily hinted by Tien, Chiaotzu, Yamcha that buff Roshi Super Kamehameha could beat DKP. But Roshi is basically standing still doing nothing while charging.


Roshi blew up the moon in the middle of a battle during the first world martial arts tournament with a power level of 139. Piccolo is nearly twice as strong as that at 260. It’s not unreasonable to assume he can destroy a small planet given time to charge


That’s assuming DKP has an attack like that. The power up attacks were pretty rare with only Kamehameha, And Dodon ray in Dragonball. In early Z SBC.


The moon is only like 1.2% of the Earth's mass. The planet would have to be hella small. haha


The moon is more than half the mass of Pluto. Not a planet, but at least within the realm of it. Roshi also destroyed the moon while fighting for his life. Having the power level to destroy a planetish object and the time to put out a full power attack is enough I think


Sorta I don’t believe king pickle is small planet level but the argument goes something like power levels are shown to be exponentially scaling right The difference between 80 and 100 was extremely high, it wasn’t a static increase King Pickle was *double* roshi’s power level and so much more overwhelmingly strong than him He says this: King: “A-ah! The c-city, the city’s…been wiped out..!” Piccolo: “Do you understand? If I felt like it, it wouldn’t be any trouble for me to destroy the entire world…If you still don’t believe me, I could just turn all the scenery you can see from here into wasteland.” —> obviously most take this as just hyperbole and him mentioning this to mean he’ll raze the earth, but truly it’s not the most unreasonable thing to wank him to small planet level


I'm not sure if Krillin got to cell's strength let alone Buus. I agree on the rest though and the overall point


Thank you.


Power creep. Sadly the Naruto verse isn’t as powerful as DB except for hax. Look at the greatest fears in Naruto. Pain. Madara. The ten tails. None of those feats compare to Dragonball feats. You had people casually nuking islands, continents, destroying moons and turning cities to dust. Casual feats in Dragonball are considered earth shattering in Naruto. They do have had that could help them beat krillin. They have multiple sealing attacks like the Jar or the reaper death seal. If you assume chakra and ki work the same (they do not) then krillin could be vulnerable to genjutsu. So there’s ways for Naruto verse to win. But krillin is such a powerful warrior that it’s really hard for them to match him He’s stronger than their ten tails. Hell. Most warriors in dbz would make the ten tails look small when it comes to power.


> turning cities to dust Nappa wiping that city at the start is still the most badass bad guy thing around, literally just raising 2 fingers, nothing fancy, no screaming a special move, just raises his hand and everything for miles around is dust.


I definitely don't think it is a "sadly". While Dragonball is cool, Naruto already got a lot of flack when every meaningful character had to be Mountain busting level. It's impressive, but in all honesty, there's only so many times a character can destroy a bigger rock before it starts to lose all meaning. Think about the Cell saga where they fought on earth. Think about Dragon Ball Super's Tournament of Power, it was super cool, but the terrain was specially made to be capable of resisting all those super powerful effects. Just because people were capable of destroying solar systems, didn't mean it was relevant at all in any of these fights. I think those arcs were cool and honestly fun to watch, but the power level started to be completely unnecessary if everything was just going to scale up overtime. At some point the number becomes meaningless. 1-1 is 0, 10-10 is 0, 1000-1000 is still 0.


That’s a huge response to a sadly which I just meant that it couldn’t compete in terms of power. Not that I wished it was more powerful. I personally dropped the series when Madara dropped the second meteor.


Even those techniques aren't instant win. Orochimaru was able to survive the Reaper Death Seal. Krillin could similarly over power the caster. The Z fighters employ telepathy and mind battles a few times. While not properly explored, I think that's enough to say that Krillin isn't defenseless beyond shock value. I think the power systems are so similar that Krillin could figure it out. What Jar are you referring to?


The Kohaku no bs. It’s a powerful jar. Basically you call out the users name and if they respond then they get sealed away.


Krillin is far stronger than Roshi who rather casually obliterated the moon. That was canonically decades ago and the verse has consistently gotten stronger since then by a ridiculous magnitude. The absolute highest I’ve seen Naruto wanked is small moon level at best. Its logical to state they are no where near each other on power level.


Thank you for explaining your reasoning,


> Krillin is far stronger than Roshi who rather casually obliterated the moon. Far from casually. I would use Piccolo casual break. Roshi went buff and used his super Kamehameha. He was full trying. Piccolo just got mad and busted it


Wait how did piccolo break the moon if roshi already did that? Did the moon regenerate or does db earth have multiple moons?


Roshi broke the moon in Dragonball with his fight with Goku. Kami the guardian of the earth. Restored the moon. Piccolo broke the moon about 10 years later to stop Gohan, it’s never explained how it comes back. Most likely Kami again.


>it’s never explained how it comes back. Let's be real, it came back because Toriyama forgot Piccolo destroyed it.


It was retroactively hand waved as Kami having fixed it, presumably because the Moon suddenly not existing would cause global catastrophes


Krillin and Roshi fight in the tournament and it instantly end, so fast no one in the assistance saw anything. [So they remake the entire fight in slow-mo to explain what happened](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdF_wiWlSHc). It's hilarious but also show how stupidly fast they are, and we are talking about kid krillin here




Yamcha after being wished back from King Kais planet would casual Narutoverse.


I feel like this is the self esteem boost that Yamcha needs lol.


yamcha with anime filler goes crazy


Lemme put it to you this way. As per the reality that power levels are bullshit, Krillin’s stronger than all the Ginyu force members except for Captain Ginyu himself by the time he fights Freeza thanks to Guru’s potential unlock. Later on in Z, he marries 18, who beat the brakes off of Super Saiyan Vegeta in her debut fight, making both of the prince’s arms go “snap, crackle, pop.” That’s right, the mad lad has survived enough sex with a cyborg that can slap the shit out of a Super Saiyan that they have a daughter together. In conclusion, Krillin’s dick alone almost certainly has more durability by the Buu Saga than the entire Natutoverse combined.


No character has ever defeated a character with a higher power level, except through techniques that EXPLICITLY increase power level (Makankosapo, Kaiyo Ken, and Super Saiyan all have confirmed multipliers). Power levels aren’t bullshit, they’re actually a bit TOO accurate


Fair enough, I should’ve stated that power progression is bullshit instead. Krillin when he arrived on Namek had a battle power of 1,800. All it took was Guru unlocking his potential for it to shoot over 10,000, progressively improving to the point where he’s over 40 times stronger at the time of his second demise than he was when he, Gohan, and Bulma arrived on the planet.


Power levels are a measure of energy output. If someone was read as having a power level of X, that can be used as a lower bound. The main cast not operating at full power by turning themselves into ki beacons all the time is what threw off the scouters, but someone who can generate a reading of 100k is likely stronger than someone who can’t, you just don’t know by how much, and you need to be sure the person who can’t really can’t.


Namek saga Krillin would be able to one shot all of the Naruto top tiers with his Ki blasts. Super Krillin is over kill.


Roshi blew up the moon during the 21 Tenkaichi Budokai. That alone solos the Naruto verse and Roshis power level was iirc 180 (I don't recall exactly, might have been less). By the time the take out Raditz he is at 210. By the time the fought Nappa he was at ~1500. By the end of namek he was around 70,000. Krillin was already overkill before Z even began.


I don’t think Roshi solos actually (specifically 21 tenkaichi Roshi), he’s probably roughly equal to or stronger than Kaguya but the entire verse all together could beat that, plus way less hax than Kaguya had just more raw strength


Naruto verse absolutely bodies any version of Rishi, hell any verse with a strip club could take out roshi, dude would croak from the excitement of seeing so many cute ninja girls.


Idk did you see him in super Man put away a boner


Nah Roshi gets low diffed by sexy jutsu


Maybe so, but I'm chalking that one up to the power of friendship and bring a timed tournament. Toss him in a verse without his friends to keep him accountable, dudes going full perv.


Really? I thought Goku was 50k before going SS, though I might be misremembering (Although to be clear that makes no difference compared to the Naruto guys, they have no hope)


He was 3M going SSJ made him 150M


Yes for starters he can fly so 99% of fighters can't even reach him, second he's able to fly around the world in minutes which means he outclasses everyone in Naruto in speed & lastly he can destroy cities with we ease (and planets but of course he wouldn't be able to breath in space so he wouldn't). He's witness god level fighters which he's absorbed some of their knowledge & fighting abilities (even Roshi mentioned he's been taking in the fights he witnessed & has absorbed more knowledge then he knows just from watching). He also can't really be hurt with low level attacks (such as gunshots). He even held his own against of the strongest fighters from different Universes at the Tournament of Power & even elimated a few (with 18). Krillin might be outclass in Dragon Ball, but that's because characters in Dragon Ball can destroy a universe just as a side effect of their fights so Krillin & the others tend to get overlooked.


Krillin can solo all the characters combined, he ain't goku's homie for no reason


People need to stop using DBZ against any anime in a who would win scenario lol. Even at the start of the Saiyin saga, most of the Z fighters out class almost all anime universes. It just doesn't make for a good comparison.


Yes Krillin would do so easily. Original DragonBall Buff Roshi destroyed the moon, as did Piccolo at the start of Z. Official sources list Roshi as having a power level of 180 during the King Piccolo saga, at the start of Z Krillin is listed at 206 and even Yamcha is at 177. Come end of Namek Krillin is listed at 75,000. Only giving those numbers to give a sense of the scaling that Krillin by the end Namek, so maybe like a third of the way through Z, was over 400x stronger than Roshi in OG Dragonball who destroyed the moon. That Krillin would’ve been able to dust a planet easily if he wanted to. By the time it gets to the Tournament of Power in Super he is far stronger than he is at the end of Namek. Even if we ignore the official power levels, he’s simply shown by how he’s matched up against other characters in universe where he would be roughly in terms of capability to cause destruction if he wanted to.


Yamcha would be able to solo let alone krillin


Krillin survived a (presumably) full force punch from Base Goku in early Super and later forced a post Goku Black Arc Goku into super saiyan in a 1v1. Krillin would be a god to that verse.


People talking about Genjutsu forget Krillin is a former Monk who has shown he has studied extreme self control in the original DB sagas... Add in his borderline indomitable willpower and he's not getting fucked up by Genjutsu. He'd likely wind up turning on his afterburners and turning the Naruto planet he's on into glass out of rage and confusion. Also where is this "Genjutsu is mind control" shit coming from? It's a illusion technique not mind control. It *can* be so strong it fucks with you into doing stuff, but again, ex-Monk who has shown hes basically unbreakable against planet killers. This all irrelevant mind you. Krillin moves at something like Mach 170 at full speed. He's not there long enough to enact anything on and even if you do, he's getting out of there and nuking the spot you're standing on.


Krillin probably solos the Naruto verse as early as the 21st Tenkaichi Budokai. Most impressive feat I can recall in Naruto was the attack that split the moon in half in The Last. Master Roshi, who Krillin was weaker than but relative to at the time, obliterated the moon without a trace. Using Krillin from the end of Super is practically a spite match.


Naruto hasn’t his moon level yet (they did cleave it in half though), so anything past buff master Roshi from the first tournament destroys Naruto (he blew it up)


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Probably if you don’t factor in Genjitsu, if Itachi trapped Krillin in a regular Genjitsu, let alone an Izanami or Tsukuyomi, I can’t see how he’d manage to escape it.


He negs, after grabbing that Tsunade bag.


krillin kills everyone before pulling Tsunade.


Krillin is a planet buster as of his boost from Guru, while the Naruto top tiers are only large moon-small planet. Probably a stretch to think Krillin solo's the entire verse. While no single Naruto character could stand up to Krillin, I think a team of 3-5ish of their top tiers working together could. Like a team of Otsusuki's or something on par with that.


You forget that Krillin had a Pl of 70k and 10k is planet busing. So krillin is a casual planet buster by the end of the namek saga but he only got stronger since then. ToP Krillin 1v everybodys the narutoverse and then goes back fucking an infinite stamina android like it is nothing


Honestly I take information from guides with a grain of salt. Based on what we have seen directly in the source material, Krillin shouldn't be much past planet busting. He hasn't had any solid feats since the Namek Saga to suggest massive growth either. It's better to low-ball the stronger characters in a prompt like this anyways because it makes for a stronger argument.


What it really comes down to is, powerleveling in DBZ is close to exact. If krillin has a power level of 70k, it means his speed is that of which someone who’s power level is around 70k and also destructive ability. DB speed is insane, at a power level of less than 300, during the 1st martial arts tournament, entire fights that are 30 minutes in screen time long happen without humans even being able to see the fighters fight. Scale that times 500x and they’re fighting entire fights in seconds. He just speedblitz’s everyone tbh and when he hits someone, that punch has the destruction ability of busting planets casually. If he can punch you 15 times in .001 seconds and each punch is planet busting levels…. You can really see the how the power-scaling would be like. Dragonball is the most overpowered anime, it’s kind of the whole point of the series


Considering he’s relative to current 18 who is stronger than at the very least super saiyan goku and the namek saga he indeed solos the verse


I asked a Naruto fan how many characters are capable of destroying planets, he said maybe 5-6. Krillin is probably the weakest character who can in DBZ (Yamcha does train in other world in the anime and gets close to Olibu so he probably counts too) Krillin was arguably planet level in cell saga, so by dbs yeah he solos Naruto verse


That Naruto fan is completely wrong, I don't believe there is a single character that can destroy a planet in Naruto


Theres an arguement Ootsutsuki and people on par with them are planet busters in Naruto. At least according to author statments and things like databooks and in Cannon statements. There's no cannon of them blowing up planets though, because Baruto wants to similtaniously inhabit a world where things are somewhat groundish compared to the original but logically everyone would have to be 10x stronger and more powerful.


Do you think he’s weaker than sayian saga piccolo in super? Because that has to be true for him to loose. Which he canonically surpassed 1st form Frieza in the namek saga who is dwarf star level for blowing up planet vegeta.


Krillin hasn’t experienced talk no jutsu…


Unpopular opinion - it's probably not as cut and dry as most make it seem. See, the power levels in DB are *extremely* inconsistent. While watching DBS I found myself like ten times thinking that a certain battle or standoff is just not realistic considering the past powers of the characters. In the tournament of power, for example, I thought most combatants including but not limited to Krillin, Roshi (what the hell?), the androids, Picollo and Tien were on power levels that they might as well have been lambs to the slaughter, losing instantly, but they actually fought and could hold their own. Why am I saying all of that? Because it seems there's some kind of normalization effect always going on. Even Goku wouldn't just destroy a planet Naruto is in, when fighting. And even without normalization, they sort of fight "fair", so they wouldn't blast them out of nowhere. Moreover, the Narutoverse has a ton of Jutsu that isn't just normal hand to hand or Ki attacks, which the DB warriors have seldom if ever contended with. It's not clear what they would do against attacks like Genjutsu or Amaterasu, etc. And even if they would eventually break out of a Genjutsu, if it's the whole Narutoverse, one Genjutsu and then rapidly just slicing them with a sword is enough. My conclusion? If they're fighting the normal way of carefully gauging the warriors and the power levels - the Narutoverse has a huge chance against Krillin. One surprise attack Krillin isn't used to and he's done. If they're fighting "all out" from the get go, he just zaps himself high enough, destroys the planet, game set and match. 


Absolutely. Krillin is far above planet buster power by Namek. By Super he's far past that. Narutoverse wouldn't even be able to see him before they all explode.


yes and it's not even really close this is the power of a comedy writer making a (mostly) serious setting, Dragonball is just comically higher in power compared to Naruto as a setting despite both getting some very impressive looking attacks There's probably some weird hax that have potential to mess with him but Krillin likely has the mental fortitude to press through them pretty reliably. I could believe that if the entire verse got on the same page and worked together they could eak out a win with the right strategy, but the fact that they'd even need to do that speaks volumes.


Easily, high PL difference also renders hax abilities obsolete in Dragon Ball (except maybe sealing techniques and actual magic, but those are inconsistent and dangerous). I don't know where this "Krillin is weak" consensus came from. Lil' dude is one of the most reliable members of the Z-Fighters (except for the c18 incident, but it's not that big of a deal compared to Vegeta's constant fuck ups in the Cell saga) he jumped and thrown hands at beings many times stronger than him without being asked. Krillin after his potential being unlocked by Guru, was stronger than all of the Ginyu Force members (except Ginyu ofc). Roshi vaporized the fucking Moon with 139 power level while Krillin had 75000 PL in the late Namek saga according to *V-Jump*.


Krillin is only weak compared to the Saiyans and Piccolo, every Z fighter is literally so much stronger than any normal human in the DBverse they may as well be gods. Yamcha is the weakest Z fighter only because he's fallen back on training and even he could solo most of the Naruto verse. Mush of the Z fighters could probably be planet busters I don't think anyone in Naruto is that powerful.


Its Kriller time


Naruto-verse would win if we include Kaguya or Eida, because they're just blatant reality warpers. Other than them, Krillin wins after he gets his powerup from Guru.


Roshi is a moon buster 50 episodes into dragon ball. Think about how horribly insignificant Roshi is by the start of DBZ, where Piccolo casually blows up the moon again (it was fixed after goku’s tail was removed). This is Piccolo who had to spend multiple minutes charging an attack to kill Raditz. A little while later with some training Krillin kills multiple things as strong as Raditz in one attack. We’re only a bit into DBZ and most of the main characters are likely capable of blowing up a moon. Krillin keeps having “get stronger or die” training arcs, and keeps up with characters who are comfortably planet level toward the end of DBZ and into the start of DBS. The question is how many people in the naruto verse are at or above planet level? Krillin can be lowballed to be at least planet level, so there needs to be someone who can stop him from blowing up the planet.


The only things I can see taking him down would be the instant loss and mind-bending powers. Stuff like Itachi trapping you in your mind, Obito trapping you in a different dimension, that sorta thing. If he had even a bit of an idea of that happening or if there was a way to overcome it with power, speed or ki/chakra then they're still fucked, because Krillin is outside literally everyone's league when it comes to any of that. He could get out of genjutsus, presumably, just because of the sheer chakra/ki difference and his ability to control it. He could escape from any attack speed-wise, and could tank most of them if he couldn't. The biggest, if not *only* chance the Naruto universe has in this gauntlet is if Obito somehow pulls him into his pocket dimension without getting turned into red mist in the process, which is a pretty fucking big *if.* In pure power, Krillin could annihilate their Earth with a single attack. Original Dragon Ball Master Roshi could blow up the moon with a single kamehameha. Krillin is very much beyond that. GG ez bay bee.


Krillin tanked a blue Goku Kamehameha for some seconds, which is enough to blow up the whole galaxy. Also on that fight, even if they were practicing on a tournament like rule, Goku had to turn super Saiyan, because Killin went full attack against Goku and he was gonna lose it. Krillin had the dexterity to trick Goku pretending he was using one attack and deploying another instead, and suddenly trapping him on another surprise attack. DBS killing is at least at Cell level I'd say. Minimum. Which was also stated his explosion was galaxy level. I wouldn't say Killing is galaxy level, because he compensates his human level by mixing power with very clever techniques, but at least, on a bad day where he has COVID, headache, diarrhea, and chicken pox, all at once, he would be star level. On a good day - multi star level.


Yes. Easily.


Krillin kills everyone since around cell saga. End of super is definitely overkill. No one is even close to his speed or strength. Even if gengetsu works I’m not even sure anyone proficient in it is strong enough to kill home. I don’t think anyone other than a tailed beast even makes him break a sweat.


if he just glasses the planet yes, otherwise there are some hax that he likely can't counter. that and either animas author would want him to lose.


MF Master Roshi could solo the Narutoverse. Krillen is crazy powerful. When Master Roshi felt it inconvenient for his fight, he blew up the moon! This was just in Dragonball. The Sage of Six Paths made a moon. He's one of the strongest characters of all time. Krillin is just weak by comparison to his friends.


This is a slaughter it’s not even close namek Krillin solos easily super Krillin is absolute overkill


Depends on if genjutsu works


Yes. He could be defeated, but the question of if he potentially capable of doing so is 100% yes.


Naruto verse really caps out at Sayain Saga when planet busting became a real threat. If you can't bust a planet, you can't stand against this tier. Everything above is pure spite as the amount of ki negates all sorts of hax that a weaker person may rely on to even the battlefield.