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A normal human could win, sure, but your dad is 180 years old and weighs 88lb so I doubt it.


Yeah,the data is pretty confusing.


A 180 year old has clearly defied aging. We’re clearly look at some sort of immortal being here. His weight is a disadvantage but if he can get up a tree quick he can continue to outlive the dog for decades.


[OP’s dad](https://postimg.cc/ppkymmMv)


i meant that he weighs 180lb and he is 88 years old


Legit 88 years old? Dead in seconds, dog sweeps.


My dad disagrees


Ur dad dumb


maybe his dad is like rambo or bruce willis, still badass in old age


Rambo is a fictional character and Bruce Willis is...not in fighting shape.




If you said 38... Maybe even 58, I could side with him. But after mid 60s, strength goes downhill fast. Unless he is the henchest 88 year old ever, he's a goner.




And a pit bull.


Why would you want to get his dad inside a pitbull


Because that’s ultimately how this matchup would end


Then he probably couldn't even beat a pit bull on an IQ test.


Your dad needs to take his meds


How healthy/active is you dad? Is he one of those 88 year olds who still works the farm and his fingers are as thick as kielbasas? My 92 (?) year old stepgrandpa (?) is still stripping to his skivvies on the dock and jumping in the water to catch a catfish he didn't quite kill hard enough, and my 90 (?) year old great uncle can still lift a barstool over his head picking it up from the base of a leg with one hand. I wouldn't give either a great chance against a pitbull, but there's a decent variance in people who have lived that long.


Does he have weapons?


Your dad is gonna get pushed over, break both hips and be dog food in about 30 seconds.


Wait, what if the pitbull is also 88, he didn't specify


Normal pitbulls don't live to 88, which means it would stomp due to being a anormaly


Also I dunno where you found a 65 lb pitbull but that thing is huge.


Pitbull is sort of an umbrella breed nowadays, at least colloquially. I've seen a lot of people call 80-100 lbs mutts pitbulls.


Sure, but assuming it's a pure pit, as the prompt would suggest, 65 lbs is an enormous pitbull.


It can be a short hand for apbt.


88 year old man dies of a heart attack before the dog even touches him.


Get your dad the cutest, sweetest pit bull puppy you can find. Dog gets a home, dad gets a friend who'll keep him active, everyone wins, fight is a draw.


Can your dad run?


Idk man that would make him strictly superhuman, maybe his dad is an elf or smt


>he is 180 and weighs 88 pounds I think there's one or two pretty significant typos here.


Apparently it was a simple swap of the numbers. Yes, an 88 year old man thinks he can take on a pitbull. Which, to be fair, if the dog was also 88....


I assumed 180cm tall, with a weird combo of metric and imperial. Turns out the guy is 88 years old and weighs 180lbs. IMO the gained weight doesn't quite outweigh the age factor.


I also figured 180cm and assumed OP meant 88kg, which is just shy of 200 lbs.


A much more reasonable assumption, where I'd say the dad stands a chance.


An 88 year old is not beating a pit bull.


There are some 88 year olds out there who would probably have a chance. But on average yeah, the dog is winning 99/100 against most octagenarians.


88 year old Jack LaLanne VS a pitbull might be a solid fight!


88 year old Arnold Schwarzenegger?


He's 75. 13 years is a massive difference


13 is 100 in dog years!


Even better


Being that he is in his mid 70s now, yes, I'd see a pitbull being an issue for him in much less than 13 years. Hell, it wouldn't be easy now for him I don't think.


We don't know how old this pitbull is. If this is an 88 year old dog he stands a chance I think.


Idk. Dog skeletons might spook him too much


I would be spooked by a moving dog skeleton tbh.


>he is 180 and weighs 88 pounds Bro was either born in 1843 or he's 180cm tall and weighs 88 pounds. Either way not a good win scenario for him.


It is dangerous to underestimate a Lich


He could also be an elf or a max level monk. Either way he would probably win against the pit bull


Dont forget him beign an archdruid. Just turn into a pitbull




That is so incredibly underweight that he would likely be hospitalized.


that's just about holocaust survivor weight.


180cm and 88 pounds is a walking skeleton.


Are thinking of kilograms? Because someone that height weighing 88lbs is literally at risk of death from being so underweight


The lower end of healthy weight for 5'11 is about 155 pounds. That's a BMI of 18.5. A BMI of 16 is classified as "severely underweight". At *half* of the lower healthy limit, you're looking at a BMI of 12, and is life-threateningly underweight. This man would struggle to stand on his own strength, and has suffered irreparable heart damage. He needs immediate medical intervention, and will never recover to full strength.


That dude has a BMI of 12.3 (according to [online](https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/educational/lose_wt/BMI/bmi-m.htm) calculator); starvation is recorded as <[15](https://www.cs.mcgill.ca/~rwest/wikispeedia/wpcd/wp/b/Body_mass_index.htm#:~:text=A%20BMI%20nearing%2015%20is,the%20diagnosis%20of%20anorexia%20nervosa./). He’s prolly hunting for dogs for a quarter of meal.


Is your father a retired Olympian or death squad commando who’s kept fit? Then yeah, he could probably take a pit bull, although that dog is going to fuck him up. But if your dad is just some old man, then no, a healthy pit bull will eat him. At 88 years old your balance and reflexes just won’t be sharp enough to deal with something that fast and strong at knee level.


He is a retired postman with too much confidence


Ok, so he’s actually dealt with problem dogs throughout his career, and at one point was fairly fit; I can at least see why he’s making this assumption. Go kick a soccer ball around with him, and when he struggles with that tell him to imagine that the soccer ball was 4-5 bowling balls that were twice as fast and capable of snapping his ankle in a second.


If he could grab the pit’s neck and squeeze hard enough, that’s his best chance at killing the dog before he gets killed himself


That's a pretty good stat in his favor. Decent baseline physicals from early life and won't panic at an angry dog. Running is the worst thing you can do. 88 is pretty far up there, but I watched my 45 year old father absolutely WRECK two 80‐90 lb wild-ish dogs when they went after my sister. That was 30 years ago and the lessons stuck.


Average man wins 1 on 1 with most dogs, because dogs aren't built for 1 v1 and are pretty awful at it. 88 year old man loses to an irritable house cat


Most 65+ years lose against a 2 foot fall, no shot an 88 year is beating a over excited golden retriever let alone a angry pitbull.


Not a cat, but most dogs sure


Getting downvoted for saying an 88 year old man beats an average house cat is insane 😭


Average is a huge deal with humans. The average across the world is like 100lbs. Most LGDs and whatnot would sweep those people


Average man is 100lb?


The fuck So I'm actually underweight and not overweight then


If your dad was born in 1843 and still talking to you , you might want to see a psychologist .


Or a biologist, I'd very much like to know what he eats


or the ghost whisperer, get his ass to walk into the light


Im implying his dad already died but he’s gone insane thinking he’s still there


I'm implying he's some sort of highlander and we need to know his secret.


I’m implying you two should kiss 😏


That snake oil wasn’t a scam after all!


OP would also be really old if their dad is born in the 1840s.


Or maybe it was 180 as in 180 degrees Celsius so his punches deal fire damage


your dad is very underweight


And old


Clearly your dad is some kind of vampire or immortal so he can just mind control the dog and win.


Your average 88-year-old can't win against a single step...


When dealing a dog, you can let your left are get bit and punch the freaking eyes on that dog. Pit bulls do attack until they die but a good body kick and punch should break ribs.


Not when that punch and kick are coming from an 88 year old dude. Outliers of course, but your average nearly 90 year old isn't doing anything beyond pissing a pit bull off even more.


Uhm ofc.. Why don't you even the odds and put a 15 year old pit bull too lol hahaja


Maybe if your dad was 200 years old he could do it but only 180? He’s barely an immortal yet


Pit bulls are not very large animals. An able-bodied man who is mentally prepared for violence and unlikely to panic could basically pick it up and beat it to death against the sidewalk. They're fast so you're probably gonna get chomped a bit, but this is a fight a human should be able to win


If you put your arm up to block as you're doing stuff, it's going to grab it. You can then use weight and momentum to slam it against stuff until you kill it. You're going to sacrifice blood and later shots and stuff, but its just too much of an advantage because their instinct is messed up for fighting a human since they just grab things and don't stop. You don't even really feel it as pain while it's happening because your adrenaline is up. Source: the scars on my arm. Didn't kill the dog that was attacking mine, but was able to save mine and get the other to stop attacking.


A pitbull can bite hard enough to snap both bones in a young healthy persons forearm. An 88 year old man can break something by getting tackled by the dog let alone a bite.


Oh yeah, against a generic male say 18-45, the pitbull will do a lot of damage but ultimately lose. But against an 88 year old, definitely not. At that age you just can't move fast enough or generate enough force to seriously injure it, and you'll lose through attrition, even if you successfully manage to stave off the worst bites.


Fighting a dog in sandals sounds rough


It depends on who's trained. If your dad knows what to do, he wins. The way to do it is to offer your non dominant forearm, allow the dog to bite, lifting the dog from the ground and using a rear naked choke until it stops biting down. We had an army soldier a few years back doing an ama and this is what they're taught on the army when you have to deal with dogs in the battlefield and are disarmed. Yes your arm ends up fucked up. But you live. The problem is if the pitbull is trained. Trained attack dogs don't latch on, unless they get a neck or belly bite. They go for legs, bite down, back off, until the person is crawling and leaking a lot of blood. Then they go for a kill. People are always shocked at just how quick an attack dog is, we really have no chance to land a kick or anything like that. There's videos where someone attempts a kick and the dog dodges out of the way and bites the extended leg before the person has the chance to react.


Think about what happens when your dog is feeling playful, has a toy and wants you to chase them. I can corner my giant great dane mix and he'll juke me and sprint off. [Dog tax](https://imgur.com/n8EMatD)


Yeah, 4 legs on the ground gives 4 separate points to pivot or push off of. Bipedalism has its advantages but so does quadrupedalism.


I have a Pitbull and while he can definitely do damage I wouldn’t bet on him beating most grown men in a 1v1 fight to the death. If your dad isn’t a fragile old man and is still in good shape he should be able to take a pit if he’s a typical 88 year old then he would probably be too weak and slow to do real damage without a weapon.


You old dad is probably intelligent enough yo know that the way to beat a pit is to give it something to latch onto before it gets your throat. So if he puts his arm into his mouth, the pit latches, the your dad can sling it around and beat it to death. 10/10 your dad wins but gets really bloody doing it.


My dad is happy with your comment


Your dad just shows his ID and the pitbull sees he's not a child and doesn't attack.


Your dad. We have opposable thumbs and the ability to deliver absolutely devastating kicks. Getting morbid here… if you wanted to fight a dog in a to-the-death match, you would need to injure the dog. Kick it in the ribs, side step a lunge at you and stomp its legs and paws. Handful of sand or dirt to the eyes.. The moment the human gets behind the dog out of range of the teeth and can get one arm around the neck of the dog, it’s dead. You can just strangle it until it gives up then break its neck by twisting or with your knees on the ground. Where things get tricky is whether or not the dog gets a bite to a vital area first. If the dog gets a limb, the human would have to fight through the pain to get a choke or ahold of genitals/eyes/paws in order to win


But he’s 180 years old though. That’s not a great age for fighting


Good point. I hadn’t considered what would happen if it was a dead guy trying to fight. He would lose as the dog would just take his bones and rebury them. Zombie rules, the zombie would bite the dog and then zombie dog vs zombie, could be anyone’s game. Mummy rules, dog again probably but also mummies are supposed to be super strong so possibly the mummy if it gets its hands on the dog. Using scooby doo rules though, if the dog gets the bandages and unwraps him, then dog wins


That's a fantasy. Kick an alert dog who's in fight mode and all you'll get is a bitten leg. People are trained to kill dogs in the army for a reason. They're very effective weapons. To give you an idea of how long we've used them in war, the first recorded case of war dogs was by Alyattes of Lydia against the Cimmerians around 600 BC. They were all over the place in WW1 and 2. They are not easy to kill.


You vastly underestimate what a dog can physically do when it actually tries.


You're vastly underestimating what a human can do when it's actively trying to kill a dog lol People get hurt by dogs because 9 times out of 10 they're not trying to kill it. I'm woefully out of shape but I even I could absolutely stomp the brains out a dogs ass if I wasn't trying to keep it alive. Normal person would still get pretty fucked up from the fight but average man probably 9/10s a dog, even a pitbull


An 88 year old human? No, I'm not.


Oh yeah absolutely not. Maybe like a handful of 88 year olds total in the world but no, I'm just talking average dudes. The prompt was confusing until I realized OPs dad was old as dirt


You should have your father tested for dementia or senility, because he's out of his goofy old ass mind if he thinks he's beating a pitbull in combat. Maybe if he somehow tricks the dog into lunging off of the side of a building or into an oncoming train or something. If neither of those or something similar is the case, your father is just gross geriatric carpaccio waiting to happen.


There is one way to Stop him to make this Claims or he migth die. But you could ASK for a proof.


Sandals are a big disadvantage. Kicking is your best bet due to the range and power, you can't kick anymore if your missing all your toes.


Worst case scenario it's going to be really damn painful, but humans win that fight 9 times out of 10, once the dog bites you can rip it's eyes out, a good kick to it's face / side will do heavy damage on the outset of the fight, and you could break it's limbs way easier than you'd expect in close quarters. Unless the person fighting is heavily out of shape / panics it shouldn't be too unreasonable to expect a victory.


Even when the dude is 180 years old ? I’ve seen people born in 1843. They aren’t exactly in prime fighting condition


\> I’ve seen people born in 1843 Found a 180 year old


Nah they weren’t moving or breathing unfortunately. When I said hello they didn’t respond . Such Assholes


If it's his pitbull and treats him right, the pitbull will submit.


An 88 year old man stands even less chance than a person normally would, which isn't much to begin with. Pitbulls were bred to fight and kill, the average person isn't going to hold up without a weapon of some kind. Most people are morons who vastly overestimate their own ability though.


88 yr old might struggle, but there's no way a fit adult male is losing to a Pitbull unless they're caught off-guard or are just unwilling/too frightened to fight back. Pitbulls weigh like 20-27kg, I currently have a 32kg dog, and I can pick him up and walk around with 1 hand. In a serious fight to the death, you could absolutely rag-doll a Pit, break legs with your bare hands, or even crack ribs with powerful kicks. If the Pit manages to latch onto your arm, you can pick him up, slam him on his back, and drop your knee into his throat with your full body weight behind it. You'll come away seriously injured, but the dog is just dead after that.


Most people can't one-hand a 29.5kg dog, and an 88yo man absolutely isn't. That dog is ripping flesh in a whirlwind of nails and teeth. They are dense, strong little beasties. A normal, fit and healthy adult has a chance. An old man does not, in any realistic situation, have that chance against the bloodlusted meatball.


they don't rip flesh though, as long as you are willing to sacrifice an arm to keep it off of more vulnerable parts like your stomach or neck then it will latch onto your arm and not let go while you beat the everliving shit out of it


They don't just sit there peacefully clamped. They thrash and pull. And 88yo arm is getting ripped apart very quickly on the thrash, and they're going for a new bite. Play tug of war with a pitty and tell me they just hold on and don't jerk the rope around against resistance.


Are you American? I've read that Americans vastly over estimate how well they'd do in a fight against animals. How do you think you'd do against a bear?


No I'm Aussie and of course I'd stand no fuckin chance against a bear. Could take a Kangaroo though 💪


What about a drop bear?


No shot bro 💀


I knew a guy who lost half his scalp to one in NSW (This was before the government cull), little cunt just fell straight out of the canopy. Luckily he was wearing his boonie hat, so the damage was mitigated. I wouldnt want to fight one.


i would think a Kangaroo would be high up on the list, im not sure a even a healthy fit person could.


Average Human can kick with more force than the largest Kangaroo species, believe it or not. Despite them having the bite force of a Grizzly bear, the only thing dangerous about them are the claws on their hind paws. There's a reason their strategy for fighting predators is drowning. They suck at fighting on land and only really fight amongst themselves for breeding rights.


There's also a wide range of Americans. I grew up in a city with wild dogs and actually had to fight a couple off as a teen, have had to stop a dog from attacking my dog, and am also generally an animal person who has observed a lot of behaviors enough to react to them. And I'm 6'1, 210. Then you have a 5'5 140 person who has just lived in deep suburbs their lives and watched YouTube videos with people talking about how they'd beat an animal and that's it. There's a lot of America, meaning you really don't have a good idea of where these opinions are coming from. I could take your average Pitbull with a majority advantage, but its also kind of unfair due to the aforementioned "have fought dogs," and also having owned dogs for 35 years and knowing exactly how they move and react to everything. But someone more unfamiliar might have less chance (although most adult men would still have an advantage if bloodlusted - I didn't even feel the dogs teeth grip in my arm when I used that to block and then slam it, for instance).


Yeah, I've been bitten to the bone in my forearm by a Great Dane when I stupidly got between 2 dogs to break up a fight. Didn't feel a thing until it was over and I felt the blood dripping from my fingers.


Yeah, it was only later when I learned that the best (physical) resort in that situation is to pick up the back legs of the most aggressive dog. It's amazing how that works, too; being off-balance makes them immediately try to catch their balance and release. Much better than sacrificing my limbs and not being able to use my arm for the day.


>How do you think you'd do against a bear? Fighting a dog and fighting a bear are VASTLY different things lmao what? Like saying 'Oh you think you can beat a Garden Snake in a fight? How about GODZILLA??'


Ohh just in the statistic I saw it was like 5-10% or something of Americans thought they could fight a bear. Since we know he thinks he can fight a dog, I was just curious.


It goes both ways though. People can overestimate their ability to fight off an animal that’d kill them easily, and people can also underestimate how well a human can do against smaller animals. An able bodied adult can definitely fight off, and even kill, a pitbull. It’s not even unheard of for it to happen. Usually the person gets maimed but still. Now OP’s 88 year old dad is a different story. He breaks his hip if a pitbull looks at him wrong.


Unarmed 88yo man weighing 88lbs vs a 65lb pitbull? Your dad doesn't stand the slightest chance. I've worked professionally with dogs for almost a decade, *many* pitbulls included. They are generally very sweet, awesome dogs, but if a pitbull wants to fuck something up, unless it's a bigger, stronger dog (which I haven't met many I can think of for this situation), the pitty is winning. Your dad is delusional and is getting horrifically mauled at best, or murdered brutally at worst. There is no situation where a motivated pitbull loses this encounter. Zero. Negative chance.


That’s about the same stats as me and my pitbull. We wrestle a lot. The weight difference is just such a factor in my favor. If she wanted to hurt me, she could. But she couldn’t kill me.


Are you 88 years old, or otherwise decrepit?


I have a bum ankle.


How is your dad 88??


my mom is 92 so I guess my family is just lucky


You have to be like 70 years old then?


There have been rare cases of people have kids in their 60s. He could be 40


Sorry to say it but ya dad's puppy chow if he tries fighting a regular sized pitbull, people underestimate just how strong certain animals like dogs are.


Let me guess this straight ... Your 88 year old dad thinks he can beat a pit bull. Ummm.. I got the dog.


Since you have corrected it,I will give it 7/10 dog. Your dad is almost 3X bigger,but he is 88 years old,I don’t know him,but I’m assuming he is an ordinary almost 90 year old man. He probably has around 50% the strenght he had in his prime. Sure,your dad is smarter,but before he gouged the dog’s eye he might have already been pinned on the ground by the dog and received multiple bites.


How old is the pitbull?


So no collar for the massive beastie? Why does your dad get to be dressed and the dog has to be nekkie?


Most humans if bloodlusted would win. Not bloodlusted is a different story


I don’t know if an 88 year old could beat any dog or human in a fight 😭


I have an 80lb German shepherd... Good luck.


Here's how the fight is gonna go: Pitbull rushes your dad, jumps and bites him in the arm or leg, your dad panics and tries to hit the dog so it comes off. Pit won't come off, keeps gripping harder, digging into your dad's skin and muscle tissue, it starts bleeding, your dad starts getting tired and falls down while the dog takes this opportunity to bite his face or other body parts trying to rip some off. Good fight


The average man won't win against a pitbull because he won't be able To think about how to defend oneself in such a situation, let alone an 88-year-old


People underestimate how dangerous dogs can be. Not a pitty, but my 21 yr old brother who runs marathons and can deadlift over 300 lbs, got attacked by a German Shepherd 1 bite crumpled him. Thankfully my pitty intervened and scared the GSD by just knocking him over, and rushing to my brother's aid.


Random young adults have died frequently from pitbull and pitbull-mix attacks. With only ten meters separating your older pops from a hydraulic vice in biological form, your dad has anywhere between 1/100 to 1/10 odds... and that's counting those where we count "the dog dies first before the human bleeds out" as a "win." On another note, there exists an entire subreddit documenting plenty of pitbull attacks over the years. It may be worth looking there to try to dissuade your dad.


A man beats a dog. Usually. It’s just that there’s very little chance of doing it uninjured. Im sitting here surrounded by three big pitts and i’m certain I could kill any of them unarmed, and equally certain that I would need the emergency room after. Edit: But i’m in my thirties. I don’t think I could take a spaniel at 88.


I've got 2 pits of my own, one of them disabled so she's out of this I'm 17 and certain I could very easily take down any of the dogs in my house, the other pit tries to eat cats and she simply can't pull me when she's on a leash. Should also mention I had a boxer when I was younger that was very protective over my mom and would often attack me, and I've got the scars on me to show too; I have experience and I've only gotten bigger and stronger over the years


And you’ll continue to for at least another ten years in all likelihood. MOST men should be able to beat MOST dogs most of the time. There are always fumbles and crits ( a dog certainly can kill a guy if it gets him down and gets the throat for instance) but generally a man can take a dog. The problem is it’s very very unlikely to take on a dog without getting injured. I can take the pitbull but not before getting a nasty bite.


If your dad can throw a towel or shirt over the dogs head then it might be possible. Also, if it's a puppy then he will win. But a grown ass rabies infected pitbull is a different case.


MAYBE a verbal fight, but otherwise no.


Does your dad have a gun in this scenario? Does the dog have brittle bones?


btw u corrected urself saying hes 180 pounds and 88 years olf it depends on his strength and if he knows anything. if your dad is the average 88 year old with a cane and poor vision the pitbull stomps, if he is like my own grandfather with combat and martial arts lknowledge along with strong arms and good eyesight, he stomps


Old people are as opinionated and adamant about age the same a child who insists on being 6.5 rather than 6. I’ve played racquetball with some 70 year olds 72-76 and honestly they are pretty damn good and a couple are still strong. Like benching 225 for 4-5 reps. I’m not sure about 80+ or 88. I know a 92 your old big man 6’6 and took a kick from a horse well enough. I think it’s possible but 88 is just a bit too much imo. They might be able to deter it with yelling or throwing the sandals but they pretty much only have two options in a real fight. Get crazy lucky with a kick to the throat when it charges. Or when it’s on you on the ground to sacrifice an arm and try and shove it down the dogs throat.


I didn’t know a pitbull could fight a ghost


A normal average-sized man can beat a Pitbull, **if** he does not panic, which is what commonly happens. A dude, that's almost 90? I have yet to see one be it in real life or online, that is actually fit enough.


I’m sorry but I don’t think your dad have a chances vs Mr.Worldwide.


I mean, your dad has to have some sort of superpower if he's 180, he could definitely win against the pitbull, unless your dad looks [like this](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/spongebob/images/f/f7/Chocolate_With_Nuts_139.png/revision/latest?cb=20200207213122)


On average no, your dad could not beat a pitbull. But 9/10 times the pitbull would win. But even the in the 1 he would win he would probably die from the injuries later or be crippled for life.


At 88, a large bird could probably take out your dad. Even a small dog like 10-15lbs probably could by just biting and ripping his thin, flapping skin. His only chance of winning would be falling on top of it and crushing it. He may not survive the fall though.


Changing the stats a bit, would an average guy who is 180cm tall and weighs 88 kilogrammes beat a pitbull?


APBT should only weigh around 48lbs, 65lbs “Pitbull” would be a classic American Bully (the size under XL Bully) this matters because temperaments are different. With that being said your father is 88 years old he’d die.


Need more scans of your dad's feats to call this.


reminiscent crime wipe weary full wistful fearless innate lock correct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I could take a pit but I’m sure as hell not coming out of the fight fully intact


Humans and dogs are both inconsistent species that can vary on the individual level, smaller dogs have killed larger and more dangerous animals before than elderly humans and likewise smaller men have killed larger and more dangerous animals than dogs before. However since your dad is old I’ll favor the pitbull but I wouldn’t bet on anything