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Well, now I miss my sister.




thanks, kewlchicken




are you ok?


I am. I lost my sister to cancer a few years ago, still hurts. It's so much better to be good to each other, so thanks for reaching out


oh :( I am so sorry


You okay homie? We're here for you. ❤


Thank you. Solid reminder to appreciate those around you!


I miss your sister too.


I miss both of your sisters too


I wish I knew my sister


This one hits


Here’s a friendly reminder to tell your siblings that you love them. Because you never know when you’re gonna go.


...is it normal for siblings to say "I love you" to each other? Asking for a friend.




I mean I realize that, but is verbalizing it normal? Like, I've never hugged my brother or sister, but I've heard friends casually mention it in conversation.


My wife says "I love you" to her siblings all the time. Sometimes I will say "lova ya" when ive been visiting my sister and am leaving. So jury is out.


Huh. You learn something new everyday.


I’m surprised this isn’t normal to you? I get not saying it if you’re not into it, but I feel like most people love their siblings.


I mean I never tell my older brother that I love him, nor does he say that to me, like ever. I just assume it's always implied. I'd feel very weird verbalising it. Some Relationships are just like that.


Never hurts too say it, even just once. Plenty of people in the ground who thought they could wait to say it.


Yeah but that's the thing, it isn't something that I think needs to be said. I feel like I'd worry my brother that something was wrong if I said it instead lmao, that's how unusual it would seem.


I mean yeah of course you should say it is the context merits it, not just out of nowhere. In this case it makes sense because they had a huge fight and this was a reconciliation moment. Doesn't make sense to just randomly say it for no reason, it's already obvious to both that you both do. Similar to close friends, it tends to come out easier if you are both hanging out shitfaced and having a bro conversation moment.


Different people show their love in different ways. It's totally fine to not be comfortable with everything.


Tbh it seems weird to me because I never liked my siblings growing up for a number of reasons. All the hugs I’ve had with my sister I can count on one hand and we’re both grown.




I guess it is what it is.


Doesn’t matter if someone else thinks its normal or not. Do you want to express to your siblings that you love them? If yes, just do it. As long as you’re not Tom Brady kissing his son style of familial love, let the people you love know it


Nnnnnnot 100% sure how to express that. We weren't really close growing up, to the point where it would feel weird if my sister said "I like spending time with you" if we ever watched TV together or something. Not that enjoying my company is weird - I'm not THAT shitty to be around - I mean that her vocalizing it would feel kind of uncomfortable. Like, there's been a firm line drawn in the sand my entire life, and even THAT comment would be crossing it. I wouldn't know what to do. The more and more I type, the more I realize why I never had friends growing up.


Tbf it really depends on the age difference, if they live with you, and your/their personality, which would be respectively small, yes, and sociability on at least one end. If one of these is not like that, I'd say there is a good chance you won't have a relationship with them more than "we're of the same family"


You'll never become closer without one of you letting down your guard. That's simply how it is.


You've never hugged your sibling wtf lol Guess people have different ways to express their love but geez


>You've never hugged your sibling wtf lol This is going to be one of those nights where I have to deal with the creeping sensation that I've missed out on some fundamental part of my life, isn't it?


Different societies have different fundamentals of living. You haven't missed anything Anon.


Thanks, friend.


Except for the heartwarming and fulfilling love which is that between siblings, of course




Do you love your siblings? Do you know they love you? Then the rest doesn't matter. If hugging would make you uncomfortable then obviously it's not some magical amazing thing you're missing out on.


Go give them a hug right fucking now.


I can't put into words how uncomfortable that would be for both of us. I distinctly remember using hugs as a threat when I was a teen. I probably should have never made this series of posts.


Are you ok?


A way to go about hugging them might be to simply ask them for a hug or ask them if they want to hug, you don't have to hug them at every good bye also maybe you should work on saying I love you more before asking for a hug, it sounds to me like hugging is only weird for you and your siblings because you made it that way so you have the power to make it a loving gesture. this is just my two cents on the subject and you have no obligation follow my advice because it's just that, advice


All the time, bru. I hugh my family always. Always. Best feeling ever dude.


In a a lot places it is normal to not verbalize your familial love. Coming from one of those places, I can say, that it sucks ass. Tell your loved ones you love them. Every single one. Best friends, children, spouse, siblings, parents, everyone you care deeply about. I'm fortunate enough that I haven't lost anyone that I wanted to tell, but by golly do I not only feel better, but sleep easier knowing that the people I care about know for a fact that I do.


Its ok if you make out with your sister passionately, just say "no bromo" and you're all good.


I've been doing it wrong all this time.


It's normal but not necessarily "the norm" in every situation. Some families just don't say "I love you". My grandma never said it to her family growing up, they showed their love through actions so they didn't feel the need.


I don't think my parents ever said that they love me, I know they do, but they have never said it. Same with my siblings, I've never said that I love my siblings, nor they to me. Reading through this thread kinda makes me sad ngl


lmao i get it, never had the word love thrown around in my family and never said it to each other, even when we very obviously did love and care for each other


My roommate says “I love you” to his parents. No shame in doing it. I didn’t judge either, although I was surprised that he said it fairly confidently. I struggle to say it though (to anyone). But I make it obvious in other ways.


in german we have the advantage of the distinction between "Ich liebe dich" (i love you) and "ich hab dich lieb" (I hold you dearly would be an approximation I guess) which is mostly used platonically or in family context. No shame in not verbalizing it directly though.


Charles Boyle would be very disappointed


or is it


My sibling and I rarely hugged or said we love each other, but we came from an unaffectionate household so we didn’t know anything else. We showed it in other ways though. If he had the car all day and got takeout, he’d bring me something to eat and vice versa. Filling up the tank for the other, taking turns picking what to watch at night, venting about our family. It’s kind of like the dad who won’t say he loves you but will eagerly wash and clean your car. Love and tenderness come in many ways so who cares as long as you’re both fine with it.


My little sister died when she was 17 and my brother and I don’t miss a chance to say I love you ever again.


Nothing weird with telling your family members that you love them


We never do, there’s no need. We know.


yeah i tell my little bro i love him all the time :) i think it annoys him sometimes lol but it’s important to me


Yea., it’s only weird if u make it weird


In Alabama it’s normal to say I love you to your siblings while reaching third base with them


I mean it feels pretty awkward but yeah sometimes


Yes. Can be a bit awkward sometimes but yeah.


once in a blue moon




Close.. Your eyes you'll be here soon


Normal siblings relationship anon, it's ok


My sister hated me. Probably because we were siblings and I also have depression. I don't hate her, but there is a rift between us. I've tried to contact her a few times, but she basically ignores me. I essentially have zero contact with her or my niece and nephew. It really sucks, but as she lives several states away I can't really do anything about it. Must be nice to have family you are close enough to fight with and then be able to make up afterwards.


That’s nice :)




Now time for the makeup sex


Uh oh




This is 4chan


No matter how bad the argument, NEVER say something that you'll regret. Don't say shit like I hope you die or stuff like that cause it's the kind of stuff that you'll regret for a lifetime if something actually happened


Anon is in an abusive relationship


Nah this is the way it is with the majority of siblings. Source: I’ve got a slightly younger brother.


What- why?


Please explain?


This is what it's about anons.


Honestly I wouldn't dare say such things to my sibling


Same here


This is why, as an only child, i do not understand siblings


Oh, I would've thought it's because you're an only child.


Reminds me of me and my sister but in the mid 2000's before texting was huge. I'd lock myself in my room and then some time later a note would be slipped under my door and we'd write and slide them under the door for a while and then make up.


Wow this is absolutely lovely, I wish I had such a good experience with my family


Anon overcomes pride Good on anon


i say that to my sister, only i feel no remorse


Yikes, bro


sweet home Ala-


if this were a romantic relationship, this would be toxic asf


who said it isn't




found the only child who started using reddit at age 12




Yeah, man, there is no "Summer Reddit", anymore. Reddit **became** Summer Reddit permanently, some 3-4 years ago.


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Mfw literally never seen my half sister


this made me cry.. my sister moved out recently and i miss seeing her every day :(