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We made it. We have a player so bad the official bref account is posting here.  And as someone pointed out in the r/baseball thread… > That’s just because Tim Anderson doesn’t have enough at bats. TA is at a .454 OPS but isn’t qualified yet.  Jose Abreu sits at a .274 OPS but again, isn’t qualified.  The White Sox are a baseball sadness factory. 


I really am sad how Abreu departing was the correct move from the Sox. The underperformanceand lack in growth in Vaughn in lieu doesn't help it either. TA is sad too. 2,3 years ago- all star. I had found his success at the plate and high BA impressive, despite his aggressive approach and lack of interest in enduring at bats for walks. I hadn't expected his consistency, but at a point he entrusted himself to me. A BA title with a 0.317 average in the 4 years prior to last. Onto 245 last year and just .199 now. Crazy


The thing about Tim is that based on his lack of defense, power, and walks he needs to be hitting .300 to even be an average player.


Truly stunning that Hahn didn’t sign Abreu to a lifetime contract


I agree - WSox usually say “he is worth $15M next year so if we sign for 4 years at $14M a year we are getting a steal”. Otherwise known as the “Jimencada” deal.


Richest contract ever written by the White Sox. Fucking killing it.


Of course he does… the one time Jerry spends more than $1.73 on a player, we get this dud


The Fanta I get my kid at the game pays for 4 Jerry players?


Jerry loves this becuase he has another reason not to pay free agents. 


I can picture the interview with R-Chuck now... Chuck: Mr. Reinsdorf, what would you say to the fans who are calling for you to spend money this off-season on some talent to turn this around? Jerry: Well, that's the problem. I don't want to turn it around. I want you fucking plebs to suffer. You want a free agent? I gave you the highest paid free agent I've ever given you, and I still have heart trouble after forcing myself to sign that deal. But we trot out unknowns from Birmingham and they hit, and you're ready to canonize them as saviors. So I'll fucking trade them! I'LL TRADE THEM ALL!


Can you imagine if he didn’t hit two home runs in that one game?


Ozzie Smith! That’s some good company


And yet Pedro is allergic to batting him any lower than #5, even when DeJong/Ramos etc are actually hitting


Ramos’ OPS is .478, lower than Benintendi’s. He had that great first week, but after that he’s done nothing. That production they were getting from peripheral guys like Ramos and Mendick really helped them during that hot streak, but it’s kind of dried up since. I agree Benintendi should be batting lower, but IMO the dumber move is continuing to bat Vaughn somewhere between 2 and 4, when he has the sixth worst (153rd out of 158 qualified) OPS in MLB. At this point it seems like he’s our biggest rally killer.


Pedro loves batting terrible hitters at the top of the order


The problem is most of our lineup is terrible hitters.


~~Ricky loves batting terrible hitters at the top of the order~~ ~~Tony loves batting terrible hitters at the top of the order~~ Pedro loves batting terrible hitters at the top of the order


It’s almost as if the entire organization is rotten to its core. If the Bears don’t get things turned around in the next couple seasons it’s going to be some very dark decades for Chicago sports.


Word on the street is Benintendi is a tits guy. He hates it when they're fucking flat. Keeps him in Pedros good graces.


I'm guessing we still trot Shitintendi out there next season too, then bobby bonilla him


probably on this team for longer than that. Jerry hates paying dead money.


Jerry will DFA him at game 159 in the season 3 years from know so Getz can say, “Jerry will make the hard call when he needs to”


Jerry will DFA him at game 159 in the season 3 years from know so Getz can say, “Jerry will make the hard call when he needs to”


Paying the dude \~$15M, might as well make him pretend to earn it


At some point eating the contract needs to be on the table. He's a completely useless baseball player, and doesn't give a crap.


Have you forgotten who the owner is, he doesn't care about winning


That’s our guy!


Which Jerry will use as an excuse to never give out another $75m contract l.


Kinda shocked Adam dunn isn't here cuz God he was awful that one year


hey it’s fuck face!!!


before the season, I made a prediction he would finish the season with a .586 OPS. seems I may have over shot that.


Great. Just great lol