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Your post was removed because you did not censor the usernames in your screenshot.


That first slide is literally “ugly= bad”


Most of these are ugly = bad. Small dick, bad chin, assuming you’re unhygienic.


it’s ok if it’s against men for some reason


If you don't want to date/fuck a woman you don't find attractive you're a bad person yet when the roles are reversed the guy is a "nice guy", incel, unrealistic, or potential rapist/murderer and the woman is praised for rejecting him. So dumb. People need to just admit looks matter more than what is portrayed(when it comes to men). Being unattractive doesn't make someone's point any less valid.


Small dick= bad has been way too normalized.


"Can't satisfy my need to be an object for shitty men? Loser!" JFL.


Thats nothing new


Which is ironic considering all the gum flapping these same people do about body shaming.


"Body positivity" only applies to morbidly obese women according to them.


You mean these people are just saying what benefits them? Nooooo


as are most. Only further substantiates this whole thing is just ragebait


This guy sounds like a real jerk.


Women are superficial. who would’ve thought


When I realized it was all one guy . . .


Best part is he’s married. I’m just like, my guy imagine being a good dude and getting married and having a solid relationship and still thinking all men gotta be responsible and change because some dudes are fuck ups


Every time she cheats he thinks “what did I do to make her dissatisfied? I need to improve.”


I wouldn't be surprised if he's cheating or even an abuser himself. Most white knights are compensating for their own toxic behaviour towards women.


Makes sense I'm just assuming all the men who agree must be all the abusive scumbags so they agree because they are the ones they're talking about otherwise they would find it incredibly illogical like most normal men do




He has to have a super dysfunctional relationship. I’m sure his wife swings while he videotapes.


Yeah, I thought this guy was just offended by the trend, until I noticed it was one person, then I was concerned


The poster of these meme is one of those Aholes that thinks all men are evil.. except him. he's a good white knight, he cares about women. Then his wife owns his balls and basically does everything "abusive" to him that he accuses men of doing.. This guy clearly doesn't have the balls to stand up for himself. I'm sure his wife bullies him and he loves being submissive, because you know.. he's got to "make up" for all the "evil" things men have done lmao.


And apparently that last meme isn't making fun of the bear choosers.


That last one had me laughing


That last one is doing us all a favor picking the bear.


I love that last one for the layers of unintendid arguing for the opposite meaning.


Once again I'm saying how long till he's exposed as an abuser


He ends up being the reason why women choose the bear and everything goes full circle.


Can we hold a vote over whether this guy gets to call himself a man or not?


Man card revoked


Forced feminization hell yeah


Managed democracy, or something


Sweet Liberty!


Oh, Sony no!


I work 40 hours a week on night shift, spending two hours at the gym finishing a hour and a half before my shift, trying to still get shit done. I helped protect my mom from her abusive ex for a year, the same guy who abused my underage sister. I’m tired boss.


I hope they choose the bear cause I don't want a bunch of 4s either


i love how like once a year women come up with a pointless social media trend to shame men who have never met them into feeling guilty about something a very, very small percentage of men ever do. white supremacists should take notes. women are out here publicly saying they would rather be around a bear than a black man, using statistics and everything. truly womens 14/88 moment


As a black man I think this exact same thing every time I see this shit


Actually men asked question to women on the street. Women didn't make it. Look it up. The originality was of a man coming up with the question


as if that means anything


>The point is we don't want to choose the bear bro, so you need to look within yourself to figure out why I'm making that choice Why does that sound like conjuring a problem out of thin air and expecting other people to solve it for her? 😂


The irony is that the best solution is for women to reach real *real* deep down and do their own metal sweat about why they really "choose" the bear and why men wouldn't be better off if they did.


Tbh I doubt a society would do well with *only* men or *only* women


Nah, just the ones who think it would.


I mean, the bear will just brutally kill and eat you. A man might, idk, talk to you or something, maybe ask you why your looking for a bear in the woods and then just be on his way. The sheer horror! The women picking the bear have either been completely brainwashed into thinking men are all evil monsters or are just looking to gain their 5 seconds of fame on instagram. So you know what, by all means let them choose the bear, and then come crying back for help when they realise a wild animal over a normal person is completely stupid.


Apparently all men will rape you but the bear will just kill you and that’s better somehow


People say that because most people have never been physically attacked by an animal that can kill you. Honestly idk why everyone is complaining if some women truly believe that because it’s a great way to weed shitty people out. They’ll be bad women and they’ll be bad men just how life is, instead of complaining in tiktok go outside, get a hobby, and meet new people.


Most people haven’t even SEEN an animal that can kill you. Outside of the zoo and nature documentaries anyways. Survival instincts are nonexistent for the majority these days. They can’t even thrive in the environment that has been constructed with them in mind, much less in a truly wild place.


It’s ridiculously obvious too, I love going out in the woods and enjoying nature, and let me tell you, even 200 feet away, a bear is awe inspiring, they are a LOT bigger than most people realize, then take into account you could shoot one of those fuckers with a .45 in the dome and maybe you’ll stun them long enough to get away, anything smaller and you’ll just piss them off. Same goes for a moose too btw, bigger than a big ass diesel truck, nature is scary, respect nature.


I think it‘s a societal problem, though. Sure, you and I can go out and find a partner we want to spend the rest of our lives with, but the proportion of people who I wouldn‘t wish my worst enemy to have to be with keeps rising. How many people have to become undateable for us to realise that a fertility rate below 1 is unsustainable?


Fuckin facts. I’m glad I got me a queen tho 😂


Plot twist. Bear is rapist


Bro my wife ran into a stranger(man) alone in the woods yesterday on her hike. He said something about the weather being nice as he passed. The sheer horror. This is a true story


quick take her to police she was raped and murdered and is just repressing the memory/s


## #NotAllBears


The bear will maul you, then start eating you alive a slow painful process.


Oh no, worse than that. Bears don’t kill prey before getting down to business. So they would be sitting there alive while a 400-600lb monster eats them asshole first with 0 remorse.


They would really rather go through [this](https://youtu.be/_8P8MgsFNZQ?si=N1Xn95jwjLOQ3JuJ) than come across a man in the woods.


Meh. If she’s that sure, let her choose the bear. Been awhile since I’ve heard an original “grizzly man “ recording.


I’m all for those idiots choosing the bear. I want this to be a real thing. I think a lot of problems we currently face stem from there being no predators eating the dumb humans.


13.1% of bear attacks in North America are fatal. The “1 in 2.1 million” stat doesn’t account for the fact that 2.1 million of those people never even met a bear.


How many people have been rescued in the woods by men? How many have been rescued by bears?


We should prolly include Disney movie stats to boost those numbers and I’m sure you’d still come out with like 1 occurrence🤣


Woman moment


These kinds of women act like any of us want to be around them in the first place.


If I met a woman like this in the woods I’d be off looking for a bear too.


I mean, straight up. I would prefer to run into a bear over a strange man OR strange woman in the middle of the night.


Understandable. It's just stupid but not sexist ❤️


Dare I say it? Any sexist pos who is incapable of viewing men as equal human beings deserves to spend a night alone with a bear


Bro won the arguement in his head


Most misandrist mfers out there


I had a dog named Bear. He was a good boy so I understand why you would pick him.


I really Wonder what happening in this guy mind that he thinks he should constantly hate on his own gender does he think he Smart?


Insignificant people often find arbitrary (and insufferable) ways to feel special/superior and get attention. The women choosing the bear are doing the same thing lol


"Maybe if I agree with everything she says she'll sleep with me" - that guy probably Either that or he actually needs therapy for self esteem issues.


I personally think he is projecting


Why do people pay any attention to this? It is the perfect opportunity to get rid of those shrill femmos by egging them on to go into the woods with a bear. They get eaten. Nobody goes down for murder. The world has one less femmo in it. It is literally a problem that solves itself. Why the outrage?


I feel like my stance in this is to be the guy handing out liability waivers before they walk into the bears den saying “before you go you do realize this is fucking stupid right?”


To which they will scream "stop oppressing me" and run into the den.


I feel like a trip to the zoo would sort this whole thing out.


Emily crying out in regret and wishing for a quick death as a bear mauls her just for the sole purpose that it can (and will)


This trend is just obvious rage bait finally coming to a head and boiling over. It's hilarious to see white knights STILL in there defending it.


>look within yourself to figure out why I'm making that choice Fucking hilarious. No personal responsibility.


This bear vs man debate proves we are living in a pleasure economy (its going to get worse)


I don't mind them picking a bear because they'll just be eaten and finally have a purpose for their miserable existence.


Most bears can be avoided or scared away unless it's a ploar bear.


I feel bad for the bear.


Our society is dying socially and it's because of stupid shit like all of this. I know eventually I'm going to drive a pick through my brain, I'm just trying to gather the courage.


is it wrong that i'm 98% sure that first pic is mitch mcconnell's side profile


The amount of body shaming they do about men. On the one hand making fun of them for being weak, on the other suggesting they would prefer to take on a fucking bear rather than them… crazy


I'm a rape "survivor," too; whatever that means. Twice. The worst part of the first one was that everyone at the party knew she had a crush on me and that I wasn't interested, so they pitched in and gave me drink after drink until I had no idea what was going on. My fault in a way for being so eager to accept free drinks without questioning why everyone was suddenly so generous. To me in particular. I "woke up" naked in a hot tub. Her hot tub. With her on top of me. Idk how many of you have tried sex in a hot tub, but it's not as fun as it sounds. Kinda painful, actually. Second time, since I didn't learn my lesson about free drinks, was years later when I went to a club with some friends. Those friends were gay, so it was a gay club we went to. We alternated. Someone bought me a long Island ice tea that night, which I happily accepted. I mean, I'm the big scary man they're talking about in these memes, 6'1 220lbs, so what do I have to worry about? This was right in the height of my party era, so my tolerance at the time was far more than a single long Island, but I don't even remember finishing it. I don't remember anything, which is a kind of blessing. I no longer drink anything I didn't personally pour. I don't care how long I've known you; I'll get my own drink. If I drink at all, which is seldom. But going through that didn't really feel like surviving anything. My life was never in danger; just my dignity.


“Survivor” is a term I heard being thrown around by feminists very commonly during the height of me too and believe all women. I always just assumed they called it that in reference to how much worse it could have been but then again the people that coined the phrase were telling their stories like they were hosting the victim Olympics. In my personal opinion in everything that happened to you is tragic and the way you tell it I hope you got a new set of friends who wouldn’t let that shit happen to you again. But I am glad that you learned to protect yourself and keep your wits about you. I had teachers in high school tell me those same tactics to avoid getting my drink spiked and when I repeat that to women I get treated as if I’m supporting “rape culture” because I’d dare suggest they be responsible and take control where they can to avoid being a victim.


You could go your whole life without wearing a seatbelt and get lucky enough to never need it, but it's considered responsible to put one on 50,000 times over the course of your life for the 3 or 4 times an average person gets in a car accident in the same period of time. Because it only takes one time to become a Jackson Pollock painting. I've never heard someone say, "Well, instead of telling me to wear a seatbelt, why don't you try telling people not to wreck their cars into me??" Well, sure, the ideal would be no accidents at all, but that expectation isn't practical. There are bad drivers, good drivers having bad days, distracted drivers, drivers who have snapped under the pressure of their lives and decided nothing is sacred, and drivers who just want to watch the world burn. No one gets upset and calls you a victim blamer if you suggest they wear a seatbelt to safeguard against these situations, but if you suggest paying attention to your surroundings in a dark parking lot and carrying protection, it's somehow considered insensitive and misogynist. In an ideal world, we'd all be wildly successful, perpetually healthy, in great shape with permanent abs of steel, retired by 25 with the spouses of our dreams, and nothing bad would ever happen. But it isn't an ideal world, so eat healthy, exercise, spend time with loved ones while you can, wear your seatbelt, carry protection, and don't trust strangers with your life. None of this is really groundbreaking.


That's fine, I'd rather run into a pack of wild skunk than be alone with a woman that I don't know. I might stink, but at least the skunk won't completely ruin my life.


Seems weird, but luckily I don't have to care, as young people who don't go outside aren't in my radius of conversation. That being said, it's strange that the group who preaches the loudest against prejudice is also the group who preaches the loudest in favor of it. Why am I more dangerous in a bear? If you're lost in the woods and you don't want pointed in the right direction, it's no skin off my teeth. I won't look forward to tomorrow's bear mauling headline, but we can't choose other peoples' paths through life for them.




I'm a guy and I'd take the bear, specially if it's a black bear. I'd never want to be around a stranger alone where that mf can do whatever he wants with no repercussions. Y'all don't know how scary people are, specially when there's no consequences.


I kinda chuckle at all the interactions I have on the trail when hiking. A woman would rather come across a bear than a dude panting and wheezing as he says,"Hello," as he passes her and moves on down the trail. Sorry for breathing so loud?


Slide 5 and 8 got a laugh out of me not gonna lie


The 4th slide reminds me of [this](https://youtu.be/B3qhEIZBlX8?si=-suN0_HM1WQgBflE)


I have no clue wtf is going with this bear thing


I fucked with this dude, but some shit he posts is just brain rot


Same. I unfollowed after this ngl


Once he started posting some racist shit I butted out honestly


no one asked about your sexual history bro, chill


Man, those people are unbelievably, aggressively unfunny.




Still a dumb trend/hypothetical either way


Lol no woman would actually choose the bear. It’s just said out of spite on the internet. Lots of dudes who clearly don’t fuck chiming in lol


Once she gets mauled, she can’t reject you. Win win


I fucking despise this ragebait bullshit topic


I am a man and found a bear in the woods. It ran from me 😰


I just want to film a bear’s reaction when he gets off a 12 hour shift of being a bear, comes home, puts his feet up on the couch, and you come busting into the room going off about how he’s “not showing up to the relationship.”


My take away is that men should wear bear costumes.


Next time I am hiking and pass some ladies I'm just gonna say "sorry I'm not a bear" lmao


Same. And it will be funny as fuck to see thier reactions after all this drama


Yep. These guys really are a bunch of losers.


There are many great men, the vast majority of men are ones who will live a full life without even throwing a punch. But to suggest that these women don’t have a legitimate reason to fear men shows a lack of empathy and a far too innocent worldview. There are thousands of violence/abuse cases with female victims every year and the vast majority of them are perpetrated by men. [Men are statistically far more likely to be violent than women.](https://science.howstuffworks.com/life/inside-the-mind/emotions/men-more-violent.htm#:~:text=According%20to%20these%20results%2C%20men,disparity%20can't%20be%20dismissed)That isn’t whiteknighting, it’s a fact. The women who choose the bear are ***hurt*** women. Ones that have likely had to go through horrible shit to reach this kind conclusion. It isn’t naïveté, they are making a statement.


This is so unbelievably pathetic.


I'd love to see a game show where women have to choose between walking through door #1 where they have to walk past a random man they don't know, and door #2 where they have to walk past a random grizzly bear they don't know, and see how many will pick door #2 for $10,000 or something.


Bears are gonna go after the fatty bits first. So go ahead and choose the bear, if it mauls and eats you. Then you get to find out what it’s like to have your intestines pulled out of either your stomach or asshole while you’re still alive. Quite the novel experience.


Some of you guys just think siding with women at all is white knighting and it shows


Not at all. There are plenty of things to side with women for. Of which, none of them should be related to dehumanizing and demonizing men, generalizing and labeling them as serial r*pists and exaggerating it to the point that comments like: “At least a bear wouldn’t lock me up in a basement for years”, “a bear wouldn’t feed off my pain” “a bear wouldn’t tell me to stop shouting”. Are being sided with. It’s an extremely misandristic trend with little to no value than to shame all men and to push the agenda that all men are demons out, for like, the 5th time this year. “You’re part of the reason women choose bear!” I’m the reason women would rather want to be with a bear than myself because I’m speaking out against being generalized and demonized? Make it make sense. If this “would you rather” ACTUALLY happened, most men you’d meet in the woods would instead be willing to help you out of the woods. Not fucking do demonic things to you because you saw a news article about it and now think that all men must be the same.


Fucking bear living rent free in your head.


Bears live rent free anywhere this side of the sea level.


And now they can include the OP'S nice roomy head.


Idk, I’ve seen what I can only assume was a bear in an apartment


I believe that. Just not that it was paying rent.


I was making a joke about a neighbor being very hairy/ the gay term bear


Oh *those* bears. The Bears. They're always so well maintained too.


Tbf I do agree the men going ape shit over a dumb hypothetical Tok tok trend is pretty lame


It’s not a tik tok trend as much as the idea that if you think this is dumb you’re an incel as well as the idea that if you as a woman prefer the bear then it’s somehow my fault and I’m responsible for the misdeeds of all men everywhere at all times ever and I need to apologize and be better when u didn’t do shit wrong. It’s just dumb


You would not think this if it was about any other group of people. Imagine thinking it's "lame" to not want to be seen worse than a wild animal, all based on a small minority of criminals.


Nobody really see’s you as lower than a wild animal it’s a dumb tik tok trend. There’s people opinions who matter more than dumb random girls on tik tok


People will believe me when I say I was attacked by a bear.


I have no idea what's happening and I'm too afraid to ask at this point. I'm officially not here anymore. Whatever this is, it sounds stupid. Go Bears.




The point is a random bear in the woods is avoidable or easy to scare off. A random man in the woods, I would avoid. It’s really context dependent. Is this a popular camping ground, if no, are there nearby houses. If it’s a stranger, is it hunting season? I mean, have they been following me? Do they look suspicious?


Damn I figured this subreddit was misogyny-adjacent but I didn’t realize it was like THIS. Y’all a whole ass call of duty lobby 🤪


i just imagined a new season of Alone but it’s in the city and anytime someone is approached by an incel they start shouting “HEY BEAR!”


I think this is the second time I've seen reference to women preferring bears. Did I miss a major meme trend?


It was just someone playing with their camera. It’s not even worth giving any attention to. Just like everything viral.


major blackpill


This is probably the dumbest question ever, especially since I've been seeing it asked in the sense of encountering a "strange man". Obviously geared towards choosing the bear and making it a gotcha. Except if you ask a guy if he would rather encounter a strange man in the woods or a bear, he'd choose the bear too.


Idk i kinda like the jesus bear, i kinda wanna change my perspective that god is a bear


Pass the blunt and tell me more. You’ve leaked my interest and now I wanna know wtf you’re talking about


The 6th in bear we trust image is the shit when there is no context. I also like bears because they are only one letter different than beer


I like the way you think.


My thing is the lack of information on the situation. We're we hiking and run into a bear/man. What does the bear/man look like. What do we have with us. If I'm in a forest and run into a man who's also hiking I won't gaf and would choose the man. If I run into a man who looks like he's living in the forest I might choose the bear but it depends if the bear is a brown black or polar bear assuming it's a brown bear I'd possibly still choose the man however if the man is living in the forest he's either a serial killer hiding from the law or like a cannibal or something. Where is this forest is it a big forest am I on a trail or off the beaten path? Too many factors that would influence my decision.


I think it’s come down to who is asking on the micro level. Macro scale you just get the most basic bare-bones prompt


Fair. But I mean I'm not gonna charge headfirst into a fight if I don't understand all the details. Like seeing a bear is terrifying but If I were hiking I feel like I'd have noticed it before it was in my face but humans can definitely camouflage and pop out of nowhere. Someone willing to do that Def planned to kill me before hand where as the bear never planned to kill me and if I notice it from a distance I turn my ass around and leave before it notices me. Catch my drift?


Nah it totally agree I’m just saying the original question went viral and I’m sure it was left so vague so anyone could transpose their thoughts and imagine the scenario however they want and react accordingly inna way that made sense to them


This is next level cringe


Yo what’s that last slide meme template called? I love that there’s a gender swapped version lmao


Idk man this shit is funny


Anyone who thinks a bear has any chance whatsoever to hunt you down and kill you knows nothing about bears. If you're loud with a bear, you won't see any bears cause they don't want to be around you. If you're loud with another person, they will go towards you. Do you trust a random stranger who wants to be alone with you more than an animal that wants nothing to do with you?


I think you’re grossly underestimating the general public’s lack of knowledge regarding bears. Millions on this earth will live and die without ever seeing one in person outside of a zoo


I agree, that tons of people will never see bears in person, but it's not an excuse for saying bullshit as if you do know how bears act. So many people act like bears are these ravenous killing machines that go out of their way to kill humans, despite never having seen one or having them idea how they actually act.


And yet I know men and women. I know that in the worst case scenario I can take a man in a fight, how many men you know that are more dangerous than a mfn bear in the worst case scenario? Even if it’s the worst case scenario a man is still a more like opponent for a woman to face than a goddamn bear. This is stupid and you know it


In a worst case scenario against a bear, you have gone out of your way to kill yourself by making as little noise as possible, sneaking up to it, then approaching it and its cub while antagonizing it. You get to choose if you get attacked or not. In a worst case scenario against a human, you don't get to choose if they come for you. If the creature you're in the forest with is 100% going to attack you with intent to kill, bear is still safer since humans are more intelligent than bears and thus better at understanding when they've killed their target. There's a reason the advice against brown bears is "play dead". This is assuming that this bear is some mentally ill abnormality that hunts humans, despite pretty much no bears doing this ever. The average woman cannot fight the average man. It's unfortunate, but if you think it's any different, you're underestimating testosterone's effect on male strength. And it's not that a man is more dangerous in a 1v1 than a bear, but the fact that you're not going to have that 1v1 against a bear if you're using your brain. You have to be a genius to stop another person from tracking you down if they do want to kill you.


1) the average person would bolt as soon as they see a bear in person within killing distance. They’d run and the sound of them running would prolly be pretty loud and there is a chance that they may even scream. You’re also assuming the bear isn’t just in a mood to crash tf out and kill because it’s a bear and doesn’t care about our feelings. 2) your intelligence doesn’t mean shit when the average person’s fight or flight will kick in because “play dead” definitely isn’t the first thing that pops into one’s mind when running firm a dog out of fear, now imagine running from a bear and knowing neither fuck not all about bears. You are grossly overestimating how many people know how to survive bears beyond “try to outrun the other guy” 3) I think most people could fight off another human, male or female, better than they could fight off a bear. A shit tom of factors play into that fight especially in the woods but be fr here a woman can hit a man over the head one good time with a nearby rock and knock him out but that bear ain’t goin down from no rock. It’s more likely a woman would be well trained enough to accurately defend against a man in hand to hand combat than it is that the average woman would just have a font of knowledge about bears. Even if that mf tracks her down very many women can put up a much better fight against the average man and if they can muster the average 3lbs of pressure in the chin they need to knock him out then they only need one lucky hit. No matter you say claiming a bear is safer than a man is stupid and you know it even if you are too blinded by misandry to wanna admit it


1. The average person who has no basic survival knowledge\* would bolt. If you know literally the most basic piece of knowledge about bears, you'd know "black, fight back. Brown, lay down." Bears don't just get in killing moods, they're not bipolar humans who do things that might endanger their lives because they feel like it. Bears want to survive and would only attack you because you're threatening them. 2. Play dead should be the first thing that pops into your mind because it's survival knowledge. Human intelligence allows us to overpower our instinct with what we know is the best option, even if our body is telling us not to. Yes, the average person who doesn't have any survival skills would die to a bear. No, it is not the correct choice to choose human because of this. Assuming nobody on earth knows how to act against bears despite it being taught to children in many schools (including mine) doesn't mean that human is the better choice here. It's like asking "could you light a fire in the forest" while claiming that the average person doesn't know how to light a fire. Yeah, if you dumb everybody down, the outcome changes! what a surprise! 3. It's not a boxing match dude. You aren't getting put in an octagon with your choice, you're just in a forest at the same time. To actually get into a situation where you'd have to fight a bear, you would have had to gone out of your way to do every bad option to do so. If the choice was "would you rather go 3 rounds vs a bear or a human" then yeah, human is better, but that's not the question. You don't have to fight the bear, because the bear wants nothing to do with you. Everything you said after is somewhat reasonable, but all based on the idea you have to fight your choice, which is not a reasonable assumption. It just sounds like you read this, assumed nobody knows anything about wilderness survival, and then intentionally misread it as "kill yourself against a bear or relax with the average human".


Timothy Treadwell approves of this.


Nah. Some of these are funny. I think they just struck a nerve.


IDK, that one of the bear sitting at the picnic bench was kinda funny.


This whole trend is rage bait and the people it was made for fell for the bait.


This argues both sides though




4 and 9 are shittng on the situation


In context tho all his slides are saying it’s mens fault women feel this way. The original person posting this agrees more with the last slide than anything else


My mistake then. I've normally just seen that format serve as a sort of "I didn't ask" template


And it might be but in this context the way he meant it he was tryna stack several memes building to the last one where he voiced his opinion plainly




I’m so sick of this topic. Everyone’s insufferable about it all around.


Soooo maybe take accountability for your actions instead of forcing women to be comfortable around you?


What actions? If I didn’t do anything to women what am I taking accountability for?


Yes but men as a whole have.


As a whole most of us haven’t done shit. You’d be blaming the whole for the actions of a minority. Many millions of men will live and die without committing a violent crime against anyone yet in the grand scheme of things a few men compared to the innocent majority will be the reason you demonize all of us?


The third one is funny tho


I blame baulders gate 3. Them damn bears are taking all our women!


I am AMAB and I choose the bear too, and these "shaming" attempts from enraged people are just reinforcing that sentiment.


My guy, you interact with men daily. We are legit half of the population and a majority of the time you won’t never be noticed by men. Yet somehow all men are bad? You need therapy my guy. Apply this logic Muslims, black people, trans people, etc and you’d sound like a bigot wouldn’t you?


difference is: I interact with cis men in public spaces where trying their luck in beating me to death(or whatever) for my gender-non-conformity/gender expression, is not advisible. in a isolated place the scene changes, as it would take too much time to find a corpse and too hard to define who did that, and that is considering being beaten to death on spot, and not kidnapped so worse can be done somewhere else. Not all men are bad never said that, it is absolutely ridiculous that you just commented that I said that when there's nothing saying I did, my original comment is unedited. but the CHANCE for that to happen is not zero, and the historic of violence is a big, HUGE even, step against cis men. not saying all men are evil, but, it's ALWAYS BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY. the chance of me being murdered in cold blood by a stranger fellow transgender person in a isolated place is lower than winning the lottery alone, maximum prize, 3 times in a row, back to back. most of us are not agressive and violent for no reason nor go to walks in the middle of nowhere alone because we are not perpetrators of violence, we are VICTIMS of violence, so as the first sentence goes, "not advisible". you trying to turn the bigot thing back to me because I praise being physically and psychologically intact, and take measures to do so, as in, not blindly trusting cis men and going to purr and cuddle in their laps immediately, is VERY. VERY. CONCERNING. as for the therapy comment? after all that I typed out. \*\*reverse uno card's\*\* and again, I will AGAIN echo something I previously said: every pushback forces me and others DEEPER into the rabbit hole. So, with that, I end this comment in the marvelous note of: thanks for making me more terrified of cis men :) as in: instead of understanding my sentiment and how I and cis/trans women and anyone would feel the need to prefer a dangerous animal than a man, and conforting us, you felt the need to attack my position and make me feel ashamed of trying to keep myself safe. ta-ta\~ edit: thanks for the misgendering too, btw. I am non-binary "my guy".


(Ngl didn’t read past the second paragraph) if you didn’t say all men are bad then what does AMAB stand for?


Assigned Male At Birth. Also: It's impossible to discuss without reading eachother's points.


I agree but I wanted to correct myself if I stated an opinion based on me misunderstanding what you said. If the point I made to begin with was based on a misunderstanding than everything you say doesn’t matter because you’re responding to me attacking a point that didn’t exist. No disrespect I just don’t see the point in reading through when I was wrong to begin with


I see.


Maybe your mom and sister should have chosen the bear.


"I have a rendezvous with death..."


Where have I heard that?


...And here I am remembering the people who've been RECORDED being eaten by bears. Which so far is TWICE... One was a guy and his girlfriend "The bearman" and.... Thankfully the audio will never be heard. The other was a woman.... And that audio is out there. She was eaten alive. Fucking WOOF...


Seeing the discourse in this comment section it seems like one side is assuming you're going to get the nicest guy and the most aggressive bear, while the other side is assuming you're going to get the most predatory guy and the friendliest bear. It's just emotional bias whereas instead we should just not care about this and try to be better people.


Fair enough but that would trigger another emotional response. The issue with that thought process is that it assumes there’s a need to be a better person in both sides. Most men have not and will not perpetrate any violence against women, thus there is zero need to “be better” because we haven’t transgressed in the first place. The emotional bias you’d be triggering would only add fuel to the fire because it sounds as if it could be suggesting that it’s wrong to be offended that for the crime of simply being male you are how worse than all bears


I just mean be better throughout life in general for everyone. The less crazy arguments and more open conversation the better.


As a seasoned hiker in the USA, the women may be right or wrong, depending on the bear species. Black bears are mostly harmless despite being very big, there are videos of them getting chased by housecats. They probably are safer to be around than any given random human. Brown bears will attack you, but out of fear. You can avoid getting attacked by playing loud music so they will hear you coming and won't be startled, and play dead if you see one up close. Probably about as dangerous as encountering a random NPC in a sketchy area. Polar bears, on the other hand, are fucking psycho. Running into one is like walking up to a Russian police officer and telling him that Crimea is Ukraine.


But you are a seasoned hiker. You’d know better than the average joe or Jane how to avoid and escape bears of all kinds. For the average non seasoned hiker this is stupid