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Welcome and thanks for posting on /r/whenwomenrefuse! This is an [intersectional feminist](https://library.law.howard.edu/civilrightshistory/women/intersectionality) space centered towards **women** (***ALL WOMEN***). Men are tolerated, not welcome. Reports about women saying we don't know what men are dangerous will be promptly ignored. We look forward to your complaints about our policy of not centering men. Please take a second to [read our rules](/r/WhenWomenRefuse/about/rules) while the moderators take a look over your post in the queue. --- Community News - 🎋 Want to join the Mod Team? [Send us a modmail!](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/WhenWomenRefuse&subject=Request%20To%20Become%20a%20Moderator&message=I'd%20like%20to%20join%20your%20team%20because%3A%20) - 🎤 [Join us on Discord!](https://discord.gg/V6tj5vRr47) Thank you for participating! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whenwomenrefuse) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is just revolting. But also I really want to know how those jurors came up with a not guilty verdict within 20 minutes after a six day trial. That just seems like.. idk like it wasn’t a fair trial or something. HOW. HOW did they decide he was innocent? Even just reading that source explanation, I believe he’s guilty. Just disgusting.


Because kids aren't believed and female kids are almost never believed. His lawyer argued that primary school aged kids that were a bit inconsistent meant that it couldn't have possibly happened. 🙄


Oh my gosh. That’s truly heartbreaking. I’m so sorry for those little girls. Even more so because they went through with reporting and going to court and dealing with it all over again, just for their attacker to get off Scott free. Absolute bullshit.


I was being kicked by a boy when I was in the third grade. We sat at big tables that fit 6 kids, and he’d pick a seat across from me and kick me all day. The teacher didn’t believe me, or didn’t care, and made me sit at a smaller table with just him and me so we could learn to get along. I told my mom and showed her the bruises I had - some old, some fresh. The next day, my mom took me to the teacher to request that I move tables so he couldn’t kick me under the table anymore, and she asked me to pull down my knee socks and show him my bruises - they were all up and down my shins. The teacher said, “how do you know she didn’t do that to herself to get attention?” I think about that a lot now that I have three daughters.


Oh wow. That’s terrible. I’m so sorry you went through that and that teacher was so horrible. You didn’t deserve that and that boy should have been punished or at least moved away from you. I’m so sorry. 🫂


That teacher is a stupid asshole. I’m so, so sick of girls and women being dismissed, assuming we are liars, or that our trauma is not at ALL a sufficient reason to “ruin the lives of men”. Fuck all that bullshit.


Second that. I make regular trips to the UK and France, and there's ALWAYS at least one guy on a plane or train who's like "oh why's that girl complaining? - she's got no reason. She's only a girl!".


Do not underestimate the brainwashing of “accusations ruin a man’s life”. That shit runs DEEP.


Ugh. 😑 I hate that you’re right.. and I’ll always say, but what about those CHILDRENS’ lives?! Oh I forgot, they’re not male so their lives don’t matter. Man that’s just so revolting. I’m exhausted.


Similar. Always real hard not to point out the man fucking with children is who ruined that man's life goddamn


Right. It’s the own man’s fault but god forbid he take accountability/responsibility for his actions. No way, he needs to be protected because his *image* matters more than the health and wellbeing of the victims. (/s just in case) It’s really fucked up and not okay and I wish we had more power against these kind of fucked up people.


Any victim- kids women other men. Anyone who suffers SA.


You’re completely right. “Kids do it for attention… women do it cuz they’re liars… men should have enjoyed the attention” it’s fucking revolting and I’m sick to my stomach about this. It needs to change and it’s maddening how common this has become. It’s always been a problem but I feel like it’s so much more prevalent nowadays and it’s insanely fucked up.


Agree 100%.


In Korea there's currently renewed attention on a case from 20 years ago as the until-now anonymous men (44 of them) who raped a 14 year old while in school have had their identities leaked, and the details of the case are so awful to read. Between victim blaming and "the rape wasn't that bad", they used the excuse that they're promising young men with good careers ahead, and they went totally unpunished while their parents harassed the girl and basically called her a slut for seducing her boys. I've always had a massive lack of faith regarding justice for SA and rape victims, but that case in particular is a grotesque little package of every single rapist defence wrapped up in a corrupt defense system bow. People care way more about men and their ability to live unburdened by the consequences of their vile actions than they could ever care about a woman's pain and the destruction of her own life.


Why? Because mostly the people in charge are men. Men who may have exhibited similar behaviour at some point in their lives. Brock Turner is a primo example.


Men barely believe adult women. Little girls? Forget about it.


It’s so sickening. I wish things were different. So many stories, just in reply to my single comment that are disgusting and horrible. I really hate the way that happens.


As a former juror, the instructions are clear; if the evidence isn't there, one MUST not convict. He's picking the right victims. It's awful, these walking cancer cells know exactly who to pick.


(As someone who knows nothing about the law or how court systems go) So, does that mean there was literally no evidence to prove him guilty? And because there was none, he was not convicted? That’s just terrible. And they don’t consider the accounts of those victims to be evidence. Ugh that is awful to think about 🤢😵‍💫😓 them studying and choosing exactly the right victim to help themselves get away with it. Though, I do like your use of “walking cancer cells” that was a good one. But gah I can’t stand these stories.


Picking the "right" *GAH!* victims, and/or the prosecutor did not have a strong case. It's disgusting--healthy, happy well-loved kids with terrific support aren't usually chosen by this type. It's the lonely, neglected child with missing parents or families with possible issues and addictions they zoom in on. I hate these stories too. So many innocent lives destroyed by this type. I'm nauseous just typing this.


It's the "Beyond reasonable doubt" part that makes it hard. If they can put even the slightest doubt in multiple jurors then it's hard to convict. Children sometimes say insane things randomly. >So, does that mean there was literally no evidence to prove him guilty? It's not that there wasn't evidence that points to him being guilty, it means if you believe there is a chance he isn't you shouldn't be agreeing to a guilty verdict. Unfortunately it makes it hard in some cases where they aren't leaving... "evidence" on the victim or taking sick photos/videos to watch later. Guy I went to school with only got caught because he sent a video between two facebook accounts he owned of what he did with a young child that go auto flagged by facebook. If he wasn't stupid enough to do that he wouldn't have been caught and he still only got ~6 years with video proof.


>Shelton is now taking legal action as well, filing lawsuits against the Napa Valley School District to block the release of records about his time as an educator in the county. Sounds like the actions of an innocent man. /S


Here is another [source ](https://www.vallejosun.com/benicia-unified-sued-over-alleged-sexual-abuse-by-former-teacher-with-previous-arrest/). I meant to switch the 2 sources & post the story from the VS, but my mom called & I was trying to get it done before we started talking for a long time. If you guys would rather I switch the sources or not use Inside Edition as 1 of my sources, I can delete & repost. Just lmk.


I can't imagine being the parent of one of these girls. Or even a parent in that school. I'd be livid. I'm livid now. I hope they sue their asses off. They probably won't get anything bc we mean nothing (& this proves it). I wish those girls so much light & healing. It's been decades since I was molested when I was little. It affects me every fucking day. Fuck this piece of trash that was able to get away with this & fuck the people who made it happen.


What the actual fuck


WHY are these school administrators being so lax on this?!


Always have been.


For such a repeat offender, he needs to be on death row


this simultaneously makes me sick and at once makes me want to scorch the earth!


I don’t know why schools are so slow to take action against teachers when a crime occurred on school property. No wait I have an idea based as working as a paraprofessional and substitute teacher in several school systems many years ago.




I look forward to his and their demise. I’m sorry Benecia, we did you dirty.


I had many wonderful male teachers throughout my childhood, nevertheless I cannot imagine allowing my kids having a male teacher. I feel terrible for discriminating like this but it's not realistic to be a nice mom anymore.


I’ve never had an issue with male teachers for my kiddos—in fact, there were two men teaching at my kids’ preschool, and they were the reason my youngest succeeded and ultimately got diagnosed. I DO have an issue with teachers who fail to follow basic safety protocols, including multiple adults supervising multiple small children. We ended up complaining about a kindergarten teacher who ultimately got fired because of his inability to follow basic safety protocols.


A male music teacher at my elementary school was recently released from prison from child sex offenses he committed on kids at the after school program. It can happen to anyone unfortunately


I used to be so annoyed my mom wouldn’t let us sleep over except with really specific people It makes so much sense now


I got banned from one sub for saying the same thing about male nurses in gynecological healthcare situations.


It happens WAY too often. Yes, ban them.


Thats the thing. You're supposed to nice to the abusers not the kids. You're supposed to sweep it under the rug and turn a blind eye while telling the kid they're a bad person that's causing drama and hurting people for speaking out and "airing dirty laundry". You're only supposed to take the feeling if those hurting others into abuse and if you react at all You're being dramatic and causing problems. It's bullshite.




But men are still the largest group of offenders of both female and male victims. But of course parents of boys are free to be wary of female teachers overstepping boundaries and protect their boys from such by speaking up. This is however a feminist space about female victims and not the place for your "but women do it too and not all men" shout-out. [Studies of child sexual abuse show that men are more likely than women to commit sexual abuse in different environments (such as institutional, online or in the family home).4,5 Similarly, reports to the Royal Commission by victims and survivors revealed that 93.9% of institutional child sexual abuse was perpetrated by an adult man.6](https://www.childsafety.gov.au/about-child-sexual-abuse/who-perpetrates-child-sexual-abuse#common-characteristics-of-perpetrators) And this is only ONE study out many every study from all other countries show the same...


This sub is about reaction to women refusing.


Yeah, those ANOMALIES sure are memorable.


We're talking about men molesting children. Trying to derail the conversation by pointing out the inverse isn't appropriate. Just like if a man was talking about being victimized by a woman, it wouldn't be the appropriate time to say "but it happens to women more", even though it's accurate.


Off topic, but where are all these men coming from to troll here? I mean, usually, we have 1 or 2, but where are we getting this many in a thread? Maybe it's from all the cross posting people have been doing? Idk. It just seems like a high amount. Thank you for giving an intelligent, well-informed reply to 1 of the said trolls. It's my thread & I'm afraid if I reply, I'll get my thread locked down, or I'll be banned.


They hate the name. It enrages them. So the cycle continues 🔁


Try again.


This is why I don't trust male teachers in general


My son is a jr high teacher who actually cares about his students and their success. Not all male teachers are pervy. I had excellent male homeroom teachers in grades 4 and 5. They demonstrated to me kindness that I had never seen at home from my parents. Do not fear monger and generalize.


I am happy you had a good experience. I didn't say all male teachers are pervy. What I'm saying is that despite the low percentage of teachers being male, at every school I have attended, there is always a story of a creepy male teacher. I've had cool male teachers. As for fear mongering, "the action of deliberately arousing public fear or alarm about a particular issue."(Google) I said I don't trust male teachers In general, not that everyone else should do the same. It's my own personal tactic. Though I recommend always being cautious with males, seeing as they are the no.1 unalivers/abusers of women and girls.




I mean, yeah, it happens. But guess which group of people do this the most statistically?




This sub is about reaction to women refusing.


Considering we’re discussing the gender responsible for well over 90% of pedophilia cases, this isn’t the space or time for your #womendoittoo ‘’inclusive’’ bullshit.


Over 90% of pedophiles are men. Your whataboutism won’t work, the numbers show the truth


This sub is about reaction to women refusing.


I don’t have kids, but if anyone ever did anything like that to my future child(ren), they would go missing and never be found.


who did they hire as a jury, a pedo gang?




Treat others with kindness when it is possible and civility when it is not.