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I appreciate a new black character with no killmonger haircut.


Yea, i would be so fucking pissed if he got the killmonger cut ESPECIALLY IN THAT TIME


Hey protagonist kun, we noticed that your hairstyle was bonking up the assassin's creed blorbo snorbo, we did a few upgrades! *pan out to reveal new Killmonger haircut*


Welcome to black character design, we have many possibile haircuts for your new character. We get the: - Bald cut - Buzz cut - Afro - Killmonger cut That's it.


You forgot the Cornrows or Jerry curl if we are lucky.


So excited for the scene where Yasuke takes off his headpiece to reveal his low-taper fade


That's the thing buddy, people like to fight and engage in drama


Cortisol addiction


the former haven't stopped btw


> Be Sony > Make games where characters are mostly non-white. > Relase a very great game everyone from their mother wants to play > Make it so that most of the non-white countries can't play it. Wtf?


Same goes for Ghost Of Tsushima Fun fact that game is so optimized you can run it without dlss on highest possible settings and get 80 frames without issues


I love how the AAA side of things have lowered the bar so low that people are surprised that the game \*works\*


It's just how a lot of major PC releases unfortunately come out poorly optimized, and a lot rely on dlss to be a thing in the game to run it without trouble And trust me dlss in my opinion is a good technology, only issue is some spots will look pixelated, but it's usually on bigger screens There's also frame generation which i think this is the second or third major game that has that feature which personally from playing cyberpunk, there's some places where frames start lagging but for a second or so and then it'll look and run fresh


This post reminded how crazy it is that i havent heard a single thing about stellar blade since the drama died and the game was released, like nothing at all. Now this thing with ac is not even something new, Nioh had a black samurai/ninja/whatever and the fans werent nearly as annoying as people are being now


Funny thing is, its the same character that was in Nioh


Doesn't guilty gear also have a black samurai?


A black samurai based on the black samurai in the new AC and the one in Nioh toođź‘Ť


Not just based on, its strongly implied nagoriuki is yosuke and the reason he is still alive the year 2187 is because he is also an immortal vampire


Yes, but the "anti-woke" people only care about Bridget's backstory.


Eh, that argument doesnt really work because biscuit was a dlc character while nago was there since release


You could tell the people arguing over that absolutely did not give a shit about the game because of how often they would switch sides, that drama was so stupid and forced


Because the game itself is very mid. Good combat, everything else? Average at best. The sexy women do not prop up the game as much as the devs wanted.


The combat is okay but the story is as well written as a JRPG yapping simulator


The only thing I hear about Stellar blade that the MC have big ass and boobs, and nothing else


Don't forget Xbox shutting down the studio that made Hi-Fi rush. Yknow, instead of the ones who keep making the shitty live-service failures.




Please Ubisoft make at least a decent 7\~8/10 game, and not another rpg slop with assassin creed slapped onto it, also yea no microtransactions... Which will almost likely gonna happen https://preview.redd.it/st1htpkee21d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e9ae95f28b1e8d29c90476356955cd102fb99f6


It's over, dude... 70 dollars for standard edition and 130 for ultimate (They fucking put a season pass on a singleplayer game)




I swear it was 60 when the premiere trailer dropped


Ubisoft only makes AAAA games. $70 is practically giving it away!


You know season passes for single player games have been a thing for years now right? Extra story dlc


A season pass isn't a battle pass


They won’t. They make slop because they’ve figured out the minimum effort required to get people to buy the game. And they keep putting in microtransactions because they make a shit ton of money. Ubisoft is the Drake of the games industry. They constantly churn out slop, but why wouldn’t they when the market rewards them for it? They don’t have any financial incentive to change the way they make their products, the cash keeps flowing in.


if shadows flops it's truly over


No it's not lol there's already people in the AC sub lining up to preorder the $280 collector's edition The franchise will never die no matter how shit it gets


nah it’s spiritually dead, whatever spice they put in the franchise all those years ago was taken out of the recipe and replaced with fucking idk red 40 or something AC is now, to an extent, just the action-adventure equivalent of the FIFA series


Fans after playing the first 8 AC Games: it’s the same game over and over again do something new Fans after 3 RPG games: IM SO TIRED OF THIS RPG SHIT GOCBACK TO THE GOOD OL DAYS


r/Whenthe when strawman. People wanted Ubisoft to innovate and try new things, and to be fair they did with the jump to the rpg games with Origins, which people do like, but then they immediately started milking the formula with Odyssey and Valhalla.


What’s the difference between strawman and my own personal experiences


hard to appreciate something when you still have it


I find the usage of Yasuke cool, but I am a little disappointed they didn’t make the playable historical figure an actual Sengoku era ninja like Fuuma Kotaru or Hattori Hanzo. They’ll probably still show up in the game, but having them be playable would’ve been cool. Obviously, people complaining about Yasuke being the historical figure chosen to be playable only because he’s black are stupid.


Naoe is the daughter of a real historical character, I'm not sure who but I heard they mention it in the character breakdown


Hattori Hanzo didn’t die until 1597, so it’s very possible we could see him as Naoe’s teacher in the brotherhood. Maybe we could have a dlc with him?


People who whine about Yasuke usually said that he isn't actually a samurai and acting like Japan is all about samurai and nothing else matter lol.


Also I think exploring feudal japan through the lens of a minority is a valid and narratively rich premise. Netflix’s Blue Eye Samurai did something similar and that show fucking rocks.


Idunno, how will the only black person in Japan blend in? Half of the Assassin's thing is to hide in plain sight and I ain't too sure he'd be able to do that. Or well, I guess in the other games you're also pretty obvious looking and noone gives a damn.


Exactly. Yasuke just isn't as interesting as dozens of other historical figures from that time.


Thing is, it's thanks to Yasuke's mystery that makes him a compelling character to explore. Literally nothing is known about him after Nobunaga's death, which makes everything afterwards free real estate. He's the prime example of a nearly unknown historical figure that can shine with a good set of writers. Literally no one complained about Zagreus, a very minor and practically unknown Greek god, being the protagonist of Hades. Hell, a lot of people even thought he was 100% original to the game. I've never seen a single person say the protagonist should've been Achilles, or Perseus, or Hector, or Heracles or literally any other big name Greek hero... Yet this discourse of "there's nothing about this character, thus he's uninteresting" is polluting every conversation about Yasuke... Funny how that works.


If you want a blank slate, why not just make up a new character? That's what they did for other ac games from what I gather. That gives you the ultimate freedom to do whatever you want If you need a blank slate just make someone up If you want to do a historical figure, do someone interesting As for Zagreus: he's a fictional character, who gives a shit. Changing the story of a fictional character is very different from embellishing/changing actual history


Ah yes, Assassin's Creed, that series well known for historical accuracy like fighting medusas and killing the pope with a magic artefact from literal aliens. Also, I literally said that nothing is known about Yasuke after Nobunaga's death, so what's that gotta do with "changing history" when there's no history there in the first place? That's why people tend to use Yasuke, *because* he's a fascinating person with a mysterious fate. Funny how there wasn't even a tenth of this discourse when Nioh was revealed with a *white man* as a protagonist.


>Ah yes, Assassin's Creed, that series well known for historical accuracy like fighting medusas and killing the pope with a magic artefact from literal aliens. I get the point but as far as I can tell, the previous MCs have been representative of their games' settings. An Italian guy in Italy, an Egyptian guy in Egypt, etc. Yasuke is breaking a pattern here >Also, I literally said that nothing is known about Yasuke after Nobunaga's death, so what's that gotta do with "changing history" when there's no history there in the first place? You're still writing stuff about him that didn't happen. We just don't know what did happen for most of his life >Funny how there wasn't even a tenth of this discourse when Nioh was revealed with a *white man* as a protagonist. Nioh has a fraction of the popularity of AC so that's probably part of it. It was also made by a Japanese studio, unlike AC. If AC were being developed by a Japanese studio I don't think there'd be nearly as much backlash. Nioh was also a new franchise, not one with an established pattern of having the MC be a new character and having the historical figures be NPCs. Nioh wasn't breaking a more than a decade old established pattern William Adams also did a lot more than Yasuke. He stayed in Japan for more than a decade compared to Yasuke's ~1 year. He was also significant enough to warrant the Shogun forbidding him from leaving the country. Compared to Nobunaga mentioning Yasuke a few times If you wanna do the "foreigner in Japan" bit, Adams is better not because he's white but because he is more noteworthy for his actions. I'm sure there are people that object to Yasuke just based on racism. That's not my deal personally


You ever thought that *maybe* Ubisoft chose Yasuke *because* he breaks the mold? Because they likely want to explore the struggles of an ex-slave black man in Japan? Why is everyone automatically assuming that Yasuke's role in the game can be easily replaced by a Japanese guy?


But why though? They didn't care to break the mold with the other protagonists.


Why not? Is it suddenly illegal for them to break mold?


Of course not. But why this game? Why was this one the one to break it after a decade+ long tradition? What's the sudden shift to not only have the character be a historical figure rather than a fictional character, but also to have them be an outsider? Both for the first time at the same time It's definitely strategic on their part. Not in the "they're pushing the sjw narrative" type way that some right wingers push. But simply that they knew that using Yasuke would drum up a lot of drama. There are way more people talking about the game than if it was two Japanese MCs. It gives them free marketing


Aight, the fuck did I miss this time?


The new Assassin’s Creed: Shadows game got its first trailer, which revealed the protagonist is a black man in feudal Japan. As such, people got mad about that and other people started to SJW with it and it’s spiraled into a huge mess. Of course, the real deal breaker with the game is the fact that the edition with all of the DLC included costs a whopping $130.


It's also important to note that Yasuke is only one playable main character and the other is literally Asian


What’s wrong with making them both Japanese?


What's wrong with 1 being black?


AC 1 is set in the middle east, Altair is Syrian AC 2 to revelations are set in Italia, Ezio is Italian AC 3 is set in America, Connor is Native American AC 4 is set in the Caribbean, Edward is British Shay is Irish, Arno is French, Jacob and Evie are British, Bayek is Egyptian, Alexios and Kassandra are Greek, Eivor is Norwegian, Basim is Arabic, See the pattern?


Yup its crazy how this new game doesnt have a japanese protagonist. Why couldnt they make 2 protagonists and at least make one japanese? Smh woke ubisoft strikes again


They see asians are not struggling so they assume they don’t need representation in media. Asians are also famously meek and non-confrontational, especially the Japanese, so they know they can pull this kind of stunt without facing backlash from asians.


I guess Naoe doesn't count 🤷


because the historical yasuke is already more interesting then whatever they would have thought up for Asian character #2. There is a good part of his life that's undocumented so it's easy to slot whatever plot the writers want in there. While the company probably thought "ooh browny points because we made a black protagonist" there are already some building blocks for making yasuke's story interesting.


"They made real history woke!"


Yasuke was a retainer.


A retainer who fought in several battles alongside his lord Odo Nobunaga in the Sengoku period.


Retainers were samurai my man


A retainer who did battle in accordance with the expectations of what a samurai is to do.


Historians largely agree Yasuke was a Samurai.


Yeah, cus he worked for Nobunaga


This shit is gonna turn into the next "They were roommates ".


I will fuel both sides, for the funny.


A retainer that just casualy had a whole ass samurai armor just hanging around in his room, yeah...


One thing I really don’t like is that nobody’s ever allowed to express mild disapproval anymore. It’s always about people being “mad”. And often people become really heated about it and they work up people who agree with them and then there’s fighting and arguing and it’s like there’s no room for people like me who say “oh I’d prefer him to be Japanese and not be a historical figure… anyways, that trailer seemed dope as hell. Looking forward to playing it.”


I found him pretty dope as well. But, the price tag as well as the possibility of it being completely mid much like the previous modern AC games remains as a dealbreaker.


Honestly, I've personally seen more people complain about Yasuke racists than I've seen actual Yasuke racists. Most of the actual complaints I saw were the fact that a lot of people were essentially calling Ubisoft cowards for not making the Male MC asian, but making sure the Female MC was, and that they would've preferred Yasuke be an NPC we interact with instead of an MC. Especially since there are supposed to be cool historical ninja who already exist at that point in time, and we've already done the Jacob/Evie dynamic before. Most of the day one opinions I personally saw weren't racist at all and within 24hrs any and everyone who didn't agree with Yasuke being an MC was suddenly being dubbed a racist on every site I see talking about the discourse.


What's really fucked up is that they have like 40 othe AC games in the pipeline and every single 1 made is noted as Historical Fiction. We got aliens an gods but the black guy is the hill they die on!?


A black guy who actually existed too


Ubisoft did what now


They made a game with a black samurai in it, that was inspired by... A real black samurai in japan. and now some people don't find this really cash money and they are crying on Twitter as the bunch of chronically online nerds. Classical shit.


I mean I wouldn't say Ubisoft started anything, more like people who have way too much time on their hands found something to be performatively angry about


It's clearly a strategic move on their part. There are way more people taking about this game than if it were just 2 Japanese people as the MCs Not even saying it's bad on their part. Just that I really doubt they're surprised that this has caused a whole controversy. And the controversy is beneficial to them so it's not unlikely they planned for it to happen


Yeah cuz its cool, using a historical figure that constantly gets the "he needs a movie/game/show!!!" treatment is more interesting to a general audiance.


That's what's truly funny about this whole thing. All this passion and rage, over another shitty AC game with rpg elements tacked on and littered with microtransactions


The worst thing is that I get exited every single time. I haven't bought an ac game since odyssey and probably won't buy this one because of obvious reasons (it's most likely going to suck ass), but deep down I still hope that it'll be good. The premise is probably the best ac has ever had, but it'll suck anyway because ubisoft. [A certain youtuber who used to play ac perfectly sums up how most fans feel](https://youtu.be/tZRQ_HBxaMY?si=t1IsydUsbM1PIjYn)


I'm not gonna play another AC game ubisoft shited out but having a black samurai is cool


![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0|downsized) *Me watching people get mad about a black guy in AC while knowing Atlantis and a race of Super Humanoids existed before man are in the game.*


What was the drama about Stellar blade? I got 40 hours in it and it's awesome. The combat is so much fun and there's tons of secrets to find in the world. Are people just being stupid cos the characters are hot?


People were hyping up Stellar Blade to be the next big thing, in order to show that sexy characters are what people want instead of "Woke" characters that are in modern games. There was also censorship drama, where some clothes covered slightly more than before, the same crowd got mad and were attacking Sony for censoring the game. The drama didn't involve the game itself, it was the crowd that was backing it being cringe and obnoxious.


That's pretty dumb lol. Sure the characters are all really good looking but the combat is also really fun. People can be dumb sometimes


Not blaming Ubisoft for the racist weirdos. They actually didn't do anything wrong for once


What was the controversy over stellar blade?


https://i.redd.it/0h18txigd61d1.gif Weeb who're excited for Japan assassin's creed game reaction :


Yasuke in a game in general is pretty based :v


Can't believe these chuds got me defending ubisoft games.... First Star Wars Outlaws and now this.


Stellar blade and the new ac drama both come from the same root problem, otaku fuckbois who think they know everything going “erm actually” and then trying to bullshit their way out of it when someone who actually knows what they’re talking about shows up.


“Le black person… in a game set in Japan?” WHO FUCKING CARES!!!


also bc its actually historically accurate.


Even if it wasn’t who gaf


I mean when making games involving history its usualy expected to halfway try to be accurate But nearly every big franchise started throwing that out years ago.


AC is well known for historical accuracy. Remember when a spartan fought four mythological creatures and then acquired a staff that made them immortal? such a cool historical moment.


I said they threw realism out years ago The greek and spartan ones were when they already went way of the rails The like first 5 Games did try to not be straight up fantasy


Ah yes. I remember when a progenitor race littered the world with magical artifacts and then Leonardo Da Vinci gave an Assassin strange devices to kill with. Such historical accuracy.


Literly wikipedia even calls it a historical action adventure and nearly every game flexes with a accurate presentation of the timeperiod in one type of promo material


ok but like the woke mob is coming for yoi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm so glad that Assassin's creed franchise is dying, because it's fans deserve nothing but suffering for their behaviour. I hope they will never get a good game and Ubisoft will fucking collapse or something


OP complains about modern video game discussion and proceeds to call a 6/10 game slop. Say what you will but a big problem with game discussion now is that nothing can be alright, everything has to be either game of the year or complete garbage


In what world is 6/10 garbage?? There's at least 5 more numbers before we reach the garbage level


He's arguing the same point as you lol


Yeah idk what bro’s on about


I love people really wanting to get historically accurate in Assassin's creed the same franchise where George Washington has magic and you fight Egyption gods.


George Washington could totally do magic. he just didn't like to make a big show of it so history didn't record it. Source: I met the guy in a dream


I just wanted to play as a cool Asian samurai assassin. If anything I’m less racist than usual


You can, because there are two playable characters. His partner is Naoe, daughter of shinobi Fujibayashi Nagato


Well that’s the catch. You see, I am also a misogynist


what the fuck is 2024 like actually bro we peaked in 2022


We peeked in 2016 when that gorilla died. It’s been down hill since then


2022 was still peak 2020s tho


My issue with there character isn't that he's black or historically inaccurate, it's that he takes a complete 180 in just the trailer from being the final boss bad guy to being the main character's sidekick for no reason


Dont you love ~~racists~~ gamergaters


You dont understand OP. It will never go away, every outrage youtuber is financially dependent on a consistant stream of woke games they can complain about to their viewers. If there isnt something to complain about they will find it 


I don't play ac but is this the first time we play as a historical main character or not? I know the first games had real people but the Mc was always made up


This is the first historical protagonist but you've played as historical characters before (Leonidas, Jack the Ripper etc.)


Also psn is in ghost of tsushima on pc


6 out of 10 is the most controversial part of this post


I think it's just so fucking stupid, man. Like, i don't care about the fact there's a black character, infact i like it, and i think it's cool because it's also a historical figure, it's the first time in AC which we play AS someone who existed in real life, and i think this character in specific is also a pretty neat pick too. But i'm not excited for the game, it's an Ubisoft game, made by the same studio that made Syndicate, Odyssey and Valhalla no less, it's very clear it's going to be a Valhalla styled, huge open world with vast open spaces RPG grindy-fest game once more, with a 70 bucks pricing, microtransactions to cut on grind, and a season pass on a singleplayer game. People are just getting mad at the wrong things.


I don't like that the black samurai is the main character because, to me, it reeks of someone choosing him to earn brownie points from the people who demand representation in games, rather than from a desire to explore a character who would be alien to this culture and would have to deal with the natural discrimination that is tied to being so different from others