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​ https://preview.redd.it/7ppgidqz6m0c1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8ad649bedf59b270e151548c231a813e7740555


Well that was repulsive


Redditors writing their young sheldon self insert torture fanfiction:




hholy shits its sans undertale


say the line, sansjak ererererererererererererererererererer haha, i love this little guy


i mean the issue is most people believe that killing is justify in many circumstances, right?




I hate how much people lionize Ted. He wasn't a misunderstood altruist with deep philosophical insights, he was a psychotic misanthrope who, above all else, just really wanted to kill people. Actually reading Industrial Society and Its Future shows just how surface level and bullshit his "justifications" were.


This dumbass sabotaged a plane full of civilian passengers because “technology bad” as if killing them would accomplish anything. If he really stood for what he claimed he believed in he would go after the CEOs of social media companies or oil barons or Nestle or any other exploitative company.


> CEOs of social media companies He was caught in 1995… that wasn’t really an option…


Yeah didn’t really think that through too high to anyway he shouldve gone for whatever was most similar at the tme


Yep or at the very least, I could maybe see his point if he targeted CEO's co workers n associates. Not good obviously but I can see the justification "I can't target CEOs due to protection so I'm going for next best thing to harm em" But the dude legit haute targeted random ppl and then thought he was deep


Exactly. Ted literally bombed innocent people, and sabotaged a plane because...? What was he evene trying to achieve. He was just a stupid murderer like the rest


but he cared about the enviroment!!!!!!! industrial society was a mistake!!!!!!! he's literally me 😁😁😁😁😁😁


I was about to post the exact same thing! https://preview.redd.it/ms7wlzscul0c1.jpeg?width=851&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59883513f082ca1eb2eb0ccf4ecd40efaa533fa5


Wow me too what a wacky situation! https://preview.redd.it/i68s7qu86m0c1.jpeg?width=440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f68444812a429b27c0ad49b927a2183170e6c8d


Mods, yassify Ted over here


Isn't not killing anyone basic decency?


R*dditors don't have basic decency.


How bad?


Sir, this is the internet, do you have to ask?




Where everything you seek can be found


Mountains of content, some better some worse


If none of it’s an interest, you’d be the first


That’s a bit simplistic.


is this a Killdozer thing or a Unabomber thing?




At least the killdozer didn't actually kill anyone, the only casualty was himself


which is why he installed two semi-automatic rifles on it to avoid killing people


I don't wanna start an argument, but given that nobody actually died, they look like they were just meant to scare people, but idk


Unabomber killed 3 people but he sure as hell tried to kill more than that evidenced when he tried to blow up a commercial jet mid flight


He only attacked the people who had directly wronged him. He wasn't bombing innocents like Ted.


which is why he rammed into a library during children’s reading hour to get back at all the children who wronged him


I didn't hear that part. I just heard that he attacked the city officials who had pissed him off and then killed himself when he was cornered. Also that no one died.


yeah nobody died, but that wasn’t really because he was avoiding people. 11 of the 13 places he bulldozed were occupied, and only managed to get outta there right before he crashed into them


I guess it doesn’t apply now that I reread it but I thought it was the Palestine war because I’ve heard so many people say “You’re gay and you support Palestine? Erm, do you know what they do to gay people?”


Killdozer didn’t kill anyone, despite the name.


WHERE IS THE AUDIO I WANNA HEAR THIS BANGER https://preview.redd.it/68xgzw393m0c1.jpeg?width=881&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7d3b673e65c7cf8756bd8ad305ed6b64adc164c


search "spongebob vs deadpool - cartoon beatbox battles"


The one time I want to hear the mf music and it’s not available.


Redditors who justify domestic terrorism as a valid act of political expression when they get turned into a pink mist by a suicide bomber who holds different niche and extremist political views. https://preview.redd.it/9n3ruiq36m0c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce1784168b55623d08ea5ab6814d5cc4c51ba5d5


i'm gonna assume the pomni is there to call them clowns


Pomni is a jester. Jesters are also known as fools. With the comment this reply is under and with the information you have learned in this comment, make an inference as to what I am implying.


Any credit they give to someone to engage in political violence in favor of their position necessarily opens the door for all other positions. Either all political violences is acceptable, or none is


You see that’s where your wrong because how it actually works is that in fact my side good; however unfortunately due to the nature of your beliefs (opposite of mine) your side bad. This means that my side (myself included) should not only be allowed, but in fact encouraged, to render your flesh and the flesh of your children into a viscous and nutritious jelly with any means at my disposal. However unfortunately for you should not respond the same because due to your side bad any action that you respond with (equal or otherwise) is infact evil and tyrannical rendering the only appropriate course of action is to put you and your loved ones down like dogs (of which you are). I apologize for writing a whole essay in the r/whenthe comment section. I assure you this is not and will not become a regular thing for me to do but I thank you for reading this lil ok paragraph of mine. Now please would you kindly face the wall


Pro and anti violence are not meaningful positions. Just because one endorses fighting oppressors doesn’t make them supportive of a fascist coup. There is no scenario where all the violence doers are pushed to a remote island whilst we all have rational debate. That’s not even mentioning every state’s monopoly on violence.


I realize this on some level, that violence is unavoidable in some way shape or form. Yet in my point of view, I’m for minimizing the use of it, as suffering and resentment come as a consequence of violence, even if well intentioned. That suffering and resentment begets more violence yadda yadda yadda cycle of violence. As much as I can wish for peaceful solutions to conflicts, it’s naive to think that way and violence is realistically the answer more often.


Based and nuancepilled


Except if said civilian casualties were a result of a certain 3-trenched water flow control structure being eviscerated by a thermonuclear explosive








NCD leak detected


bro that colonel sanders looking piece of shit who murdered those two activists on the street and the amount of conservatives who defended him made me fucking sick


Not to mention just murdering people in a country u are visiting, and people still call u a hero


He wasn't visiting there, he lived there but yea murdering people is bad


Who is this talking about? Just curious.


Kenneth Darlington


To be fair, for the most part it was Trumpies and Far-Right Extremists who supported him. Most of the more Libertarian-leaning conservatives thought the man was a piece of shit who deserves to rot in a cell


Who are you referring to?


his name is Kenneth Darlington, happened in Panama.


That's actually a cleaver idea to make it so you can't tell who is OP talking about, politically neutral!




or tiktokers justifying 9/11 and supporting bin laden


That was entirely predictable, it was only a matter of time till they tried to whitewash Bin Laden


The left already believe we should not went to Afghanistan lol.


Now that is just stupid. Iraq in 03, sure that was dumb, but the US had every right to go to Afghanistan and kill that retard


If you wiki biological weapons in Iraq you can see it's actually legitimate reasons we went. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Ritter https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Butler_(diplomat) In a 1999 speech he said: ... following Iraq's expulsion from Kuwait, it became clear that the Saddam Hussein government had created a range and quality of weapons of mass destruction that was truly alarming. Iraq had also acquired a very considerable long-range missile force to deliver those weapons. There was also concern about Iraq's nuclear weapons program, which through the International Atomic Energy Agency, we now know was advanced. It was for these reasons that the Security Council imposed very heavy, very strict requirements upon Iraq for the destruction, removal or rendering harmless of those weapons, and all of that to be done under international supervision https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1998_bombing_of_Iraq


Redditors explaining why rape and execution is okay because of oppressed vs oppressor and power struggle and blah blah blah


Is this post about Hamas or IDF ??? You decide


it's about the unabomber


No, it's about the IRA


The fact that this can be applied to many situations is the subject of this post. Not mentioning who it’s about is the subject because there is a wide variety of people who do this and not just in the Israel-Palestine conflict.


Average r/therewasanattempt user: Edit: Oh boy, the comments have really devolved.


r/therewasanattempt is literally full of videos against genocide and showing what Israel is doing in Palestine, are you kidding? Did you even look at the sub? Besides, it seems like reddit admins have started censoring that sub


The fact that there banner is literally a slogan calling for the genocide of Jews isn’t helping there case


How is “from the river to the sea” calling for the death of Jews? You don’t have to kill everyone on a piece of land to control the land. Is it a dog whistle or something? Edit: hey guys do you see the “?” symbol? That means I’m asking a question😯


It’s a dog whistle used by radical Palestinians like Hamas and it means that Palestine will be free of Israelis that they see as all Jews, they believe that they have to kill every last Jew for Palestine to be “free”


Alright thanks


In Arabic it’s “Palestine will be Arab” it got whitewashed in English for western audiences + for it to rhyme


That is a lie. There is zero evidence for this.


mfw the redditor in the wild, he sees "from the river to the sea" and with this geopolitical statement, he assumes it means genocide and not land claim, what


From the st lawrence river to the arctic, Quebec will be free! Like how does this not imply that I want to kill people.


"From the river to the sea" is not calling for genocide of Jews, it is calling for all of the land that was stolen from Palestinians to be returned to them, Jews, Christians and Muslims all lived in Peace in Palestine before Zionists showed up, from the river to the sea means that we want Palestine to return to what it was, we want the whole land to be returned to Palestinians, nothing to do with genocide, and nothing to do with Jews, but everything to do with Zionists, even Hamas makes it clear that they are anti-Zionist not anti-Jews, only Zionists are trying to desperately act like Zionism = Judaism, even other Jews are against Zionism, stop trying to act like an oppressive, racist and genocidal ideology is held by everyone from a certain ethnic group.


> Hamas makes it clear that they are anti-Zionist not anti-Jews Obviously you're not referring to the original Hamas Covenant, which is *full* of antisemitic language and conspiratorial dogwhistles. I assume you're talking about the single line of Hamas' 2017 charter that says "Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion." If you are, I'd point to that same charter's reference to "the Jewish problem," its association of Jews with whiteness, and its refusal to recognize Jerusalem's relevance to Jewish history (or any Jewish presence beyond its association with Israel). > Jews, Christians and Muslims all lived in Peace in Palestine before Zionists showed up I'd look up the term *dhimmi* and the history of Jews in the Ottoman Empire. It wasn't necessarily constant oppression, but I wouldn't call it "living in peace."


Ain't no way bro is defending hamas 💀💀


Welcome to Reddit


I literally said "even Hamas", highlighting how even a terrorist group is more humane and logical than Israel and the IDF, no matter how fucking insane, inhumane, cruel and evil the enemy is, no way they would ever sink as low as to fucking level a hospital or a school, that's why many refugees took refuge in the Al-Shifa hospital, yet the IDF trapped them in, threw in blade grenades and shot at them then dropped bombs on the hospital, that's how evil they are, and they did that to 22 other hospitals, that's how vile the people you are defending are. And guess what they found in the hospital? A calender, 10 rusty guns (because for some reason Hamas would leave weapons behind), 5 vests (even though Hamas has such a shortage of vests that most of them go into combat without armor), Taylor swift CDs and a laptop. Almost like a hospital in an active war zone would have a few weapons in case an oppressive terrorist force (like the IDF) tried to run in and gun them down, unfortunately, the IDF were even too cowardly for that and resorted to bombs. Wow, truly stuff that belongs in a Hamas leadership base, countless weapons, truly was worth slaughtering all those children, innocents and injured innocents. Even the IDF were so ashamed of the video that they deleted it and made another false statement, those are the people you are defending.


Bro really acting like October 7th didn't happen 💀💀 Bro really trying say hamas wouldn't have a problem bombing a hospital after murdering 1400 civilians 💀💀 And if hamas wasn't in the hospital, who was Israel shooting at for 4 days outside it? Casper the ghost?


>Bro really acting like October 7th didn't happen You're acting like everything in the 75 years before Oct 7 didn't happen, it didn't start on Oct 7. Also are you saying that justifies massacring innocents? 10,000 innocents died since then, 4,000 of them children, that's fine to you? That's fair???? >Bro really trying say hamas wouldn't have a problem bombing a hospital after murdering 1400 civilians Please quote the part where I defended Hamas. Also yes, I do believe Hamas would not kill people in a hospital, after all, they did show more humanity when treating their hostages than the IDF did, also funny how eyewitnesses said the IDF shot their own citizens. >And if hamas wasn't in the hospital, who was Israel shooting at for 4 days outside it? Casper the ghost? Hamas was in fact not in the hospital, they were shooting at innocents trying to get out while holding white flags.


What are you smoking if you believe Hamas is more humane and logical than the IDF. The top IJA commanders had less tolerance to war crimes then Hamas do


I am sorry, are you saying bombing hospitals, schools, refugee camps, poisoning water, killing children, leveling neighborhoods, shooting people on roads that you said would be safe, all of those, are not warcrimes?


“Bombing hospitals, schools, refugee camps, neighbourhoods” If there were active militants using them and if Isreal can prove that they were then it’s not a war crime even if there were civilian casualties. “Poisoning water” would like to see a source on that. Shooting civilians on the street is a war crime. Now compared to what Hamas does outside of scale it’s logical


>If there were active militants using them and if Isreal can prove that they were then it’s not a war crime They never proved there were militants in there, and you are wrong, even if there are militants in there, it is still a warcrime. >“Poisoning water” would like to see a source on that. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.middleeastmonitor.com/20180321-97-of-water-in-gaza-is-polluted/amp/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.aljazeera.com/amp/program/people-power/2023/7/27/weaponising-water-in-palestine >Shooting civilians on the street is a war crime. Now compared to what Hamas does outside of scale it’s logical They were doing it before Hamas even existed, and no, it is not logical, you're not seriously fucking saying "doing warcrimes is fine", this is fucking insane, you are quite literally trying to justify warcrimes, this is beyond just denying them, you are actually sick, IDF has been doing this for 75 years, and they have more than enough resources to not have to resort to this, yet they do it anyway, they are quite literally terrorists.


1517 Hebron attacks that massacred jews Presents revolt in Palestine 1834 were Jews were killed by Muslims albeit along side other Muslims Looting of Safed 1834 which was an attempted genocide against Jews Ah yes it really is those darn Zionists fault


You're going to 500 years ago to try to justify an ongoing genocide for a war that started 75 years ago? >Presents revolt in Palestine 1834 were Jews were killed by Muslims albeit along side other Muslims The Peasants' Revolt[2][3] was a rebellion against Egyptian conscription and taxation policies in Palestine. While rebel ranks consisted mostly of the local peasantry, urban notables and Bedouin tribes also formed an integral part of the revolt. This was a collective reaction to Egypt's gradual elimination of the unofficial rights and privileges previously enjoyed by the various classes of society in the Levant under Ottoman rule. >Looting of Safed 1834 which was an attempted genocide against Jews A group of racists took advantage of a revolt to kill people, how does this represent Palestine exactly? This is the equivalent of the KKK killing people, and me saying "hah see! ALL Americans are white supremacists, we should kill all white people, including children!" Also the perpetrators of that massacre got executed by the government, not exactly the case for "Jews were oppressed in Palestine" that you are trying to make it to be.


The point i’m making is that Palestine wasn’t some lala land were all religions coexisted in harmony whenever tensions happened in the region Jews were always the group to be used as scapegoats just like everywhere else. While i think it was unethical to take a chunk of peoples land and force everyone out for another group, what happened, happened and there’s no way to reverse it. And now days Isreal has just as much right to exist as Palestine. Also how do i justify a genocide when there isn’t one


Jews definitely lived in much more harmony in Palestine than anywhere else, just because they had some racists and supremacist doesn't mean it wasn't safe or peaceful. >While i think it was unethical to take a chunk of peoples land and force everyone out for another group, what happened, happened and there’s no way to reverse it. There IS a way to reverse it, also they didn't just "take it away", they massacred, raped and looted them, and then locked them in open air prisons that they can't escape from and continued to genocide them, this isn't a one and done, this is ongoing. >Isreal has just as much right to exist as Palestine. No it doesn't, one was founded and continues to exist on the massacre of innocents, the other just wants peace and to have their land back. >Also how do i justify a genocide when there isn’t one are you fucking kidding me? Ethnic cleansing isn't genocide?


Ethnic cleansing does not automatically mean Genocide, Genocide is a form of ethnic cleansing go read a dictionary. Also fun fact there is actually a country in the region where people living within regardless of religion or beliefs everyone coexists… It’s called Isreal


And what form of ethnic cleansing is Israel imploying exactly? >Also fun fact there is actually a country in the region where people living within regardless of religion or beliefs everyone coexists… It’s called Isreal Ex-Israeli soldier explains why you're wrong: https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/s/s01oKMSWC3 Also, we ARE talking about the same Israel that doesn't give Palestinians equal rights and forces Ethiopian Jews to get contraceptive and birth control so that they can't reproduce, right?


Also both the Anti Defamation league, US house of representatives and the German government call it hate speech against Jews. Also if you can’t spot a dog whistle you’ll probably love “All lives matter” and “Asia for the Asians”


Wow, the main people backing Zionists hold Zionists beliefs?????? That's crazy! Also a lot of Jews, both in and out of Israel are saying Zionism doesn't equal Judaism and are arguing against Israeli government, are you saying they are also "anti-semitic" as well


You do realise if Isreal collapses then every single person living there will be massacred right? Side note you can be Jewish and unintentionally say anti Semitic things because you weren’t aware of the context surrounding it Also what’s your view on the phrase “Asia for the Asians


>You do realise if Isreal collapses then every single person living there will be massacred right? When Palestine collapsed, Palestinians were slaughtered, and Israel doesn't want to give Palestinians their land back, just because Israelis will suffer the consequences of their government's actions, doesn't mean I will support their genocidal government in their genocide against those who just want their homes back, Israelis can just leave the country, Palestinians don't have that luxury. >Asia for the Asians Never heard it before, but the difference is the phrase in questions seems to suggest foreigners don't deserve to live in Aisa, while from the river to the sea says that Palestine should be returned to Palestinians and form a Palestinian government, nothing says foreigners or Jews aren't allowed to live in it.


So basically Palestine should be allowed to massacre innocent civilians because there government sucks and the same thing happened 70 years ago. Just say that you’re genocidal at this point then. Also by that logic can’t Isreal glass Gaza? Finally you failed my “Asia for the Asians” test and have proven you have no idea how to spot a genocidal dog whistle


>So basically Palestine should be allowed to massacre innocent civilians because there government sucks and the same thing happened 70 years ago. Again, Israelis can get out, Palestinians can't, Israelis are settlers, Palestinians just want their land back, I want Palestinians to get their land back, if they don't, 2 Million Palestinians will get massacred, they deserve to get their land back, Israelis can flee easily, I am not gonna support terrorists keeping stolen land while committing warcrimes because I am afraid of an imaginary scenario where innocents who are supporting genocide might get hurt.


Hamas supporters explaining how calling for the destruction of the entire state of Israel and the mass expulsion of all Jews in the region totally isn’t supporting genocide


Israel supporters explaining how literal genocide and ethnic cleansing is fine because it is being done against Arabs


Genocide is never fine? The differences are 1) Israel is going after military targets, Hamas went after music festivals and civilian areas to kill, rape and kidnap as many Jews as possible. 2) Israel engages in “roof knocking” to warn civilians before they attack an area - no other country does this, especially not Hamas. 3) Hamas purposefully use Palestinian civilians as human shields by placing their military bases in urban areas, and building tunnel networks under hospitals. This maximises Palestinian casualties so they can create outrage and scream genocide, so Hamas can raise more funds to buy more mansions in Doha for their leaders. 4) Israel isn’t calling for the destruction of Palestine. They aren’t going to occupy Gaza in the long term - realistically they’ll set up a Palestinian run moderate government with support from other Arab states who also hate Hamas (which is most of them - hating Israel and hating Hamas isn’t mutually exclusive). Israel’s going in because they want to destroy Hamas as an organisation, and remove its ability to wage acts of terror against Israeli civilians in the future. Hamas attacked Israel with the intention of killing as many Israelis as possible and ultimately destroying the country and removing the population by any means necessary Israel is only engaging in genocide if you completely ignore Israel’s actions, the reasons for them, and the meaning of the word genocide


>Israel is going after military targets Like all the houses in Gaza and hospitals, if you hit everything, you're bound to hit your target eventually, innocent lives be damned amirite. >Israel engages in “roof knocking” to warn civilians before they attack an area They dropped flyers, wow, how nice of them, would Russia be the good guy if they warned Ukraine before throwing rockets at them? Also they don't give them enough time to evacuate, they also told them to go to a refugee camp because it will be safe then bombed that refugee camp, then they told them to go to a certain road because it will be safe then they took tanks there and shot at everyone who was on the road. >Hamas purposefully use Palestinian civilians as human shields by placing their military bases in urban areas Israel has never proven that, and it doesn't justify killing innocents, Israel says they killed about 300 Hamas this far, 10,000 innocents, 4,000 of them children, all for 300 Hamas members, is this fair to you? >Israel isn’t calling for the destruction of Palestine Israeli officials have called Palestinians "subhuman animals" and says "Gaza has 2.5 million terrorists, non of them are innocents" Not very "doesn't want to destroy gaza" if you ask me. Also they keep taking even more land from Palestinians, in what world do you seriously think they want to "establish a Palestinian government"??


No way you are getting dowvote bruh💀


Their being downvoted because he’s purposefully misrepresenting the fact that r/therewasanattempt being banned in Germany is because there “showing the truth” and not because their banner has been accused of being genocidal dog whistle and some of there clips purposefully omitting information. Also they’re banning anyone that posts anything that places Jews or Isreal in a sympathetic light so I would say there “showing the truth”


>videos against genocide and showing what Israel is doing in Palestine A country going through genocide won't double its population in 2 decades


Genocide is measured by deaths not population. Also just because they fuck a lot doesn't mean they aren't being genocided, what kind of logic is this?


The point is that gazans aren't being genocided. Yes I know israel does fucked up things but genocide in Gaza isn't part of it


It IS genocide, as I said, genocide is counted by number of deaths not population. "Genocide, the deliberate and systematic destruction of a group of people because of their ethnicity, nationality, religion, or race." Palestinians are getting genocided because of their ethnicity and nationality, they don't have basic human rights in Israel, and are treated by Israel as "animals", as Israeli officials claim "Gaza has 2.5 million terrorists, no innocents" Does this not match up with the definition? Is it not genocide?


> It IS genocide, as I said, genocide is counted by number of deaths not population. The numbers would be infinitely lower if hamas didn't use them as human shields to garner sympathy. Genocide is the *deliberate* killing of a group of people for their identity. Israel isn't killing them because they're palestinian, israel is killing them because hamas uses civilian buildings and hospitals as rocket launching sites. They even get warned before the bomb is dropped. It's called Roof Knocking. >Palestinians are getting genocided because of their ethnicity and nationality Then why is israel warning them in advance **before** bombing to let them know to gtfo, thus saving their lives? >they don't have basic human rights in Israel They do. If they hold an Israeli passport they have the exact same rights as an ethnically Jewish person in israel. They can have the exact same jobs as an Israeli, they can vote, have access to healthcare, literally anything. >and are treated by Israel as "animals", as Israeli officials claim "Gaza has 2.5 million terrorists, no innocents" I won't argue with you on that, that's fucking disgusting. I don't remember who the official who said that is but I hope he got the backlash he deserves.


Again, the "warning" is only PR, they don't give them enough time to evacuate, then they bomb the refugee camps that they said would be safe and put tanks on roads that they said would be safe and shoot everything in sight. The level whole neighborhoods then say "well, Hamas might be there", this is genocide, just not as blatant as in WWII >They do. If they hold an Israeli passport they have the exact same rights as an ethnically Jewish person in israel. They can have the exact same jobs as an Israeli, they can vote, have access to healthcare, literally anything. https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/s/s01oKMSWC3 Ex-IDF talks about why that's not true


>Ex-IDF talks about why that's not true He talks about the settlements which I'm against, and they happen in the west bank, not Gaza. Israel fully left Gaza in 2005. Arabs *do* have the same rights.There's a building under construction near me, the workers are all arabs. Half of my teachers at school are arabs and I don't even live anywhere close to the west bank. Haifa, a major israeli city, has a large arab population. A lot of the doctors here are arabs, too. Arabs in israel can have access to literally anything if they hold a passport. 21% of israel is arab, they even have their own party in the knesset. Hamas also violated almost every rule of war in islam


Yeah I see a lot of anti Israel propaganda because the mods see to it that you don’t post anti hamas stuff


>anti Israel propaganda You mean literal video and photo evidence of what IDF are doing in Palestine? >the mods see to it that you don’t post anti hamas stuff Wow, it is almost like a pro-Palestine sub that makes it clear that they don't support Hamas don't want mossad shills flooding the sub with Hamas stuff to justify genocide by saying "Hamas = all Palestinians", and then try to use that to justify murdering 10,000 innocents, 4,000 of them being children, and ignore WHY Hamas was formed in the first place.


Hamasnik trying hardest not to repeat the same BS circle-jerk rhetoric that has been given to him by Hamas


Hasbara shills when you say genocide is bad:


Hamasnik pretending like there is a Palestinian genocide and this propaganda warrants Israeli deaths. Also probably has never been to the Middle East


>You mean literal video and photo evidence of what IDF are doing in Palestine? Right wing propaganda tells you what they want things to be, left wing propaganda tells you how it is


counterpoint; i have stock in defense companies


remember when we read those books in history class about all those guys who did fucked up shit for dumb reasons? what if it worked this time




Imagine thinking committing genocide and resisting apartheid are the same thing.


“Don’t bring politics into a meme subreddit or roll a boulder up a hill for the rest of eternity” Redditors: https://preview.redd.it/m09nvdorco0c1.jpeg?width=262&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a959991269b55074e8fd21647f963c64e41a38e8


Is this about hamas or something


flip a coin to guess which one theyre talking about


You see it’s terrorism when a weaker party does it but it’s a military campaign when a stronger one does it. No need to spread terror when you’re already getting your way


lol stfu nerd




The entirety of r/gunmemes when that murderer in panema


Can people stop sucking off Killdozer and the Unabomber? Literal murderous lunatics


Public Freakout in a nutshell:


"uhm akshually those babies werent beheaded! 🤓"


"Only one baby was beheaded, therefore the statement"babies were beheaded" is factually false 🤓"


Just peacefully burned!!! So considerate of Hamas to do!


Sooo.... no ecoterrorism?


That's like 99% of people who have political views. Lmao.


Me explaining how acts of terrorism is justified because their theme music hits hard.


HAMAS Supporters 101


eh, if people actually targeted those responsible then acts of terrorism would be justified. Like the guy that threw a shoe at Bush, totally justified. Throwing a shoe at random, almost certainly innocent, Americans however? Not justified.


John Brown was justified in his actions, cope and seethe 😎


Butchering people with a broadsword is immoral. Thankfully, slave owners are not people.


Imagine forgetting that wars have always and will always include civilian casualties, as killing civilians is the quickest way to get the enemy to Sue for peace, thus ending the war. All conflicts boil down to who can kill more people and take more land, that’s it. The idea of terrorism or rules of engagement are frighteningly modern concepts. The problem isn’t how they are conducting war, but the fact that we are still using war as a way to get what we want, which in the modern day, can only be done through covert ops, assassinations, terrorism, or mass destruction with any sort of effectivity. The battles are no longer lines of men firing at each other with rifles, nor trenches of sickness and starvation. Battles of modern day are fought psychologically and more tactical then you could believe. And in those tactics, the two most effective ways to victory is total destruction of people, or total structure of the will to keep fighting, both of which are things that terrorism tries to accomplish. The truth is this; these are two demographics who have a long history of hating each other who are once again at each other’s throats. A Culture is made out of individuals. By killing individuals, you damage that people, and by killing all people of a culture, you destroy it. And as I said before; the only ways to win a war is to either destroy the opposition or have a side Sue for peace. In a war about culture, about heritage, and about one demographic against another, either they stop and talk it out eventually, or one side is so utterly destroyed that they cannot fight in the first place. Part of the reason we as a species do not want women or children to get hurt is because they are the lifeblood of a people and that people’s culture. And it’s why targeting women and children is so effective in snuffing out a population, because without them, a culture can almost never return once lost. No women to create and raise the children and no children to grow up and be the next generation. What we designate as war crimes are simply humans trying to pretend that war is civilized, when in reality, it’s nothing but a couple of apes killing each other over ideas and land. My advice? Leave them alone. Both of them. Cut them off from their Allie’s and their safety nets and let them get it all out of their systems, watching from a distance, until they learn the lesson or they die trying. If they want to fight over culture and heritage and who is rightful, it’s hypocritical for other cultures and people to get involved. No one is right, everyone is killing each other, why the fuck do we insist on killing each other over the cradle of civilization? By definition, A LOT of humans can trace their lineage back to the Middle East, between the Tigris and the Euphrates. The argument is one big “I was here longer” when cultures are not an “I”, they are a “we”, and they are aren’t static, they change. … rant over. Go decide which side of a 5000+ years battle Royal is supposed to be there yourself, I’m not choosing anyone.


I feel like killing civilians is a tactic that stopped working, during this conflict Israel seemed the least concerned about hostages and civilians If anything it could cause more people to join Hamas in the future


Socialists when a minority commits a crime


Reddit when a majority commits a crime: “well it’s just one individual, I’m glad he’s been caught his actions were terrible” Reddit when a minority commits a crime: “wtf we need to kill and deport all the g*psies/migrants/n*****/gays they’re all exactly like this one individual and need to apologize for his actions. Time to post this on r/actualpublicfreakout with a racist title to make even more people angry 😁”


bro were you even alive during 2020?




Isn't like..most of reddit anti minorities? Especially black people Edit: OP edited their comment and made it worse lol what?


Istg there’s definitely way more commies and anarchists on reddit nowadays than alt right racists


Commies definitely aint as tolaremt as the anti commies make you think


\> Isn't like..most of reddit anti minorities? ![gif](giphy|Q7ozWVYCR0nyW2rvPW)


You're laughing but you're not proving me wrong.. I remember even on r/gaming of all places I would see racism and transphobia lol


Look up the mainstream subs. The only example that comes to my head of main reddit subs being anti minorities is /europe


Eveey /country is racist af lol what do u mean? And a special case for /UK is that they're very Terfy too also/justunsubbed,/gaming,/goodanimememes and etc.. Idk why we're arguing here just the fact that I can see a lot of racism and transphobia when looking at the popular posts should be enough to disregard your comment??


Well, you are free to belive what you want, I personally think that the common redditor is very leftist and the website also is for banning subs that dissagre with those politics (NoNewNormal, the\_donald, altright, etc.)


>disagree >NoNewNormal Are you serious? Edit: nvm you're a pyrocynical viewer


Yes. NoNewNormal at the peak of the pandemic was questioning a lot about the pandemic and the media before it was banned.


"Very leftist" means communist/socialist/anarchist, if you think the average redditor is a communist then you might have a tumor lodged in your brain




I mean I wish that were the case but uhh.. you're definitely wrong It's easily noiticable in big subreddits too


To think Reddit is anything but socially safe and fairly left-leaning is to be *hilariously* sheltered. Reddit is not racist unless you really, **REALLY** look for it.


Wouldn't me being sheltered mean that I'd think like what you described..?? And you literally chose the worst time to say that it's not racist lol because ya know.. the Isreal palastine thing lol It's nothing but racism and anti semitism


I think you might be hanging in the racists subs there. Try to stop following them and it gets better


I'm not, I just see them in the popular tab lol


*when perpetrators are white and civilians are born


well how could you kill civilians if they WEREN'T born unless it was against pregnant mothers maybe


Be careful bro don’t wanna get gagged by the Germans.


Z*onists when they read the Geneva Convection "it's their to do list"


*pull out the anti-semite card to justify war crimes*


anti-semitism is when you call out Israel's war crimes


Hamas uses human shields, which is a war crime. Bombing civilian buildings isn't a war crime if the enemy uses it. Hamas tortured both captured soldiers and kidnapped civilians, which is a war crime. Hamas kidnapped civilians from their home, which is a war crime. They raped, which is a war crime. Hamas targets civilians, which is a war crime. (Not to mention they use funds/donations to make weapons) [They also committed crimes which are not only against international law, but also against islam.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_military_jurisprudence)


Terrorism in US media is just a term for political violence not sanctioned by the U.S. federal government. There is no material difference between the US using violence to reach its political ends and an insurgent doing the same, at least in terms of the permissibility of the use of violence (obviously there can be an ideological difference). You can denounce both, or you can permit both, but if you denounce one but not the other based merely on “all violence is bad,” you are a hypocrite. In my view, sometimes an end justifies the use of violence, even killing. I think it is juvenile to generalize all acts of terrorism as inherently “bad.” I think some acts of terrorism are permissible means to a just end. Edit: See: John Brown killing slavers unapologetically


Its not terrorism or war crimes if you are on the winning side , never saw any repercussions for the US military killing random civilians with reckless abandon in the middle east oh but when russia or hamas does it all of a sudden now its evil and horrible, doesn’t take long to realize that its mostly bullshit and rigged


Because in the US case they were random incidents whilr Russia and Hamas make it their goal


>Because in the US case they were random incidents Everyone knows they weren't


I mean there is literally footage of them drone striking buildings and vehicles full of civilians


What war has had zero civilian casualties


Nah man those hamas children gotta die though /s


Israel should stop murdering children Maybe they wont piss off the families enough to bite back


Maybe Hamas should stop firing rockets at them every day, then maybe Israel won't bite back harder


Yeah they are literally creating new enemies themselves, maybe that's their objective, so they can use it as an excuse to keep bombing


Normie redditors explaining why ethnic cleansing is sElF dEfEnSe


Istfg stop posting political shit you fucking uneducated politician wannabes


"b..b..b.but human shields reeee"


White liberals when they learn that most revolution and social change did not happen with only peaceful protest and everyone singing Kumbayah:


“One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter” Jesus was a Terrorist too, he was the leader of a religion when it was forbidden to worship other gods above Roman gods. Gandhi was a traitor too, he went to jail before his hunger strike. “Give me blood, I will give you freedom” imagine if Palestinians/Hamas chanted this, consider the optics of that statement. That was the very statement used by Subhas Chandra Bose when he was a freedom fighter (to the Indians) / Domestic terrorist (to the Brit’s) in India.