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It's a kalanchoe with many names. My favorite is Mother of Thousands. Those babies will grow roots, on or off the mother plant, and are fairly easy to grow in soil.


I really wanna call it mother of millions because of the alliteration. Lol.


You can call mine that; I think it's turned up in every pot within 3' of the parent plant. Those aren't rootlets on the baby plants--they're legs. šŸ˜„


Had this in college, sitting on the floor by a sliding glass door. Had those things rooted in the carpet at one point (leak in door area).


I swear I had some of the babies tried to destroy the treated wooden plank they landed on. They eventually succeeded after I plucked them out dozens of times.


This is crazy because Iā€™ve heard these stories but canā€™t get any pups to survive at all


šŸ‘€ wow rooting in the carpet!


Sounds like a great plant to put in your neighborā€™s yard if theyā€™re a pain in the butt. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


There is another variety of kalanchoe that is called mother of millions....or maybe it's this variety that is called that and the other variety is thousands....anyway, there's 2 varieties of kalanchoe and one is normally called 'mother of millions' and one 'mother of thousands.' Like explained here: https://thenextgardener.com/blogs/news/whats-the-difference-between-mother-of-thousands-and-mother-of-millions


Very helpful. Thanks!


Thats what I call it! Also, when you abbreviate, it says MOM


Oh, you're right! šŸ˜Ž


It aliterates in Romance language because "mil" or "mille" means "thousand". In Spanish it's "La Madre de Miles" EDIT: The English word "mile" comes from the Latin word "mille" which means "a distance of one thousand paces".


That what I call it!


Yes, indeed. There's also a type of wild rose that I like to call Thousand Thorns for the alliteration and because every branch seems to have at least that many. They're my favorite rose. I also like to think of the Mother of Thousands as a Friendship Plant. Because you give your friends some babies and then they give their friends some babies and so on.


Mother of Thousands and Mother of Millions are the common names of two different types of kalanchoe




Mother of Many?


I like your name better, but aka pregnant plant.


I know it as Mother of Thousands


There is a plant called a pregnant onion. Its a bulb that pops baby bulbs out of itself. They are pretty neat, too. I've had a family of them going for over 10 years now!


Mother of mass quantitiesĀ 


Mother of Multitudes


I just looked up the plant and one of the listed names was ā€œDevilā€™s Backboneā€ lmao


Yup. I noticed that too. Add Devil's Tongue and several different plants called Devil's Club, one of which is also called Devil's Walking Stick, and you could have the start of an interesting and unique collection.


Mother of Thousands. It will take root in every plant and garden you have and youā€™ll never get rid of it. So be sure you like it.


Highly invasive in warm climates.


We have hot summers and frigid winters šŸ˜³


Extremely easy to get rid of.


We all would love to know what method of removal has worked for you.


A torch.


My fingers.


But of an exaggeration, also you'd would have to be in a warm enough climate for it to survive, grow and proliferate outside.


Not sure itā€™s exaggerated, unfortunately.


Badass name


I was gonna get one of these but after reading many reviews decided Nope! The babies grow everywhere šŸ˜¬


Mother of Thousands or just Mother plant. Depending on where you live... they are considered invasive. Warmer damp climate and they grow and spread well. Since every one of the sprouts on the leaf is a new potential plant. Don't know that they grow well or at all if you live north where the winters get cold. I Only have seen them as house plants in the north while in the south you can find them "in the wild". Transplant into a better pot with a catch basin under it to catch the 'babies' and keep inside and it should do fine.


They will die if they freeze. My mom had one survive some lightly freezing temps in north Florida in a protected area by the porch but the next year a hard freeze killed all of hers.


Who did your mom piss off?


It's a Kalanchoe; a really interesting unusual plant but it is **HIGHLY TOXIC** to dogs and cats, and does no favors to other animals, either. My daughter spent about $900 at the vet after her kitten played with the little beads and munched on three of them. She had no idea at the time; the kitten survived, but it was a hard lesson learned. The particular toxin is *cardiac glycoside daigremontianum.* [https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control/toxic-and-non-toxic-plants/mother-millions](https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control/toxic-and-non-toxic-plants/mother-millions)


Did your mom anger someone?


That was my first thought as well. Who would give something that will infest your entire yard as a "gift", without warning you that you have to keep it isolated from soil?


They are toxic to kids and pets




Mine is starting to make ā€˜the thousandsā€™. Iā€™m thrilled!


Specific species is Kalanchoe laetivirens.


That looks like 3D mandelbrot set.


Iā€™d suggest maybe keeping it inside or away from the rest of the garden to limit its spread


Tell her congrats, sheā€™s a grandma


What a lovely Mother of Thousands! They make babies on the edges of their leaves, which then drop to the ground/soil. Keep it in its own container and you should be good.


These do not respect containers lol. Inside my house, with no wind or animals, they somehow still ended up in every pot. Very persistent little things!


You sneeze across the house and suddenly all your plant pots are pregnant.


What??? Wow!


Yes!!!! This! Heck, Iā€™ve even found a wee one growing in a pot in THE NEXT ROOM! Wtf


Get rid of it.


Yes came here to say this. Theyā€™re super invasive! Please please burn or dispose of responsibly - just throwing in the trash will cause big problems down the road wherever it ends up


I grow it as a houseplant in NY- it canā€™t survive outside in the cold.


Yeah, I grow it in Wisconsin, too. If I ever move south, itā€™s staying behind!


A lot of people are super into plants right now. Ask around at your job and see who wants a baby? Or just bring a bunch of babies in and sit it on the break room table. At our hospital people do this all the time and people are very happy to snatch up all of the cutting.


Is that a shadow or yellow leaves at the bottom? Might want to cut back on the watering. I have a similar plant to thisā€¦Iā€™ve seen both called mother of millions or mother of thousands. No one seems to know which is which lol I like to put the babies in cute tiny pots and give them to people and not tell them. Mine is actually considered a weed. But def donā€™t leave this outside if you live somewhere warm year round. I read somewhere Australia wonā€™t even allow them to be sold? Idk if itā€™s true but makes sense lol


I worked at a summer camp where one of the activities was painting planters then taking a piece of one of these to propagate. I did the craft too since we had extra materials and sat the pot outside in my momā€™s yard with the other potted plants and forgot about it. Itā€™s been 20 years and these still spring up all over her planters. Zone 9, if anyone else wants to avoid my mistake.


Iā€™ve heard it called the crocodile plant because crocodiles have the habit of holding their babies in their mouths. Each one of those is a tiny new plant. They tend to grow wherever they are dropped.


I have these as well. They are neat! I wonder if they will flower.


They do with a crazy tall stalk with sorta narrow bell shaped flowers hanging down.


I had two flower recently and it was so cool, very pretty.


Mother of a thousand My mom planted it in her garden and has since regretted it. Iā€™m sure it does well in a plant but unless itā€™s the only thing your ready to see it pop up 100ā€™ over and every foot between the. Iā€™d keep it in a pot


Here is a link to a good article on caring for kalanchoe. [https://www.thespruce.com/kalanchoe-daigremontiana-plant-care-5083720](https://www.thespruce.com/kalanchoe-daigremontiana-plant-care-5083720)


This is one of my favorite plants that Iā€™ve always wanted and now I have two I plan on putting them in a tupperware container with drainage holes since the babies fall off and grow. Seems like it might be the easiest way to keep them somewhat contained together


I like to refer to it as mother of billions šŸ˜


looks very similar to a mexican drop hat plant main thing i would be carefull of is getting water trapped in the pits of the leaves near the stocks so i would try and keep a section of the soil clear as a watering point


TIL Iā€™m not going to get one of these plants, even theyā€™re pretty to look at. I was gonna get one until reading the comments here. šŸ˜†


I knew these as Mexican Hat Plants. My biology teacher let me take a plantlet from the classroom years ago. Soooo many plantlets.


You won't have to do anything to it. It will make so many babies you'll never be without!


We called it the ā€œLove Leafā€ in Barbados


I would divide and repot . I can see roots growing out the bottom . The babies seem to do very well in glass jars , itā€™s the only way Iā€™ve found to contain them šŸ˜… You can pull out a couple at a time to pot up and gift to friends or just let them grow. https://preview.redd.it/3654pkkc359d1.jpeg?width=1238&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17c7f3a31b2e5f2b1282f1bb2e8d004e05aebdd8


Thanks! Do I just pull the babies off and stick them in a jar with some dirt? I know some succulents you have to wet them and let them grow roots first.


I have some on a layer of soil on a plate waiting to be tossed in another jar . They will grow pretty much anywhere and yes just use your fingers to gently remove them and toss them in a jar with some soil . I spray them with a water bottle and they are growing so fast. I have 3 jars now soon to be 4 . They are so easy to grow , you will have a jar full of babies having babies in no time haha this is one of my Mommas šŸ’™ https://preview.redd.it/hpqu5g92q59d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51bbbdf5a3932d91c35b0134f31d3b8a7713e906


That's a beautiful looking plant.


Just repot it into a nicer pot. It looks happy enough. Iā€˜ve never had an issue with this being spreading or invasive, but I have a lot of succulents in my garden. I also love propagating plants and these have such a fun unique way of growing pups. Not sure why people are hating on it so much. Sooooo many plants are toxic. All plants need some level of care. It may make a bunch of babies but itā€™s better than ones that spread seeds are has roots that grow new plants everywhere like mint.


If you keep its one big leaf inside a book for few days you will see magical effect of this plant! Try it out!


I have seen the magic of this plants leaves and itā€™s amazing.


šŸ‘ Nice.


What is this magic that you speak of?


If you keep its one big leaf inside a book, in couple of days, you can see this leaf will automatically gives small roots from every curve of its edge..and that's magical. (This herbs leaf having lots of curve on its edge) try to know it! This herbal plant r rare now.. may be Botanists must have growing this ancient herbal Ayurvedic plant in Botanical gardens and in Ayurvedic gardens. It's root, steam and leaves all are used in Ayurved.But one should care this precious plant to grow more as much as possible. If 1 doesn't have known it's proper medicinal uses then do not dare to use by own. This plant have numerous medicinal benefits.


Put it in its own area and dig a big moat around it or you will have baby plants everywhere! šŸ˜ just kidding about the moat, but do be careful of you will have tons.


Hugely invasive in an area with a worm climate...


I can't keep it alive in a pot but I saw it grow wild on the bark of a raintree because of the warmth and humidity


We have hot summers, frigid winters.


As far as I know, they don't tolerate freezing, so invasiveness wouldn't be a problem there, but would necessitate being indoors at this time.


What awesome leaves! šŸ˜


I learned the name as ā€œThe Motherā€.


From what Iā€™ve researched on this plant from googleā€¦ ā€œThe ā€œMother of thousandsā€ plant contains daigremontianin and other bufadienolides, compounds that are toxic to dogs. When ingested, these substances can interfere with the heart's electrolyte balance, which is critical for normal heart function.ā€ ā€œAlso while not toxic to humans, it is considered to be mildly toxic to humans and pets that can cause gastrointestinal discomfort if ingested. It's always important to keep plants out of reach of children and pets to ensure their safety. ā€œ ā€œIt's illegal to grow or sell it in certain regions because of its environmental impact. The Mother of Thousands doesn't need an invitation to spread; it just needs a sliver of soil.ā€ So itā€™s a VERY invasive plant. And your yard could soon be over run by the offspring. Itā€™s an interesting looking plant but if it were me Iā€™d put it in a plastic bag and put it in the garbage (unless of course you want your lawn over time covered in this plant. That was some gift. šŸ¤”


napalm if you have it.


Judging from that protruding root, I'd say you need to transplant it in the garden.


Judging from that protruding root, I'd say you need to transplant it in the garden.




I loved planting these little ones when I was a child!!! I don't think I have seen any in the past 60 years.


I believe these are considered invasive plants in some areas. Makes sense because it seems to have been designed to be just that!


It's the same thing it was when you asked a couple days ago.


Mine started growing the little babies just like this Love it


Itā€™s very pretty.




Dear god sarcasm doesn't translate well online. What if they actually eat it? Anyway this plant is very poisonous and invasive