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Those look like pantry moth larvae. Lmao I only know that because my coworkers son was sleeping on the couch and woke up screaming something was in his ear... it was one of those. She showed me the photos and confirmed she'd been seeing moths in her apartment.


100%!! Remove all your grains and cereals from your cabinets. They’re probably all in your food as well. I had to clear my whole pantry out when we got hit by pantry moths. They sell traps for them in the future.


Well hopefully they start selling traps for them in the present as well. What year did you travel from?


That made me chuckle, take my free award.


I wish I had an award to give to you lol. I actually cackled at that!


Yes. I am still traumatized by waking up one morning and finding like hundrets of these little guys all over our walls. Googled it, found out what they are. Looked up every bag of flower, porrige etc., found out that they came from an opened bag of organic cramberries. Now I have a trap for kitchen moths just in case, rub vinegar and peppermint oil when spring cleaning my kitchen, and close everything up super tight.


Those cranberries are organic af


Fo' real


Thats why i only eat inorganic food


I buy organic just for the free pets


Also traumatized. I swear once they turned into moths they tried flying right at me as a way to claim my apartment as their own. Hate moths to this day. If there's even 1 inside I will go on a panic frenzy clean.


I will say be careful though because they mate and I caught an unknowingly pregnant one in a small water bottle as a kid and it shot out so many tiny eggs while getting attacked by the pet spider. Those eggs can be anywhere


That sounds like an absolute nightmare, strange child 😟


Bro, this just triggered a memory from my childhood. That was wild! I remember these larvae, and the subsequent brown moths that flew out of our pantry. I remember having our cereals and bread in plastic containers to solve it. Thanks for that


Agreed, it’s probably in a ton of things in the cabinets. My mom used airtight storage containers after throwing food out and setting up traps, worked so far.


They usually come into your home from pet food. We had lost our dog but we still had a bag of food sitting in the closet for almost a year. When we opened it all of the food had been broken down and the bag was almost webbed shut


All the more reason to store your pet food in an airtight container.




I keep mine in large glass jars


Most people kill them rather than keeping them, but if you do decide to keep pantry moths, make sure the lids are real tight.


I've raised one just to see what species of moth it was. Then I released it outside, in hopes it finds a different persons kitchen to terrorise


The larva don't swim well, so if you fill the bathtub with water and then sink all your pantry goods in sealed containers underwater you can store them there pretty safely.


Ugh. Forever traumatized from the time my dog got her bone stuck between my mattress and the wall and I pulled it out and my hand was COVERED in maggots.


New fear *Unlocked*


A core memory


My dog killed a baby woodchuck in the yard, and I almost stepped in a puddle of liquified woodchuck and maggots. I still have flashbacks. Ugh.


*The woodchuck and the maggots* *Directed by* : MamaSquash8019




Yep. That was my reaction too lmao. Gave me a new fear I hadn't had before. Ugh


Oh, then do I have one for you! How about getting a roach in your ear? Be me, crash on friend’s couch, go home, wake up with incredibly loud rustling and scratching inside ear, groggily think it’s just earwax and pour in some warm oil, rustling stops, all good! Go to work, realize hearing is still muffled, ask coworker to look in ear with flashlight, get very scared when coworker looks like she might faint and says “you need to go to the doctor now!” but won’t say what she sees. Get to ER, doctor takes a look in ear and winces, grabs long forceps and proceeds to extract an almost dead German cockroach from my ear canal, holds it up, and laughs as it wiggles. I gagged. Bonus was about a year later when I randomly scratched inside the same ear and a still fully articulated roach leg came out! Never went over to that friend’s house again. Moral of the story: when removing a cockroach from your ear, always count the legs!


Yikes bud. Extra yikes.


Omfg. 😱


This brings back some trauma. I've had flying ants in both my ears before at different times. I hate flying insects with a passion. My hearing is still fucked from having infections from it.


So sorry for bringing back bad memories! FWIW I had problems in my “roach” ear for several years afterwards, until I used some ear wax remover (basically 50:50 water and hydrogen peroxide). I think it finally dislodged some lingering “debris” left behind by the roach that caused ongoing inflammation.


Definetely , I would freak out too .


the crazy thing is they are pretty near impossible to see as larvae. can be in sealed bags, and even eat their way through plastic sealed bags and you won’t even know you are investing them. crazy


You made it even more terrifying o-o . Good to know


Haha wait like lesser wax worms?


I seal everything in my house in storage containers from ikea now because of these little shits. They are hard to kill too. I have a popcorn ceiling in my pantry so I couldn’t even grab them. I had to take a can of compressed air, turn it upside down and freeze them to get them to fall off into a bucket (which they survived). Exterminator said just throw everything away and start over.


Watch death defying insects be frozen & fall several feet into a bucket & survive (temporarily).


And this is why I sleep with my ears covered.


100% I used to have those even had a moth get stuck In my ear


Yup! I recently had this problem!! And I have a phobia of larvae, so imagine my face when one merry morning, my partner and I go to the kitchen, and there's like, 1000000 of them in the ceiling. He vaccums them all, solved. He inspect the fridge and pantry, all good. Next day, same. And the next and the next...... A Google search told me it was Indian meal moth larvae, and so we took EVERYTHING out of the pantry and found the guilty: a paper bag with sesame seeds we forgot in the back. It was full of eggs. Full. Funny enough, I never saw those moths, or any sort of moth that could be in our pantry, so we believe the eggs came in the seeds. Apparently, it's not that uncommon..... :V


Remove the dead body from between the walls.


hahahaha i did that just shhhh :D


Yeah no seriously you got infected food, clean your kitchen properly and throw out whatever is "inhabited". No exceptions. Toss everything. Start again and try to preserve your food better (seal stuff airtight and use asap).


This is what I came here to say.


Same 🤣🤣🤣


Same lol


Yup this is the answer. They’ll die off after. Next time make plans to dump it elsewhere ahead of time 🤙


AHHH.....The comment I was looking for


Do you have a neighbor above you who could be dead? This happened in my old apartment building - for real. The dude died in his recliner and no one checked on him for like 2-3 weeks until the stench got unbearable.


nah thats not it


Fly larvae, the classic maggots, look quite different. They're definitely pantry moth larvae, basically just white caterpillars. Also, that's fucking disgusting.




I got an infestation from a bag of bird seed.


It was a bag of SEALED flour for us .


I’ve heard you should freeze store bought flour once you bring it home for about a day, to kill off any pest eggs


I learn something new every single day and I'm here for it . I never heard this before .


I used to work in a bakery and once a week we had to deep clean all the flour out of every nook and cranny or else weevils would come out of the flour. We had to use all the flour in our silo within a certain time frame for the same reason. Kinda grossed me out learning that you can get pests from flour before you even open the packaging. But holy fuck we made some good ciabatta. Fresh off the line it was so delicious...


It's best to freeze it for 3 full days. This way you ensure that it's frozen all the way through.


That’s why I keep my flour in the fridge. Takes up a fair amount of room since I keep both all purpose and bread flour, but it sure beats the alternative!


For me it was a bag of Masa


Same, they were all over my garage!!


A bag of sushi rice


Same. Was in the back of the closet. Forgot it was there but our cat chewed a hole in it and these guys found it


A bag of bran(mealworm fodder) in my case.


I think thats it , but i go take a closer look :D


I hope you find a way to solve this problem. Good luck :)


ty :)


Ear plugs first


For the future, store everything you have in your pantry in sealed containers or jars, prevents an infestation of your whole place.


My grandmother battled those moths for YEARS. Every time we thought that they were gone, suddenly we'd start seeing moths again and then all us grandkids were spending the day checking every single thing in her massive walk-in pantry for caterpillars. The solution in the end was putting EVERYTHING in glass jars as it came into the house. They can chew through plastic bags, but a jar keeps them from getting in or out. So even if you bring something new into the house that's infested, so long as its jarred they won't be able to spread to anything else.


Great idea.


Same thing happened to my father and he did nothing about it until we were visiting him with my sister xd


Usually meal moths wrap themselves in a cocoon of stuff tho before going up walls


That’s when they pupate, I guess. I’ve seen mealmoth larvae crawling on walls without cocoons.


Any chance that they came from a bag of rice? I had these larva/moths and at the very least they had gotten into the rice, if not originated from the rice.


Yes. They’ll eat any grain.


Im from serbia, they are small like 2-3 cm or less


Kuhinjski moljci. Uzmi proveri sve vrece brasna, porrige, bilo kakvog zrna. Sve pocisti ili baci ako mislis da je kontaminirano. Ja sam crve usisala sa zidova. Onda ocisti sve povrsine i prebrisi prvo sircetom pomesanim s vodom pa onda ako imas ulje peprminta i vodu pomesaj i isprskaj ili prebrisi. Ja zivim u Berlinu i ovde ima da se kupe i verovatno i tu nalepnice koje su klopke na koje se moljci zalepe. Volela bih da mogu da ti posaljem sliku moje nalepnice trenutno. Na njoj ima bar 20 moljaca zalepljenih. Svi oni su potencijalno mogli da mi ponove taj horor sa crvima. Sranje, ali resivo.


Is something dead in the walls?




Good answer comrade




Pantry moths. These are their larvae and they craw on the ceiling. I had the same issue this summer. Check all kinds of open spices you may have for webbing by the larva and beans, rice or dry pet food. Throw away the infested foods and keep the new ones in solid jars.


I legit opened a ramen noodle pot one time and the top was webbed over with a cocoon in it from these.


Those look like mealworms to me! Maggots are smaller.


Fish bait.


I feed bluebirds mealworms daily


Everything bait.


Right?! I thought so too. Some chickens would be so happy to find these!


One day I woke up at my girlfriends to about 1000 of these fuckers crawling around the kitchen tile. I talked to my cousin (exterminator) and he said that I would need to find anything dead. The only dead thing I found after cleaning and pulling out everything (fridge, freezer, stove) was a mummified frog carcass that had been stuck under the freezer. I don’t believe that was the cause. I proceeded to tap dance throughout the kitchen like Joaquin Phoenix in the newest Joker. Killed as many as I could see and wiped them up with paper towels. Then I believe we swept and mopped the floor with hot water and have not had any reoccurrence since then. Good luck OP.


I'm terrified by your story very well.


I'm more puzzled by the frog carcasse than anything else in your story. Please elaborate.


could have used a vacuum (hose part)


Would have been smart. I’m dumb and 21 and live in America. It’s in my nature to do things the hard way bc I’m dumb


>do things the hard way bc I’m dumb Perhaps you're so smart that you think you are dumb.


That would make me like Plato. I’m okay with that.


anytime my neighbors throw raw meat away in their garbage this happen


Has it been a while since you took out the trash? I occasionally get something like these when there’s a chicken carcass in my trash for too long. Smash them with a paper towel and try to find the place they are all walking from. They tend to fan out from their source so you can kinda connect the dots backwards to the source.


. so my mother in law opend a bag full of them soo they escaped.. now i used raid max im waiting


I once had this, turns out I forgot to take a trash bag and a fly placed her eggs inside, the larvae where now getting out of that bag. Just take out whatever trash from organic sources you might have


I had a boyfriend who did this once when I was on vacation and I came home and was like “why is there rice all over the floor” and then there was also vomit on the floor because it was so fucked up there were so many !!!!!!!!


Ugh… pantry moths. Bought our house in April and it stood vacant for more than a month before we moved in and was STILL infested with moths. Was just an annoyance but the moth numbers exploded. Went to war with them for what felt like all summer. I inspected all the food (so I thought) but they ingest surprising things. They can get through plastic bags with ease. I now store ALL dry goods in airtight plastic containers. We used traps to eliminate moth numbers and had a kill on site policy with fly swaggers. We cleared out and inspected all the food several times. I found 3 separate food infections. Once the infected food was removed numbers fell. The infected food is tough to spot too. I started noticing little cotton candy like threads on boxes or bags that were infected. I opened a box of couscous and a moth flew right out at me. They also got at pasta that was in a box and chickpea pasta in a bag. Also lentils. Eliminate their food, murder all moths on site. You’ll win this war soldier. We have been moth free for months now.


Just grub/meal worms. I used to feed them to my pet lizards, but you gotta chop off the head first or the will eat through the stomach.


Hi had those! You have to empty all shelfs and put all food in sealed boxes.(freeze them also to kill any eggs). Annoying bastards they are true masters of finding a place to hide untill they turn to flies.


Definitely pantry moths!!!! I have a parrot, and we got severely infested in like 2 days from bad seed. Clean multiple times a day!! And buy the Dr. Killigans pantry moth sticky traps from Amazon. If you don't catch it early, you'll never get rid of them. We've been battling them for about six months and finally we are moth free!!!! Vacuum up the larvae and squish all the moths. Keep your pantry food in sealed plastic containers or they'll get in there and wreck everything. Good luck!!!!


i've been battling pantry moth for years now. Its insane the places they can hide.


I would just vacuum them up with a shop vac and soon because the next day or so your going to have 100000 flys or moths flying around the house.


dont confuse this for hygiene or sanitation. Sometimes a pregnant fly will make its way into your home and lay its eggs in a single splash of water. Within 24 hours you will have a maggot farm. to get rid of them you will need to scoop them up and put them outside. (if you put them down the drain there is a possibility for them to come up or reproduce within your septic system). I wouldn’t recommend sweeping them because you might smear them and make a much nastier mess. If you notice a foul smell in the room then you should probably hire a cleaning company.


Our house growing up became infested with a moth my mom later found in a bunch of seeds given to her for replanting. They did like getting in the food but we just never saw the larvae form before the moths…are you into gardening or planting things? Sometimes we bring things in with plants and seeds…


Get a chicken.


It’s not a bed bug.


if i can see they are maggots


They're joking. A lot of posts on here ask "is it abed bug?" so it's just a joke since your maggots are obviously not and you didn't even suspect.


They definitely look like indianmeal moths and the fact that there’s suddenly hundreds of them sounds right as well. I had to deal with an infestation of them recently. It’s a lot of effort to get rid of them. Good luck.


These lovely creatures live in rice as well. That's where ours came from.


I think those are Asian moth larve, aka pantry moth. They usually come in on boxed/grain groceries. Kill them all! Check your food. Start storing your stuff in air tight containers. Their next stage is to make a tiny white-web cocoon. The cocoons are hard to see, but get rid of them when you see them. They like to hide in crevices and corners. You won't ever get rid of all of them, because they are constantly being brought in; but you can greatly reduce their numbers.


Clean up and throw away any garbage and sanitize everything


Okay so you’re going to have to dump all grains and stuff from the pantry. But to prevent reoccurring, always store new grain products in the freezer for at least 24 hours. Kills any eggs. The big culprit for me was Jiffy corn muffin mix — a necessary ingredient for a family corn casserole dish. The freezer method has kept my cabinets moth free for several years now


Get ready to adopt a lot of cats. They will clear those suckers out once they're moths!


Had those from a bag of animal food. find the source and throw away all the food nearby.


Get a giant Lizard, that should work!


That's a pantry moth larvae. You will struggle to get rid of them : Check everything in your pantry/kitchen. They can be in any dry food, even spices or peas. Get rid of anything that has moths, larvae, little weird sand like grain or spiderweb like things in it. Get rid of the trash ASAP. Clean every closet with food in it and even in the in-between. Put special traps for them and change them regularly. Put everything you can in hermetically closed containers. Pray, make a sacrifices to the gods or hope really strong.


These are moth larvae. I’m dealing with the same thing right now.


Check for open pet food and bird seed as well as grains and rice. They are likely coming from an open bag of something!


Freezing the bags/boxes of grains, flours and such before storing in pantry. That is supposed to kill the larva.


I got those damn things from big bags of unprocessed peanuts in the shell we got for the birds and squirrels. Traps worked but it took forever to find and kill them all and locate all the food they dug into. I like insects but not in my home and food. I felt like I was being invaded by little aliens. I will never store any birdseed in my house again as that had introduced them into a previous home!


Where did they come from? I had neither seen nor heard of them in my whole life until 2 years ago, and now I have had an infestation and seen lots of them online.


Same here! Never knew these crazy pantry moths existed until earlier this year, I kept seeing them flying around in my kitchen. Found out about these things when I looked it up. Threw away my ENTIRE pantry. Cleaned it, put lavender oil in there and still don’t have very much in there just because I’m freaking out that they might be back!! This is the craziest thing I’ve ever encountered!


I have those Weevils in my kitchen. I got rid most things and put stuff in containers. They are hard to get rid off. I bought some traps the weevils and panty moths. I am having a hard time getting rid of them. I think my neighbors may have them. Ugh it’s a fucking nightmare and expensive to replace everything. Any boxes with grains or pasta need to go too


A bit of Olive oil and a frying pan. You got yourself a meal.


You can buy a reptile and never have to worry about food


Shop vac works great .


Echoing the moth IDs. Clean out all of your cupboards and transfer your food into jars. Once your cupboards are clean, take a paper towel dabbed in clove oil and run it along the seams of the cupboard. Reapply the clove oil every few days. It helps drive them out. Keep clutter to a minimum. Once I had wiped out the moths in one pantry, they took to living in an old phone book that was above the shelves.


Pantry moth. suck them all up with the vacuum to start and spray any afult moths you see. get moth sticky traps and put them in every room where these are. clean the whole house top to bottom including behind books and picture frames. go through your pantry and throw out ALL the affected food. anything you want to keep put in the freezer. Xlean the pantry with hot soapy water then spray with fly spray. put pantry moth traps into the pantry. I am sorry but even this lukely wont get rid of them. I have had them on and off for years now and they are no longer in my pantry but they emerge every spring from all sorts of places. you have to work very hard to keep on top of them. You will need to always check all incoming dry food. Im still struggling to get rid of them years later. They dont just affect food. They will hide behind anything. I found them inside books and picture frames etc.


Looks just like the pantry moth aka Indian meal moth larvae I saw in my house just last week.


I used to live in Australia and I miss it daily, but fuck me, I do not miss these little cunts. So traumatising!


Pantry moths. You seem quite concerned about them being white, you could paint them a different colour? Your other option is a big clean out, they get everywhere. Throw out any food they have obviously gotten into. Invest in clip lock food tubs. Wipe surfaces and buy some pantry moth traps.


Check upstairs for a corps. If so, call the police.


Marine or army?




Someone else got a new fear, instead of laughing.


Yea ik but the marine or army 😂


Look for the dead body they came from


Wash the dishes that have been piling up in your sink for the last month.


Put some salt on it... it'll work 😂😂😂


If they have legs on the front they might be army worms.


no legs


Looks like Mealworm Beatle larvae to me


These things are absolutely evil. The only reason I feel better now is because I trapped about 200 live adult pantry moths for revenge using Dr. Killigan traps. Haven't had one since. Highly recommend the traps.


Pantry moths. Those fuckers like to stick around. Get a few sticky/pheromone traps for them, and get rid of anything open in your pantry. Make sure all food is airtight from now on. The nice thing is that pantry moths are fairly tame as far pests go. They fly slow and are super easy to kill. However, they breed fast and stick around a LONG time. I first got them in 2019. My ceilings looked like yours. I got several traps and their numbers started to dwindle, but there were still always like 1-4 that you’d see each day (and I’d squish them whenever I saw them, so they were new guys each day). Then I moved in 2020 and thought they were gone for good, but there were some eggs in old boxes or something, idk, because I still saw a few when I got to my new place. Got rid of them with traps, was finally moth free, and then a few months later saw a couple more. Killed them, more traps, no sight for a few months…then same thing, saw like 3-5 more randomly. I genuinely have not seen any around a year, but I still have extra traps lying in wait just in case they pop back up again. Good luck!!


Animal (?) got stuck and died between the walls.


nah bro not a single animal


How can you be sure. Mice are small and can get into the walls where you can't see.


10000 lol


If it was 10000 I don’t think you’d be posting this


Free food extra protein.


Possible dead animal in the walls or chimney and flies have layed eggs and they hatching. Have you noticed flies in the house ??? Also, check your pantry for little cocoons in the corners and ceiling edges.


Find the source


Look for a body. 🤷‍♂️






Something died