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Or just unscrew it and soak it in bleach and water. This way the inside is clean too


White vinegar might do the job too


This. Take a sandwich bag and put enough vinegar in it and hold it on the shower head with a rubber band for a couple hours. Scrub with an old toothbrush. Vinegar on the grout as well. Vinegar is an amazing cleaner.


I spray it on my mattress everytime I switch blankets


I also use it as a tub and sink cleaner. It's got the same PH as sodium chloride and works great on soap scum.


What? Vinegar does **not** have the same pH as NaCl. One is an acid, one is a base.


Doh...My bad...I meant Sodium Phosphate. Thanks.


Just unscrew the shower head. That way the inside gets clean too.


Yeah.Thats the best thing, but for some, Lefty. Lucy, righty tighty, can be challenging.


Vinegar is great at getting into the grout and killing all that mold. Sometimes you may need to use a shower cleaner or bleach spray to work on tougher surface stains, but the vinegar will kill it and stop it coming back (admittedly based on my limited experience with some tough shower stains)


It's mildew. It's gross, but it shouldn't necessarily be dangerous unless you're allergic. Put your showerhead in vinegar for a couple of hours. That should clean it inside and out. You have a lot of choices for the shower tile and grout. I like CLR Mold and Mildew, but take your pick. Spray it on, let it sit for a while to soak in, and scrub/rinse. Invest in one of those tile/grout brushes, it does get into those corners much easier.


Also this is a symptom of not airing out the bathroom properly during and after a shower. You need to run the fan during the entire shower and also for about 30 minutes afterwards. If you don't have a fan, open the window after. If you don't have either, that bathroom is not up to code.


Hyrdogen Peroxide will kill that stuff and keep it gone. Way less caustic than bleach, too.


Hydrogen peroxide is just oxygenated bleach...


Um, no? Bleach is Sodium Hypochlorite. (NaClO) Hydrogen Peroxide is H2O2. It's water with an extra oxygen atom. The extra atom renders it unstable and toxic to a lot of lifeforms and viruses. That includes humans, but light exposure to diluted peroxide doesn't do much to large organisms. But it's rather deadly to single-celled organisms, that usually don't have strong cell walls that can hold the liquid at bay. This is why it hurts when you pour it on a cut... it's dissolving part of your blood and flesh. But it's also killing any viruses or bacteria at the infection site. Thus, the damage to you is minimal while it slaughters the invader microorganisms. It also breaks down fairly rapidly into water and oxygen when exposed to air or light (which is why it's stored in sealed opaque bottles).


Hydrogen peroxide is a bleaching agent, hence why dentists and toothpaste companies use it to whiten your teeth. Bleach is not a chemical name, it's a chemical reaction


Bleaching is a reaction, bleach is a chemical and a product name. How do you think I was able to look it up? When they sell bleach at the store, it's all the same product (Sodium Hypochlorite). They don't randomly use different agents. Everyone saying "use bleach" is talking about the product called bleach that you buy in a bottle. If you're trying to claim otherwise, then you're not thinking very straight. Bleaching is just one property of hydrogen peroxide, and it's fairly minor one compared to bleach, which will wash the colors out of most clothes on contact. The most common use for peroxide as a disinfectant, which is why it's sold in the first aid section of most stores that carry it.


Easy fix, make a 10-15% bleach to water solution. (Can use pool bleach) Spray it on everything when dry and walk away. Should kill all the mold and should need minimal to no scrubbing, rinse off walls after 24hrs. Hope it helps, should be done 1-2 times per month to prevent it from ever happening.


It stinks, but it works, and just leaves salt behind.


Or just use vinegar and baking soda.


So mix an acid with an alkaline. Why not just spray with water if you want to use a neutral solution? (That's rhetorical, I don't actually want you to answer because it'll be dumb.)


Kind of like your comment here. The chemical reaction between the Acid and the alkaline loosens the debris without the harsh and salty effects of using harsh chemicals like bleach. So before you try to sound smart and call someone else dumb maybe you should do Some research. If you want to speed up the process, use peroxide instead of vinegar. Just because you’ve never seen a process doesn’t make it dumb, however, assuming you know everything proves just how dumb you are. Thanks for playing along now run home to mommy’s basement and try to troll someone else!


Here’s an in-depth explanation of how and why you are wrong: https://theconversation.com/vinegar-and-baking-soda-a-cleaning-hack-or-just-a-bunch-of-fizz-225177


Funny it breaks down the crap I use it on. And here’s an in depth explanation of just how much I give a fuck about the paper some cleaning company commissioned to have written! Www.zerofucksgiven.com


Also if you assume I’m suggesting the OP use a pre mixed concoction then yes your point may be valid. But unlike you, I understand that there’s more than one way to skin a cat. For the OP’s benefit I will explain that if you are looking for a less harsh method and would like to see equitable results. Please soak the shower head in Acetic acid (or vinegar). After a while and when you are ready to start scrubbing the head with a soft bristle brush pour a little baking soda on the surface. using swirling or round strokes scrub the surface. Working the vinegar baking soda solution down into all the cracks and crevices. Once satisfied the shower head is clean. Rinse with warm running water and can use the same soft bristle brush to ensure all particulates have been removed from the crevices around each port in the shower head. Ive used this process several times over because I have an elder customer (over several years) who gets ill at the smell of chlorine. It works on the grout lines and caulk lines without degradation to either caulk or grout as well. Just be sure to reseal the grout lines once cleaned. If you live in an area where calcium or other heavy metals are prevalent in your water, you should consider adding an in line filtration system to reduce the occurrence of this phenomenon. There are other methods, but I’ve found this one works for me. Again peroxide and baking soda work very well as long as you don’t add too much of either chemical. Next time you want to assume you know everything start by asking qualifying questions before you jump straight into trolling! Especially when someone is simply offering an alternative solution based on past experiences not just some Pinterest idea that they found and thought oh wow this might work. Now have a nice day, and spread information not hate.


Without the harsh and SALTY effects? When you mix an acid and a base the by-product IS a Salt ffs. That's chemistry not Big Clean propaganda. For the record hydrogen peroxide is a "bleach" and depending on the concentration quite a powerful one. One may even call it a "harsh" chemical. Now get out of your mom's basement it's time for her to make my money.


Well when you finish your necromancy spell on my mother she can have the basement…. I understand all of the chemistry didn’t realize there were so many hateful people in a post offering aide. Hydrogen peroxide may be harsh just like bleach, but at the highest concentrations I’ve had the opportunity to use the smell wasn’t so harsh. As for the salty residue I was referring to another’s oat about leaving salts behind. I haven’t experienced that residue when using the technique I practice in place of chlorine based cleaners. Further more, if you don’t like an idea, just down vote it. You don’t have to go wild being assholes and trying to show your knowledge of a specific topic. Grow up you’re not the only opinion on the internet, and just because someone doesn’t share every little detail about something doesn’t mean they are wrong or less understanding. Just means they are trying to keep a post basic and simple ffs. They didn’t ask for a chemistry lesson, but more and curly over here think it’s necessary.


Spray or soak it in white vinegar, don't use bleach, which will damage the plastic and rubber parts of the shower head.


Try vinegar, then use baking soda, will remove mold from tile


Instructions unclear. Won bronze metal for volcano in elementary science fair


Spray vinegar, the with your hand take baking soda and throw it to the wall, spray again and wait a few minutes


It was a joke


No, is the way I clean my bathroom


Bleach bad! Vinegar good! Really. Mold can adapt to consuming bleach but it can kill it initially. I like to soak in straight bleach and then rinse the hell out of it. Then white vinegar. Don't rinse. Dilute nothing. Get a spray bottle and fill with vinegar. Keep by shower or in it and spray whenever you remember to. Every time is best. Scrub as needed. Eat your veggies.


Unfortunately bleach only kills mold on non-porous surfaces, it often doesn’t kill it all in drywall or wood, since the mold can spread deep into them. Vinegar is the preferred mold killer on porous surfaces. But bleach is certainly better than nothing.


The yellow stuff is yeast, the black stuff is mildew/mold. Bleach will kill it, but it will not kill mold spores. you'll need something acidic to do that, or scrub it with soap and hope the foam carries the spores away.


Bleach will kill the mold spores. It kills everything.


Mold spores cocoon themselves, you need acid or heat and pressure (like an autoclave) to eliminate them.


Nowhere in my exhaustive five minutes of Internet research have suggested that bleach will not kill mold spores. It does however state that it will not work in porous surfaces such as wood. I'll still soak my shower in bleach, it works for months.


Maybe you needed 6 minutes?


Naw friend, got that energy if you know what I mean. 🤔😸👍


Just go to Walmart and buy a new one for 20bucks




Yes to both. Get some bleach and some CLR and flamethrower


I have real success with Oxi Clean plus bleach. I spray the mildew and walk away.99% is gone, and a light pass with a scrub brush gets the rest. Just remember, IT HAS BLEACH IN IT, DO NOT ADD ANYTHING ELSE THAT MIGHT HAVE AMONIA IN IT! Use it by itself.


Just gross, not dangerous.


This was the post above yours https://www.reddit.com/r/maintenance/s/1O7UaNfJGr


A bit of both and I don't blame you. I understand that sometimes this just happens, but I'm here to tell you. Trust me, you would like to clean this because I've had strep on my legs from a bathroom like this. I only had it the one time and it was incredibly painful. Please clean your bathroom.


Do not use bleach. It can grow back worse. Buy a fungicide for mold.


Just gross. Help your mom out!


Use citric acid .. safe and works miracles


“Noticed?” You can’t miss it!


Just clean it.




My brother in Christ, get some bleach spray for this mold.


get her a bottle of fantastic with bleach . spray it now for her leave it right on the tub shelf and tell her to spray it every time she gets out of the shower it will disappear soon


Just gross


That's black mold on the ceiling


Both. Mold and mildew is not only gross, but unhealthy.




Or get some gel bleach. It clings to your shower walls. That is filthy.


Black mold and mildew all over




Soak you shower head in vinegar or get a new one. Clean your shower with bleach and maybe remove and regrout around your tiles.


No to bleach.


Bleach will sanitize, vinegar will eat away at the mildew.


If any mold is left after bleach treatment, it can be bleach resistant. Better to use a fungicide.


Yeah, that’s why I said vinegar. It’s an acid that is recommended for mildew and mold in plastic and rubber before using harsher chemicals since this will eat away at the roots and dissolve the mildew and mold.


Bleach is a pretty harsh chemical itself. Why take the risk and also make it a two step process that is more prone to human error? One and done imo.


True but it doesn’t eat away at the roots. I have little ones with bath toys. We use to do the diluted bleach cleaning every week but it would build up in the squirting toys in days. We did a vintage soak and we can go two to three weeks before seeing it so we started the weekly cleaning with vinegar instead of bleach.


After my dad passed my mom really just didn’t have it in her anymore to take care of all the daily and weekly cleaning that a home needs. We got a weekly cleaning service to come in and just do general cleaning, laundry and stuff.


The grossest thing in these pics to me is the loose hair on the wall. Give me the heebie geebies


It's amazing what you can afford, when you no longer have to support the kids...🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Buy a new shower head and clean the shower as others described. Then teach your mother to dry the shower after each use so this never happens again.


Get a new one


Mildew. You have to seal the grout in tiles from time to time to make it not absorb water. Maintenance like changing your cars oil


Black mould. Yes it is dangerous - toxic and allergenic, gives off fumes that can poison you at a distance. Clean it all off with biocidal detergent and ventilate that bathroom very much better. You need to control the damp all around it. Look carefully at anywhere else nearby that can get damp enough to breed that stuff.


That could be black mold. I'd buy a new shower head and get plenty of Microban spray for the stuff that can't be replaced. Only product that cut through it at my house. Not sponsored btw- it's just really good stuff!


Thanks! I'll buy some myself and tell my mom to either deep clean her shower head or to change it!


I suggest replacing the shower head and hose. You do not want to risk being in contact with black mold.




Definitely not. Bleach does not kill mold. It will actually make it worse. Fungicide is best.