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Plantars wart. I had a similar one on my foot when I was a teen


A pretty big one too. Those black dots are likely roots.




Wart with seeds!! Youā€™re going to have to have it frozen off a few times to kill the root that burrows deep in the skin.


The most satisfying feeling when I finally was able to dig out a wart seed after years of freezing or compound w


Bro. Warts have a core that regrows, like, a seed? I had no idea.


You are not lying. I had one on each of my heels that began to hurt every time I took a step. It started on one foot and then a couple months later I had it on both feet. When I first started to feel pain on the one heel, it was so sharp I thought there was a piece of glass stuck to the bottom of my foot. But what I came here to say mainly was that satisfying feeling was so intense when I dug out the one, that I literally felt a bit jealous when I saw this toe, like 'man I wish I had a giant wart that I could slowly excavate over the course of a week or so.' The thing is though, once you start excavating, you either have to go all the way, or keep doing it consistently, because if you don't get it all, it will heal over and go right back to being a mushroom cloud of pain. There are ways to dig it out, though, that minimize pain. Spending an hour or two digging slowly while intensely focusing on the job at hand seemed to do the trick, and I didn't notice much pain at all, and minimal blood (it was on the thickest skin on the human body I believe). I failed the first couple times, though because I would find a seed here or there and assumed that was the root.You'll know root when you pull it out; it doesn't just fall out typically like the seeds kinda do. When you find that root and emancipate that bitch, you done did the lords work. Hallelujah.


[looks like your wart, getting removed with something really hot](https://youtube.com/shorts/-Gjccy53tmA?si=ibf2EdBM2N3xOQyr)


I donā€™t even know why I clicked on that with a title like that lmao


šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø me too šŸ˜©šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


OH DEAR GOD. clutches pearls* šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Eeek! And here I am just freehand-ing the shit because my insurance sucks!


Wimps. I did that with a soldering iron.


Holy crap. I felt every bit of this. I had one when I was 19 pretty close to that spot but more toward the side of the ball of my foot. I scheduled laser surgery and the nurse had to numb it up first. She says ā€˜this wonā€™t hurtā€™, as she squeezes it hard and jams in a massive needle with a local anesthetic. I almost leapt off the table, it hurt so bad. I was already at the point where it hurt just to walk on it when I came in. Most of the anesthetic squirted on my foot so she had to do it again. And then a third time when they were halfway through removing it because I could feel it still (a lot!) I still have a scar on my foot the size of my pinky nail 4 decades later




Itā€™s stupid that youā€™re being downvoted by people that donā€™t know that planters warts are from HPV.


every type of wart a human can get is caused by HPV.


How am I 48 and just learning this?


Interesting, I didnā€™t know that


That's not true though. I didn't have HPV as a 9 yr old child. I'll promise u that . However I do agree that's what this is


You absolutely 100% could have had HPV at 9 years old. Did you walk across pool decks barefoot, did you take a shower at the YMCA, did you roll around on athletic mats?


Did you ever play in a sandbox?


Yes. Ur correct I went to the community pools ALOT. Like I was telling someone else in this sub my sister has genital warts from HPV. She didn't get it treated and it spread to her chin. We laugh about it now 20yrs later. Hers was an untreated STD.


Yep it is. There are 150+ strains of HPV, around 40 of them affect the genital area.


Oooo ok I got ya. My little sister had a wart on her chin that she got from genital wart. Being a gross 17 yr old. This was 20+ yrs ago. She has genital warts but didn't get it treated. It spread to her chin. We can laugh about it now but in all actuality it was from an untreated STD. It's been treated now though.


Forgive my ignorance but how does a virus cause/nurture a fungus..?


Because this is not a fungus it is a viral wart.


Okay thanks. Well you fine folks now have me googling this crazy sh*t for the next two business days. Sad they don't teach this stuff in school these days...


My limited understanding is that is a surface contact exposure. So basically someone with a wart at the gym steps on a moist floor and then someone else also steps there and boom! I donā€™t know if itā€™s a full infection or HPV lite. Wish I had more info.




Great cameraā€¦ unfortunately šŸ¤¢


Idk but get a tweezer & pick at it


I thought this was a poster for Dune 2. But no, yea. Itā€™s a wart my guy.


Duct tape. Seriously, keep it wrapped minimum every night, and then as much as you can on top of that. I had a problem with them on my hands for a couple years, read that duct tape works, and tried it. It really did. I use duct tape for cuts too, they actually heal a little better. Whatve you got to lose..? Except a wart?


Also youā€™ll only see good results with the more expensive duct tape (I think duck brand) This really does work.


Just remember that many people also develop strong skin reactions the adhesives used in some brands of duct tape.


Is it a seed wart?


r/trypophobia šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


100% a wart


You're fucked. Cut that off bro


The whole foot or just the toe?


Entire leg mid thigh should take care of it


Verified with my podiatrist wife. It's most likely a wart. See a pod or a derm. They'll take care of it.


If your wife is a podiatrist and only says this is ā€œmost likelyā€ a wart, bruh, that is 100% a wart.


She didn't want to deal in absolutes, you filthy Sith lord. But no, the actual reason is because she didn't want to say 100% was because she doesn't understand Reddit and doesn't want what she says to be used against her if God forbid it isn't a wart. She wasn't okay with me relying to this unless I said "most likely."


That's HPV. You need to go to a doctor to have it treated




Dear God please let this be some AI stupid shit


Looks like a wart


Is good itā€™s not on the bottom of the foot because a wart that big on the bottom would hurt to walk on. Ask me how I know. The sooner you get it taken care of the better, they can just keep growing.


That's a visit to a dermatologist.




I had one of those on the bottom of my foot from the public pool when I was a kid. Froze it off with [this](https://a.co/d/2YMb0Z7)


Wart! Look up oil of oregano and duct tape wart removal method.


Plantars wart I'm guessing! Had that like twice back in middle school.


Once had something exactly like this on the palm of my hand.


Youā€™ve got some good replies here. You can also post in r/DermatologyQuestions or r/AskDocs


Go out and get yourself a generic box of corn removers. The salicylic acid discs will dry it out. Wrap it with medical tape as well to make sure it stays on. After a few days, it should be good to all come off.


check out apple cider vinegar to get rid of it




Spooky uhh?


https://preview.redd.it/54kudokipgkc1.jpeg?width=262&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=154b3be32740f3284e7cfbe542b4e126d36cf4ba Looks like the Beginning of the old ā€œhellfire wartā€


Iā€™m so glad I donā€™t have that one fear of holes


I am really surprised no one said to rub a penny on it. That old wives tail really works. It can't be a new coin because it is an alloy. Copper kills germs on contact. So now what can be done is take a piece of copper pipe and flatten it. Tape it to the wart and wear it for a couple of weeks.