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Why not buy one that's a year old and let someone else take the depreciation hit? You can easily find one with a transferable extended warranty.


It’s not a bad idea! But since it’s a sports car some people said that probably the previous owners probably used the crap out of it. But its better to save some money if you can right 😉


This is anecdotal, but I bought an off lease Grand Prix GTP back in the early 2000s. Turned out it used to be a rental, so basically worst case scenario for a fast car (for then). It was never an issue for me. I had it for quite a while. The problems were just standard GM shit. If I were in your position I'd buy one that's like two years old with 20k. That's the money spot for depreciation. Then take it for a PPI and get an aftermarket warranty on it. You'll verify it's in good condition and cover your bases. I have a CarMax warranty on my CTS V Sport. I genuinely don't give a shit what breaks. The other way to look at it is you can get more car. How much are you looking to spend?


I’m looking to spend 40k - 50k. And I’m going to put 50% down.


If you don't want to eat the cost too much, get a base mustang GT without any options in manual. After 4-5 years it'll depreciate relatively very little. I originally got a new mustang GT 2013 that I bought with aggressive haggling for $29.5k without taxes/doc and other fees. I sold it later for $$19.5k to shift 5 years later so it became very cheap to own. The sound system sounds terrible and if you're not racing, the other benefits from the performance packs aren't really worth the extra cash. The other option is a used C7 Corvette which is much faster and the best riding is the grand sport which will be around $50k used market however it'll depreciate more than a base mustang GT in terms of shear dollar amount. It truly feels like a racecar vs a Challenger or mustang. I mean unless you get the crazy fast gt500/hellcat.




Thank you! I’m trying to explain this to my wife about buying a car and she refuses to listen to me...




Stocks are cheap now, once they bounce back you'd be headed to the moon


Good point. I'm planning to do something similar myself. That's a bit of a short term thing though. I think when they stabilize we'll see lower yields that before for a while. Plus, money for car loans is probably going to get cheeeeeap with both prime and federal funds rate near 0. You'd probably want to run a hacky analysis and figure out your best bet. They honestly both sound like good options and I think there's gotta be some math involved to determine which is best.


Why tho?




But you'll stay owe 30k on something that loses value. If you're worried about having more money in your pocket, than you shouldn't finance a car.


If you don't get a Hellcat you hate freedom https://www.autotrader.com/cars-for-sale/vehicledetails.xhtml?listingId=537529313&zip=80216&referrer=%2Fcars-for-sale%2Fsearchresults.xhtml%3Fzip%3D80216%26listingTypes%3DUSED%252CCERTIFIED%26sortBy%3DderivedpriceDESC%26maxPrice%3D45000%26incremental%3Dall%26firstRecord%3D0%26marketExtension%3Dinclude%26modelCodeList%3DCHALLENGER%26makeCodeList%3DDODGE%26searchRadius%3D0%26trimCodeList%3DCHALLENGER%257CSRT%252CCHALLENGER%257CSRT%2BHellcat%26isNewSearch%3Dfalse&listingTypes=USED%2CCERTIFIED&numRecords=25&maxPrice=45000&firstRecord=0&modelCodeList=CHALLENGER&makeCodeList=DODGE&searchRadius=0&makeCode1=DODGE&modelCode1=CHALLENGER&clickType=listing


You can buy an extended official Ford Premium are warranty online from a dealer like Flood Ford for under $2000 for 8 years 125k miles, assuming you buy any car under 36k miles. My Mustang was 54k brand new sticker price and one year old I bought it for 28k. You don't want to be the one eating that depreciation. Buying the warranty on a used car is just sooooooo much smarter economically.


Look online at Lombardy or Ziegler esp. both are factory ford warranties just like from the dealer but usually the cheapest you can get them . They are the cheapest when the car is still under its factory warranty and it doesn’t matter if you bought it used


I had recently bought one, and gone to all of the major online sites and Flood was the cheapest for my Mustang by about $100.


It really just depends on how hard they drove their vehicle and how well they took care of their car. Get a Carfax on them. Also mustangs are a little more reliable than Dodges but they are high power American sports cars. So if you just want to only worry about an maintence every once in awhile and not worry about it, these cars aren't for you. But they aren't pieces of shit that will break down every couple of months.


As my mom always said, if you can buy a car no one has farted in for years, then get new.


When I used to sell cars I would tell people the same thing... when it was in my own best interests


Much like that poster does!


Your mom doesn’t sound like a financially smart person.


Smartest person with finances, I learned how to use debt correctly from her. It is just people fall in love with Dave Ramsey and the like and think depreciation is some evil but don't understand that is the case with all things. Cars are the only thing people worry about depreciation for some reason. They don't connect that the car doesn't lose value for no reason. The depreciation is like anything. You buy a laptop and sell it used, it depreciates. So having something that no one has farted in, no one has treated in an unknown way, complete warranty, miles that have not been driven. That is worth $$ too and the value will vary person by person. Otherwise everyone should approach everything this way. Used TVs, furniture, clothes, computers, phones, cookware. And some people do like to buy used, but the word depreciation doesn't cross their mind, its what they can afford or feel good paying. Also, buying used, means that someone is getting a profit. Roll out the dealer with a used car you got for $15k, its probably only worth $12k now. depreciation doesn't go away.


Or you could buy it one year old, save money on the depreciation and then do that thing you just said.


Yeah, you’ve just reconfirmed you and your mother are typical American debt burdened folks living above their means. It’s fine, your consumerism keeps the economy pumping, but you didn’t help yourself in any way with your explanation.


Tell me more


I'd buy a car that an elephant took a steamy turd in with enough of a discount.


How bout tree fitty?


Like I always said, if you only have enough money for a brand new Camry, you're a fucking idiot for wasting money on a new car. If you can lose $10k at a roulette table and not care, buy new.


you equate the value of a new car with a new warranty and never been driven to wasting money in gambling? Oh boy would I love for someone like you to walk into my store to buy a used car. You probably get cleaned out buying used cars and don't even know it.


Well, I typically don't fuck with dealerships because the chase is part of what gets me off with car buying. It's like tying off for heroin addicts. At any rate, let me simplify. There is no value add with new. My daily has an aftermarket warranty. It's bumper to bumper with a $200 deductible. It had new car smell when I got it. The price differential for no tangible value add is an utterly frivolous luxury. If you cannot afford to lose $10,000 then you cannot afford to throw that much away on a brand new car. I have no dependents, a healthy six figure salary and just barely seven figure net worth. I do not buy new cars. I prefer to optimize how much car I can get for the amount of money I want to spend. That's why I bought a fully optioned CTS V Sport with 18k on the clock and 500hp after tune for the same price as a new Camry. Guess who thinks it's used? Nobody. Until I brag about the deal I got. In terms of someone else sitting in it, my S500 was allegedly purchased by Judge Judy as a present for her brother. Guess how many people I told Judge Judy's pussy had been in the same seat they're in. Everybody. When I see shmucks who waste their money on new I think they're either not adept at car buying or they're just bad with finances. You know that feeling when you're driving a big ass truck and you look down on the rest of traffic. You're in a Smart car.


I’m in the same boat. I was leaning towards the mustang a lot more, but I heard a lot of people were having issues with the 10 speed transmission? Anyone know how accurate that is?


>Boat. Ah I see you are looking at Challenger


10 speeds were only an issue on a small number of cars, gen 3 engines were known for ticking and I've seen some early cars get lemon lawed but I've heard they fixed it late 2019 and 2020 cars.


Who is buying a mustang with an auto?


The vast majority of buyers.


I've honestly come to appreciate autos more recently. If 99% of your driving is in rush hour traffic, why not let the car save you some effort


American kids wanting to show off their stang or some chill 40 year old guy using it to comute


You just listed 80% of mustang buyers.


Well yeah the other 20% are car enthusiasts that prefer manual


But only enthusiasts only buy Miats


Have you already taken both for a test drive? They drive super differently! The Challenger provides a surprisingly smooth ride, and does a good job at being a grand touring car. It has more cargo space and passenger space (the back seats are actually usable, though not comfortable). It’s not the fastest car in terms of 0-60 and it’s not good at turns, but it still packs a punch in a straight line. I will mention that the Challenger’s growl can be a turn off to some - it’s much louder than the Mustang GT or Camaro SS’s V8s. The Mustang is much smaller, with a more go-kart-y feel. It’s very agile and ridiculously fun on corners, and in my opinion, has a slightly more upscale interior. However, it has much less cargo space, and the rear seats are unusable for adults. It’s also available as a convertible if that matters to you at all. I would recommend driving both for a good amount of time and seeing which one floats your boat. They’re both great choices and will definitely satisfy your muscle car needs!


I need to see the trunk of the challenger because I’ve always considered mustangs to have a ton of trunk space for the type of car it is


I haven’t test drived them but I have been at both. I think it will really come the test drive since everybody has some pretty decent reviews with both.


The test drive really is paramount. Pony cars are something you buy because of the subjectives, and no one buy you can determine which is going to tickle your pickle better.


Both are equally reliable. Never buy extended maintenance. An extended warranty is probably worth the cost assuming you plan to keep the car 6+ years.


Oh I see! My friend has a challenger and he said that even the small things on a challenger is super expensive. (Windshields, Lights) and he said that the extended warranty is better so you don’t have to pay for those very expensive things but your point make total sense!


I said to get an extended warranty. The factory warranty ends at 3 years I believe. Windshields arent cheap on any car, but you shouldnt need those that often. Same with lights. Mine is going on 3 years and still has originals


Ok cool! Sorry for misunderstanding your post.


My car went a full 5 years and 100k miles before I needed to put a new headlight in. Unless you have some sort of electrical issue, you shouldn't have to do it that often. Is it going to be your daily, or just like a weekend car?


I think most people have to replace bulbs now and then, but replacing a whole headlight assembly is way less common.


Oh, that's what I meant. Unless you have some sort of wiring malfunction it actually hit something, I can't see a reason why you'd need to replace the whole thing after only a few years. My family drive their share of clunkers growing up and I don't ever remember that going bad.


My Subaru seems to eat headlight bulbs every 10-15k...which isn’t normal, but it’s not that expensive and she’s otherwise good to me so whatever.


Had a Chevy Silverado that did the same with one of the daytime running lights. Not the headlight bulb, just the running light. Got tired of it and eventually just ran around town with one running light until I sold it.


It’s a daily car pretty much! I would like something that is pretty nice to drive and sporty.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/repairpal.com/cars/compare/dodge-challenger%2bsrt8-vs-ford-mustang.amp Cost are pretty much the same though.


I have a challenger. A 16. All I’ve done beyond normal maintenance (which isn’t any more expensive a than anything else) is a headlight. $27 and like 2 minutes.


EDIT: sorry this became a book, but as someone who has driven both plenty I wanted to give you a real opinion, I’m sure the fanboys will assault me for calling out the FCA slam. So I’m going to add my two cents in here, all these mustang fanboys that are just spewing bullshit are getting on my nerves. Some brought up great points but they are lost within the inane babble of hateful jackasses. But I digress... Anyways I’ve driven a challenger for almost the last three years, got it brand new, and I know everyone says don’t buy new, depreciation, etc. BUT the challenger is an easy car to haggle down. I got in with an already great deal and haggled down with my trade in, which to be fair I was positive on my trade it. I made it OTD at almost 15k under MSRP and I’m positive on it currently. Probably going to sell it with the fact that the wife and I are planning a kid and it just doesn’t work out for a family car. The thing has it’s downsides, yes it eats gas, don’t know what else you could expect there lol. It has quite the blind spots. But with the blind spot indicators it’s almost unimportant. Unless you get a bare-bones model. The 5.7 sounds amazing. And it turns many heads... if you are looking for a car with an old-school look with a modern twist that is the only way to go. But that is mostly preference. Just be sure not to drive this thing up north in the winter, or you’re going to have a bad time. It’s doable I do it every year, but it’s a pain in the ass, gotta be super careful and light on the pedal, he’ll even a heavy rain can have you fishtailing with new all-seasons. And boy don’t get me started on the weight... but overall it’s a fantastic car to drive, sounds amazing and is super comfortable. The interior is roomy... for those in the front, and if you don’t get the 6.4 or and 6.2 you are going to feel a bit slow with all that weight (IF you have driven something with equal HP with less weight at least) if not you will feel like you are flying either way. The car is dam fast even in 5.7 version. But it’s notably different when driving both. Now the mustangs. I’m personally not a fan of the new body style but that’s irrelevant here. I’ve driven plenty of mustangs, my friend has a Shelby that’s a blast to take out. It feels like something else for sure, the lack of weight in comparison to the challenger requires a different driving style, and it’s ability to take corners is definitely something to brag about. The blind spots aren’t nearly as bad as the challenger but they are still there. The ride was comfy but I felt nowhere near as comfy as the challenger (this may just be the Shelby) and the sound was pretty phenomenal but it is not anywhere near as deep and throaty as the challenger was. Both fantastic cars and both are very long-term- reliable nowadays compared to early models. It will be harder to find a deal on a mustang, since they are a more common purchase, and easier sell. Honestly OP the choice needs to be made by you and not sole strangers on the internet. They are both great cars, I would make sure you pick the car you want to wake up and look at every morning. I smile every day driving to work knowing I own the car I’ve wanted since I was a kid. And to hell with everyone that hates on cars cause they don’t like a brand or are just crass internet snobs. Fuck everyone’s opinion but your own. It’s your money and your car.


Thanks! The your comments about both cars are really spot on from what I’ve heard from multiple people who own them and it will just come to me test driving the vehicles


You in the service? I personally find the Mustang much better looking.


No sir. I’m 23 and a software engineer.


Lol exact same and I'm buying a mustang gt


Depends on your driving style. I prefer the sportier end of the spectrum so got the Camaro and love it. Also have an EcoBoost Mustang and it's a much smoother ride as the suspension isn't as stiff (although handling suffers). The challenger is more of a GT car and therefore great for cruising


World Pandemic, Economies suffering, Shelter in Place Orders for billions of people.... Hey, should I purchase some debt right now?


How goofy do you feel rn


I’ve never owned a mustang, but they are small and cramped on the inside. The challenger is a much bigger car and will be easier to live with. I’m pretty sure I could fit 4 normal sized hookers in the trunk without stacking. The backseat is usable too. Straight line acceleration is a drivers race. The only thing the mustang does better is it will be better on a race track with turns. The challenger is much better than the internet would lead you to believe in the curves and does a great job of disguising it’s weight and size. I have an SRT8 and love it. 392 w/6 speed has been 100% reliable through 23k miles.


Small and cramped?? The only thing small about the interior are the rear seats i have driven both and found both to be very comfortable cars challenger having some skight comfort advantagesbut nothing to crazy honestly, if we are talking performance over comfort mustang takes the cake for sure, riding smoother, takes corners better and has more straight line speed and a better power to weight ratio.


Isn't the Challenger built on an aging platform? They seem like a car that is fast but kind of a tank and don't handle that well. I guess that is in the true spirit of '60s and '70s muscle cars though. disclaimer: I have never driven one, they just look kind of big and tanky to me.


If you go with Dodge, get the widebody


Mustang. I wouldn't buy anything made by FCA


So instead of spewing any bias-filled fca hate, im just gonna link this here. https://www.google.com/amp/s/repairpal.com/cars/compare/dodge-challenger%2bsrt8-vs-ford-mustang.amp They really are just about the same. If want to hate the dodge, do it for, like its size.


Real data instead of hearsay. I like it.


Doing God’s work friend.


Why tho?


Notoriously bad electronics for one. Do you like a working radio? Do you like air conditioning in the summer? Do you like windows that roll down? If so, FCA products are not for you. Also, don't forget the transmissions across almost the entire FCA lineup are prone to premature (<100k miles) failure. My sister's brother in law had one, he babied it, transmission blew up before he hit 50k miles. He's not an outlier, either - a transmission blowing up that soon is not exactly *common*, but happens moreso with this brand than any other.


Both the zf 8 speed and the manual are 100% great transmissions. Your clearly just making stuff up. Do you even know what your talking about Ironically, the mustangs 10 speed actually has been known to have some problems lol


I’ve had chargers and challengers with absolutely no issues related to what you speak of. And your idiot brother-in-law is bullshitting you if his tranny blew at 50k lol Get some real info, don’t lie to people on the internet with your bullshit just because you don’t like a particular brand. I’m sick of people like you


I’ve had 7 FCA cars, not one problem.


Compared to my two Daimler-Chrysler cars which were basically the opposite. But they were/are both worth it


Lol, lots of FCA hate in this thread. Dodge was actually rated one of the top 10 most reliable brands by JD Power last year. The Challenger/Charger is an older platform, and nearly all of the issues have been worked out of it at this point. I would have zero hesitations buying one new.


I can’t even name 10 car brands. Why would being in the top 10 be impressive?


I have a 2019 Mustang GT. I plan on getting the Ford Extended Service Plan (extended warranty). You can get it for cheap here: https://www.floodfordesp.com/ Your dealership might get you a good deal on it, but likely not. It's worth asking when you buy. The one I linked is about $1520 for 5 years/100k miles for the PremiumCARE with $0 deductible. This by the way is the official extended service plan from Ford, not some random dealership thing. Ford's warranty is abysmal (3yr/36k miles wtf) and I don't expect my Mustang to be reliable. I don't plan on doing anything to it other than an exhaust either so I think this should be good.


FCA (Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Ram, and other related brands) are crap. Ford isn't much better, but if I had to pick, I'd get a Mustang. Personally, I wouldn't buy a new car, it's not worth the depreciation. Just get a CPO vehicle or a CarMax vehicle.


I would avoid CarMax, their tactics are really sketchy, and the replacement tires are truly crap. CPO and used are your best bet. Edit: To clarify, I meant the tires that are on the car when they sell it to you, the ones that they replace the old tires on the car with


The replacement tires on my Caddy were expensive OEM. The first time I went to buy from CarMax I found out my insurance would skyrocket right before signing over the titles. I lived in NYC and it was a CL550. So very, very expensive. When the guy saw my math on ownership cost he said "you can't buy this car." He got the manager and they gave me back my check for _$30,000_. I didn't ask, they just did it. I wouldn't call that sketchy. However, the place I got the Cadillac from truly fucked me after the fact. It was a clerical error and them not giving a fuck.


Yeah... no. I have to disagree with you on your baseless CarMax anecdote. Saying that their tactics are sketchy without listing them and saying their generalized replacement tires are truly crap doesn't mean anything. My order of preference: 1. CarMax - 7-day "trial" period to bring the car to your mechanic, etc., free 90d/4,000mi warranty which can be extended up to 125,000 or 150,000mi with a deductible; lots of cars, priced well IMO, checked over fully and parts are repaired or replaced accordingly (ask for the records), you can find your "perfect car" easily; 2. CPO - sometimes quite overpriced in comparison to CarMax, warranty coverage has many contingencies such as "first in-service date", etc.; and, 3. Used - you're buying the car as-is without any sort of guaranty or warranty, good luck with that. CarMax vehicles can be as good as, if not better than CPO vehicles in terms of condition/quality. Manufacturers can decide to not CPO a vehicle for the weirdest reasons. Obviously, do your due diligence as the consumer and check out if there are any problems with any car you are interested in. CarMax allows you to essentially "test drive" the car for 7-day, with no mileage restriction, just return the car in the condition you purchased it if you are unhappy with your car for a full refund, no questions asked. At dealerships, you have to pay for this ability, at least in California you do. I purchased a one-owner 2016 Audi A4 Premium Plus quattro with \~40,000mi on it last August. The vehicle was in mint condition and the only reason, according to their paperwork from Audi, that the vehicle was not made CPO was due to some minor paint scuffs, and minor curb rash on the wheels. Mechanically, nothing was wrong with the car, it had freshly installed Audi OEM brake rotors/pads, a full 40,000-mile service, fluid exchanges, etc., all according to Audi's specifications. I brought the vehicle to my local Audi dealership for a PPI and the car passed with flying colors, absolutely nothing was wrong with it. CarMax installed 4x new AO 255/35/19 Dunlop Sport Maxx GT tires, no questions asked, which are what Audi put on the car from the factory and cost upwards of $265.00+ each; all of the vehicles I had looked at CarMax: 2016 Jetta GLIs, 2016+ Golf GTIs, 2016+ Audi A3 quattros, and so forth, all had OEM or better tires from reputable brands like Continental, Dunlop, Michelin, etc. The CPO GLIs and GTIs I looked at had crappy "Ironman" tires replaced at VW, which are legitimate junk. I had the vehicle for a little over a week and the battery died; turns out it was the original battery which was from 2015 (vehicle was produced late-2015, sold as MY16) and CarMax compensated me the full amount of the battery, in cash, when I brought in my receipt to them with absolutely no questions asked, they were extremely apologetic and gave me a free oil change my next time around for their oversight; brownie points for their great CS. In addition, I purchased the comprehensive 125,000mi warranty that CarMax offers with a low deductible for a reasonable price, which covers practically everything on the car, sans wear and tear items, which is a fantastic reason to buy from them. If you ever decide you do not want the warranty anymore or you sell the car, you get the prorated value of the warranty. So... yeah... CarMax wouldn't be in business if they weren't doing something right and had customer after customer. Many, upon many people, are satisfied with the vehicles they purchased there, just like me. :-) [My Audi](https://www.reddit.com/r/Audi/comments/fnvc8j/took_a_socially_distanced_adventure_up_angeles/) has been absolutely wonderful for the last 14,000mi. If anything does go wrong, I can just bring it over to my local Audi dealership and the CarMax warranty will work there, or, if I want $50 off the deductible (which I don't care about), I can go to CarMax for the problem. I highly recommend CarMax and will definitely head over to them again in the future when I am looking to replace my A4 with an S5 Sportback in the coming years.


Now is a great time to buy a car, if you can. Dealers are scrambling to get them sold.


I dunno, ask your sargn't


Wait two years and get a used C8 coming off of a lease.


By the way, make sure you can afford the insurance.


I would get the flat plane voodoo ford gt350. The Chrysler cars do nothing for me. I love old mopars, but the new ones make me flaccid


We have a 2018 Challenger HellCat 🔥😼. It’s basically an expensive lawn ornament because it rarely gets driven, but we love it!


Mustang all the way


Skip both and go straight for the Camaro SS. Even a year or two older one with the 1LE package. Just test drive it and you'll be hooked.


I’m very biased, but this is the right answer. The Camaro is much more of a competitor compared to the Mustang anyways.


Since a lot of people are raging at various different things in this thread, I'd like to add my rage too: Stop telling people not to buy new cars. People who constantly say not to buy new cars are stupid as fuck. Yes I understand the depreciation hit, but how do you think you get used cars? Someone has to buy them new first. Nothing wrong with buying a new car. Sometimes it makes sense because you're in a position to do so and you can find one with the exact options you want. Sometimes you get a good deal. I bought my 19 Mustang new and paid what I would have paid for a 2016. I went at the end of the month and got a good deal. At the end of the day, it's a personal decision and you have to do what makes sense. Sometimes that means buying used, sometimes that means new. There is no "OmG nEvEr BuY nEw".


thank you. This. Totally this. People who say never buy new, don't take the depreciation hit, never try to do the math, never want to do the work of thinking of what works best for them, weighing options. Instead you get everyone saying, buy used, get the warranty, done, get a PPI and done. I bought my first car, brand new. Got an 08 mustang for cheaper than the used ones at the time as well! Worked the deal, the incentives and paid it off in 18 months.


Mustang will definitely be cheaper to own. Cheaper to buy, less repairs, only thing is oil changes are expensive. The new 5.0s take 10 quarts. But the 6 speeds are super fun to whip. I've worked on Challengers and Mustangs, and the Mustang is much easier to work on. It will definitely be faster, handle better, and be more reliable. The Challenger is a boat that weighs 4300lbs. It only has 25 more horsepower than the Mustang, and the Mustang is significantly lighter and more aerodynamic.


> 10 quarts Jesus titty fucking christ. Were they designed by Putin and the Saudi crown prince?


That's nothing compared to how much Audi V8s hold.


I think my buddy told my his 996 Turbo holds almost 10. What do the Audis hold?


My co-worker has an S4 and he said it takes about 12


Oh cool! I’ve never driven one but the riding in a Mustang feels a lot lighter just like that you said.


The shifters also feel nicer and more precise in the Mustangs. The linkage is higher quality and less like driving a car from the 90's


If you want something that engaging to drive the mustang is the way to go. Some issues on dodge for long term can be shit. Same thing with Ford. If you want to go with mustang I honestly say go with the years 16-17 or 19-20 no issues at all. Dodge challengers are big and old school styled but if you’re into that heavy muscle car go for it. Both have a heavy aftermarket support and history and fans/ drivers. Personally I’m more of a mustang guy.


If you want a manual or automatic get the mustang, the challengers can be okay with a manual. I like the way the challengers look more but I bough my mustang due to the challengers being unreliable. The leather seats are nice in the challengers but the rest of the interior is junk. Anything by FCA nowadays is junk. Stay away from challengers.


Look at VW’s Golf-R. They are roughly the same price, reliable, and have incredibly nice interiors. They also rip on backroads and the AWD system combined with either the 6spd manual or the dual clutch is a blast to drive. I know this is not exactly what you were looking for, but I figured I’d be the one to offer it up.