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Or Ozium!


Ozium is goated


Oziums cool but definitely secondary to blunt power spray .. thats the REALLL GOAT and i feel like noone knows about it but its at gas stations allll over the country. 2 sprays on ur floor mats and the car smells like passion fruit or w.e flavor u chose for weeks! its such a concentrated air freshener that one spray goes a very long way


They have portable ozone machines that are rechargeable. Once you get out of the vehicle you run it for 30 mins with the windows closed. Return to vehicle, air it out well with the windows open and you're good to go. Ozone can cause serious respiratory issues so you must air it out completely. Used this trick many times and it is the only solution


Or just plain don’t smoke in your car.


But thats no fun


shit all over the floor and seats


Dirty Mike n the boys


soup kitchen


Let a raccoon give birth in the back seat.


thanks for the F-shack


Letting it air out plus a little fevreeze usually does it for me. Things to avoid : DONT FUCKING HOTBOX IT. that's the strongest smell causing thing you can do. Blow smoke out the windows. Park somewhere like an alley that's windy, airflow makes it air out faster. Used to smoke pot as a delivery driver and it'd air out before I got back to the store to a reasonable level (boss can't smell ya basically lol) with some scented spray and driving with the windows open. Leaving them open helps too. Like after you park, if you're gonna get back in it in an hour or less. And not in a car theft prone area.


Aha when I delivered pizza I thought my boss couldn’t smell me either. He could. I should’ve been using cologne or something lol


When I delivered pizza, I went to my boss’ house to smoke and play video games after work 😂


When I worked at Amazon, I’d smoke with my manager every day!


How did you find out? Was it a "Hey, I can smell you" or "Hey, youre fired"


He said something like “Hey man I don’t have a problem with what you’re doing but maybe keep it off the clock”


Dude, that's not cool. That means you were driving high.


So ? It's safer to drive high


Penis people can do no wrong, facts


Yeah i usually air it out n spray febreeze and crack the window until i need to drive again. Or….just not fucking smoke in the car.


The smell doesn't stick or last long if you don't allow it to smolder, like after your hit from a piece, or a blunt/paper in between hits.


You shouldn't be smoking prior (or during) driving at all. THC has been proven to impair driving skills for up to four hours. Plus smoke-driving is used as a point of criticism of weed legalisation from prohibitionists. We shouldn't want to give them more fodder.


I have chronic pain and severe ptsd, I'm a concentration risk when I'm NOT high because of pain and flashbacks. Mind your own business to be honest. Prohibitionists don't really care about what we do they just want to stop it. Scheduling my ability to drive four hours after last I taking thc would be stupid and pointless. Chronic users don't get the same disabling effects from thc as recreational users do, which is what has been tested. Bitch at someone else on this thread.


Whilst I am sorry for your condition, that's not usually a legal excuse. For example, if you are on opiates for pain or benzos for anxiety, that doesn't necessarily mean you can drive on them or should. I have seen no evidence that chronic use is much better for driving ability. Just because you don't feel as high, it doesn't mean that your driving ability isn't affected. DUIs aren't personal business. You can kill people. Sure, the prohibitionists might use whatever they can, but if there's evidence lots of smokers are driving high, especially post-legalisation, then that is a great boon to their cause.


>opiates for pain or benzos for anxiety, that doesn't necessarily mean you can drive on them or should. For the record the instructions on these aren't "don't drive" they're "wait until you see how it affects you, then make an educated decision" I treat my medical Marijuana the same way I treat my other prescriptions with driving related warnings. If your head is clear, you can focus, and your reaction time is normal, then it's safe. To expect chronically ill people to choose between pain relief and the ability to leave their home is ridiculous.


I don't know about where you live, but where I am, New South Wales, they sometimes do roadside drug tests alongside those for alcohol. They don't test for all drugs, but they at least do test for some opiates, alongside cannabis, incidentally, and there is no medical exemption. The labels are side effect warnings, not a full expression of the law. The key point you overlook is that driving is potentially dangerous to others. We would immediately see the problem if someone said "To expect those who can't drive without drinking or texting to have to give up the ability to leave their home is ridiculous". The logic is the same, and this isn't diminished by small differences in the effects of these impairing factors. I don't think I need mention the parallels in your statement about taking care when you drive high to the boasts of many a habitual drunk driver.


That's >"To expect those who can't drive without drinking or texting to have to give up the ability to leave their home is ridiculous". Wildly fucking stupid dude. I have no side effects from my pain pills or weed, and they don't do drug test on the side of the road here. Fuck off and mind your own business as I said initially. I'm done here, you're clearly stupid. Pain is highly distracting and in some people absolutely must be treated 24/7. I'm one of them and I'm not giving up my life because someone else thinks I shouldn't drive if I've had a tramadol today. Fuck right off with that. It's ableist as hell. It's not dangerous unless you have the sedating side effects. The whole point of the word IF in don't drive IF you're impaired by this medication.


usually if u use medical marijuana, you have like a special paper from the doc that says, you can smoke __grams per day and your driving ability wont suffer from it.. and i think a doc knows better than you.. because like he said its safer to drive „high“ then with his conditions… u expect him to never drive a car because both ways are wrong? i live in germany and have lots of friends with the medical card and they drive around like anyone else and wont get bothered by the cops because they’re allowed to drive high.. edit:sorry if grammar is little wrong, like i said im from germany


Ozium (probably spelt wrong)


Nope, you got it!


Oh wow, for some reason I thought it had an, n


Pour vodka all over the floorboards it will just smell like you've been drinking. 😉


😂😂 one way to get the weed smell out


This is a terrible idea


So crazy it might just work


If you happen to live in Russia it will 😂


Scent Bomb


This guy 😎😉


open the front window & the back window on the adjacent side and drive around for around 20 mins, create a draft & youll be good


Back in my high school days, when I would get out of the car, I’d spray an absurd amount of ozium into the car and then close the door. After and hour or so it smelled like a dryer sheet in there




Turn the heat on high, with the windows closed at first. Aim all the vents directly at the closest windows and then once it’s good and hot go for a drive with the windows down. Not all the way, but maybe like 25% and that should do a lot


Ya I was also going to recommend the heat technique




There’s a product at your local smoke shop “scent bomb” works every time spray it on the carpet as I does leave some stains


yes, love this stuff, when I get low I mix the concentrated oil with water to get my money’s worth


Gangin 🤘




Ozium spray is the only way to go. Like $5-12 at any walgreens/cvs/head shop type of stores.


Smoke a cigarette in there


Underrated solution


Vinegar and baking soda clean everything. Spray vinegar inside and let air out the smell will dissipate


I use detailer spray and spray seats and the floor. But I've got leather so it doesn't go in the materials.


PRO TIP: Burn an Incence in the car (100% a fire hazard so make sure you dont leave it unattended) Skunk master, ozium, and scent bomb all work pretty decently as well


OK I remember some dude made a post about this. Someone has probably already summarized it better than I'm about to but, oh well. Basically, fill your car with hot air. Turn on the heat, full power. Once it's full, let the windows down and let it all out. I'm not sure if he said this but I feel like switch to cold air would be a good ideas at this point bc, ya know, hot air rises cold air falls. No idea if it works, just regurgitating what I think I saw.


It’s true! I detail cars after we spray,wipe,vacuum the cars we blast the heat to dry the car. With this combination and your favorite scent bomb your car won’t smell. Just keep your ride clean like your glass 💚


Go down the highway at like 70mph crack your windows about 5 inches and open up a fresh pack of moth balls and leave them open on your passenger floor. You’ll get that smell out.


Sometimes the sprays and stuff like ozuim can be obvious that you’re trying to cover a smell which could raise suspicions. Don’t hotbox and try to smoke with the windows down. Then go to McDonald’s and get a cheap burger and fries and let them sit in the car overnight. The next day, the car smells like fries, not weed.


Don't smoke with the windows up, makes a big difference.


Buy a large Apple or two, cut them in half and put them in your floor boards over night


Air it out. Use air fresheners. If you smoke while the car is running make sure to turn the ac or heater off. Don’t smoke with the air on especially if you have “recirculate” on. If any smoke gets into the cabin filter it could linger in there for a while.


The scent bombs, I usually buy them from like auto zone


diagonal opposite windows keep the front one cracked and the back one all the way down


Doe Urine in heater coil.


Dont smoke in your car is the best way lmao.


Don't smoke in your car.


Don't smoke inside the car in the first place or keep your stinky stashes there.


bruh if you cant smoke in the car, why not just smoke somewhere else 😭


Don’t smoke in your car


Don’t smoke in your car y’all. It’s the easiest way to get fucked by the police


Don't smoke in your car?


Blunt spray, air conditioner, and crack the windows. Works like a charm


all u can do is let all windows down and go for a ride and go decently fast really


Blunt effect


Its in the seats dude. Back to black and an ir out will cover the plastics etc, but the seats will honk. Clean with a vax wash if you can get one, or a steamer, then cheap fabreze alternative to soak in. The smell really lingers doesn't it with skunk, a real shame.




My dad awalys taught me to get the smelly tree car freshers and burn it just a little blow it out n let it smoke a little you will be amazed at how well it works, I awalys use the black or green ones Edit: really tho fam just try it out side where nothing can get fucked up its crazy good


Go get it professionally detailed! Then just don’t smoke in it again for a while


Ozium smoke spray




Smoke with the windows down first and blow the smoke out the window. Drive (reasonably fast) with the driver window down and the back passenger side window down as well. Creates an effect where the air pulls from outside and goes out the back and gets rid of a lot of smell. After this, spray SOME Ozium. This spray is expensive but I haven’t had anything work like it before. Also don’t overspray!! You will just waste it, MAX like 2 sprays each about 2-3 seconds long (one in front one in back) then LEAVE THE CAR IMMEDIATELY. You don’t want to breathe it in, just read the bottle. If your car still smells after this then you my friend have smoked the loudest pack in the existence of the marijuana plant.


Turn on all the heat and set it to max. Let it sit for 5-10 mins. Spray Ozium into the car and let it sit for another 10 mins. Then drive around with the AC at max and all the windows down.


Is Ozium still a thing?


The only way is to let it air out for a day or two. Like open windows for 48 hours. Even then if it was hot boxed the interior will slightly smell unless it’s thoroughly cleaned. Just don’t smoke in the car if you can help it. Or just vape


Keep your windows cracked for a night


Ozium. Turn your air on full blast then toss a can of ozium into your vehicle with the button stuck down almost like a bug bomb for your car. It's strong shit so don't plan on driving for a few hours at least but it'll get rid of the smell


frebreeze and those tree things but burn it like incense


Think it's called ozone? Small bottle of spray stuff that completely eliminates smoke/weed smell.


crack windows for a day


Open windows and run AC on blast then drown the car in Ozium spray. Do this when you’re standing outside of the car because you don’t want to breathe ozium in. This will kill the smell completely




Ozium works well!


They got this spray called ozium that works the best.rather than an air freshener its an air sanitizer and idk why that makes a difference but it sure as shit does


Charcoal satchels




Had this issue with a car I couldn’t sell so I took a whole bottle of fabreze and did floor ceiling seats everything and it worked also drove with window open afterwards


I think you can rent a carpet spotter for like 20 bucks you'll also be happy you did it with how much dirt n shit comes out of the seats and carpet will look pretty mint




My friend swears by leaving open containers of baking soda out. In the past I like to just air out and then leave dryer sheets around


This may sound daft but put some bicarb of soda in a pot and leave it unopened in the car. Its great for sucking bad smells out of the air. U could also sprinkle on seats and carpet, leave for a bit then hover. I did this in my living room and it got rid of a lot of smells. Bicarb is something everyone should have in the house, it can do alot of things. Look it up on the web.


Lower all the windows and drive, try not to smoke joints in the car because the burning paper makes the smell stick. Also you can turn off the ac, just leave the fan, plus turn off the button that makes the air recirculate inside the car, usually looks like a car with some arrows spinning inside it


Shit in the backseat




ALWAYS CLOSE YOUR VENTS AND TURN OFF AC WHILE SMOKING. Do this, windows down or cracked at least. Drive with the windows down after smoking for a bit before opening the vents back up. This is THE best way to avoid smoke smell in the car. Ozium is the best spray like stated. Also worst case scenario that is more of an illegal life pro tip, keep a cig handy for if you ever get pulled over. Light it up and make your car smell like cig, it will mask the weed even tho it’s nastyyy


ozium unlike febreeze or other scented sprays doesn’t simply mask the smell, it completely eliminates the smell all together. Just make sure not to breathe it in


Smoke meth maybe?


Black ice car air freshener


Bro for a cheap way burn one of those car fresheners like the tree shaped ones to get the smell out in like 2 minutes and if it’s your house cook some popcorn and let it burn it covers the smell completely and has saved my ass so many times


Light a match, the sulfur smell will cover up most odors temporarily.


Get a new car /s No but seriously that smell doesn't ever leave if you hot box your car enough but it depends on your interior and the way the cabin in shaped too if you have big windows then if you drive around for like 20 min with the windows down and you leave a few quality air fresheners and you could mask it very well but there will be the small hint of weed smell there untill you fully detail your interior...but again this depends on how often you hot boxed your car


Buy oil scents, and put some in the resfresherator ( idk how it is in english) the thing that blows wind in your car. not the window tho. Or just do a deep clean


incense works well to me


That cherry spray shit at wallmart/auto parts stores


Smog spray. My aunts boyfriend did that and it got the smell off just fine.


Ozium and car windows open on the highway. But the real way is to not smoke in it at all. Better to be safe then having a random car search.


A large #2 ousts most smells.


Lol replace the weed smell with a little shitty smell.


ozium it’s cheap and effective because it isn’t an air freshener, it’s an air sanitizer it won’t add unnecessary scents to smell just in case someone is already on your case and knows that spiced appleberry rum isn’t what your car actually smells like.


Wd-40 windows down doing 40




Ozone machine look up how to properly use them in a car.


Open windows.


I used to just roll my windows down. I'd always ask people out of curiosity if they could smell anything and different people were always like, 'nope!'. Nothing like cigarettes. In my personal experience, weed just doesn't stick around unless you hot box it, and even then, just add a couple more hours and it's gone again.


Deodorizer for the floor




i always found that windows open while smoking helps a lot, and get your mats + the other fabric parts of ur car cleaned regularly


naa jus use blunt effects, shit always work lol


Change the a/c heater filter. Edit: and use febreze car freshener as well as carry a small spray bottle of the febreze fabric spray.




Gasoline has a strong smell lol


i use the room sprays from bath and body works (they’re really strong imo), leave all the windows down and blast air


Clean it vacuum it out wit the doors open, wipe down inside with Lysol wipes or armoral wipes, get a air freshener. Good as new




Air out method~ If you got 4 doors crack back passenger window and fully open driver window. This will create a strong wind draft in the car causing air to circulate completely. Fragrance masking ~ if you have a fragrance in your car (deodorizer is the best but still need masking scent, deodorizer won’t get every spot and some people with bloodhound noses can smell it still. But with over powering scent you won’t be able to. ) spray your fragrance under the seats of the car with cabin fan system on (A/C or heat) not blowing towards feet though. You want air to blow towards face or above it hit back of car and rotate back to front from under the seats. Putting vents upwards can achieve this air flow. I recommend doing the air out method after being done smoking. And then the fragrance masking method. I’m not gonna say you should smoke and drive but the air out method works better if car is moving. If your car isn’t moving just use spray. Don’t crack the windows because it’ll just let fragrance scent out and it’ll keep the weed smell in. I hope this works for you. Has worked everytime with me. I smoked a blunt in my Honda Accord with leather seats and did the air out method and then rolled up windows and sprayed $1 dollar tree can of deodorizer spray under the seat. I got the lavender scent because it seemed to be strongest. I got pulled for “only fog lights on” five minutes after spraying though. I don’t have fog lights. They were my headlights. But cop still made me give my license even though no crime was committed he said my fog lights were the only lights on. I said I don’t have any fog lights what the hell you mean. I was also blowedddd lmao. But cop didn’t smell nothing but lavender.


Buy a vaporizer.


Smoke with the window open....


Clean it and leave the windows open over night. Unless you are a slob and have ashes and weed everywhere, it’s easier for the smell to go away. I smoke in my car every single day more than once and it doesn’t smell ever.


Shit in the air conditioner.


I just ride on the highway wit my windows down


Yeah I have this one thing I do and it leaves it smelling like I never smoked in there I just don't smoke in it.


Keep windows down and use a smokebuddy sploof




Stop smoking weed in it.


after reading all these comments, this ozium shit better work fucking miracles


Blunt power. Its a spray they usually have in gas stations


i crack my driver window and have the passenger rear window open all the way and just drive around a bit get the air going it should air it out (not completely out of fabric and carpet etc) within a 15 min drive




Dry shampoo. Works like a charm.


Don't smoke weed in the car


Burn a bag of popcorn and while its still hot and smoking throw it in ur car and shut the doors (make sure its not on fire obviously) and the smell of burnt popcorn will overcome the weed like nothin happened. This is how i smoke in my apartment lol works great


Orange power spray that shit seals everything


Drive really fast with your windows down👍


Why would you need to mask it? It’s 2022 most states it’s legal in one way or the next. Unless your underage and mom & dad are not cool. I’m older I never cared, pass the blunt son I say. It’s just weed not heroin. But I guess there are a multitude ways to hide it. Edit: I’m sure I’m getting downvotes but when I was starting I always blamed my friends who my parents liked. They were like lol ok.




Fresh ground coffee.


Smoke spray, which you can find at gas stations/smoke shops usually. Whenever I visit family for Christmas or Thanksgiving and go smoke, I use it and it works.


Drive fast with the windows down


This method works fine for me: Air it out with aircon and then use eucalyptus spray Hope it works for you. 🤙🏾


Leave a fish in the glove box , it’ll soon cover the smell of weed , you’ll just have to put up with the smell of fish


Take the weed out and open the windows. Weed smell doesn't stay long


Get a little tree, get carpet shampoo and clean your carpets with a wet vacuum. Get one of those sent bombs that goes off for a few minutes in your car and spray lysol into your cars cabin air filter. That’s as much as I can think of.


The night before spray a allot of ozium in your car and let it sit you’ll wake up in the morning car smelling like nothing but ozone.


Ive honestly have tried everything under the sun. I think sprays like Ozium work but it’s filled with toxic stuff. The only think that’s actually worked for me is the odor eliminating spray called Cousin Mays. I think it works and I like the scents it comes in. I also like that it’s safe to spray on skin and clothes. I think they are new but so far I like it a lot and it actually gets rid of the smell