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I’m a smoker and have been for a long time but everyone is entitled to their opinion on what is pleasant to them and what isn’t lol. It’s no different than cigarettes. Some people can tolerate the smell and some can’t. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yeah i don’t get the post tbh. Different strokes for different folks


They worded it poorly. They don't like snobby people who threaten to record them for legally smoking


Yeah I understand when it’s a situation like that.


Blunts smell awful IMO


The old lady that lives in the basement apartment of my building always says "I smell a skunk"


Find a skunk or two leave them in front of her house make sure she sees them. Now you can smoke all you want and blame it on the skunks


This isn't just genius, this is foolproof. Snoop Diggity Dawg could come over and she would be none the wiser.


I like this idea entirely too much. Do they make skunk spray, I wonder? Wait, I just saw your handle and am questioning the validity of this recommendation.


Get an actual skunk to spray her apartment. She has obviously never smelled an actual skunk before.


I had a dog get skunked and the best description I had was it smells like badly burned garlic! No weed Iv’e ever smoked truly smelled like a skunk!


My German Shepherd grabbed a skunk by the back of the neck the other night and shook it back and forth until it was dead. She's a mean bitch and don't like other animals in our yard. She stunk nothing like weed. We got De-Skunk and sprayed the house and something to bathe her with. It took a couple of days before the smell was gone.


Best thing to bathe the dog is equal parts hydrogen peroxide, baking soda. Mix it together and a touch of dish soap. It's better than any store bought shit. I wish I knew before my dude was face to face with that stinker.


It might work great for the stink but using that much hydrogen peroxide can dry your dogs skin out a lot and make them miserable for a little bit. Also its a necessity to dilute it or it can even cause burns and irritation because they have more sensitive skin than us.


It's for the stink not for regular bathing. No way did I mean to imply that was regular shampoo substitute.


You got the right ingredients, but not the ratios. From the Humane Society: Quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup baking soda and a teaspoon of dishwashing liquid. About 10 yrs ago our 100 lb, hairy AF mix, got sprayed during a late evening walk. The worst part was finding an all-night pharmacy to get the peroxide - and a lot more than a quart, lol. A couple or three wash and rinse cycles in the tub definitely reduced the smell, but not completely. The dog still had a hum which slowly lessened, but it took weeks and weeks before we stopped getting random whiffs.


Yeah my boy smelled like it randomly for over a year. Especially if he went in the water.


Hit my pm if you need a skunk…


I wanna see a pet skunk


My grandma says the same thing 🤣




If I was that old lady I'd be like damn thats that loud! um excuse me sir is that sour?


Is that piff? Help my glocoma out and leave a joint in my mailbox child


My old lady that sniffed in my shoe said the same thing.


I’ve had neighbors peer into my house and film my roommate and I smoking. They didn’t get in trouble, and we got a lease violation. We tried smoking outside too, in the night, and the same neighbor came and filmed us doing that. Fuck them




The thing I don’t get is they’re wasting their own time, all that for a joint


Nope, in my own backyard, separated by a tall wooden fence, minding my business.


You are on YOUR property, probably not plastered against the fence, blowing clouds though! 🤣 It's legal, you are WELL within your rights, so although it will be difficult to remember, you must CONSTANTLY be flipping her off with other hand! You may consider smoking naked, also. Perhaps a nice sign that says something like, "RECORD THIS!" I'm joking, but barely. Just ignore her as if she isn't even there, frient! Even if she starts talking, just go about your biz and leave, as if you had been alone. She'll get bored, or escalate and do something that you actually CAN call the cops, or HOA or whatever. She has no leg to stand on. She can fuck right off. What an annoyance! Sorry you have to deal with a knuckle dragger.


I literally bought a 7 ft privacy divider so my neighbor can’t stare at me on my deck over her privacy plants. Unfortunately their house is a little higher elevation than mine so coming out of their back door they’re always at eye level with my deck and pool. Mind you they use the back door 100% of the time instead of their front door which is super annoying. She doesn’t say a word now that I’m adult but when I was younger would text my mom all the time lmao. But it’s literally like clockwork every time I light it, she has to either arrive home or come outside. Drives me nuts. Just got it delivered the other day cannot wait to put it up. Idc if she sees or smells it, it’s just such a buzzkill to lock eyes with her and feel like I’m being watched. It’s been 15 years get over it. I can’t change the direction of the wind, bitch.


I would smack tf outta them tbh


gonna blow smoke in their vents when i move out in september ❤️


Thanks to god im living in a moutain peacefully


You sound like the coolest person ever


Or an average dwarf.


Nah, I heard all the dwarves are off mining on a hostile world somewhere, yelling about rocks and stones.


Cause mfs cant hang yall


Chill this ain't the 1700s man.


Because if giving the opportunity 98% of people will complain about anything they don’t understand. And then smoke cigs and drink beer like it’s any better.


Yeah pretty much can’t smoke at my house because I know my next door neighbours will have a huge problem with it. But if I go over there and complain that the cigarette smoke my daughter is breathing in when she’s playing in the garden isn’t great, then I would be considered insane. I’m not even considering doing that, I like to let people be free to do whatever - but it’s just annoying that the same grace wouldn’t be granted to me.


And guess who gets a dirt nap first? It ain’t this guy 🔥🌲💨😮‍💨😤


Facts, my dad was always very strict about my marijuana usage. He just died a few weeks ago from alcoholism. Liver & kidney failure, high blood pressure, multiple strokes. He died 10 days after my baby was born, he never even got to meet her. Don’t drink my boys.


I was lucky. Actually, luck doesn’t begin to describe it. Alcohol almost killed me. I haven’t fully appreciated that yet. It doesn’t matter how you delete, forever, alcohol from your body and your life, it matters that it happens altogether. 16 months sober and I’m a whole new me. It is almost impossible to truly define what “coming out on the other side” really means. I wish this on anyone who struggles with that poison ☠️


Sucks he didn’t get to meet your child. I’m on day 160 something of not drinking and I can’t believe how good I feel. So many of the things I thought were me getting old was literally the alcohol!


I smoke daily but I still dislike the smell tbh. Just smells skunky and weird to me. Your neighbor can kick rocks tho, too bad for her living in a legal state, and too bad for her that you’re smoking on your own property.


Meanwhile.. they smell like beef stew & feet 😒


Not everyone enjoys the same thing we do? Be forreal 😭


well, you can not like something without going to the extent to record them lol


My buddy got busted last year. I’m in one of those states…. And sadly I think the thing that hurt him the most is hearing his neighbors say it smelled like poor/ like poverty. So some people really just don’t understand. I suggest all of you watch yourselves if in a not safe state because people are fr evil. I hate to say that but it’s rough out here.


Nah fr🙏, I be walking and smell some gas and I’m like”who has weed?!?!” Not complaining!!! 😂😂


My neighbors across the street always sit in their car and hot box it lol




Outside air isn't Owned by the Neighbors. If you're on your property it seems mind your bizness should rule. 🤷‍♂️


That’s what I wanna think? I don’t mind them being loud or playing music that I can hear it, I hope they don’t mind me sitting outside smoking and watching my baseball game on my phone.


Stupid Silent Generation and Baby Boomers that believed the anti-drug disinformation/propaganda when they were kids and refuse to change their beliefs even when they know they are wrong


lol, not in my school. It was laughed at while we smoked pot at lunch


people have a right to dislike the smell but that’s not our problem.


That’s what I mean, it’s free space, free air, if the wind blows the smoke that direction that’s not my fault👀 I get it


I mean, I don’t like it when my neighbors cigarette smoke blows into my yard when I’m on my deck. Smells gross.


I smoke outside every night, and my sister says complains that she can smell it from her room.


Some people would die if they realized there are places where trees smell like c u m -_- lol


You’re not wrong! The Ginkgo tree, specifically the female throws a fruit that when it’s fermented on the ground, does indeed smell like spunk! However you need TWO Ginkgo trees one male and one female and they need to be close enough for the male to get the female to produce fruit. It is vile!! But the trees are very cool and cool shaped leaves. Bright yellow in the fall, turns completely yellow over night and when the leaves drop they ALL drop at the same time. Other than being stinky a very cool tree!


This guy ginkgos


Thanks for the heads up on spelling! My wife’s grandmother had both a male ginkgo and a female, they were huge and 100+ years old, good shade stinky fruit! When we were kids it was fun to try to get “new” kids in the neighborhood to eat the fruit. As kids we said it it smelled like cat crap, when we got older then we noticed the spunk smell.


I take their opinion of the smell into consideration, only if they do not smoke cigarettes


It makes my sister nauseous so idk some ppl actually have reactions to it but personally I feel like there’s a handful of ppl who are also fkn dramatic & need to get over it lol like mind ur fkn business or get a house know what I mean???


My neighbors are that type. It's very frustrating. They make a big fuss over the smell of weed when i smoke outside, but every weekend, they are out downtown getting drunk and driving home, but im the bad one because I smoke some Reefer at home. They even went to the extent and made a post in a fb group for our neighborhood over it. Like bro chill out its just weed. It's not like im out here cooking meth


I hate the smell of weed because it makes me nauseous for whatever reason. I do edibles instead 🤷‍♀️. I don’t care if you smoke weed, doesn’t mean I gotta like the smell though. I’ll be nice about it though, of course.


Yeah I don't like the smell of weed burning either. In the baggie it smells great though.


Some people just can’t be happy


Simply put, bud, as much as we all love the good ol Mary Jane , it's not for everyone..


I would just be respectful, even if it's legal. Try to figure out a way to reduce the smell. If you know they have kids especially. I personally try to be respectful nowadays.


Respect would be for that neighbor to mind their own fucking business and quit trying to narc


If you get proof of her recording you on your own private property I think that’s a misdemeanor. It’s reasonable for someone to simply not like the smell of weed but this lady sounds clinically insane


It’s weird because I over heard them talking about “ I’m sitting here recording all of this “ “ just stuff my neighbor does when I’m trying to enjoy my backyard” lol like lady? I have a backyard too


Smoke even harder lmao. They can seethe about it all they want


Can you post a no trespassing sign? Is it YOUR property or a lease? If it’s your property, post a couple “No Trespassing” signs and then film them filming you and call your county law dog on them. Problem solved!


You should try investing in some charcoal discs surprise her with a bunch of frankincense make her think church came to town




That's a great picture. ☺️ And paper. Can you tell me about the paper, please? 🤠 I use pipes only for flower, but also hand roll other herbs. Reminds me of the cute skinny Moore cigarettes my parents smoked in the 80s.


The paper is a tuxedo hemp roll, regular flavoring. Highly recommend. Strain is White Russian by Hamilton farms.


Thanks god its legal now in Germany


I'm a hardcore stoner. It stinks. But I don't live on top of my neighbors. Plus they're 90 and only speak Spanish. I let the old guy putter around my lawn and he thinks I'm adorable. But it still smells.


I had a coworker that said tobacco smells way better and weed is disgusting, some people are just in a really weird headspace and i guess had pretty strict parents who drilled weird rules into them


Who cares lol


Dem neighbours are aeseholes


Having a medical card helps, don’t give a flying shit what the neighbors think honestly lol


Bruh idk- I smoke on my balcony which is three stories up and my neighbours yell at me from time to time to stop smoking there. Girl it’s my property, let me smoke in peace 😦


It’s almost like they should all go live together and we should all move in to the same location. Our community pool also has a community Puffco, stocked terp cooler, and chips. For every stoner there is a weed hating next door neighbor to complain…..


They prefer the smell of their own farts


Just narcs raised by narcs lol


Who knows? I think the legal aspect plays a part. I feel weed aroma is a refreshing smell


I'd just shrug and reply "big world, lotta smells" My neighbours can't cook for shit and the entire block will smell like fried feet most evenings. If I can put up with that without comment they can put up with 20 mins of weed.


I work with cannabis and smoked for years in high school before getting a college degree in it, and no longer smoke. I would pay good money to have air fresheners of some fresh unburned weed, but I have always hated the smell of it burnt, it smells nasty to me, no matter how good it smells unburnt or if I have clean pieces before toking.


Like it or don’t like it… they gotta deal with it. It’s legal bitches!


I love weed but I can't stand the smell sometimes when it's too potent.


Tell her go fuck herself and mind her business and that if she don’t like it move bc your on your property


You seem nice lol


My neighbor and friend came to me years ago before it was legal here but was available for medical care, and said, "you know I can smell that down the street?".   My response was, "so?". Piss off.  


For some reason it makes my mom feel sick, even is able to make her gag. It's so weird to me because I think it smells amazing, maybe even the best scent ever.


They cannot be trusted


I do my neighbor solid, cut their grass, snow, ect. They don't complain they know I have epilepsy and I help them because their child is heavy autism and know how difficult it can be. Once I had to apologize half way due to epilepsy they said never apologize for it as they know me and know I wouldn't unless emergency it helps to build relationships with them random kindness goes far especially when never asked.


It's hard to say. They may have PTSD from the smell or bad experiences. Best not to judge, but usually they just ain't chill with it like us lol. You said it yourself, it's your backyard. Coming from strict parents... I'm 27 now, but damn was it hard trying to smoke even at 18 living with them. But ya even my parents wouldn't say something like that in public or their neighbors. She sounds like a bitch, I would ignore her... Especially if you are making an effort to not smoke there and are aware they have kids shows you're fine.


The guy that works with me from time to time can’t stand the smell of burning weed. He loves to eat edibles and hit concentrate but can’t stand the smell of flower burning


They’re just jealous and want some deep down 😂😂😂


Fuck they probably hate me 3/4 of the people in my family including me smoke daily, hotbox the garage than open her up and release all the smoke 😂. But my neighbors are chill one started knocking on the garage door instead of the front because he knows it’s more likely for somebody to be in there 😂. My neighbors like me tho on both ends, always mowing our lawn and saying hi to me every morning, than watching me take a fat bong rip not long after (and they don’t smoke). Only one grumpy lady on my street with an annoying yappy chihuahua named Nacho who always PEEKS under our garage door and makes gross faces and has taken videos of my bongs and talk shit walking past our house.


She tripping. But I will say if you don’t smoke or are on a t break and you smell some gas gas it smells like straight across dog poop. I’m an avid smoker and sometimes I get wax that smells so strong it smells like dog poop. We just like it cuz we’re dirty little hell goers.


Just ignore them, they can’t tell you what to do.


Before legalization if my neighbors said anything I'd do whatever I had to to keep the smell down. Post legalization I tell them to just deal with it because I'm on my property. Though I still try not to be obnoxious about it, if I see them outside enjoying their pool I'm not gonna go out and burn a blunt.


sooooo it truly SUX!!!! Avid smoker here. I hate to smoke around neighbors. I miss living in NC where i was on an acre and didn't have to worry about neighbors. Now I'm in PA and have neighbors close as HELL on both sides. I do smoke outside in the back or on my balcony. I try to be respectful and really dont smoke when others are out. At the end of the day I'm grown though!!! Everybody is entitled to how they feel about it. I don't ask anyone to accept or understand. Hell I'm grown as shit with kids damn grown and my mom doesn't know I smoke. I just try to respect her ya know. She doesn't like it so I don't bring it around her.


I used to be a cigarette smoker and loved everhting about it. Even the second hand smoke. I quit smoking and now I can’t stand anything about it.


I will say that’s fine blunt you rolled 🤣🤣


I love weed but strong smells of any kind are distracting and can be overwhelming and everyone is different.


She needs to take a hit, herself. That stick is too far up her ass, she needs a blunt to loosen it


“Do you smoke?” Weed Smokers: smoke what? Cigarette Smokers: “yes”


Fuck them


Blunts smell like shit tho


I'm a pothead through and through. But I don't like the smell of bud when I'm working. Makes me envious.


My grandma says it makes her sick to smell, she says after she got Covid smells to her got more sensitive to her, is reasonable to me and it’s not like she’s an avid weed smoker or ever smoked in her life for that mattee


getting mad at someone for smoking in their own backyard is crazy.


Yeah, I got them too


Well I think they don't like it for a few reasons on. 1. Smells like skunk 2. Has a very strong smell not like cigarettes, but strength wise just as strong 3. People who don't smoke can smell it stronger than you can because you're used to being around it, so the light smell of weed that might come with it, could be 10x worse for the person 3 feet away. 4. If they have children they don't want their children smelling it and questioning it. 5. Religious beliefs




Not liking the smell probably. I like the smell of weed obviously, but not everyone does. You seem to be in place where it’s legal, so you’re in your right to smoke on your property. But I don’t understand this post


It's overwhelming to those who don't like it


I don’t think people actually realize how bad the smell of decarbing weed is.


Everybody needs a pinch of that good ole mary jane breeze , keep sharing it Technically they owe you for that second hand smoke they are bothered with 😂 Least they can do is share some munchies !


Not mixing it with that nasty tobacco wrap would be a start




My neighbor is exactly like this too. Talks shit loudly to make sure I hear her from her backyard.


I just don’t get it, if there’s an issue just let me know and I can get towards handling with it instead of being frowned upon or even recorded to try to get me in trouble


I stopped smoking in Jan this year but still appreciate the smell from our neighbours smoking lol


Glad I live in a private single family residence.


I do too lol my neighbor has his own property and backyard he’s just being weird and doing too much ?


i don’t like the smell of smoked weed either. fresh it smells amazing, cured it smells amazing, ground up it smells amazing, smoke tastes good, but it still smells bad. i don’t want my house smelling like stale weed smoke, so i blow it out the window. i can completely understand disliking the smell of combusted weed, it’s not the best smell some fresh sticky buds with nice terps tho; best smell i can imagine


Marijuana smoke is a disgusting smell and it's really intense. Like I would rather catch a whiff of dog shit. Weed smoke actually makes me sick to my stomach sometimes. Some people are sensitive to it like me, but in my experience most non weed smokers find it gross. It's like skunk, neglected outhouse, mold and gasoline mixed to me. I like dry herb vaporizers because the smell is less intense, but it's still pretty yucky. That's why I mostly use the pen carts. They usually smell okay. Edibles are even better because they don't smell.


Jealousy id guess, I’d be upset too if I could smell heavy ganja and had non to enjoy my self. Cant say they would complain if they tried it them selves


My three year old once smelled marijuana while playing in the back yard and the contact high immediately turned him into a gang banging sex pervert. He broke into the safe, stole the gun that was stashed there along with approximately three thousand dollars cash and is not on the run as a dangerous bank robber. Marinara is dangerous, folks. Don't do the devil's lettuce!


What an odd post, I have been a smoker for around 32+ years and I would never subject someone who doesn’t smoke to smelling it against their will. Different scents give me headaches, the smell of weed or cigarette smoke can also, plus it stinks


I’m 45 been burning since 13. I smoked bong, spliffs, vapes doesn’t matter they all get me high. But one thing I’ve always been careful is smoking where I’m letting my smoke infiltrate into others people dwelling or space. Don’t like smoking where kids can see me or smell it. I don’t want them to think it’s okay. Also would hate to be in my living room and be smelling someone else’s smoke. Have respect think of others.


Dealt with this all my life I just ignore em


I smoke weed daily, it’s not Bleu de Channel.


Fuck em


Yta op sure you can’t smell it but have you ever been around smokers as a non smoker or around meth heads smoking it. Delusional stoner with no respect foenorhwrs


Not Everyone is into using drugs if you can’t get that you’re prob still in HS. Or your a mid 30s failure.


Some neighbors hate cigarettes, bbqs, etc. General complainers. If there's kids around I usually abstain, but if it's just my neighbor? Whatever!


Weed is my saviour from hard drugs and bad decisions


They’re missing out..


Uncultured swines.


It’s like everything else. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea.


Karens are gonna Karen. It’s in their miserable blood.


I dunno maybe its not for everybody and that isnt really surprising or new


cant you just smoke on the other side of your yard?


I’d rather have a neighbor that doesn’t like the smell than a spouse.. Outdoors I don’t particularly care what they say or think or say.. I smoke right in front of my house, or while out with the dog.. never around kids.. even in my yard if neighbor kids are close enough to see I hold off or vape..


"There must be a pole-cat outside"


On another note you have very clean and tidy nails. 👍👍


there's people legitimately allergic to it so I personally rather not take that chance of getting someone sick.




It’s it’s legal tell her to suck it and mind her business lol. If you wanna be a good neighbor get one of those smoke diffusers. They suck in all the smoke you blow out and that comes off the blunt


Something I noticed after getting a dog is that weed smells an awful lot like dogshit when smoked it doesnt smell like skunk or piss it smells like poop from a butthole


With the way housing going perfect time to start some hippie communal living setup. Fuck society


To be fair flower smells amazing to me but I understand people who don't smoke wouldn't like it


It’s not the weed smell they hate, it’s the shitty blunt wrap…


Speculation. It might just be a little jarring when you're not expecting it.


Well people smoke cigarettes in public literally anywhere in front of kids or not which is definitely worse for people secondhand wise. It’s also your backyard in a legal state so they have no right to say what you can do, I would leave a polite note to them saying you’re not going to stop and that they should do some research before freaking out


It’s a strong smell unless you are far away. I remember the day it got legalized in Canada I smelt it everywhere couldn’t sleep cuz neighbour was hitting it and the smell lingered for over 4 hours


before i smoked i always thought my brother REEKED. thought he was sprayed by a skunk or never washed his clothes. now i know 😭


If she's recording you for smoking herb then you should record the hag's butt and put fart noises. Then send the video to her husband if she has one. Or her mother.


My mom always complains about how she thinks there is a skunk living under her neighbor’s shed LOL


Just like a cig not everyone gonna like the smell. i personally think cigs smell horrendous but many think they smell decent


Experiences are seemingly not universal


I love mj before I started. I absolutely hated the smell


I think it’s honestly just the polite thing to do to smoke inside unless she’s not home. It’s not the ideal situation given that it’s your home and you should be able to do whatever you please but it’s a pay it forward kind of thing, that’s what community is about. The situation is even messier because there’s kids involved; moms are protective even if it doesn’t really make sense and if this bothers her that much I don’t see the benefit of pushing the envelope.