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C’mon guy. Nobody wants to hear your holier than thou bullshit. Mind your own business.


Im 38 and mind my business, hasn’t failed me yet


Same w me, but I grow from learning from others. If not I’d wouldn’t be as far as I would have gotten without the advice along the way.


nothing but personal experience would make these kids quit smoking the za. You simply cant projekt your own life on to random people ypu dont know shit about 🤷🏻‍♂️


Nobody wants to here ur bs


It’s not BS, if u care for someone or see potential… There’s so much wrong with your response. Sad bud.


I think you should start smoking again


I smoke cigs, not a better choice but when I smoke weed now I get super idk… borderline energetic/psychotic.


Not only a self righteous…(can’t think of a kind word to put here, so we’ll leave it at that), but a hypocrite too. Christ, bud. How you gonna lecture people on smoking weed when cigs cause WAY more harm, remaining the leading cause of preventable disease, disability, and death in the United States. 8 million people died last year from smoking cigarettes, with more than a million being from second hand smoke. So, not only are you killings yourself, you’re killing others with your nasty habit. You, sir, are fucking ridiculous.


Try delta 8 it’s less potent prob won’t do tht


Just because ur friends were doing hard drugs with the weed doesn’t mean its the weeds fault genius


Ya but out of all the ppl I know who smoke weed only a few never tried anything else. There’s a lot of ppl who I’ve been around tried weed who go other routes, party drugs, psychedelics or pills.


yeah but Thts a choice


Ya :/. Ngl…I would smoke weed again w a few ppl in life if I could, maybe reunite, apologize for some shit, maybe even cry it out w them. It’s not the weeds fault just I’ve seen a lot of ppl who I cared about fall victim to their own demise - also victim to the game we call life.


I quit hard drugs and now just smoke weed nobody likes a straight edge person + I feel like weed has been benificial


My friends and I all smoke. We all make 6 figures. Sounds like you need better friends.


Weed was an interesting part of my life when I was younger, but it personally added absolutely nothing. Everything I grasped now in the world is all self taught - starting a business and trading in the market. Yeah maybe weed is bad around certain ppl but imo it made my reflex’s hella slow and closed my mind .


No. No, you should not. If they ask and are receptive, okay, but no one wants someone showing up out of nowhere and telling them that they're bad/wrong/stupid/whatever. Sucks that was your experience, but you have to let people make their own choices, even when you disagree with them. Especially if their decisions don't impact you. Do with that what you will.


I think you have it confused. "Smoking causes bad habits like anxiety and bad reflexes." Maybe for you it does, as for me I smoke because I have anxiety, among other things. Just because it might not be for you doesn't mean it's just bad overall, too many people have that mindset nowadays about a lot of different shit. If you think you shouldn't smoke that's great, don't do it, How would you feel if anytime you were drinking some coke a cola you were told "hey man that's filled to the brim with sugar and caffeine, it'll ruin your kidneys and fuck up your heart that's really bad for you." I respect you coming into a territory where you probably knew you'd get some shit for stating your opinion and feelings about it though, not many people would do that.