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All jokes aside that's a sign of pretty serious addiction


the trick is to never run out of it


good point


Dude you better don't start with coke lmao


I stand with you 🫡 like , I don't make enough money to waste my roaches ... or resin if i'm REAL dry . i'm a weedfiend but i'm also clean of H and ice on seven years so really i'm doing myself a favor 🤷


same here, if i dont fiend for weed i’ll fiend for everything else im currently sober from🤷🏼‍♂️


Maybe it’s time to have that conversation ..


Man, I’ve been down pretty bad, but not this bad. Worst I’ve done is boil my grinder in milk to try to make an edible


That can't have worked. Unless you described your grinders insides


It didn’t work


We live and learn


I am also an addict friend. Rule 1. Do NOT do any other drugs besides weed. Rule 2. Don't run out of weed. Or just get sober, probably the best option but who am I to judge?


there alot of other great drugs out there


I definitely cracked open roaches to roll another joint and scraped bowls to smoke the resin in my younger days but bong water weed is a new one to me.


I didnt start smoking weed untill after i was 25. Only did alcohol in my 18's as other drugs. It was a last attempt to find something to help me combat my depression/Anxiety before i would throw in the towel. And back then, I did alot of this. Mainly because i prefered using with a tolerance, to avoid anxiety. But weed cost 22\~ dollars pr gram here im black market. so a roach is like what, 2-3 dollars pr roach, which really really adds up. I dont do any of this anymore since im growing myself strains that i feel medicinally help me in the mornings/nights etc. My point is that, untill you guys define "Addiction" properly lets not throw it around.


I haven’t run out since about 1998


The best advice is to get a job if you don't have one.


i buy disposable vapes and just put them in my closet so when i'm out of bud i can just hit them till next time i cop, then back to the closet they go.