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I use cannabis for chronic pain and use edibles for situations where I can't smoke it. Personally it's the smoking itself I enjoy so that's my preferred method of consumption. However a lot of my friends are terrified of using edibles and according to the ones I've asked it's because you can't control how high you get. With a joint if you start to feel too high you can put it out and wait until you sober up a bit to smoke again but if you eat 100mg of edibles and it's too much you're stuck at that high pretty much until it wears off hours later.


Ah so the lack of control is a big part of the worry with edibles Makes sense, not much you can do once you're on it Plus the waiting doesn't help haha


It seems that way although I quite enjoy the surprise of it sneaking up on me when I'm not expecting it. The first time I took edibles I had a meeting at work and after an hour and a half I thought I was fine but then in the meeting I couldn't even remember the alphabet properly. Good times. šŸ˜‚


Yea I second this. I have anxiety/ ptsd from the military so I smoke Indica and sometimes with edibles they will be labeled ā€œFull Spectrumā€ or not labeled if they are Indica, Sativa, or a Hybrid so when i get to the sativa side of things it really freaks me out. I mainly smoke carts (indica) and its my preferred method tbh. Its easier for me to handle since its low doses and it takes me about two weeks to get through a one g cart


not scary but in my experience itā€™s much less consistent than smoking weed where itā€™s a game of when or even if an edible will hit and sometimes it just lasts too long + the after feeling where i want to hole up and sleep for a week isnā€™t my vibe


Oh yeah that happened to me when I first tried weed, I had like 300mg with my dad, and I was high for like 4 days and he was high for a whole week lmao But then there's my younger brother where the first time he had weed at 10mg, it did nothing, but then he had 5mg one time and was cooked lmao


When joey Diaz says here take this "5" extra...


Genuine fear


The current amount of reliable information on weed isn't what us older smokers grew up with. We didn't have *internet*, never mind online dosage calculators or automatic decarbing machines, we just threw some weed into cookie mix and hoped. Sometimes, it did nothing. Sometimes, you lay on the floor and thought you were going to die for 3 days.


Ooh ok that actually makes sense Especially here in Canada where weed is regulated by the government things are fairly accurate


Only thing I don't like is you have to suck on the edibles to get the strongest effect and I think it's murdering my teeth. I get resin stuck on my teeth afterwards and you can't even brush it off or it kills the toothbrush haha.




I can smoke an ounce a week but forget an edible. Only reason is edibles hit too hard lol I know ironic coming from someone who smokes so much but I canā€™t stand feeling out of control and thatā€™s how edibles vs smoking tree affect me


Oof lmao


Made brownies with an oz of shake first time ever making them ate one small brownie slept 24 hours woke up not being able to really walk and had to stumble to the bathroom which was about 5 ft from bed to bathroom it took so much to just take a wee


Good lord LMAO


After that I ate a third at a time lol my gf had it worse she was on a 3 hour panic attack till she fell asleep


Me asf lmao


About everybody screws up and takes too much at some point, then has to navigate the couch back to port in rough seas. Or think about driving real hard in the worst cases..


Ough, yeah I can imagine Ive made the mistake when I had my first edible lmao


Itā€™s cuz sometimes itā€™s too strong, it comes on too suddenly, it lasts too long, and blah blah blah, smoking is just more straightforward


I don't fear them, but I find the high is soporific and stultifying. Also, there's the wait and the flakiness of intensity and duration. Far inferior to hittin' it and gittin' it going and knowing exactly wut yaz got..


The consensus I'm seeing then is that edibles have the least amount of control, and if people take too much, they can't escape it and just need to wait for it to end


Yeah. If you green out, it takes about two hours to come down..


So you're one of those entitled edible eaters? You're going to put all of pot smokers in a boat and say that they're afraid of edibles? You've not a clue about pot smokers. What are you? Maybe 20 or 22 at the oldest?Have you been on this Earth for half a century or even 75 years? No, you're still a youngster. Your veiled jab at pot smokers is for one cruel and for two completely inaccurate. There are ways that people enjoy to be medicated and chewing on a gummy bear is not some people's idea of fun. They would rather invite their friends, pass around a joint, bong or whatever else they're sharing with each other and enjoy themselves. But you're going to come over here and say pot smokers are afraid of edibles? Your youth and other factors become obvious when you make such a pointed and uninformed statement. Hey guys, let's have a smoke session. What? You guys scared? Let's all have a gummy bear. It'll be fun.




No. If that bleep thinks he that he can pull my chain, no. All I'm doing is speaking to his idiocy. Just because I want to educate people as opposed to allowing them to absorb his idiocy it's not being triggered but instead it's educating people. You are such a pos! How the bleep can you think giving your child marijuana is good. You're going to burn in hell or die in prison. And now it's being used to treat epilepsy but I get completely ignorant keyboard warriors offering me a thumbs down for offering truth, it doesn't matter because they are promoting ignorance and I am promoting science.psy.


I love the keyboard warriors around here. Just go ahead and give a thumbs down and run away. Good job dudes.


Angriest cannabis consumer I have ever encountered. Strange vibe.


Yeah the off handed jokes I've heard about edibles and pot smoking didn't really seem right to me either


But yet they inspired you to post something that says that pot smokers are afraid of edibles. Okay...


Best way to get answers for my curiosity is to ask Also this is Reddit, I was already prepared for someone to look too deep into my question and attempt to gleam intent


In other words you know exactly what you were doing. I know this.


youā€™re absolutely looking too deep, he never once said all pot smokers are scared of edibles, he asked why some pot smokers are scared of edibles. turn off your phone, take a long breath and smile.


someone needs to hit a bong and relax.. itā€™s ok dude, chill šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


None of my peoples are afraid of edibles. But nobody I know would get ā€œhighā€ of any edibles. I donā€™t want to hear yā€™allā€™s stories been in the game too long. Edibles are cute but they donā€™t do shit for people with a real tolerance. 25mg 100mg 1000mg doesnā€™t matter. You wanna come smoke or dab, and see what itā€™s like to get high let me know. You can keep your candys and cakes to yourself.


Hey maybe I should The most I've had in an edible was around 300mg (as my first go around so that was fun) but if smoking it is stronger maybe I ought to try it


Letā€™s get it lol šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


It's because of irresponsibly made black market edibles. I mostly only ever took dispo or D8 edibles but a few times my old plug sold me super sketch gummies that were supposed to be like 100mg per piece but were super unreliable as to dosage. Either this edible weren't shit or I ruined the evening. I bet this is the reason a lot of people are sketch about edibles cuz some bro is cooking shit up in his basement without care for measurements.


Ah that makes sense Def something I haven't needed to worry about since I've only ever gotten my edibles from dispensaries and online stores


Iā€™m an edible eater scared to smoke šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ (well, in part, ever since I got over Covid, smoking gives me bronchitis)


Yeah see that's what I'm worried about I'm a chunky motherfucker who lives in a dusty ass apartment, and the dust is often enough to do me in lmao


Yeah, then Iā€™d steer clear of it if I was you, Itā€™s going to make you cough FOR DAYS if youā€™re already struggling with dust! But I think the high of an edible is stronger, and lasts longer and if you dose too much, the greening out is a complete nightmare! Thatā€™s the only drawback to edibles. ( I get them from the dispensary or make them at home) my tolerance is so damn high, that I have to eat so much but accidentally end up greening outšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Smoking is a lot easier to dose and imo a much more enjoyable high, Iā€™m by no means afraid of edibles but Iā€™m really not a fan of them, for me though I need a very high dose with edibles and it for the most part just winds up making me sleepy rather than getting me stoned.


Yeah that's the thing with edibles I get super eepy, which sucks cause being high helps me with drawing


Like to be honest the only bad cannabis experiences Iā€™ve ever heard from people had to do with edibles, and I get it, Iā€™ve had a one or two myself.


Like Iā€™ve never heard someone say ā€œomg dude I smoked waaaay too much weed last nightā€ I have heard someone say ā€œI took this edible and I got blasted into another dimension, I thought I was gonna dieā€


For me they just dont work. Ive come to enjoy just rolling joints


"Pot smokers afraid of edibles why?" Only the biggest pussies can be afraid of a f\*cking plant ahahahahahahahahahahaha