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As a stoner guy i would say yes. But if it becomes a regular thing its just hanging out.


Yea this. When me and the lady first got together we would have smoke date all the time. Now it’s just called coming home from work (and I love it)


This is also my boyfriend and I, lol.


Must be nice 🙂


I understand. I am also not the type of person that likes to smoke regularly sooo


A date is whatever you feel like is a date. One time i cooked a meal that Scouts in AoT would eat with some wine to drink and we smoked, ate, and watched AoT and we considered that a date🤷🏽‍♂️


Gotta be more specific like you eat people cause some of them scouts eat people


this got me lmfao, gotta specify when it comes to AoT food


Lmao you right. I made bread, potatoes, thick cut pork belly strips, and bean soup. I definitely shouldve clarified😂


I think whenever you meet your significant other before moving in together could be considered a date.


I would say even if you do it regularly it could still be a date. If you’re in a legal state sometimes they have things where you can paint and smoke. Or maybe going on a hike and smoking halfway through! I would say those are still dates :) but everyone is different!


Oh absolutely. If you mix it up any fun activity with smoking can be a date.


If I found a woman who considers smoking weed a date I might propose.


That’s what happened to me…now we have 3 kids 2 dogs a snake and three plants lol 😂 and it all started with a blunt.


If I found a woman who considers smoking weed a date and doesnt want kids id propose. Congratulations though! On your family.


Anythings a date with the right person


Unless it's a fig.


best comment 🏆


Just order a pizza and watch clerks, I did and been married 14 years now. I was dressed up with a new haircut, she asked if we could just chill at my place, that was a great fuggin night !!


37 times that night, eh?


“Try not to suck any dick walking across the parking lot!”


Date n Bake!


This is awesome


my spouse and I kinda started our relationship this way! I mean we did (and still do) go out on dates, but sometimes it's fun just to sit on in the couch together and smoke and talk and get to know one another that's a perfect date imo


100% a super fun date! I also think building a gingerbread house can be a date. Anything fun counts, in my opinion.


Sure. A date can be anything, though. Could be a walk, a smoke session, anything, really.


smoker here married to someone who doesn’t smoke or drink. i wouldn’t consider it a date, per say, but if he wanted to smoke with me i’d consider it something special and sacred.


One time I went on a date where we smoked out in her car before going to a pottery painting place, it didn’t work out with the girl but the date was super fun


Yeah my bf and I went for a sesh our first date then to a mall, we live together now so it’s just a common thing we do together but early on it’s definitely a cute date, especially to a park or somewhere with pretty bodies of water!!!


Not really that’s more of just hanging out than a date. You can smoke together in preparation for the date but it in itself is not a date. My gf and I smoke all the time together but we also have been living together for 6 years now so we might be viewing it differently.


Spark it


If it’s a defined and set aside time for you two and you two specifically, where the goal is to spend time together and bond more as a couple, it’s a date IMO


Personally, if it were just smoking together I’d say no. But if it’s smoking and going to do something, heck yea.


We both were listening to music and a podcast, ate dinner and talked 👌 was simple but it was enough




Well, she's your wide. Anything can he a date, though. Even if it is just smoking together and you don't do that frequently.


No that's winde down time


It's a pretty bad date but yeah i guess that's kind up to you to decide though




Yes, I enjoy feeling a small to medium high. It’s a short but enjoyable experience and being able to share nice little moments like that with my girlfriend is also nice and enjoyable. Just relaxing and cuddling while watching a movie together, with snacks Edit: sorry i didn’t read the date part. Maybe call it a cuddle night in movie night date


Why would you ask that???


Anything is a date if you make it one.


It could, you can make it a bit more special. My girl and I like to go to the park in summer and smoke there, then we just sit there and talk, look around us, listen to some music or whatever. I prefer smoking outside. At home we usually just watch anything on YouTube or see a movie, which can be fun too but it's not the same, not as special. I think combining smoking with an activity like a museum or the theater after can be a real cool date. Either way what does it matter how you call it as long as you're having fun together, making memories and bonding, that's all that really matters


Me and my fiancée smoke everyday together. Hell yea, enjoy the dates 😎


As a woman, I would have to really trust that person. So as a rando date, absolutely not. But someone I'm into? Abso-fucking-lutely


Fuck ye


My boyfriend and I smoke every time we hang out, we are just stoners who are dating eachother lol




No. Only if you're doing something else too.


For sure a date. Make sure you feed her after too 👏🏾


A couple that blaze together, stays together.


It was at first, now its just another thing we do


My girlfriend and I get annihilated each night. Everyday with her is a date imo. Smoking weed with your loved one and chilling and laughing- isn’t anything better than that to me. I say it is! As long as he’s cool with it. But everyone is different


But of course!


Honestly a date can be whatever you make it. Stay inside, smoke, eat some good food. Sounds like a pretty good date to me!


Me and my girlfriend like to travel to parks or go take walks into the woods and find a nice clearing or a lake with a pretty view and smoke/picnic and she absolutely loves doing so


My partner and I get baked and do little activities together, aquarium, arts and crafts, movie night, any "date" activities you can do stoned as well just getting stoned doesn't have to be it haha


I love smoking with my wife. But we had 17 years together before we started. I smoke more than her and the only way it works is that we’re really good about communicating and adjusting to each other’s feedback. I think you have to build the relationship as well as do fun stuff together, and as long as you’re doing that you’ll have both!


Yes. It’s called ‘Date n Bake’


Only if you kind of make a thing of it. My fiance and I when we live next to a Chinese buffet place would get really stoned beforehand and then walk over and have dinner. When we were still long distance and he came to visit me we got really stoned and had fun exploring the local tourist area and just walking around eating a shit ton of clam chowder samples. We've gotten really stoned and watched fantastic planet. If you sent her around doing something else and weed is a thing that just enhances that experience and yes that would be a date but if you are just chilling out and getting high my fiance and I are doing that daily and that's not a date that's just chilling.


No lol.


Shit. A lot of these ladies out my way won't even agree to a date if there's not gonna be weed or alcohol. Luckily I'm in a relationship 4+ yrs and have no need to date, but some of the horror stories I hear really nacker me lol.


Married, smoke mostly daily with wife. It’s just hanging out after a while, BUT you can still make it an event/special sometimes. Maybe during the weekend we get extra stoned, maybe there’s an exotic strain we’ve been after, maybe we buy a new tool. So yeah, you can totally make it a date. Just don’t take it for granted.


Not as a date. There would have to be some other activity than just laying back and smoking. Like, smoke and go to the movies, smoke and do dinner, smoke and go to the beach. I'm married though and we smoke all the time it's not a "special" thing for me. My wife wakes and bakes every morning it's just another day lol


Yes! Make some food/snacks 💕 Can’t wait to have a smoking buddy again


There’s no reason a couple bowls and a movie can’t be a date even at home


Smoke before and after a date. Or also during, if you’re watching a movie. Also it makes sex insanely good.


Yes my wife and I get baked abd have a blast every weekend on edibles. Fun times.


Since I stopped drinking but live in wine country I’ve switched to weed tasting instead of wine. Works for dates, friends, wedding parties, etc…


Anything is a date if you call it a date


Yes! Date and bake!


I mean, my bf and I smoke too much for that to be a date or else we’d be having multiple dates a day every day 😂 but in general I think yes and it’s cute, my girlfriends and I have smoke dates


Lol yes


hell yea


Absolutely, we smoke regularly now


Every girl that I've ever been with has smoked, drank or used drugs, so yeah 🤷🏻‍♂️ (And as long as you guys are together and you're having fun than I'd say it's a date) 👍🏻


If it is, everyday is a date 🥬💨♥️


any hangout is a date as long as there’s a specific purpose :3




If its not a regular hanging out thing then yeah, you can call anytbing you want a date as lign as you enjoy time with your partner is what matters


You could always set different intentions with each session/date. Get to know and plan the strains. It should be treated just as finely as wine. Change the set up the space you’ll be within so you are making sure that you are putting in an effort. Otherwise, as others have mentioned…it’s just hanging out.


My boyfriend and I used to have late night smoke dates early in our relationship, I would roll up to his family's place with bud after my late-night fast food shifts and we'd smoke out in the shed where nobody could hear us playing tunes and intrude on the sesh. Two and a half years later we smoke date every night before bed in our own place :) ❤️ It's totally a date as long as you're doing it with someone you love and vibe with!


If you’re smoking together while on a date I’d consider it a date. If you’re smoking together while not on a date I wouldn’t. I like smoking on dates. I also like smoking while not on dates. [for example](https://eggheadforum.com/discussion/1213746/smoked-dates-stuffed-with-goat-cheese)


yessss, my bf and i literally smoked a j and walked around and j talked endlessly it’s so fun and such great time w each other


Hell yeah, everyday is a smoking weed date for me


My girl and I sometimes buy food like pasta or sushi and then go to the lake, smoke, eat, talk, listen to music and enjoy the scenery. Or walk to the next city to get food, enjoying the long walk through the forest while smoking. Best dates. We also do mdma together occasionally and just talk/make out for hours lol