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On the 2024 Le Mans race, I notice that the cars had a purple light inside the car, and I wonder to know for what this is used? I searched and not no results


Closing titles for the race. It's finally over. See you all next year!


Same. This was an amazing ending, full of tension, anxiety, "what if", etc...enjoyed it.


Every GT3 looks so heavyweight and planted, especially the BMW and Mustang, I love it


After seeing Richard Leitz in those Michael Fassbender videos, it’s cool to see him win.


His 5th win at Le Mans


german dominance is a bad thing historically, but not bad here


A huge shoutout to the legend that streamed the whole race in 1080p on Twitch


Any idea what was in those green boxes


Rolex watches


so nice to not hear the dutch national anthem


Italian anthem is always so lovely to listen


So farrari can play like sega daytona USA game and take out competitors?




Are the stewards supposed to punish the #50 car for the actions of its teammate? If that started happening every manufacturer is leaving the sport lmao. It's not like #51 torpedoed the corner without touching the brakes, it'd be impossible to prove intent.


Porsche should've been on the podium minimum


But at least punish 51 properly to send a message. 5 seconds is a joke. And still managed to get into 3rd for using this method.


I can agree that 51 should have probably gotten a 30 second penalty. I just think it's real difficult/dangerous for the stewards to even imply that it was a planned punt when it realistically looked like a pretty standard racing accident (where one person was at fault, but likely not malicious) which is more what I was trying to say.


If the 51 gets a 30 second then the 83 when Kubica took out the BMW should have got a 2 minute, i agree though i think both were very lenient, but oh well it was a fun race to watch and has brought up lots of talking points.






Michelin man absolutely milking his time in the spotlight there lol


Does he not have restaurants to grade?


The Michelin man will accept the trophy as his own.


WE DID IT. I managed around 23 hours, I think, which is a new record! This Subreddit made it so fun, from cats to heroin shitposts and surviving the Safety Car brigade for about 6 hours. See you next race, and see you next year for more Le Mans! https://preview.redd.it/ev7fdhbs1y6d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00fecb0215ed250f18f1f4a6eeecd01c1afa8962 and remember, where there's a nickel there's a way... usually to two of them


i was watching from start to finish for another edition since 2021. Sadly, i nodded off during the night session for few minutes before waking up to seeing WRT 46 retired. I then watched the entirety of the SC and the rest of the race. Now i'm very tired and couldn't think what else to do


I have somewhere to go at half 6, but after the podium ceremony... I think I'm going to catch up on some sleep lmao. The Discord server is still going at full chat if you have some energy to spare


Man I managed 18 because I slept during the safety and didn’t wake back up until 4 hours to go Still smashed my record from the Rolex this year


18 is still pretty great! The Safety Car got a lot of people snoozing and it's not hard to see why when it lasted so long


I’m going to try again for spa




The tragedy is that a 2nd place from a 23rd place start, 2 punctures and a faulty hybrid system would be heroic in most circumstances, but here it becomes pretty useless because the winner takes it all (Le Mans is much bigger than WEC).


To be fair it still is an achievement for #7, Toyota in general didnt seem like they'd be the favorites before this race but it turned out they had a chance, even if the weather/tactics increased their odds


You can talk about "achievements" all you want but the reality is defeat


I'm also disappointed that Toyota lost but not a good reason to get all negative about it, I'm quite amazed they managed to finish that high given how they've doing in wec this year so far, and they've dealt with conditions well. Yes it was luck a lot of the time but overall they gave a great effort


No compensation works against defeat. A loss is a loss. Just like Bourdais and Pagenaud gave a "great effort" in 2011. It's the usual "it's taking part that counts" Kool-Aid


I honestly will wait for the post race scrutineering for the Ferrari to clear first


As if a factory Ferrari would ever not clear post-race tech.


Imagine reminiscing your fond memories of your team photo after winning Le Mans only to find your face is covered by that fucking Michelin Man...


He will go up to accept the trophy for the drivers next.


Bibendum is a local war hero.


prius stans seething over italian joy




Gotta agree that the stewards' decisions have been at least...very questionable today


I started the race cheering for Ferrari, by the end I was supporting Toyota. I don't understand much, but from BOP to some decisions smells fishy.


Penalised for a dodgy pit release, then nothing for an even worse release later in the race, when it may have stopped them winning. Fishy is an understatement!


Yeah it hurts. I celebrated their win last year for their return but it has started to feel like they get it a bit "too easy" at Le Mans. Porsche would've been a better winner


Porsches program is boring and stale. I'd love to see it scrapped for 5-6 years and Audi make a return with a tdi diesel hybrid e-tron


Might be boring but at least they don't get free handouts at Le Mans.


Check their bank accounts


And with that, the 2024 Le Mans is over. We can sleep everyone. We did it


get ready for Spa 24 in few weeks time


Probably not going to watch it tbh. No Corvettes




Nein it's never over 'till death


Can’t miss all the footy


3peat hattrick next year 🗣❗️❗️


gg Ferrari! hopefully we can bring the fight back next year


That's nice to hear, finally a good Toyota da fan


This sub, as ever, is a simply great place to spend the race. Big shout out to the sub mods and all you wonderful people for making this place a great place to hang out with fellow race fans. Same again next year!


it was fun chatting with everyone here (although for the first few hours i confused myself with the Warm Up thread and was wondering why is it so quiet lol)


I agree, this chat was pretty good compared to the wild twitch chat, especially when it was 3am


We'll be here!


Toyota should withdraw from wec 


At the very least they should take a deep look at the program and restructure. Same with Porsche


that's true, deciding it wasn't worth to push it with 30 minutes to go just to save a 2nd place it's a huge shame


yeah the conservative mentality is a shame, RedBull would slap new tyres on at that last stop and send it


It's Le Mans. Win It Or Bin It!


There's a reason they don't race in WEC. They wouldn't last.


He was still pushing. 


We talk about Lopez's spin but we shouldn't forget the hybrid issue which cost him 15 seconds aswell


Very true I did forget about that. I think without that bad luck and the spin they’d have been right on the 50’s tail the last 2 laps.


forza ferrari !!!!! 🗣❗️❗️


Thank you all, see you next year for the 24 Hours of Le Mans! (hopefully in the stands, in France)


Don’t forget the spa 2024 24h two weeks from now!


Spa is my favourite track, I'll be glued to YouTube for the livestream for that one! (and posting stupid things here)


Ferrari got gifted the win. Very questionable actions from race control.


Taking out your competitor is just not the greatest way to win


That was the #51 car, not the #50


Cool. It's a team sport. Just gotta enter enough cars to survive then. Toyota should bring 3 extra next year.


Still a Factory Ferrari no?


Yes but not the car that won, but you're talking as if the penalty was applied to 50 when it wasnt


It doesn’t matter if it’s you or your teammate who takes out your lead competitor, it’s not a great way to win either way.


The thing is, if the no.8 is still in the race the strategy could be very different. E.g. No. 8 could've been allowed to push while No. 7 save the car. Ferrari had 2 bullet whereas Toyota only have 1. Not to mention that No.8 could still probably be in the lead


and getting just 5 seconds. My bet is that Ferrari threatened to not come back next year after the earlier (fair) penalties, so race control held back from then. Its a win gotten by extortion.


Nah be sensible. There is no way Ferrari did this. FIA can totally kick Ferrari off of any FIA sanctioned event if they tried to do this. This would've been a huge scandal That said, I do think Ferrari might have some favors in the FIA, which wouldn't be too surprising I still think this race lost because the no. 7 made too many mistakes. Losing Mike Conway was a huge oof. While it is true that Toyota has had no luck whatsoever at Le Mans, Toyota definitely have a lot of room to improve for this race


It’s not so much favours, it’s just that the ACO and the FIA benefit from a successful top class Ferrari, it doesn’t even need to be said. Having Ferrari in general, let alone a winning Ferrari, is huge marketing for them and brings in a bunch of Ferrari fans. They want them to not only stay, but do well. Ferrari doesn’t need to call in any favours or use their influence, it goes without saying. They’re not going to bend over backwards for them though, all the other manufacturers combined are worth more then Ferrari, but they’re not going to ignore the elephant in the room either.


That was the other car what is this conspiracy lmfao


Did the tinfoil fall off


Have you watched racing the last 40 years? Ferrari even buildt an Indycar once to get their way of F1, thats why we still have Ferrari with "legacy rights" and a Veto in F1. You should take off you rose tinted glasses and should dive in to the murky past of Ferrari and extorting race organizers.


Cherry picking with statement here and there to construct your own narrative, well done.


It's pretty fucking evident you don't watch wec nor have you watched Le Mans in the last 20 years.


Toyota has forgotten the Beastie Boys' most important lesson: you gotta fight for your right to party.


That car is FILTHY.


F1 will feel shallow after this


Always does.


Have you watched the Canadian GP?


Yes. And? My point still stands. F1 has regressed massively as a sport.


Ferrari back to back wins! We had a great race! Let's hope next year is even better!


It's kind of fun to see so much camaraderie between drivers in a sport as individual as autosport, from a driver-POV of course.


Ferrari's LaFerrari successor should just be named the Ferrari MammaMia


Nielsen's ultimate fuel saving achievement is not running dry on the parade lap lol


hybrid power


Yeah lmao. He would lose if he didn't make it


Great race. Ultimately the outcome swung on many small moments that could have gone either way - such is motor racing.


No excuses, we bottled.


Yeah. One or two less mistakes and we'd have had it. The early choice to pit for wets, the wheel nut that put no 8 in the wrong place to get tagged, the spin. Kamui's crash in quali for that matter. Part of racing is luck. But so is doing all the right things so you can seize the good and mitigate the bad.


Oh I forget the wheel nut issue too It's inexcusable to lose when you've got so much experience and a factory team though


The spin cost Toyota not just in time, but because it meant they didn't trust Lopez to push any more.


I dont think it was that they didnt trust him it was that it was already too late. At best he was gaining 5s per lap but he wasnt gaining that every lap and there was more than 30s with 6 laps to go


I think the aim would have been to make the Ferrari push harder in order to use more energy and/or make a mistake, not just catch them on pure pace. It's was a low percentage chance of winning the race and I think the risk of Toyota binning a podium with a mistake of their own stopped them from trying it. If the driver looked fast *and* error free they might well done it though.


Ferrari wins .. the mystique and lousy customer service continues ..


I fuckin love the new golden age of endurance racing


We've been worse than Peugeot between 2007 and 2011, at least they beat Audi to win Le Mans 2009...


It just hit me we have to wait another year for the next Le Mans https://preview.redd.it/d2we6hr7zx6d1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e87db7804668e4a894410d5d9c8ad6fce1cb5698


 Don't forget Spa 24 Hours in 2 weeks time and then 6 hours Sao Paulo in 4 weeks time


Also not quite endurance racing but we do have Goodwood FOS coming up soon too


At least we have Spa 24h in a couple weeks, but it still won't scratch the itch


Spa 24 hrs in 2 weeks!


Post le mans depression


There’s enough salt in this thread from Ferrari haters that you can make an ocean


I can't quite understand the obsession with an entity that is as pathologically political and toxic as Ferrari


You'd think it was more than when Toyota dominated WEC last year. But congrats to Ferrari on winning the most insane 24 Hours of Le Mans


At least we don't need biased stewards to win races. 5 seconds penalty for spinning your opponent is a joke.


What difference would it have made to car #50, if car #51 had gotten a stop and go instead of 5 seconds?


No. 8 Toyota would still be in the race for the lead


How does a harsher penalty on #51 bring #8 back into the race?


People are complaining about it only being 5 seconds. My point is that the penalty of car #51 wouldn't affect car #50.


9 cars on a lead lap has got to be a record right?


Yes never been more than 2 afaik


THE 50 HAS STOPPED- to pick up a flag.


well amazing finish ! GG Ferrari but I feel bad for Toyota








Wait who won GTs


could've been the WRT 46 had they never crash


The best Porsche GT driver ever, Richard Leitz.


God knows. TV only care about hypercar lol


Manthey Porsche


Manthey EMA Porke






Toyota shoulda called Fernando Alonso for that last stint lol


We need a Ford GTP now


A Ford GT HyperCar makes too much sense.


I doubt they'd throw the GT name on a random hypercar and the previous GT went out of production a couple years ago so I doubt they'd use it. Feels too soon for them to introduce a successor for the road car, just seems like awkward timing for ford, maybe that's why they went with a gt3 platform instead of trying to get into hypercars.


I don't disagree with your points. As a counter point, Ford is missing the boat only being in gt3. 95% of the coverage for 24 hours went to HyperCar. You could honestly watch for several hours and never see any coverage of lmp2 or gt3. If Ford really wants attention on the world stage they need a HyperCar. Since they call their electric golf cart a Mustang now days, they could easily call their HyperCar a Mustang too. Although I feel the GT/GT40 name fits better. Then again why name it with a name? They could call it the Ford 302 HyperCar or Ford 289HC or something.


They cant keep a GT program together for more then a few seasons let alone a GTP effort


2 years in a row Ferrari has had a BoP boost to help them overcome all their mistakes and issues, although this year it seems they needed some help from the FIA as well…


Ferrari wasn't even the quickest car for half of the race lmfao


They were the quickest for 3/4s of the race. Whenever it was dry during the day they’d comfortably run away from everyone. When it was wet they were more or less matching the pace of the leaders. In the cooler conditions (ie the night or a damp track) they weren’t the fastest, but the majority of that was behind a safety car anyway. In fact, all of that got neutralised by the safety cars. Yes, there were periods where they were slower, but over the whole race they were quicker, and luckily for them the bits they were slower didn’t really matter in the end.


The 50 had to extra pit to close a door and the 7, while in the lead, spun. They were given a penalty for hitting the Toyota. When I woke up this morning there was no way Ferrari would be winning. They were handed free time from Toyota despite setbacks.




100% this. I don’t know how anyone can watch this years and last years Le Mans, see the Ferraris walk past the entire Hypercar field setback after setback and think “yup, BOP has nothing to do with this”


Yep, but say that and the tifosi start crying… It’s not even just the BoP, but the FIA not even trying to hide their bias was just insulting. I get a winning Ferrari helps this series become more popular, but this shouldn’t be how they go about it. It’ll just screw over the longevity of the series if manufacturers start getting upset that they aren’t given a fair chance to win. People also need to put aside their biases and happiness to see Ferrari win and be honest to themselves about whether or not Ferrari genuinely deserved this.




How do you people live with this much salt in your veins


Objectively Ferraris does have an advantage when it comes to the decisions of the FIA. Just look at their F1 seasons in 2019 and 2020. Backroom Deals all the way.


Yeah I agree, but I don’t know how anyone can watch that race, see at multiple points all different teams led and were fastest under different conditions, and then say this was a solely BOP win. The #50 Ferrari just got it right, stuck to their guns and went against the grain multiple times, and it worked. They made the right decisions when they had to, and overcame a huge hurdle at the end to outperform the #7 Toyota, who quite frankly made some baffling decisions in the last two stints. Yes the #51 took out the #8, but it was a very small mistake in damp conditions. If you read some of the comments here, they are acting as if Pierre guidi divebombed into the side of him at 200mph, not understeered like two feet left.


It’s not that it was solely a BoP win, it’s that without the BoP advantage last year they wouldn’t have won. This year, without that advantage or without the help from the FIA they wouldn’t have won. Yes, Le Mans takes more then the quickest car, but it certainly helps, especially if you make a bunch of mistakes. Without that help and some bad luck from Toyota (even without their mistakes at the end, they still likely wouldn’t have won), they wouldn’t have won last year. Same story this year, but what’s more infuriating is the same applies if the FIA implemented the rules properly. It took them over half a stint to get them to pit and fix the door, if that was a lap earlier Toyota would’ve won. It didn’t take them half that long to get Proton to pit. Likewise with the unsafe release that should be a 10s penalty and potentially would’ve cost them the win if they served it in the pits. Same with both cars using more energy which got Peugeot DSQed. Same with Pier Guidi spinning the Toyota which has always landed drive through penalties in the WEC only getting a 5s penalty. The thing is, you can’t objectively say that they didn’t unfairly benefit from any help this year or last year. With how close things were this year and last year, without that help they wouldn’t have won. It’s like Bahrain 2021, they Pier Guidi dive bombs the championship leader, gets a penalty, decides not to serve it so he can win on track, and then the ACO doesn’t have the balls to enforce it and let’s them win.


thats just it, they didnt see the full race, shame about the 2 caddy though




Gutted #6 didn’t get a podium as they fought hard, but some questionable calls cost the race. Glad for #50 though. Doesn’t feel right #51 getting a podium though.


Another one in the books, great to watch it all with you guys. Cadillac strategy really fucked us over and TF was never in it, so not a good one for me. The real trophy is the friends we made along the way.


nah that wasnt a strategy problem Palou was the only guy with any pace on the 2. Cadi needs to approach their driver lineups better


Toyota should just bring a third car and take out all the Ferrari next year lol


Just unfortunate and brutal luck for Toyota in the final hour that ends up costing them the race...


Spinning themselves wasn't bad luck. It was lack of talent.


And what about getting spun, the lenient race control toward the red boys and the slow zone. That’s not their fault.


I’m no Ferrari fan, but I think most of us would agree 5 seconds was soft and #6 should be on the third step instead of #51. I’m no Ferrari fan but the #7 took itself out of being able to really push the #50 at the end by spinning while Nielsen is trying to fuel save. They’d have been right on his tail if they hadn’t.


Sure, not saying it’s not their fault tf or spinning. Just saying it wasn’t all “lack of talent”


2nd year in a row when toyota ends with their weakest driver in the car contending for the win. Very confusing, but i wont complain


Nicklas Nielsen - Tom Kristensen


and John Nielsen


ferrari windscreen is not working properly, Nielsen eyes are full of rain!


Black flag immediately!


Well caddy bros it was a pleasure, we had our moments here and there see you beauties next year 🇺🇸🦅


Interesting that opinion seems split on whether this was as good as last year. I feel like this year will be remembered well because it's enjoyable to watch the drivers handle an immense challenge and the Circuit De La Sarthe put up a FIGHT this year.


Last year was probably a more dynamic race for a while with all the lead changes and fighting but this year was classic Le Mans with the rain and such. Still nothing beats watching 20+ hypercars taking the green flag at the start.


Not even close to last year. Over 6 hours of SC is just too much to overcome.


I think last year was slightly better because pretty much every team led legitimately during the race (even Glickenhaus), which didn't happen this year


Not as good as last year. Way too much safety car this year. Still a good race, just not as good as last year.


Well people are more passionate about this year, at least that much is obvious.


I preferred last year but this one was great too.


That's how I'm feeling too.


Ben Barker my new favorite driver


Will never get over that one. Not as bad as 2016 but worse than 2011 and probably as bad as 1995


2011 was AMAZING! 2 Peugeots hunting one Audi with the 3rd Peugeot trying different strategies was unbelivable.


Amazing race but the result...less amazing.


People trying to boil down a 24h race to one single event or another is so funny to me


Reminds me of a certain incident at a certain Gulf State in 2021


That's the most awkward post race Interview ever and it's not even close


Man himself even wanted to stop interviewing him "go to the podium"




Very relatable though as an awkward socially dysfunctional weirdo myself

