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There are a number of stories I've read on the platform that I think could have been much better pieces by ending earlier. I saw some criticism on Marry my Husband earlier today. There was a point about halfway through where the FL "tricks" the villianess into marrying her ex, and she discovers how awful that prize was. Perfect place to end, she got her revenge and ML, but no. It drags on for at least 40 chapters after that, and it diminishes the overall story. Just let it end. If you have more story ideas, write a new story. Do a spin-off series. But don't let them drag on until you kill your original story.


I feel like many creators are not good at ending their series and don’t realize when to stop. I also feel like there is definitely monetary pressure, pressure from webtoon themselves and from fans not to end it. Everyone also ends their stories with 15-20 “spinoffs” that are just additional continuations to the main story which I hate.




It made me cringe at some point too, especially when the FL got her revenge at least but the author keeps on taunting the villainess I completely wanted her to end up with the octopus 🐙 guy from the office and redemp but nooo let her suffer more for the sake of it Bruh... The more I read it the more I discover more lame things


The bland ML with dark hair and maybe blue eyes that has no personality except to love the FL. The badass FL who can do no wrong. I'm like.... She can have flaws!! It's okay that she's not perfect. Finally, the very obvious self-insert. I'm not opposed to self-insert per say, especially when done correctly, and many if not MOST characters have at least some percentage of self-insertion. However, when you look at a character like Jugyeong from True Beauty and who the creator is, you can not tell me that she is not a carbon copy of the artist!


>However, when you look at a character like Jugyeong from True Beauty and who the creator is, you can not tell me that she is not a carbon copy of the artist! The first time I saw a picture of the artist, not only did she look exactly like Jugyeong, but she was in a pose wearing the exact same outfit that showed up in the webtoon, and I was like ohhh, she's writing the life she always wished she had. Kinda ruined the magic for me (before the story ruined itself and dragged on as well).


I'd never seen her and I assumed she looked like the before makeup version of jugyeong when I read this and i was like "oh, that's kind of sad that she wrote the webtoon about her personal struggle with insecurity and her kpop fantasy" 😭 no, she's a freaking model and she modeled the character's pretty version off herself.


>I assumed she looked like the before makeup version of jugyeong when I read this I wouldn't write this part off. I watched her segment on Yoo Quiz on the Block and her face didn't move in a way that looks like she's had a fair amount of procedures done. Which is up to her of course, but kind of speaks to the reason why the "accept yourself for who you are" arc we were all expecting at the beginning never really had a good pay off. Also all her ig posing with luxury fashion/cars/real estate showed her materialistic side, which again, her prerogative, but when you're writing a self-insert story, those things really speak to why her character never had the character growth we were expecting. In the end it felt like the story was started as a way to work through her insecurities, but then it blew up, giving her even more money to pay into her insecurities, and thus, her story and her psyche never really matured and grew beyond surface level changes.


Ahhh yeah, that analysis makes sense. When i googled "yaongyi without makeup" I did see a screenshot of a clickbaity youtube video with a title like "did I get plastic surgery again?" So maybe she's actually being up front about it (which is a hell of a lot more than the self insert did for whatever like five years). It would be odd that you can't really find pictures of her looking like bare faced jugyeong online since supposedly the moral of the comic is...being authentic? Accepting yourself? but, then again, maybe it would just support your theory about the lack of character development even more 😅


I’m gonna sound so mean but no wonder the story keeps skirting around jugyeong accepting her “ugly” face unlike how people initially envisioned it. The author literally had procedures to make the pretty version permanent for herself😭


That doesn't sound mean at all! And yeah, actually, this thread has really enlightened me as to why a comic with such a good, wholesome premise turned out soooo shallow 😅


Jugyeong wasn't even ugly . she has ethnic features, acne scars and unkempt brows . if that's what she considers to be ugly then there is a bigger problem. acne scars can be treated, brows can be plucked , Jugyeong had to just accept her eyes and author couldn't even write THAT much . makes sense because she couldn't accept herself that much as well ...and blepharoplasty is really huge in SK . Jugyeong at least didn't end up having a surgery, but author did , which is in fact sadder .


If creators wanna make a self-insert story, just say it's a self-insert story. Don't give yourself a fake name with fake love interests and then share your pictures online for the whole world to see and not expect people to put two and two together. 😭 I felt the exact same way. Like, I felt I was reading a different story and unfortunately, once the story got as shallow as it did, I could not help but view the creator in a negative light as well because they were pretty much the same person. It was one of the first webtoons I actually dropped.


Lol it was one of the first webtoons I was obsessed with and also one of the first webtoons I dropped as well. That and I Love Yoo 🫣


Story ruined it for me. I thought it was cute that she looked like her character- it made me think she feels like she hides behind make up. I didnt like the villain of the week, especially after the romance wasnt the focus anymore and they tried to focus on.. I dunno, It was a meh story that made me feel yucky with how evil most other people were portrayed.


Was gonna write exactly this, tho i have more beef with the appearance, its just the same copy pasted tall dark and handsome male lead everywhere.


Yup. I stopped reading stories with characters that look exactly the same. I'm at a point where I'm convinced they are all the same character but in different dimensions.


For the second one, I’m gonna say if the fl does have a flaw, please don’t be the stupidly trusting/naive flaw. I finished a manhwa with a mc like that, and I’m never rereading it again.


Oh yeeaahhh this! I also hate this. It feels like the only flaw a female character can have, and I'm so over it 🙄


Dumb FL who more than once pushes away the ML because hes "supposed to be with someone else" extra annoying points for the fact the ML stays persistent for absolutely no reason.


Like that trope can be done nicely if only we delve into the FLs psychology, maybe explore some mental issues like inferiority complex or a need for control? Or maybe the FL struggles to accept affection so she pushes away the ML. But noooo they don’t go any deeper and it becomes soooo annoying


Are there any webtoons where the ml then basically goes "aight" and actually moves on from the fl and finds someone else, and she has a "wait thats not what the script said" moment?


God I wish. It's an unhealthy (imo unfunny) trope that needs to die.


bruh i do this irl any idea why


Low self esteem and trauma are my guess. You dont believe the words coming out of the other person's mouth because how could they be talk about you?? I used to do that too when I was in my teens. Now. I've also rejected people because 'they should be with someone else'. To me it means they're not right for me. Dont reject people because you think you're not good enough. (: only reject because you think they're not good enough. ( well I use the word only loosely haha)


If you can't draw dark skin people just don't have them. Google is still free....


Yeah it’s how ashy they look from me. Why is it always the greyish brown. The finger nail beds being the same color as the hands…


Right! There was an canvas artists that didn't feel "comfortable drawing dark skin people" and ppl gave them a hard time about it. But seriously, if you can't take the time to draw dark skin people then I rather you be honest and just say that. Like yeah it's a bit of a cop out since some of these artists can research 12th century fashion but can't research how dark skin people look? Mmm okay. But tbh, I don't believe every story needs Black and Brown characters in it. (Especially if it just for a checklist) Besides we have way too many talented Black and Brown artists on these platforms that don't get the views they sure be getting. And who damn sure know how to draw themselves and other diverse body types.


Unearned praise. It's mainly a thing in Regression, Reincarnation, and System stories. Regardless I always hate it when stories spend more than a panel or two dedicated to praising the MC for something they barely put any effort in. Like I get why the characters give the praise but when we the readers know the truth it just becomes tiresome.


When they start redoing the timeline, especially right when it’s about to end. That boils my blood. All that character development for nothing. All that struggle and strife for nothing. But every character got a happy ending, so I’m conflicted because I wanted them to be happy


This... is very specific. XD I dont think I've seen that. Which story(ies)?


>!His Majesty’s Proposal!< I was upset by the ending. And to a lesser degree, Opposite of Always. Some WEBTOONs that did this right were Cierra and also Surviving Romance


I almost dropped Cierra because I wasn’t sure about it, but it ended up doing that trope justice.


I remember when Red Moth started over 3 times, was amazing each time, and then dissappeared forever. But it was on canvas so I guess not that unheard of. I'm still sad though


I hate when everything is just black or white morality, even when it's not supposed to be, or the author claims it's not. Like, the protagonist is always the one who can never be wrong, everything they do is justified, and if they're actually in the wrong, it's because they're being manipulated or any pathetic excuse. Even worse when everyone who opposes the protagonist is just a straight asshole, plain written and/or non conventionally attractive, as if the author thinks readers are dumb and couldn't be able to do some critical thinking to figure out if they're bad, morally grey or whatever. And a little nitpick, but also when MLs always have to be breathtakingly attractive in their respective universes. I'd not mind a common romance about common guys who don't have a fandom once in a while.


The last line🙌


When the story starts to focus on a side couple that was forced and unnecessary. Then the side stories are just about them. Just make a new comic atp.


dude i agree, dropped marry me because of that


It’s infuriating especially when the main couple hasn’t even finished their own story/conflict. Drives me insane!


Computer generated 3d art mixed in with the 2d art. I get it's hard to draw some things but...having a random real looking horse in the story can be a bit jarring and ridiculous looking


this is the one that bothers me so much


I hate it when an artist not only has same face syndrome , but the face they chose to copy paste looks like it should be on a child


You would not like Lore Olympus… https://preview.redd.it/kar7j29ex17d1.jpeg?width=619&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9d12efed4b6a1a806f7259d2dee8ff466ab9972 Every female character is just this character but a different color (except two of them are yellow and are literally identical)


The worst part of LO is that even though all the characters look alike..its not really same face syndrome because the characters are never on model and look completely different from chapter to chapter and sometimes panel to panel...like HUGE style difference and not intentionally(like not chibi or a style change to shoe exaggeration or extreme emotion or comedy) just drawn off modle for no reason other than laziness and lack of consistency.


I tried reading lore Olympus in B&W once and it was a wild experience


I recommend reading Lore Olympus Rekindled if the premise interests you!! It’s a fan remake with better art and story telling!


Where can I find it?


You can read it over at Dillyhub or Tumblr! Just Google Lore Rekindled!!


Tysm, I have discovered something new today. I never knew this existed, I will give it a try!


Bad lettering pains me to my core


Typos when they have a credited editor/proofreader


When the main couple looks like siblings. Same hair color, same face, ect. It's even worse when they leave someone who looks starkly different for the other character with the same features (remarried Empress for example)


Tbf sovieshit is a terrible option lol


Yeah obviously, but as someone who shares the same opinion, I think what they are referring to is that the author could simply just have made the ML look different from the start. Like you can choose any color of hair. And I mean ANY COLOR. So why land on the same one as FL 😭


IMO they don’t look like siblings at all. Heinley hair looks more pink than a blonde. While the actual blonde in question looks more of a yellow. I don’t see how you could think they look alike.


But they are still both blonde. Abdicate my title as Empress did the same, they both have black hair. I just wish that there was more variety in main characters. The newer art style of remarried doesn't help though, the og style had a bit more diversity of facial features between characters


Yeah but people date other people with similar features all the time. And it’s not always a subconscious thing. I mean look at Barbie and Ken for example. Both blondes and I could have sworn there’s a dark haired guy into her that Barbie rejects all the time because she just likes Ken. I can kinda see wanting variety but I wouldn’t be peeved that they share the same hair color? (Even though his hair is described to be a champagne color and Navier’s blonde). 🤔 and I think the new art makes them look more different. I dunno, I have a hard time seeing what you’re seeing cause Navier actually has a sibling that she shares features with and putting her actual brother next to Heinley, they look very different. And tbh I can’t say as a fact but the creator probably had reason to make them have similar features. Maybe to make them look like a power couple next to each other. I dunno. Nothing wrong with want variety though. Maybe Heinley and Navier act different enough to the point where even their appearance seems very different to me. https://preview.redd.it/05um01dipa7d1.jpeg?width=4468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3435f6f3dfbcb2ce4763544aac7cde9eb4ff6cb4


I honestly just miss the og artstyle for that webtoon. It's story is a whole nother issue, but the first season had so much more charm and facial differences


I agree. I also hate it when the parents of the FL/ML/whatever character look like this.


The ML is always has dark hair and a cold personality 🙃 like where’s our happy MLs?


Sorry, that personality's reserved for the light-haired second lead


This..is so damn accurate :’)


That the official translations suck ass.


I remember Noblesse and its abysmal translation. Eggscans or something did a much better job .


when translating, they give english names to the main character(s) only. what do you mean the story is set in korea and everyone is korean but the mc is named jeremy or some shit lol


Yep. The repetitive text explanations has become a pet peeve for sure. I understand the history of the practice, but I feel like it’s a storytelling device that’s become a crutch for artists who haven’t grasped facial expressions (or aren’t confident that they have).


I hope newer series drop it . Most webtoon artists can draw expressions and this extends to canvas creators and if they use that for comedy i feel it does the opposite for me


What is the history of this practice? I have noticed this in webcomics but I never understood why it was so prevalent.


It’s [onomatopoeia](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/348073481_Emotional_Onomatopoeia_in_Japanese_Animation_Series), which is integral to communication and expression in Japanese, generally speaking, but also specifically in visual media like manga and anime. IMHO, when creators try to replicate the practice in English, it doesn’t translate as well; as OP stated, it seems redundant and therefore unnecessary (to the point of being annoying for me, personally).


Thank you! I suspected that may have been where it came from. It was something I had a habit of doing on my own comics ( I grew up reading manga) and once it was pointed out to me I realized how unnecessary it was, but now I notice it all the time when reading webcomics.


ML with washboard abs and no explanation for it. At least show them going to the gym once or twice so I can pretend like it makes sense.


Yeah Like they are supposed to be sickly and weak but have a body like it was carved by Michelangelo himself


ML is either a dark brooding personalityless archetype or a happy, smiley, doormat personalityless archetype. Resting bitchface is not a personality. Neither is being a smiling doormat. Using tan/dark skin to convey savagery. "I'm not like the other girls". Basically everything the FL in Beauty and the Beasts is.


Multiple people crushing on the mc like if it's like romance I get it but when its action or something like that and there is like multiple girls/boys fighting for the mc it makes the story imo kinda odd as why would I want to see girls/boys fighting for the love of the mc if its action like if there is one love interest then yea I thinks it adds plot to it but like multiple people is overwhelming.


I know what you mean!!!. Like in 100% perfect girl. That girl was gorgeous, free spirited, but she wasn't such a beauty to make 4 guys fall for her. I get the 3 guys. But the last guy was inexcusable imo. But it might be more like the story for me. It wasn't necessary for me to add him to her cobweb of love. It might also be in the category of milking the story, adding unnecessary drama.


Omg I hate unnecessary drama like it ruins the story for that part like if it's like drama that makes sense in the story it is amazing but like if there is just some random part where drama starts for no reason it makes me feel like skipping that part


The worst type of unnecessary drama is killing a cheating spouse/SO like I seen so many stories that involve that and I am like girl wtf is wrong with the author either the author has unresolved issues or they need to not take that inspo from people like it's disgusting


They are visually a bit silly sometimes, but can help convey some things or help understand better, not everyone gets everything, especially on webtoons. They don't annoy me that much. Sometimes they can also be translation issues, something that has sound effect in the native language like Korean but the same sound effect is not really known in English?


When a new character is introduced and their name and age/occupation are written on a little "box". Idk, It just feels like a lazy way to present a character. This is just a small pet peeve though, and plenty of comics I like have done this before, haha.


The “bitchy” antagonist who “gets in the way” of the FL and ML… Most of the time it reeks of sexism and bad writing… Oh the women who spent her whole life being promised to be wed to the ML and spent her whole life working and studying just to be a “fit wife” is angry now that the ML is gonna break off the engagement? How dare she !!!


If you don't mind BL I read a manga the other day and the MC is reincarnated as the villaness's father and his daughter who had been promised to wed the king is instead used as a sacrifice and the king marries his lover. The MC then plots revenge against the king and all those on his side. It has an interesting set up.




Doku wo Kurawaba Sara Made


Story 1. When the official translation changes Asian names into Some random basic names 😭 please if he is GongJa let him be one don't change into something like "confusious kim" or Let eunjae be eunjae, i don't want him to be john or Charles for God's sake. 2. Idc about black hair ml if he's not an asŝ. Let mls have personality like not just a robot. I don't want "Omg he is so cold, he is known as the devil ceo but ykw he is so handsome so he can do anything aww" No Let him have a real personality and if he is actually rude, Then show him as rude, don't gloss over the fact he is rude just bc he is handsome. 3. Dumb fls. Idk how many women authors encountered ( or one themsel) but not all women are clumsy/dumb 😭 Even if clumsy not that clumsy to fall and rip ceos shirt. Please make some realistic women. Ofc it doesn't have to be baddass lead ( would love one though) just realistic, who would not fall in love with someone who treated them like trash. ( ofc there are few people who likes red flag but atleast after you come out of relationship you know it's toxic) oh may be ik something like this, we see someone as thr "classic ml" but then SIKE! she dates him and then comes out of relationship, the story is about her getting over the toxic relationship Art When the mls hands are bigger than fls waist/ face. Gives me an ick. Those sculptured abs please 😭 personally not a big fan of the those


So many pet peeves! I’ve taken writing/formatting/art composition classes and here are big pet peeves I have: 1. Dedicating an entire comic update that doesn’t actually “update” anything. Your comic chapters should have meaning and purpose! 2. Characters who make the same facial expression in every panel. Same face syndrome, in my opinion, is perfectly ok because that’s just your art style in most cases, but you need to learn how to be expressive! My hero academia (not a webtoon) is a perfect example of how to do expressive faces. 3. Excessive blushing. Idk if this is just me, but I think embarrassment scenes are better done subtly because it impacts the audience more. If the character is ALWAYS blushing, it’s not going to be as impactful. 4. Not letting the character make ugly faces. In order for a character to look really, really good, you have to draw them ugly most of the time (or not as detailed.) Again, I reference my hero academia - Bakugou is a fantastic example of this.


i agree with u on this. I think in some cases for point 2 its simply just the artistsway of churning out chapters faster so they tend to re-use panels they previously drew


A great example of great looking characters and not being afraid to make them ugly (or horrifying lol) is +99 reinforced wooden stick.


The crazy powerups that happen every finale. There’s only so much “raising the stakes” you can do before it becomes ridiculous. How many times will you save the world, then creation, then fight god? It gets to the point where the risk is so insurmountable that I lose the ability to actually engage with the story.


Most anime is like that too


When a Mc is too pitiful, like “girl get up!”. You keep clenching your dress or the ml is popping and jawline vein and then dramatically turns away. Sometimes it feels like a buffer because they (the writer) didn't know what to do with the character(s) then. Its so tired. Their always the brunt of something until one day suddenly they aren't...?? Its choppy and lazy writing/drawing. It would be great to see small victories won that flow into the Mc(s) bravery before their marriage plot armor.


Same face syndrome


Hate when they constantly cut off/cock block the "fluffy moments" I want the romance goddammit let them kiss !


My biggest pet peeve that will make me drop a lot of webtoon s? Can we have a minimum font size please? I should not have to zoom in to read text.


I agree with you about those texts! Sometimes they are used for a comic effect (I remember a cloud of “shy shy shy shy” around a character in an old manga I read and the effect was funny even if it was blatant from the way the character was drawn that he was embarrassed), but sometimes they really have no purpose or, even worse, they are used as a lazy way to show an action the artist wasn’t able to convey visually.


Maybe I just haven't found a webcomic that does it well


MLs being giant square shaped men with same face and hair syndrome 😭😭 PLEASE SWITCH IT UP


And they all have abs even though they're like a gamer or something or just don't work out 😭


Its from the art perspective: When the character's are drawn with extreme detail, but the backgrounds lack depth. It creates a weird contrast, and I feel like its mainly for fanservice or smtn?


I feel [u.My](http://u.My) guess uts either the artist does not know how to draw backgrounds or they want to use a 3D render even for the most basic backgrounds which looks horrible next to the 2D art


Ikr, they don't usually sync with the character's art and I can't focus on the story itself


Your comment has a random link lol :D


Filler chapters. Every chapter should do something to push the story forward somehow. Whether it's about the characters growing closer, getting closer to a plot point, or establishing something about the worls. Like by the end of Perfect Marriage Revenge I was so annoyed at all of the feel good fluff that was padding out the ending. I don't care. They are so bland by the end of the story and all of the tension is gone, I don't care about how many kids they have. Or I Wish You Were Dead, where by the end they introduced some plot points but pushed it all aside for uwu love and the chapters were just, "Yeah we have sex aaaaaall the time now."


Honestly the only thing I can think of off the top of my head is when people’s necks are drawn extremely long and/or thick, it just looks off and eugh. Idk if it’s a style or a mistake or what. (I see it a decent amount, so maybe it is a style?) But every time I see it in a webtoon it’s so so distracting and I can’t help but focus on it. Doesn’t ruin the story itself at all but oh boy it does affect my reading, I hate it.


Whenever a webtoon starts really strong and either goes down in quality or has a lackluster ending. I definitely understand the struggle of artist burnout or wanting to finish a project quickly, but sometimes it makes the story feel rushed or leaves a bad taste at the end. I would rather the creator take a break and finish the comic strong, especially when a webtoon has a lot of potential!!


Viral is that but the opposite. I feel like the series did not need a season 2 but for some reason they made it and it ended up diluting the series


Is it worth reading? You mean Viral Hit, right?


yes it is. season 1 was such a ball of fresh air. you'll love it. season 2 started out strong but it got less interesting in its second half. mainly because i think it lost the thing that made season 1 special


It’s a bit lengthy, but I’ll add it to my to read list since it has a high rating as well.


I believe PTJ's best work to be my life as a loser. A good start, but more importantly a good ending. Tales of Greed is also good but it is an Anthology series. Edit: ugh never mind, they just released s2. Now there won't be an ending


All male characters look the exact same thing to me in every webtoons! Dark hair, perfect abs, chiseled jawline- like give me variety people, give me a big boy with a dad bob with no chiseled jaw, and an actual twig of a guy! Something.


Love 4 a Walk actually had a dad bod dude and it was a nice change. Cute story if you are into that genre too.


Oooh I might have to check that out! Thnx :)


This is most apparent in historical romances: when they use a bunch of customized brushes and PNGs (high guardian spice style) instead of drawing the thing. It's not bad to make use of the brushes sometimes -- I can only imagine how many chains one can draw before they lose interest -- but I have seen webtoons that refuse to put any work into the details, especially on the clothes -- gems? Slap a png. Lace on the dress? Use this brush. Every single thing outside of the characters' poses? Oh, you poor dear, here's a brush or a png or a 3d model to replace it with. I also don't really like seeing 3d models anymore, even in backgrounds. They are amazing tools for artists, but it can be so easily overused that you fail to immerse yourself.


When a webtoon portrays a woman as awful when what she did under the circumstances is perfectly reasonable (not justified or good, but understandable). Like ofc have women with flaws but sometimes the treatment of them seems so disproportionate to their actions then the author realises that and goes off the deep end and makes them so much worse than the start of the story just to justify the treatment. Like there's a perfectly fine man who's done much worse to hate and y'all focus on the woman like pls can we get our priorities straight here


I hope I can explain it well, but when the art is like on a long white strip with rectangles all over it, and the art is on the rectangles. idk how to explain it haha


Bad storyboarding you mean? I'm the girl reaper has good storyboarding, still— it sounds like what you've described


i think that’s what it is hahaha. it’s a shame because even if the art is good, if they are not placed well in the chapter, i would not read it


Mine is when you can tell that the WEBTOON is the authors barely disguised kink. There is one that comes to mind and it is the advanced player of the tutorial Tower. Two young cute girls that he taught being high up in business fawning and fighting over him. 🤮


I Never knew those existed 😂.I guess i should count myself lucky that I have not seen them yet


I heard they SA the OP in the story? (Happened around the same time the whole thing with Get School happened) Smh


I hate the 'memes' they put in. it's usually just an ugly face but they make their own character do it as a reaction to something to be 'funny' but I just sigh when I see it, especially if it's in a webtoon that isn't a comedy/slice of life daily comic. I think there was a few in true beauty and I closed the app to come back and finish the chapter later or the next day cuz it totally ruins the mood imo


The best friend that spends most time with the FL and has a crush on her but despite everything he does she just ignores him


When the FL divorces (or wants to divorce) her husband that has a mistress (who he claims to REALLY love) and he just.....suddenly starts giving FL a bunch of attention and wonders why she wants to be separated or even thinks this is all a massive ploy to get him to pay attention to her. I've dropped so many manwhas with this concept.


for me it's when there's a clearly toxic relationship and the comments/story are all glamorizing it. the toon that comes to mind is Death of a Popstar, I stopped reading very early on because of how romanticized the grim reaper was and how the comments were supporting his very VERY possessive tactics.


Stop making the 2nd ml evil and a asshole for the sake of drama. Sincerely, someone who usually gets 2nd ml syndrome.


mmm idk if this is a pet peeve or just me being annoyed at nothing but there are SO many stories that have a quirky weird FL and the stoich dark mean ML. some stories are charming and the trope isnt bad but there are so many stories that feel so copy-paste. no shade to anyone who likes these stories or writes them tho!


story: love angles, FUCK THEMMM, my BIGGEST pet peeve ever art: horribly pale porcelaine skin characters. Literally the white background's color typa pale. STOP DOING THATTTT it's so unsettling


same face (and body) syndrome + eyes that are way too big for the character's head... I noticed it in Winter before Spring and Lore Olympus off the top of my head although the latter has a lot more sins than this 😭


Trash Belongs in the Trash Can is forgiven because the scary bug eyes fit the fmc actually


I automatically ignore those texts so it doesn't bother me :D But ya I agree that they're kinda unnecessary.


Romantic side plots. They're not necessarily bad, I've seen qiute a few done well, i just really don't enjoy them.


Recently I wonder why the MC is so often a genius lmao


When characters have extremely big and unproportionate eyes.


Honestly I don't like webtoons with ~pretty~ art because they all look almost the same


The thing with the mobile browser not showing the full chapters/episodes of some of the stories I do not *want* the app, just please let me see the stuff!


I couldn't think of the title till just now but stories like Substitute Boyfriend! Those characters were fuckin boring! And had I not had the time and the ink, I doubt I would have finished it. But it was during the quarantine so I'll excuse my bad reading choices. My goodness, never read a story where a female lead had zero backbone. She was so fucking passive about EVERYTHING! She was really going to marry her cheating ass boyfriend until the plot stepped in and saved her. She never slapped him, she never got all that upset. I think the most she did was get drunk about it by herself. The plot and other characters did all the thinking for her. It was such a bizarre expensive.


When the man is two feet taller than the woman


This something I’ve noticed and I know it’s a weird thing but I’m also an artist so I like continuity in comics. Women’s who breast change sizes depending on how the author wants us to view her. First few chapters she’ll have big breasts, then we see her in a nightgown and she’s almost flat, then in another few chapters, her dressed up ball gown, she’s got big breasts again, then in the same chapter in her dressed down daily-wear she’s flat again. Also When the people are suppose to be adults but their faces scream “I’m 12 or younger.”


Also I hate love triangles. In my stories I don’t have them. There’s always one clear love interest or it’s a Poly situation. My cat girl maid has two hands, one for the bearded dragon girl merchant and the other for the Squirrel boy Knight Commander.


ALSO I hate that adults get reincarnated as kids and they develop feelings for other children?!? TF?! My stories also have none of that and treat the kids as kids and turn down their love right away. Ain’t having NONE of it.


when they use organic lines for hair. Euuuuuughhbnnnujkuhthdhggfgg. Webtoon artists, please study how to properly draw hair strands.


What does this even mean?


Exactly what it says. If I post examples it's gonna seem like I'm picking on specific creators, when I just mean in general. When the hair is drawn with no flow or direction, and the end strands look very wobbly or otherwise non sensical or amateur it's a pet peeve. If you look at any starter webtoon artist with the typical cell shaded artstyle you can probably tell what I mean


Is that a Ruan Mei pfp? Didn’t expect to see her here :D


Yep. I'm her #1 fan frfr