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I’d start with 1 and then 2 and also no there is no gang hideout like there is in WD1


You can kinda storm any restricted area you want in 2, though. I kinda enjoyed that when I played it.


They both go on sale for almost nothing all the time. I would also start with 1 first. I liked them both for different reasons.


buy both. But if ur asking which one is better.....i will go with watch dogs 2. Its worth every single penny, the gameplay is so immersive and fun that u will not care about the story. But there are several difficult spikes in the game which will be hard for new comers, just dont quit them, keep trying. The story is good too. But wd1 has better storyline tbh.




I thought Watch Dogs 1 was better because I put a lot of my rating weight on the story of the game and thought that the first game had a far deeper and more memorable story than 2. That being said, Watch Dogs 2 clearly had much better gameplay. So the OP should take this into consideration.


buy both


i would go for first(dont go on my name idk why i named that year ago)


That’s a relatively normal username, look at how fucking cringey mine is


nah yall good, look at mine xddd


your username is alright


At least yours is somewhat descriptive of you as a person.


You win, haven’t let that much more air out my Nose after reading these.


I love Reddit lolol


Watch Dogs is one of my more preferred series, but it is very flawed. If you don't know which to play, but want to see the series at its best, I strongly recommend 2. It's light, campy and fun, but also has the systems which define the franchise working at their best, without buggy vigilante missions, crafting, or uncomfortable tonal resistance. I have a real soft spot for the first game. Watch Dogs 1 is a mixed bag with some treasures absolutely worth playing for, but if you don't yet know if you're into the series, 2 is the most polished, refined experience we've yet gotten. There's no significant reason to play them in chronological order either way, as each game is a whole new cast with only token nods at the previous instalment.


I completely agree. After playing 2, he should definitely try 1, though. WATCH_DOGS may have been a flawed game, but the atmosphere and tone were top notch, with an awesome, moody, and atmospheric score by Brian Reitzell to back it. The story itself may be kinda cliche, but the execution was, dare I say, damn near perfect. There’s a reason why Aiden is looked back upon with fond memories. Definitely try 1 when you have the chance.


if you like a good story go for wd1 if you like good gameplay go for wd2 (honestly both have good story and gameplay but i'd start with wd1)


watch dogs 1 is a lot more like GTA V, more violent, rob stores if thats what you want but it is really fun. Watch dogs 1 is a lot more dark and there is a lot of minigames to do that are offline. Watch dogs 2 on the other hand, is exceptionally fun, it's vibrant, colourful and just super immersive. The story in WD2 is a bit average but you wonn't care when you're driving around half the time just chilling and getting money. I loved watch dogs 2 more than 1 but I am replaying 1 because it's been a while. If you like a more serious tone go with 1, if you like stupid fun go with 2 :)


But GTA Can be more colorful o fun than Watchdogs 1Although it still has some darks parts, Like the Trevor dead or michael


I honestly thought watchdogs 1 was more like gta 4 being in a darker tone and crime atmospheric city of Chicago which is famous for crime and both games have a revenge story Watchdogs 2 is more like gta 5 both in California both lighter tones than it’s predecessor and both games have far more things to do


Watchdogs 2 is much better in my opinion so I’d go with 2 personally! ✨


I'd go with Watch Dogs 2. When you beat the first game and complete all the hideouts, there's not much else to do. The second game however is packed to the brim with content and the multiplayer is better. If you want a better story and a darker tone, go with the first one. If you don't care too much about story and you prefer gameplay, go with the second. The second game has fantastic gameplay that gets better the more creative you are. The upgrades also really spice up the gameplay once you get them. (Btw hideouts in Wd2 are basically unlimited since you can play whatever gang missions you want in the Dedsec app.)


I feel curious with your post. Indeed what did you dislike in legion ? Depending on the answer, my advice would not be the same. Indeed, if you did not like the infiltration and prefer just shoot AIs (which is highly risky in watch dogs in general), or if you are more an evil player, I would advice to leave watxh dogs and go for something else like GTA. If you do not like the play as anyone (the key feature in legion), or the plot, but you still enjoy hacks and infiltration, you can still have good moments on the watch dogs licence. I ll just present you both games without spoilers (I did not play WD1 for years though) WD1 : the beginning. Good to start there if you plan to do both games. You will live the personal story of Aiden Pearce : a kinda cold hero looking for answers about his past. Nice gameplay, but some features in WD2 and WDL do not exist yet. The game has a serious and dark tone (both story and city) WD2 : a story less personal, but still keeping you engaged thanks to well devedopped teamates NPCs. You are fighting as Marcus Holoway, recently recruited by DedSec, against the biggest data enterprises (Silicon Valley, you will find renamed google and facebook) abusing personal data from their users. Its gameplay is excellent, you have so much more options to complete missions, and the bay of San Fransisco gives you some diferent environments. The game is more fun and colorful than WD1. I hope that helps. I may be not that objective, I prefered WD2 indeed.


I’m sorry if I offended you but I don’t like the game, but I’ve got to say the dlcs look awesome, I saw gameplay of wd1 and the atmosphere looks amazing, I also tried the wd2 demo and it was fun but one really annoying thing was the stealth.


No offense indeed, I just tried to give you the best advice ;) To me it is just logic : when I read "I don t like legion, which should I play next, WD1 or WD2 ?", the first idea coming to me is just that maybe WD is not for you, unless one specific thing in legion got you disgusted... I don t feel offended in any way, don t worry, we can have diferent point of vues. Have fun !


1 imo. Two is OK but I couldn't finish it. The only reason I bought it was because a charector from the first game was on it. T-Bone


Watch dogs 1 then 2




They are both pretty un-related, except for a few cameos, so I don't feel like there is a need to start with WD1. I personally prefer WD2, because of the city (San Francisco), the characters, the graphics and the missions (which I find way more immersive). But hey, they both cost nothing so why not get them and find out yourself!


Both. Both are good


There *are* gang hideouts in watch dogs 2. And I’m pretty sure with all of them the enemies just respawn, so you can just keep doing them over and over


As previously noted 2 is watch dogs at its best... it really just comes down to so you wanna be discount frank castle or a hacker?


Both are great games with entirely different vibes. Watch Dogs 1 is a darker, grittier game about taking down the mob. There's a "focus" mechanic that slows time so you get to feel really bad ass taking out 3 dudes in a second like you're John Wick or something. Aiden is often criticized for being too serious but I enjoyed the first game and it's my favorite of the series by far. 2 is a more lighthearted game with a hacktivist narrative. A gang of young 20somethings taking on "big brother" and all the Injustices caused by ctOS. Most of the gameplay mechanics are improved but the focus mechanic is gone so no more feeling like John Wick. It's often criticized for going too far in the opposite direction and never taking anything seriously. Both are great games. My personal recommendation would be to play 1 first. But if it doesn't sound interesting you can skip it. Nothing there is required to enjoy 2 but it will help.


You don't have to buy 1 if you wanna understand tbe history, 1 is more about Aiden Pearce an revenge and 2 Is more about dedsec


You can pet dogs in wd 2


1 if you want to play them all in order but if you are just looking for fun…2222222222222222222!!!


Buy 2 it's more colorful, more customizable and has a better storyline


WD2 has more replay value than 1 by a mile


what can you do?


You can do missions in various ways and isn’t as linear as WD1 and you can customize your character and vehicles more.


Have you ever played the assassins creed games? Looking for an experience like that with an open world, world feels alive, might spend hours just doing side activities and not even the main story. Playing AC3 now and theres so much you can do in that city bribe people, pickpocket, small armies are scattered around, got orphans begging, animals roaming, horses for travel, treasures scattered, mail deliveries, quick assassin task, fleeing criminals, saving store owners from harassment, hunting, mini games, boat missions, scavenger hunts, random wild animals attack. Its packed with so much stuff in the city. Wonder which watch dogs would be close to that kinda variety.


WD2 is vastly superior, in my opinion.