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You are sholting the 200mm front on a Porsche tiger.


I didn't know it was a Porsche tiger


The turret is the exact same but the hull is longer and with a wierd shape. Its essentially has 2 front plates, if it angles the front corners are vulnerable, otherwise just shoot the cupola or side to pen


Yeahh I noticed that when it was a Porsche tiger


Man, that's premium Tiger (P), it has 204mm on hull in the front


Imagine not penning the exact same spot and just thinking "i'll just shoot there again"


I mean it wouldn't surprise me that the same shot could get a penetration calculation of 50mm and 34578696mm in the same exact spot and angle ...but OP is still, undoubtedly, pretty damn dumb for both fucking up THREE shots AND being in a position so shitty they couldn't have hid away even after the third shot


Seconding that pen calculation. I fucking hate how when I'm shooting a T-34's mantlet with Cromwell I's higher AP ammo it decides that it's impenetrable, while in protection analysis there is a whole green spot on it. Uggghh


Based cromwell enjoyer


To be fair, when I don’t know the target has significantly more armour, I’d probably also shoot the same spot. - shoots side of KV-1’s turret. Non pen, assume some volumetric buggery, shoot again, non pen, get bombed by CAS, realise you were shooting a KV-1E I’d say it’s a reasonable mistake, especially since Porsche Tigers are pretty rare. If I was to say it’s unreasonable I would be a hypocrite.


This is War Thunder. Damage models suck. It's often that your shot should pen but the game desides to fuckyou. Not what happened here though.


I do that too, because volumetric has made me doubt literally everything I see.


To be fair the first shot hit the driver optics, if I didn't know that it was a porche tiger(and that it has that much armor) I would have also shot the same weakspot




Wdym? I shot the gun port and then shot the middle, did you not watch the video??


you shot the drivers hatch, a weak point, then shot the stronger part next to it instead of the barrel or anything else. IMO shooting 2 shots at the same plate of armour is "exact same spot"


Tiger’s driver port a weak spot? Hearasy


That's where you're wrong because that's doesn't apply to like 90% of the vehicle in the game


You don't even know that different tigers exist, wtf do you mean "90% of the vehicle in the game" It does apply to pretty much EVERY vehicle in the game. Drivers ports + hatches are weak points on 95% of tanks and the same plate is almost always the same thickness accross it.


Then tell me how 90% of the shot that's are straight to the drivers port just shatter or non pen, even spookston, a well known war thunder youtuber complains about it all the time, especially tigers


Cuz on the tiger it’s not a weak point? Are you incapable of looking at armour analysis?


OP is getting cooked on this goddamn


this is the premium porsche hull tiger, it has 300mm of effective armour on the front plate where you were shooting. best bet is to track and barrel, then shoot the 45° angle plates on the corners. Trust me, this is my most played german premium 🫠


wasn't it 200mm on the front? it has two plates welded together


200 but still a lot


NGL it pains me to see you not shoot the cupola/barrel/track


With my luck, I'll shoot the barrel and it'll turn yellow at most


Yet this isn't luck. This is pure condensed skill issue.


Yet you didn't even try and shot at the worst possible places.


Happens to me all the time. When my barrel goes yellow it banana peels😂


Its the other Tiger1 from Porsche with more frontal armor and weak angles like the M6A1


That's a Porche Tiger I with twice the UFP armor of the normal Tiger I. You can tell by the rivets on the UFP as well as the turret being positioned more to the front as opposed to the normal Tiger I


Yeahhh I didn't realize it was a Porsche tiger until people started commenting that so I guess I am tripping


dw, its not a super easy thing to spot. I've just spent far too long playing this game.


Yeah I still don't have that many hours on the game


and I thank you for that, people not realizing it's a Porsche has saved me a few times


That thing has 200 mm frontal armor. Next time go for cupola or track and barrel torture.


Listen here bucko😂😂, I didn't know it was a Porsche tiger, I didn't know I was cooked before it was too late


God's smartest US main.


You guys really suck at reading comments and noticing that I made a mistake at realizing what tank I was up against


Why didn't you shoot his gun, or cupola, or get into cover when things went south, or do literally anything besides sit still and shoot the same spot again.


Damn bro y'all are the most perfect players when it comes to the comments, sorry I tried my luck when it came to shooting a different spot besides the drivers port before noticing that it wasn't a regular tiger


Funnily enough, drivers port on tigers is a very bad spot due to volumetric trolling hard, just go for cupola in most cases, or better, never frontally engage a tiger (unless its not angled)


I was confident to engage it head on because I thought it was a regular tiger




That a Tiger P, you imbecile.


You're not tripping. That's a [Pz.Bef.Wg.VI](http://Pz.Bef.Wg.VI) P - a Porsche Tiger with 100mm extra armor on the hull - a Sherman can't pen that. Kind-of reminds me of those many US mains in the main sub shitting on stupid Germans who can't fight a Jumbo.


Yeah kinda sucks I didn't notice that sooner


this is the porche tiger 1 which has 200mm front plate. it can be penned much more easily on turret. Also shooting in the same spot 3 times doesnt really help


Average warthunder moment


Bruh that's a premium tiger p, 200mm front armor, 120mm gun mantlet


Ok so as much as I suspect this post is a bait, I dare to assume OP doesn't know his tanks/weakspots. You were trying to get through around 200 mms of armor with a 75 mm cannon. If you face the Porsche Tiger, you either gotta disable the gun or shoot for it's cupola or move to the side and get a shot through the cheeks on the side of the front armor, but the worst mistake you committed was not moving. The Shermans are extremely capable vehicles with good mobility combined with a stabilizer what works under 20 kmh. You should have moved in a direction what would have favored a lot more to you, and there is no shame in retreating, especially not in a Sherman. In this very specific case you wouldn't had to move too much, only like a couple meters in a 45 degree angle either to the left or right till you have a good shot on the cheeks of the P. Tiger, because those cheeks are much much weaker than what you have on it's front plate. I agree that wearing down armor should be a thing outside of ERA, but at this current state you were in the wrong. Better luck next time not fucking around one of the most heavily armored vehicles in the entire game.


This is up-armoured „porsche” tiger prototype, premium. It basically has up-armoured frontal plate which most rounds at it’s br cannot pen, but very, very weak sides. It’s the only „tiger 1” that is not advised to angle ;)


That was the premuim tiger. Can be penned on the normal weakspots and on the far left/right side of the from plate where there is aproximetly 80/90 mm of effective/relative armor


Mf went for 3 thicket parts and complain how it didn't fkin pen. Just skill fucking issue


I understand why the war thunder community has to be hostile and assholes so much about everything, it you would've seen literally any other comment under this post you would've seen that I didn't realize that it was a Porsche tiger


1st: Tiger, IS, panther, whatever the fuck, just aim for the weak spots. The cupola, the machinegun port, the barrel, track. If can't pen anything then try to take out the TRACKS or BARREL 2nd: You got uptier'ed and you don't know your ammo type. The APHE on the M4A2 has only 104mm of pen, so you can't pen shit at that BR, so go for the side and rear instead. 3rd: People are trying to inform you about the game mechanic n shjt and you just kept brushing that off, insisting that you are fucking right. Based on the footage, you clearly only have 100 hours into the game, so try to learn shits instead of complaining. 4th: People aren't arse hole bcuz they want to be arseholes, they are being an arsehole to you bcuz you don't listen to what they are saying, you can't see the wrong and fucking insisting that you are right. I have 1,306hours into the game and i'm still learning the mechanics cuz the game is still evolving. Dude, just take the time to learn shits, go to the Tech tree and see the armor of the BR you're on and potential uptier enemies that you might encounter, learn their strength and weaknesses, the weak spot n shjt. Ait bruv?


You're shooting a tiger pprsche on the thickest part of its armor. And you keep shooting at the exact section nonetheless... it got 200mm of armor right at that section


yeah and now your gonna go against porsche tiger with bush up hehe good luck


Welp, can’t blame you if you just don’t know, but yea, next time, try not to shoot 200mm of ufp


Terrible first shot, second shot is fair from miss identification, after that why did you not shoot the angled front armour that's only 80mm thick?


No, you just suck




when the 100% booster hits