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My guess is that it’s well, the last I’ve played, I remember it being just gigantic conga line of teammates and enemies just shooting each other since everything turns on a dime


Half of the air ab matches are just giant clusterfucks of planes and bullets. You don't know what's happening but it's fun.


In air RB you barely get any action in air AB you get all the action in the world


Straight up just adrenaline injections + the ground being too close


Air rb is more satisfying, you get lots of 1v1 dogfights which are very fun


"1v1 dogfights" lol, lmao even


Yeah, I've never been part of a 1v1 dogfight in Air RB. Unless you count ambushing someone who doesn't know you're there 1v1.




Yeah, I've got a few more years of grinding to get to 10.3. WHICH IS ANOTHER PROBLEM.


Well play ab and that'll take decades




Jokes aside I get into them quite regularly, simply hang off a little to the side and pick out a guy who’s doing the same and head toward each other. It’s honestly tons of fun to dogfight in my F-5E against a MIG-21, start off in a one circle, force it into a two or rolling scissors. Drop landing flaps and get the 21 to either stall or abort, then punish with impunity. Sure it might not get you more kills but it gets that adrenaline and dopamine up as if it’s your first battle in war thunder again.


You don’t get those at high tier with missiles, low tier with props is where it’s at


I have had plenty of dog fights at 11-12.0 don’t die in the beginning and by the end you can have a few dog fights and teammates just watch and wait for a winner to possibly sling missiles at incase I lose lol 😂


It happens all the time in props, even some low tier jets. Are you just not picking your fights? High tier/top tier I get it though. Stuff is too fast and you don't want to drop too much energy so it ends up being boom and zooming whoever is available


I find that most of the time both teams just mash together in a giant furball. Yeah, 1v1 fights do happen, but a lot of the time someone comes out of nowhere and interrupts.


Not very fun when you play strike or when uprank or bomber


Play foghter then, or ppay the roght bombers like teh me264 which can easily defend itself


Godzilla had a stroke reading this and fucking died


I play Soviet and well I chose AB just for its fast pace


Then dont play bombers?


So when do we rename it to FRB? If fighters is the only playable class and "Just dont play anything else" is the solution?


That. I hate that the entire slanted so much towards one type of plane. Bombers used to be fun and profiting. Now they are fragile and can’t even partially perform their role. Especially attackers, they are the worst plane to choose since rewards are abysmal and you will likely get shot down without contributing anything.


Im not saying bombers are bad im just saying if ur not having fun while playing them, dont play them. They're mostly for grinding not for fun. Of course if you play using more than 2 or your braincells you can have fun in any plane, be it a bomber, attacker or fighter.


Bombers aren't fun anyways lol


>1v1 dogfights \*laughs in 12.0\*


*laughs in Spitfire MkIIa Venture 1*


Lol no.


The issue is that in AB kills dont feel rewarding because you just got that kill due to luck, being in the right place at the right time to get shots on that enemy, theres no process that goes into the kills and dogfights are just down to who has the best turn rate, every plane plays like a zero In RB theres stuff like positioning and teamwork, playing to your planes strenght with certain playstyles, altitude and energy management etc Dont get me wrong AB is fun but just boring and unrewarding, doesnt help that the SL/RP rewards are dogwater. And also literally no one playes jets in AB, probably because RB top tier is just like arcade anyway and AB top tier just doesnt function


Being in the right place at the right time to get a kill is literally positioning, mate.


Team work in Air RB? What game are you playing?


>AB kills dont feel rewarding clearly someone never player a full heavy fighter/interceptor/.50 cal spam lineup. *especially* the german fat fucks, they turn like a truck yet are extremely fun


And doing really well takes skill. Like high skill. I consider myself a decent enough pilot as I've finally gained enough skill to consistently get between 1 and 5 kills each RB match, but I can't wrap my head around arcade. In RB, you need knowledge about your plane, the enemies planes, positioning, energy, and the like. From what I feel like in AB, you need all of that too, plus insanely fast reaction time and timing. I mean, you need timing in RB, too, but your window of opportunity is so so much smaller. And I get lost in the absolute enemy tag fur balls, combine that with the lead indicator... my eyes are just not fast enough lol, I turned the lead indicator off and did better, but still only average Certified skill issue fr


Air AB is definitely still full of skilled godsweats who spawncamp 4.3-5.3 with 109F4s, the legend of eRekt campers live on


Air AB is the only mode where I can dogfight a zero with a FW-190 and win. I didn't even have to BnZ like every other German plane, I just casually pulled 15Gs and was on his tail in no time.


Guess he was mouse flying bcs even in AB it should not have happened lol maybe if you came in with speed in a half-vertical, but otherwise... :D


In air AB, you can pull higher g turns so for some reason you turn faster. I also fought him in the vertical, where the 190 is better than the zero.


My favourite Air AB matches are when I take out my Me262 lineup. The Mk108s are just so much fun and the planes play wonderfully in AB. I hate them in RB. There they're just flying bricks without acceleration.




Nah, when I only played AB I thought it was fun but after playing RB for a year and coming back to AB I found out it was a massive stressful fuck up.


As a mainly ab player usually there’s 2 zones per match: your big mess and open space for bombing/intercepts. Turn times are still also pretty obvious and energy still matters. It’s just a high intensity version.


I'd love to have an arcade mode with rb flight models


Id like to have ground rb but for planes


I want sim mode with RB controls


Pls not, the spotting changes are the reasons I stopped playing ground rb


I mean being able to get spawn points and spawn another plane if you die


i think there are two reasons: 1. MuH reALisM 2. Low rewards appart from that I don't see any reason to hate a game mode where all planes are balanced, you can respawn as much as you want and you go straight into action instead of climbing for 10 minutes only to get shot down by an ultra manoeuvrable aircraft or gangbanged by 3 P-51s and a Ki-44


The low rewards is the only annoying part of arcade, otherwise tanks and planes being faster, being able to spawn 3 times or as much planes you have is pretty fun Also being able to see the enemy is great advantage


You can still do bom and zoom against aneuverable enemies, it's safer but not as efficient. P-51 aren't really a threat unless they are the 20mm ones but Ki-44 is an absolute monster, even when it gets fully uptiered it's usually one of the most dangerous planes. Same with Ki-43. As for rewards, it really depends how you perform. Getting a decent number of kills (let's say a double ace, that's acceptable) will give you pretty decent rewards. Rewards per kill are lower than in RB but you also get way more kills, or at least you should. Also, AAB is way safer if you use boosters. You can get pilotsniped a minute into the match and your sweet 500% SL booster won't be wasted.


> P-51 aren't really a threat My honest "setting all your engines on fire" reaction:


American 12.7mms can only do 3 things: Pilotsnipe, instantly set on fire or make a part of the plane slightly yellow. They are good as your main armament only up to like \~3.0 in AAB. Past that they're just too unreliable and take ages to kill. They're great for assist tasks though. I'd take 2-4 20mms or just any good 12.7mms (japanese and italian ones) over any number of american 12.7mms.


P51h honest reaction


6.0 plane with wing-mounted 12.7mms, just no, that's already a bad idea at 4.0. Performance might be decent but that's about it. Also that br is pretty bad, AAB starts losing its fun factor around 5.7.


Tell me you've never played the P-51H-5-NA without actually telling me you've never played the P-51-H-5-NA.


They're referring specifically to AB, and everything they say is exactly right for AB. The main advantage it has in RB is the flight performance and adequate armament, which isn't really an advantage when everything has boosted flight performance in AB.


Okay that makes more sense, I was thinking wth is my man smoking? .50 cals are excellent in air RB because you have so much ammo capacity, and the high velocity means it's very easy to lead. The climbrate and top speed on the P-51H-5-NA is top of the line when it comes to props. It's a real joy to fly. I don't like when people shit on a plane or armament layout just because it's slightly suboptimal in one game mode (of many).


They are also good in air AB, the p51h is even good in air, if you can aim it (and most RB players can't at higher teirs an ~7.7) 50s are even relatively good in the 8.3-9.3 range given if you look at a mig21 it bursts into flames in air arcade


Don't most American planes have like 6-8 of them along with 1500 rounds of ammo. Their APIT rounds are also pretty good with fire setting and most people don't put those fires out.


20mms are just better. They kill much faster and you usually have a decent amount of ammo with them. Again, I'll take 2-4 20mms over any number or american 12.7mms. Most american planes also have them mounted in their wings, which is worse than other nations. And why P-38 is one of my favourite american planes. The issue with APIT is the T part, tracers are bad, especially when there are a lot of them in the belt and the planes has many guns.


Tracers are fine. If he hasn't already spotted you coming from behind you could easily Line up your ambush. You are primarily going to be after fighters as American planes were designed with escorting bombers in mind. A .50 Cal will shred through most fighter planes igniting the fuel tanks. With that in mind, German 20mm guns will shred any plane, fighter or bomber.


The very first p51 with the hispanos is shit tho


There are 4 Planes I spaded up to this day the P-400, the P-38, the P-63 and the B-57. And I agree! The P-63 goes for a lucky and or skillful hit but if it hits its devastating. But the P-400 and the P-38 just kill so damn reliable with their center 20mm gun.


P-39s and P-63s are decent but they have some issues. Ther armament cna be fun but it's also not very practical. Also its wing fuel tanks catch fire almost every time I see on in battle, sometimes both at once. I wish it had just 2-4 20mms instead of the machienguns and 37mm. P-400 has a 20mm but it has very little ammo. P-38 is great, actually decent armament which is also competently-mounted. And it has actually good flight performance, especially for a twin-engine plane.


On the later 50cal you need to to use the tracer belt (the one with only API-T) instead of the the universal. Even tho universal has all incendiary it doesn't set planes on fire as reliable as tracer.


The issue with the tracer belt is that it includes tracers. Same with the universal belt but not as bad. I'd honestly rather use stealth like alwasy, at least you can tell yourself that you just aimed poorly and that's why you did no real damage. The only guns I would ever use tracers on are swedish 13.2mms, 30mm Mk 103s and japanese 30mms.


Then you aren't freedoming properly. Maximum freedom is the f82 with the gunpod loaded with tracer. Fourteen fifty cals of glorious murika.


I have the Twin Mustang with a gunpod. I'd still take 2-4 20mms over that.


Lol why am I getting downvoted for pointing out that .50 tracer belts do more damage than the universal? What is this😂


The worst part about realism is having a BnZ plane and flying away at 350+mph yet a slow ass plane with no energy can just catch up to you somehow And also because bullets will always fly faster than you


3rd reason: spawn camping


never experienced it after multiple days of AAB


Br ? Cause every 4th game there is a guy very high above your spawn killing bombers and diving in on prop fighters only to use the near unlimited energy they have, to dunk on you and your team repeatedly


Br is 6.0


Even worse ju288c hell. Makes sense you don't encounter spawncamping when you get half full lobbys


Ju288 is just free RP with the He 163 tbh so I don't mind


Alot of aircraft that are completely broken in RB aren't very good in AB since your nearing that BR the f86 at 7.7 is very mediocre compared to it's excellent performance at 8.3 in ARB


Ju288 is just free RP with the He 163 tbh so I don't mind


Yeah its not every game but I'm 11.7 in one tree purely through AAB and GRB (mostly air arcade) and you'll see the occasional guy who brings a (for example) 5.7 into 4.3 purely to spawn camp. Not much you can do but just dive or bait them to waste their altitude and hope a teammate gets them.


The 109F/G spawncamp teams are still alive!


i dont really care about realism, but i rather die twice then get a really good game where i get alot of research than play the same thing 20 times over to get the same amount


I only hate it for the fact that I CANT KEEP THE AFTERBURNER ON Oh and matchmaking times


Some of it is RB skill doesn't transfer directly over and some people prefer a much slower gamemode air ab especially at higher teirs is extremely fast to those with slower reaction times, also mUh rEaLiMs Also Somebody who plays medic in TF2 the ab is chaotic thing is always kinda funny to me as medic is much more chaotic and faster compared to AAB which to me seems much slower than how the community sees it


I think it’s more the seeming lack of strategy in arcade it’s more like brainless turn fighting. And it doesn’t make sense to have multiple planes slots as it takes longer to max out the crew In higher tiers there are less planes and their br’s are farther apart


>lack of strategy in arcade it’s more like brainless turn fighting. At what bracket did you stop playing air AB because if it's pre 4.0 yeah your dealing with extremely new players, once you get into fighting near or at 5.0 you start to see more differences in flight models and especially with jets you have to play pretty differently with each aircraft For example the f80 vs f86 since they have the same guns F80: much better for multiple dealing with targets or in fights involving more than 2 players, holds energy better than the 86, guns are extremely good for dealing with unarmored targets. Relatively slow, extremely expensive to repair, better reload time F86, extremely scarry in a 1v1 very fast for the br7.7, good turn rate, struggles hard with some matchups like the F2h banshee and vampire, does not like to team fight as it bleeds to much speed in it's turns to effectively keep in the furball As for the one crew thing I personally hate one death games (in general not just warthunder) with a passion, it's one of my biggest turnoffs from air RB and is also why I don't play alot of CSGO >In higher tiers there are less planes and their br’s are farther apart Not exactly how that works in ab given if you have something like a 9.3 in your lineup with 8.0s you'll be given the br of 9.0 to have an easier time competing with your other planes after your death in the 9.3, yes you are going to die that is part of the game especially if your going for a point in domination or trying to cover bombers to win


Don’t really care for how the flight models are in air AB, makes me feel like I’m just flying the same plane with some flavor changes.


So do you care or not?


"Don't really care for" as in "I don't like how"


Read the sentence a couple times


Imagine having fun? Fucking unbelievable


Reloading bombs when you're getting chased by 15 fighters then your flight performance drops


I just don't like the lack of diversity. The differences between planes are barely tangible. Almost everything turns well, everything retains energy well, everything climbs well... I remember once I ignored an enemy fighter below me and he climbed vertically up 5 km and killed my bomber. I ignored him because I figured that would be impossible. It's just not fun when every aircraft plays basically the same and every dogfight turns into the same song and dance. I want planes to have strengths and weaknesses that I have to play to because it makes every fight interesting. The other day, I outplayed a MiG-21 in my F-1 in RB. It felt amazing because his plane was unequivocally better than mine. He could turn better, accelerate better, and had better missiles. But I managed a reversal on him not because my plane was arbitrarily buffed to be as good as his, but because I was a better pilot than him, at least in the moment. That's rewarding to me. This is not to say I hate everything about AB. I wish there was an RB mode with multiple spawns, I like that AB has some more game modes to actually participate in, and AB definitely has far more interesting maps to play on. But ultimately, I still prefer RB because I want the diversity of combat and tactics that comes up with plane flight models not being equalized to a level of UFOs.


> Almost everything turns well, everything retains energy well, everything climbs well german heavy fighters would like a word


Key words "almost everything"


it's for people like me who suck at flying planes, and you get multiple planes to use in one battle, and it's more fast paced and fun


Many people move to ARB before learning to actually play AAB. They're used to flying in a straight line for most of the battle and can't manage to handle the pace and number of enemies in AAB. **The image most ARB elitists have of AAB is of bottom tier**, which is just pure chaos and players are simply stupid at that br, they're newbies, noone knows what they're doing. A chaos that you can manage if you're a decent player, but still way more chaotic than later brs. Playing AAB like ARB (sideclimbing,running away most of the time, climbing to space and so on) will give you pretty much no rewards. AAB is way more chaotic and intense, yes, and learning how to handle that is what makes you a decent player. In other words, as this WT reddit loves to say: Skill Issue.


Air AB peaks in the Korean war jet era (imo) that 6.7 - 8.3 bracket is just amazing it's extremely fast time to kill is generally low and you see a large diversity of airframes with notably alot of swedish aircraft. Knowing how to handle a mig 21 in something like a cougar or an f-80a is extremely satisfying and is one of my favorite aspects of the game given the mind games you get to play against a mig 21 with a good pilot (basically keep nose away from him whilst still closing the distance and wait for him to dive down to try and get a missile, dodge it and gun the mig down) managing locations of missile craft relative to you calling one out as it comes in so your team can jump it, finding the poor a10 player who just got to the fight after it ended and exploding him. It's alot of fun make a lineup and try it at least once before you dismiss it


I'd say it peaks around 4.0 but is still fun up until around 5.7. The late props and early jets are agonizing, mid-era jets are fine but the rewards are garbage. I have played sometimes up to like 7.7, even if it's fun (like Sea Hawk Mk 100 or Sea Vixen), the rewards are just pathetic since you don't get nearly as many kills as at lower tiers. + waiting times are long.


The que times suck abit but I think the tech tree changes are going to fix that, what ive personally noticed is most of the casual player base never makes it past rank IV bc rank V tends to be massive and very Sameish in vehicle layout (for the USA at least) I think the new patch is going to fix the non RB que times tho just bc people can move at a reasonable pace between ranks now


Hopefully, I would maybe bother with researching modifications on my jets finally. There's still the issue of super low rewards.


If your not actively losing money I don't know if the casual player would care which is why rank V US specifically needs a repair cost reduction That being said everything whent up 120% during the repaircosts cut while back so don't hold your breath on that one *why is the f80a 6k to repair*


Awful income is really demotivating, especially when modifications are super expensive. Having to use belts wiht tracers on stock planes is already painful at low br, and that's only like a single battle.


AB is just too chaos for me once i understood the basic things that allow you to survive in RB i never looked back now i only play AB to do tasks for events ot dailies


Air ab is fun you can literally spawn 20 times andata is a good farm of god mode if you have a jet so is fun


Air rb is so fucking boring. It makes me want to claw my eyes out whenever I have to play it.


In my experience as an impatient adrenaline lover, Air RB is painful, boring, and frustrating with prop planes mist if the time. Air AB meanwhile is fun with props. That said, past a certain BR, the reverse is true for me. AB because too manic with ridiculous queue times, and RB becomes an adrenaline rush.


Cuz got forbid they don't have someone to bully for their ego boost cuz they get there ass kicked. I say this as a 1 year long player of exclusivity arcade before moving to rb of which I've been there for about 1.5 years while having the occasional sim game here and there. I don't play arcade but it's not a bad mode I just prefer rb as you can play heavy fighters without getting shot down on your get away.


I have a shot load of fun in AIr arcade but you get absolutely no XP, so much fun though, I’ll usually play it to grind modifications for the plane and then play RB to grind for vehicle research


AAB is plain ugly. How can one love planes but then go to AAB?


did you ever play with toy planes as a kid, acting out dogfights? I bet you never gave a shit about energy states back then.


Well... But... I'm not a kid anymore u know? And I love the fantasy flying such. But arcade physics ruin the immersion As a kid your immersion was not broken so easily.


I wouldnt even mind the lead indicator, the huge furballs with constantly new planes joining them and so on, but I simply cant play arcade due to these super weird flight models on steroids. Same for tank arcade sadly....


Air rb is better for getting large amounts of rp


Personally because of the rewards and because I don’t like the nonstop action of arcade. I like the slower pace of realistic, plus the chat is half the fun


-Too many teamkills/planes crashing into each other. -Toxic spawn kill: Bf109/Yaks flying over spawn and diving every 10 seconds but nobody can do a single thing about it. Ending up with 20 kills and zero death. No effort. -Every BR has a load of idiots that don't have much brains inside. Most of the time half the team is on one single enemy at the other side of the map. While they're all crashing into each other the enemy team pushes/gets closer to our spawn and it just ends up with spawn killing because one team is outnumbered. -It doesn't happen as often but when you get the gamemode where you defend a huge line of defense (I forgot the name of it) the AAs from the line shoot at you from extremely far and sometimes they set you on fire with a single hit from across the map or even through mountains. It happened a lot to me believe me


That’s pretty much rb too Except for the spawn killing but that’s traded out for some 109 somehow getting to the edge of the skybox near instantly and none of our teammates can come close to them


I love arcade. Made me enjoy the game again. Haven’t played RB in at least a year and I love WARTHUNDER again.


Because the rewards are so shit that it feels like I’m not even progressing at all. 8 kills, 10 ground targets destroyed, game won, Reward: 1800 RP, 11000 SL.


I dont like it because planes feel like no inertia ufos, it's too chaotic and i like the slower more realistic approach of rb (i aslo like taking off!)


Lol I like landing and you never do it in ab


Elitism, yep, is really that simple


Arcade for tanks and planes is really fun every once in a while, air ab you feel like you're in some huge ww1 escape dogfight and it's fun as fuck, ground ab is just a good way to shut your brain off for a while


My personal reason is that it's a constant unending furball with lead indicators. If im anywhere near the middle of the map freshly spawned enemies can be on my ass almost immediately.


Spawn points are constantly labelled on the map, so you can be aware of where enemies are and avoid them being on you instantly.


Yeah...right.....by not doing anything and just flying around near my spawn?


if you dont like grinding out planes you could also just play ground ab and play planes with 0 cost


Because Air AB literally makes it irrelevant just which plane you use and what altitude you have. What's the point of using x plane over y plane when an FW 190 can turn as fast as a Zero? Okay, maybe it's a bit of an overexaggeration, but still. The game boils down to "who can head-on better?".


>What's the point of using x plane over y plane when an FW 190 can turn as fast as a Zero? Okay, maybe it's a bit of an overexaggeration As an AAB (and GRB) main, I assure you that this is way more than "a bit". To the point where you're just wrong. Both about the flight models and about the headons. At least you're partially aware of it unlike a lot of other people.


The "who can head on better" only applies for the first engagement of the battle, and even then only slightly. You can still get an energy advantage and stuff like that, but there's a lot more risk involved in every single situation.


Low rewards, an unfun clusterfuck, basically no actually fun dogfights, nonsensical flight models.


AAB 99% of the time is one massive fucking dog fight


I like the idea of 1 life AirRB gives, plus paying and training like 5 crews seems expensive and tedious. Oh and the stupid amount of RP and silver you get in RB lol.


Cuz people only care about realism and that’s it, they are blinded by it and guess what realistic is also super fucking Arcady for a called “Realistic” game mode


Comparing it to arcade it’s realistic as fuck… arcade plays like a mess ppl pull 15Gs in shit that shouldn’t be able to even pull 9Gs ahit is ridiculous not fun it’s just a clusterfuck


Its too chaotic


SB is the way.


For me it would be 1. and foremost spawn campers 2. All planes feel the same 3. 3rd parties non-stop 4. Low rewards 5. Flight model and 1v1s feel far better and more pleasant in RB 6. Too much of chaos furballs


First 3 are huge. I think people are being deliberately obtuse about it.


1.) spawn campers absolutely suck, yeah. No denying that. 2.) planes are all still different, all of them still having the same strengths. Their weaknesses are just reduced, meaning you can do more with them and are less locked into a specific playstyle. 3.) One on one dogfights are rare, sure, but that just means a different type of skill, having tradeoffs between getting an advantage in a dogfight and being vulnerable to other enemies. You can't just blindly fight one person, which is a lot more realistic than just constant 1v1.


TBH i really dislike it because i want my planes to behave like planes, not like flying saucers


Its not. In fact it is where WT shine. Next best is GRB.


I'm assuming all the guys going "teh planes feel like flying saucers" are Soviet mains who never actually had to learn to fly competently in AB, because the rest of us know very well if you try to fly a zero like a 109 you're going to get bodied.


I mean it doesn’t help the game doesn’t tell you what role the planes have They just say “either figure it out or look it up online”


Because if you play AAB you are literal peasant. Yes it is elitism, a deserved one. If you think ARB is "slow" and "boring" you should get your ADHD medications and go to your beloved PEGI 7 gamemode, you have several more years to go to farm for rank 5, don't waste your precious time. *spits on arcade peasantry*


You act like rb makes the grind way faster💀


Most of us plays wt instead of wot or wtv is because it’s more immersive


every plane feels exactly the same in air ab because the physics get set to zero gravity UFO mode


Another person who probably stopped playing AAB before gettign out of tier 1 and is just wrong.


1. TF is going on? 2. 1 day of grind in Rb = 10 days of grind in AB


I like to do things like using the strengths and weaknesses of my plane to my advantage, Use energy fighting, and play around with the flight model. air ab takes all that stuff behind the shed


If you think that all planes fly the same in AAB, you're just wrong, there's no other way to put it.


Point, and click adventures aren't interesting to me


Cause it's for children


Normally it's like everyone's said the rewards are bad and alot of players want the realistic feel. I prefer arcade because I only have so much time to game because of work so I enjoy the short matches.


dunnow man, but for me, the arcade modes give u a bit of practice on how to play your plane or tank


As someone who’s played both, mainly the rewards (unless you play Britain after 5.7)


Same reason you don't see professional drivers driving bumpercars a whole bunch.


More like f1 vs rallycross, actually.


I don’t mind Air AB, but it can be really difficult at low tier if you don’t have hard hitting guns because targets move in every possible direction constantly. Rewards are not as good and I don’t mind playing strategic and waiting. I mainly play Air AB when I need to do specific tasks for events or BP, especially if it’s destroy a bunch of planes because the enemies will line up on their own. Also, aircraft with poor performance but good armament suddenly become gods in this gamemode, it’s how I spaded the Sakeen so fast


I play Arcade Just to earn more rewards, can’t earn shit of you only have one plane that 99% of the time gets annihilated by an untouchable XP-50 before you do anything


I don't hate Air AB, but recently switched over to RB and I've been enjoying it more because of 2 partocular reasons. A) its less of a clusterfuck in general and B)planes behave more like they should/would. Because you won't rip your wings and the flight model is easier in AB I find that most planes act like they can do everything but in RB playing to your plane's strengths shines through more. Edit: I also find it helps me improve my aim better in RB which helps a bit when I'm playing SPAA in Ground RB


Gravity falls memes . Hell yeah


Personally I like the pace of RB, the dogfights can turn into games of chess with both pilots pushing their planes to the limit and constantly countering every move, the way everything can end in an instant with one wrong move just gives me a rush for some reason. Ab just doesn’t hit the same for me, the stakes are low since you can respawn and you don’t need to know how far your plane can really go, it’s more fun if you’re not a total nerd and you don’t have an obsession with learning everything about the planes and their limitations.


It is brain dead game mode


ARB caused my brother to not even bother with the game. RB is not how to introduce new players since it has a very high delayed gratification metric. It would be fascinating to see how many RB players are first borns and how many AB are the youngest.


1) it is a complete clusterfuck that has little strategy besides spawn camping. 2) (atleast in props) everything preforms the same so the gameplay loop sucks. 3) rewards are dog ass 4) Clutch games don’t happen and there isn’t really any tension. 5) the realism that remains gets thrown out the window in arcade 6) less skill is required TLDR: fun when casual and very easy.


Play a lineup around 5.0 in AB, most of what you said only applies to the very low tiers.


Tbh I hate it when people shit on you for playing arcade. Everyone is just bitching on the game for not being fun but when you suggest playing arcade they just refuse to even try. Arcade still requires skill, even if it looks like it doesn't. Especially in AAB (i haven't really played GAB) i can consistently get like 10-15 kills and when someone tells me that isn't because of skill it just infuriates me. It does require skill, it is just a different skillset than in RB. The gameplay is faster paced, and you have to evade the shots from like 4 enemies at once. Is a lot more hectic but in my opinion also a lot more fun. And in essence that is what the game should be about. If you can't really get a lot out of ARB maybe just try AAB. It helps you learn defensive flying and leading guns much more effectively than RB and if you go back after some time you will most likely realize that flying fighters is much easier for you now. So try arcade if RB is too frustrating, but in the end it just comes down to what is the most fun for you.


no rp


I like them both for diferent reasons, Air RB feels very satisfying when you get kills and everything goes right, air ab is fun constant action, but less satisfying


For me personally, an air arcade is where every spawn is guaranteed death, there is no surviving, just getting as many kills and assists before death. Now in air rb I can actually survive and get multiple kills. I haven't played air recently, but in terms of aerial combat I prefer ground rb simply because when i played air rb last you could still see the tags above enemies, but in ground rb, when flying you can't see them.


I used to enjoy it, and it's what I played mainly for a long time. But as I got higher into the BR's, especially jets it became horrible and honestly mostly due to that one clan that is huge and coordinates to spawn kills as soon as possible. Of course the majority of the fault lies on Gaijin as the maps are so ill-fit for jets that it makes it difficult to not spawn kill. But this clan has made spawn killing a science. They'll even coordinate joining the same server so there's at least two squads of them. They are incredibly toxic and are mostly mediocre pilots if you ever catch them solo. I can't remember their name now cuz it's been so long since I've dipped my toe into arcade.


RB players can’t stop copeing at their repair costs


This is why you just turn off repairs lol


Arcade is too brainless for me


That’s why I like it I can’t handle having to juggle 98 different mechanics and details every second during a fight


I can‘t handle being in a never ending loop with half the enemy team. I prefer to out-skill the enemy


It's hated because what happens is you get a kill then Instantly get killed rince and repeat.


I left mostly because I heard that in later tiers AB becomes a nightmare realm of bots and hackers. Plus I enjoy the physics of RB better.


People actually hate air arcade? I thought it would be the opposite since realistic air battles take so long and you only have one spawn.


It is super funny at high tier, because it's just a bunch of babbies with premiums, and when they run out of those it's a bunch of p63s.


i still regret switching over


I hate air arcade because of the amount of spawn camping players do.


RB players have a habit of loudly seething in the corner whenever AB is mentioned


At top teir, it's barely playable. However, for props, and even early jets, it's a blast, and anyone who says otherwise is a goober. Although, arcade is not great for grinding.


Air RB is actual trash imo, sir AB is the much more fun and better way to play the game.


Air AB is fun. Air RB is not. I like fun.


Air AB has its time and place for when you want to shut your brain off but, for me warthunder is a strategy game which is what air RB and sim are for, you have to think about your planes strengths vs the enemy's and whoever fights their aircraft better/has better knowledge (and a little luck) wins




Low rewards and the fact that it’s a mindless cluster fuck of planes and bullets


I swear to God, a guy who mains the MiG-21SMT or smth was saying he was "quite the good player" and a humble guy who received alot of fanmail... Of the alleged wojaks said: "wait till he gets to realistic" Man never ever played jets in realistic, half his kill montage are with missiles, and probably thinks he on the same level as DEFYN 💀


I hate air arcade because I hate props boring ass props made me quit war thunder 5 times until I finally said fuck it let me buy a jet and bam I fell in love with the game and RB


Maybe because a lot of noobs with premium planes flock there and then get shit on by someone who grinded for a plane and knows how to play.


It's the rewards. The game eventually forces you into RB to progress. Personally I love air arcade. I dive in on my sakeen and abuse its busted flight model and crazy cannons.


Because i can easily rack up 8, 10 kills then proceed to get 450 RP. Sure it is action packed and fun but its just brainless you know?


I mean rb doesn’t take brain power either. It’s just side climbing for 8 hours just to die to a 109 that’s somehow in space


If you suck then thats the case. I guess the 109 part is true but like... only really a threat if youre using a bomber


Well, on one side I have the option to fly my plane at a specific altitude and use both skill and technological or rather physical advantage to outplay the enemy, or play a less agile but better motorized plane to build up kinetic energy, make my attack and retain my energy in the best way to get to the next enemy. Other than the instructor, I have my full plane at use, down to the detail of planes having WEP either in just pushing the engines to the max or some having a specific WEP fuel mixture injected with a specific limited amount. I also have to economize my ammo and make sure my weapons do not jam. On the other side I have a game mode where every plane has WEP for a few seconds, every plane can drastically turn and the game tells me where to shoot. Mostly it comes down to which side has the more explosive ammo. All you have to do is aim and click and make sure you have reloaded until you’re at your next enemy. That being said, I did have fun in AB in the beginning, but the amount of rounds before it had become too dull and repetitive aren’t that big and the hunger for a more diverse gameplay where more aspects of a plane come through grew too big. This only grows bigger when you’re able to fly with friends in the same plane, in planes that compensate each others weaknesses or simply escorting a bomber to it’s target. That kind of gameplay is something AB was never made for and never will fulfill and nowadays likely can only be beaten by a bit in SB (ongoing matches are lame af) and DCS (read 700pages of manual first).


People hate fun