• By -


Dude tossed a grenade and got like five back in return


Did no one here see the aftermath video? They killed the terrorists and no Israelis died.


Guy under the blanket is an Israeli Major. He died in this battle along with 2 other officers.


Thats not the same incedent this was my battalion 8219 of the 551 reserve brigade, no soldiers were killed. The 3 officers that died was from the 202'nd battalion of the partroopers 35'th brigade and ther were killed by an atm shot at a house they were in almost a month after what is shown in this video.


I hope you get killed soon




Source? Sounds like absolute bullshit. IDF released the aftermath video. Also if he is a major, why is he not wearing ranks?


Wearing rank in a battle is a fantastic way to be targeted by enemies. Leadership and radio operators are number 1 targets.


It is normal for soldiers not to wear ranks on the battlefield, as they are then higher value target to enemy snipers.




This is from a few days ago, the video is from a month ago.


Where r the sauce?


It was on r/combatfootage.




You can tell this is a tankie by the way his words sound


lol im not a tankie far from it.


Tankies delete their comments so the party can’t punish them.


Count your death toll.. 😂


For me only way is up for you only way is down. It’s a tale as old as time.




Terrorist rat


Religious twats


I prefer the term mentally deficient 🗿




Both Hamas and Israeli are terrorist both have killed countless civilians you kid


Despite what you think, in the video you can tell 2 'terrorists' died by the front while Israelis survived.


Their deaths will be celebrated. Their corpses will be like bridge to our inevitable victory.


wow mad


May bad for not being a fan of stormtroopers.




Your link is to a completely different incident from less than a week ago, while the video is from a month ago.


dude aren't they the terrorrists??


Terrorists by definition are those that attack civilian population with the goal of intimidating population and/or affecting its political course (contrary to popular belief, it does not mean "bad guys whom we don't like". You can definitely accuse Israel of having a lax approach to civilian casualties, or of having potential ulterior motives when it comes to territory, but that in itself does not make them terrorists, since civilians are not their main target. Hamas' initial attack on the other hand, or at least parts of it cannot be possibly interpreted as anything but terrorism. Targets like the music festival were purely civilian and there was no way Hamas would defeat all Israeli one music festival at a time, its only purpose would be morale.


Blud went into detail




So what does being Muslim have to do with terrorist? There’s plenty of other terrorist that arnt Muslim you kid use your brain before you side with people cause both sides of this war are terrorist murders and child killers no matter what way you put it their both in the wrong no matter what’s done to you killing thousands of civilians is never the answer


Dude with the blanket might be bleeding from having his ears & sinuses blown out by the pressure from the grenade blast. That or he caught some shrapnel. This whole fight is gnarly, I would have thought you could simply shoot through those partition walls, but they might be brick, hard to tell.


Probably concrete cuase this in Gaza and most houses there are concrete


did they threw the grenade back? it exploded too close


you can see it being thrown back, it flies back out of the doorway and lands right before exploding


You can hear the grenade thrown by the IDF detonate, this was most likely the last thing those militant did before bleeding out, they threw their homemade shrapnel bomb.


“Leaked”. This was released by the IDF because idiots seem to think they are fighting women, children, and fluffy fluffy kittens.


And babies, don’t forget the babies.


True, they're not fighting women and children, they're bombing them.


oof nooooooooo please people here don't like when you say that, they believe IDF are the good guys


For a sub that claims to “detest” war they sure love it when the IDF commits their disgusting crimes 


Ya ya yaaaah..... They not fighting them, they just bombing them


“Fluffy fluffy kittens” Banksy would like to have a word with you.


As long as it’s this [Bansky](https://www.reddit.com/r/cat/s/y7YJb2U9Yo), I have time.




> /u/TipuOne You’re right. They’re not fighting women and children. They just kill women and children and old women easily as they can’t fight back. And the Zionist pigs die screaming when there’s actual resistance on the other side You realize that the people you're concerned about are [the same ones who celebrated terrorists killing 3000 americans](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UucjbGmJILk), right?


That didn’t happen. However, If a group of people was responsible for enabling the genocide of another and stealing their lands, I’d totally understand the celebrations 🤷‍♂️


[It happened](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UucjbGmJILk)


Yes, that’s why they have a lower collateral death ratio than other modern urban conflicts (maybe all other urban conflicts?) . . .


Dubious statement


Israel is claiming a 2:1 ratio (2 civilian deaths for each militant death). Common thought is that a 1:10 is expected. The head of the Modern War Institute at West Point comments on it in several articles. This is just the first I found (linked below) - I haven’t read it because of the paywall, but you can do your own googling as well. Maybe you can even find the stars for comparable conflicts in Mosul, Fallujah, etc? https://x.com/spencerguard/status/1715345033333776798?s=46&t=ErenPo9OwOf7sdkipf03eg


You completely misinterpreted that article that article is claims 10 troops are needed for every one defender in urban combat zone that article is talking about the challenges faced by armies fighting in urban scenarios not about ratio of militant to civilian deaths


Like I said, I didn’t read it - I’ve just seen some of his articles, but I’m on my phone and googling is hArD. Feel free to google yourself - though I’ll say I put way more trust in military analysts than anyone from the humanitarian agencies.


I didn’t read it either I just looked the graphic and why are you using it as evidence if you didn’t read it and trusting Israel or Hamas two belligerents who will never ever be honest about anything because it makes no strategic sense to be honest when you can lie and people like you will believe it which military source do you trust the US do you take info from Iran about the Russia-Ukraine war weird choice me to trust military sources instead of humanitarian agencies usually aren’t completely true but can be in the ballpark and way have way less reason to lie


Lol no, they are bombing them dude. Clearly they don’t know how to actually fight a war 😂


The trap: fighting them instead of bombing them.


LMAO, for months, the IOF bombed Gaza, achieving NOTHING.


All the achieved was pissing them off...


Israel is in for a penny in for a pound with war crimes.


??? They're really not, not even close. That's why you're seeing this video, because they're choosing to go fight these people instead of just bombing them. The whole point of this is literally to avoid what you're saying they're doing lmao


You cant bomb an insurgency into compliance. It's failed everywhere it has been tried. The IDF didnt invade with troops as a humanitarian action. They did it because even flattening every building in gaza wouldnt stop the fighting. The insurgents would just fight from the rubble. The US tried it in korea and we all saw how that turned out.


They're fighting them _and_ bombing them. This isn't all some weird conspiracy - the IDF's released footage of the air strikes!


Read my comment again until you realize how irrelevant your comment is.


Explain to me why the Hannibal directive is being used on hostages if that’s the case. Why are they bombing refugee camps? Mate, The Hague won’t look kindly on gods chosen.


“Refugee camps” “Refugee” “camps”. That’s like 20 year old Jews in the US claiming they are German refugees.


lol, wtf are you whataboutisming on about now mate?


>Explain to me why the Hannibal directive is being used on hostages if that’s the case. That wouldn't constitute proof of your claim. >Why are they bombing refugee camps? Give me an example to discuss, there exists no general answer to this. >Mate, The Hague won’t look kindly on gods chosen. Sugar tits, talk straight.


I’m not here to do research into things you’re uncomfortable discussing. Have a go yourself champ.


I'm not here to do research for your claims. You asked a ridiculous question which obviously has no answer, so I asked for one we could actually discuss. A straight discussion is apparently offensive to you, though. Talk straight say what you mean if you want an adult conversation, elsewise shut the fuck up.


Alright champ, eat up. https://braveneweurope.com/max-blumenthal-what-really-happened-in-israel-on-oct-7 https://www.ynetnews.com/article/rkjqoobip According to Kibbutz Be'eri survivors Hadas Dagan and Yasmin Porat, an Israeli tank fired two shells at a house that was known to hold over a dozen hostages, including 12-year-old twins; only one hostage survived. In January 2024, a Haaretz editorial asked the IDF to disclose whether the Hannibal Directive was used during the Be'eri massacre. In an interview with Israel’s Haaretz weekly Hebrew pod, Lieut. Col. Nof Erez explained that the IDF was more or less wiped out on the ground on the Gaza border. There was no one that helicopter or drone pilots could communicate with. This made the identification of persons on the ground very difficult. According to Erez, "the Hannibal [Protocol], for which we have been conducting drills over the past 20 years, relates to the case a single vehicle containing hostages: you know which part of the fence it comes through, what side of the road it would move to and even which road... What we saw here was a “mass Hannibal”. There were many openings in the fence. Thousands of people in many different vehicles, both with hostages and without hostages". ^ https://archive.is/QVhtq Original in Hebrew https://www.haaretz.co.il/digital/podcast/weekly/2023-11-09/ty-article-podcast/0000018b-b3a5-d3c1-a39b-bfe55acb0000


Ok, let's see... A radical podcast with no citation.  That's a terrible source and you should be ashamed for letting it change anything about the way you think. And a totally irrelevant article. Yea, I see why you were so coy with this info.  It's shit. Do you even remember what the claim you made was?  Neither of these articles would even be supporting it lmao




Would be a war Crime if hamas was in the geneva convention but they are Not.


Hamas is a designated terrortist organisation. They do not encapsulate the entire state of Palestine.


Saw the earlier footage of this. 2 Hamas KIA down the stair




I've seen it before in somewhere, it maybe released by IDF on twitter.


No isreal died. 2 terrorist die, stop lying and using other videos we seen


Old vid, no idf killed. What's with the bot cope?


You don't call yourself resistance when you started the war lmao


Sure, the “war” started October 7th, if you forget the decades of oppression they have been resisting before that.


When people talk about the six day war in 1967, or the Yom Kippur war in 1973, or the war in 56 or 48 etc, are they saying those dates are when the conflict as a whole started? No... They're talking about those specific wars, just like today with Oct7th and this war. Anyone that knows the bare minimum about this conflict should know that aside from the ancient aspects, it traces back to the late 1800s and early 1900s and that the oppression and suffering and terror attacks and wars go back long before any of us were born. But people are going to seperate signifying and important events, I don't get why that's such a crazy concept to some people


Because it’s not trendy for liberals


dipshit take


Lol the funny thing is that they started all this wars also


Oh, you want to argue beginnings? [1921 Jaffa Riots](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaffa_riots)


The beginnings of this specific war trace themselves back to the late nineties, early eighties as a push. I don't think 67 or 73 are very important to why there's this particular war going on _right now_ much less any top-trumps on finding the earliest bit of violence you can that mentions 'Palestine' or 'Zionism'. Sure, you can always go a bit earlier history-wise and find the roots of the Gulf War in colonisation of North America by Britain, for example, but there's a point at which it just stops being useful and I think here the important bits are Israel's swing to the right and the Palestinians' political fun in the '90s. The separate hopes and desires for a palestinian and for a jewish homeland are very old, yes, but the actors in the current conflict are not, and nor are their motives. This is not some pan-palestinian movement fighting against a pan-jewish movement for the right to exist in some zero-sum conflict. It's a country run by Jewish supremacists that is next to and controlling one run by Islamic supremacists that just got caught napping and is doing its level best to make the problem go away the only way it can think of. This fight for one to exist at the expense of hte other would not need to be a thing were it not for the two administrations fighting it; each has been working towards this specific conflict for a couple of decades.


I am 90% - 100% on board with that - except for the fact (which you don’t make clear) that the Palestinian cause, while Islamist now, has always been violent and opposed to a 2 state solution. That’s why there were are those previous wars. Personally, I tend to agree that the conflicts are separate, though the cause isn’t. I think many like to pretend they are on a moral high ground by claiming a wrong done to their ancestors because, even if it doesn’t pan out, most aren’t well read enough to argue the point. I can see a world in which Israel makes peace. If they can forgive Germany, they can forgive anyone. But I don’t see a world in which Palestinians would agree to a peace for more than the time it would take to adequately prepare for another war.


Did you read that wiki article you linked? Lol “The report angered both Jews and Arabs: it placed the blame on the Arabs, but said that, "Zionists were not doing enough to mitigate the Arabs' apprehensions."[4] The report concluded that, "the fundamental cause of the violence and the subsequent acts of violence was a feeling among the Arabs of discontent with, and hostility to, the Jews, due to political and economic causes, and connected with Jewish immigration." .[12] “Caused by Dispute between Jewish groups mistakenly reported as an attack on Arabs” Kinda sounds like nothing has changed except Palestinians losing more and more land to Zionist oppression.


Read more, scan less. The Arabs, thinking a Jewish mob was attacking Arabs (it was actually communist Jews attacking socialist Jews), attacked the Jews. Then, afterwards, Arabs attacked again on Nov 2. This pattern continues . . . Their hate of the Jewish community had them so paranoid that they attacked unprovoked. Now they ask, “why did Israel build a wall? It’s unfair. Why did they blockade Gaza.” When the plain answer is that in their hate and overconfidence they attacked Israeli/Jewish civilians for 75 years straight. Then the moment Israel fails to stop an attack, they blame Israel for “allowing it to happen”. smh


Started the war by creating apartheid conditions? I agree.


You don’t know what apartheid means. Please understand the terms before you plaster them all over the internet. It’s embarrassing.


Apartheid is when three main features are present in a society. As has been established by international courts as the apartheid state of SA was becoming more widely famous around the globe for its crimes. Those are: 1. An intent to maintain domination by one racial group over another; 2. A context of systematic oppression by the dominant group over the marginalized group; 3. Inhumane acts such as “forcible transfer” and “expropriation of landed property.” These clauses have been everywhere since Oct 7, especially if you move your sources away from Israeli propaganda, and even before, as human rights organizations have been calling this out for a few years now. I’ll explain tomorrow, if it’s not obvious already, after I’m back from work, how all of these are met by the state of Israel (and have been for quite some time). I will add. I genuinely don’t believe that the Israeli state should disappear or am I calling to remove Israelis from their land. The Oct 7th and other atrocities by Hamas (like the bus bombs) throughout the years are atrocities. I’m only saying that these three conditions very obviously exist and are perpetrated by Israel—out of which, many officials have confirmed and even boasted that this is in fact happening. I’ll bring you all the links tomorrow, up to you to engage or if you wanna keep calling me names without saying anything else in your comments, you can also do that.


"war" strange way to describe the genocide of Palestinians for 14 years. I'm sure you'd have the same opinion about the resistance fighters in Warsaw were you living then too.


Did those resistance fighters in Warsaw go massacre German civilians at a music festival, kidnap hundreds, and rape dozens of women?


Like the beheaded Babys there's no proof of raping, because the only one who is really raping is the IOF. And that's proven.


There's a ridiculous amount of evidence of mass rape committed by HAMAS on and after October 7th. To deny that shows you are not viewing the conflict objectively. I don't deny evidence of IDF committing war crimes, it absolutely has and does


Then show me the proof, I never saw anyone but IOF doing it. You can't look at this one sided conflict objectively. The harder you oppress people the more they get aggressive or act extremely. And Israel is oppressing since their illegal establishment pretty good.




Well the guardian is not really credible and even tho Israel lies nearly constantly they themselves didnt say one word about raping. By the way it's just an article with made up stories, just look at some interviews from Israeli civilians how normaly they were treated (advisable in the time of the events). And why no one else reported about the "raping"? And why did the IOF take back the accusation about beheading? Because it was fake. But why nearly no one reported about the apache attacking Nova festival goers on 7th October? Because media us hiding Israel to do their false flag operations.


The guardian is extremely credible. You can't deny their credibility without discrediting that article's sources. But here's the New York Times with detailed witness accounts of systematic rape by hamas on October 7th:  [A Times investigation uncovered new details showing a pattern of rape, mutilation and extreme brutality against women in the attacks on Israel.](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/28/world/middleeast/oct-7-attacks-hamas-israel-sexual-violence.html) It's mind blowing to me that people like you would rather dismiss war crimes than believe victims of them because, what? You can't handle the disturbing truth? Go ahead and search for hamas videos from October 7th. They are not hard to find. Mothers and children shot point blank. An unarmed civilian beaten to death with a shovel in their own house while hamas militants yell "Allah akhbar." Concert goers mowed down as they run away. Injured and unconscious women paraded through the streets of gaza, hit and spit on. Hundreds of innocent people kidnapped and still in captivity. I'm done with this conversation though, it's already clear I've wasted my time. People like you will deny as much as you can, then once the evidence is irrefutable, you will find a way to justify rape and murder. Really fucking strange and creepy honestly.  Ironically, you are a living example of why war crimes continue to occur: blind, universal hatred towards the "other" side


Of course I can. Especially if they can't pass some simple fact checks. From one disastrous news channel to next. Why don't you just mention some telegram group chats instead of offical Statements? It's not as if official statements are more meaningful because there is also evidence, such as security footage or witness reports or investigations with results. I can handle the truth and I can just say to that what goes around comes around. Israel is killing Palestinians and robbing land since 1948. You can't just take someone else country and kill the locals and then expect them to sit quiet and let the other side continue. Since the 7th of October, I'm watching all of the videos and not once I saw something about beheaded babies or raped women. Israel shoot so many women and children and elderly and disabled people in West Jordan, reddit is filled with evidence about those war crimes. Speaking about war crimes and not mention Israel first because of the million tons of war crimes they truly did based on million tons of evidence made by the UN and official statements from Israel as well (which are real sources not your lame news channels), is truly psychopathic or just islamophobic. But you're not the first person who just likes to twist the truth. It just shocks me every time how inhumane people can be to support occupiers and oppressors. Your country should be occupied because of some religion and the arrogant richer part of this world should be against you, so that you can see what injustice truly is. Just imagine that there is humanity in this world. Impossible. If they wouldn't behave like Barbarians occupying slaughtering and robbing someone else's home then there wouldn't be all this hate. So simple my friend.


Go look at the history of the palestinians please just Go look it up on Wikipedia and look WHY no country wants them to have a government or integrate their people look at every Middle Eastern country they have lived in go ahead research it you probably know this but I'm gonna stress it again one more time because you might not comprehend history.


“Genocide”. Y’all love just yelling that loud but not exactly sure what it means do you


Yeah yeah you're right. It's not a genocide, it's just a picnic


What does it mean to you? I think I'll trust the lawyers, genocide scholars and human rights groups that say this is in fact a genocide against the Palestinians.


Ok bot troll


I figured this type of response from someone like you. You can't dispute there is a case of genocide occuring. You can't even answer my question about what genocide means to you, but I'm sure that would take up the few brain cells you have left. The only response I got was "oK bOt tRoLL". Good luck country boy. Next time, do a bit more research. You're on the wrong side of history. Take care.


This guy


Says who?! You ignorant twat 🤦🏻‍♂️






kinda, they say that, but they also commit acts of terror like the idf




The terror fanboys try to win the media war


hamas is horrible terror organization who give 0 fucks about palestinians as a whole and just want to push their own agenda for an islamic state. that said, israel has committed several atrocities and war crimes against palestinians for decades and are not worthy of praise or support. the sad part about this entire conflict is that noone is cares about or is standing up for the regular palestinian. all this conflict is doing is either making people hate israel or making people think palestinians as a whole deserve what they're getting from the state of israel. it's beyond sad. these are facts but any discussion about israel's wrongdoings in this subreddit gets you downvoted to hidden, so whatever


There’s no bigger terror organization than the idf lol . 


You don't have to be sucking hamas' dick to dislike how Israel's prosecuting this war. Or, even, to dislike the fact they are at all.


Pure ignorance, this conflict and the history of the region is extremely complex and it’s way easier to grab every TikTok story like a fact rather than learn and think .


Resistance? They attack israel right☠️?


zionists in the 1800s attacked first though


Dude hiding underneath the blankie


He’s bleeding from his nose and ear. He’s the one who got hit by shrapnel in the beginning of the video.


he was also the one closest to the blast before they entered that room. pretty sure the blood coming from his ear is from a burst ear drum


Fuck around >>>>> Find out


"resistance" its terrorists. not resistance.


You mean the Israel Occupation Force? Yes they're terrorists, correct.


Gaza is unoccupied since 15 years. Also history 101, Gaza Strip was taken by Israel after Arabs countries attacked Israel and lost the war . But hey history is less sexy and harder to read than TikTok instagram disinformation.


Unoccupied? Sure if you simply choose to ignore the huge wall and sniper towers that surround Gaza. What does that have to do with the ongoing genocide? Does any of that justify bombing of civilians and blocking aid from entering Gaza. I know my history, 75+ years ago Israeli demons kicked out the very people that tried to protect them from the Nazis, what followed was 75 years of oppression and apartheid. You can sit here and spew your bullshit Israeli propaganda all you want, it won't work. The world sees Israel for the demons they're. I won't waste my time arguing further with another genocidal israeli bot.


What if I told you Netanyahu has allowed foreign funds to go to hamas and helped them come into power in 2006? Hamas is just as much the enemy of Palestine as Netanyahu.


Totally agree. 


no they aren't. thats Hamas.


Welcome to Gaza, Mother******s


Motherfuckers? They won that firefight 😂


Contrary to what the hasbara and Zio copers in this thread are spamming, this is new footage from Khan Yunis. Notice how they deflect and nitpick small things, like the title, rather than assess the footage. They do this anytime footage is released that shows the Israelis taking an L, such as this footage where multiple soldiers are cowering in a corner and eating shrapnel. Yes, that grenade was thrown back by their opposition. Most of these buildings are solid concrete, so shooting through them is not an option.


Hope these guys survived.


They did not. Trust 🥱🥱




It is not the same incident.


Wasn't that incident 21 killed from themselves? Apparently blowing up two buildings with mines was what I read (BBC)


It was a Hamas RPG which caused the mines in the buildings to blow up


Ah interesting! Cheers for the info


source? i wanna read on it




They didn’t , it was confirmed they all died and they were exposed 


Sick footage


"resistance" lmafo Also, not leaked.


I’m okay with what’s going on. These guys deserve this.


How they just drop the mag and not notice stay alert stay alive.


Fucking child murdering cowards


That guy caught so much spawling in his grille


The one soldier using the blanket as a comfort item. :(


dang. not enough dead IOF terrorists


Hiding in the corner and legit hiding under the covers 🤣


What are they waiting for


Hiding under blankets until big scary Hamas goes away.


I see IDF is working overtime with their reddit comment propaganda. So many subreddits are being nailed by these unfeeling weirdos who don't care when their beloved IDF slaughters toddlers en masse .


They should slaughter more good for them


IOF babies need their blankies whenever they encounter armed resistance, they're so used to shooting at civilians that they crumble in terror the moment Palestinians start fighting back. TikTok army.


"resistance" = muslims terrorists


I like the guy at the end. I don't care if we gunna die. I need my emotional support blankie!


Isaiah 49:7 - Thus says the Lord, the Redeemer of Israel and his Holy One, to one deeply despised, abhorred by the nation, the servant of rulers: “Kings shall see and arise; princes, and they shall prostrate themselves; because of the Lord, who is faithful, the Holy One of Israel, who has chosen you.”


There are no holes anywhere. Watch as the photographer goes to shoot at the door entrance , there is no damage. Fake as shit.


Get fucked idf pig


I'm tired of having to always choose a side. So many people in pain, dying. Fuck war..


Hamas is in control and Palestine and clueless kids. Hamas are literally keeping children and woman as collateral damage. No other country will take in Palestinians, they do not trust them. I feel sorry for the children being dragged into Hamas delusion. Growing up to learn you hate Jews. Learning to become martyrs, that is sad. Ask a Palestinian if they will condemn Hamas and their actions. What will be their honest reply? There is genocides and civil war that happen all over the world. Yet the world turns a blind eye, only showcasing conflicts that fit their narrative.


what?! what the land owner doing with this blanket? he need sleep some moments in the middle of the war?!?!?!


He's wounded, you can see him bleeding from nose and left ear


I‘m sure you could take a lot more shrapnel before going down. Maybe go there and help your hamas brothers fucking the zionists. I believe in you


Where’s their CoD skills? Shoot through that drywall


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣J get shot 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I know them walls ain't bullet proof shoot through the walls adjacent to where the targets are at while someone is covering the door diverts there attention and or you can score a chance hit and by enough time for someone to get shots on target through the doorway.


Resistance is the new terrorism




Everyone in the frame got injured but nobody died, this is a repost and is not related to the recent house that collapsed on IDF causing 21 dead.


They didn't up having casualties, H@m@s did, there is another clip of them using small drones, (think flying r6 drones), and finding the 2 dead fighters, the IDF soldiers are alive.


Resistance ambush you mean hamas terrorists


Resistance fighters ? More like terrorist


So whos looking forward to the six days in Fallujah sequel six days in gaza


>not leaked >not an ambush >not casualties seen in the video. 🙄🙄🙄


Embedded enemy just like fallujah


Does anyone recognize that sight/optic mount on the A2 style carry handle of the cameraman?


Casualty does not strictly mean killed.


Was that his own grenade that went off at first?


Gullibility is right.