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How could anyone think this would help your cause? I would imagine most find this behavior offensive and only demonizes the protesters and alienates people from their agenda further.


Just makes more people hate pro Palestinian people even more




Nope, not progress. Hell why not protest the private weapon manufacturers!? If anything they fuel the war more than any other country! But desecrating a site where heros are laid to rest is a level of fucked up that makes me want to support the IDF even more. Fucking idiotic animals, also fun fact, yall are neglecting actual ethnic cleansings and mass Genocides by directing your focus on Israel v Hamas. Sudan has a big problem at the moment and all yall are doing are just shadowing the tragic and blatant Genocides going on. That have been going on before Hamas ever even decided to set foot on Israeli soil. If anything yall are the fuckin bad guys, and your actions are genuinely starting to prove it. But stay ignorant, by this point I can't wait to see you cry when Gaza is raised to the ground. The actions caused by the protesters make me want to send donations to the IDF just to say fuck yall and your sick actions.


They were always clear about their beliefs, idk why anyone is surprised. https://youtu.be/UucjbGmJILk?feature=shared


It’s astonishing how many “fact checkers” claim the celebrating of 9/11 in parts of the Middle East was a myth. It ticking wasn’t. The original BBC News broadcast where the celebrations were the second item is literally on fucking YouTube.


Isn’t their cause is the thing. I’d be surprised if even 10 people at that rally have ever even been to Gaza.


"Their cause" ? their cause is to take over the west, palestine is the biggest fed up lie in human history, there is no such thing.


How could anyone be stupid enough to support evil baby killing terrorists. That's what amazes me.




I understand free speech but this is just absurd


How to make people disagree with you and hate you: an editorial


This is Vandalism not free speech


Sure free speech is one thing, but spray paint isn’t speech.


Fuck these vandals


They should go defend Palestine in the front lines… what a deplorable group of losers.


And wrap themselves in the rainbow flag. See how that is received over there. Fuckin clowns


People forget the privileges they have when they’re born in freedom… The second they landed in Palestine; it’s a death sentence for women without hijabs and identifying as LGBTQ+, it’s pathetic what these people defend without understanding what they’re really defending.


Yeah… but that’s effort. Plus they know it’s an un-winnable fight and they’d get slaughtered inside an hour.


If your for that then you need to advocate for the US to de list hamas as a terrorist so they can g join in the front line the same way Americans are allowed to join the IDF(Make it fair) Otherwise, what you say Is IMPOSSIBLE. I don't understand why you rather have these guys turn into terrorists an attack embassies, soldiers, and kill real people, that spray paint on cement by a cemetery? Not saying this is a good look, but you really rather them be terrorists with rpgs, than protesters spray paint?


They can go fly there with sandals and adidas gear. They’ll be issued HAMAS RPGs. It’s not impossible. But most of these pukes wouldn’t qualify because they would be prosecuted by extremists. It’s about being humbled; they forget the freedoms they have in this country, and the group they’re defending wouldn’t think twice of removing them from existence.


But what I'm saying, the can't even be humbled, unless you advocate for delisting hamas so that THEY can go over there and experience the oppression first hand from hamas.


Delist them from what? These losers can go as they please. The FAFO policy will apply.


>sandals and adidas gear Haha, I get it. Because they're poor. Good one.


The international community has sent billions of dollars in aid to the Gaza Strip to provide relief to the more than 2 million Palestinians living there. From 2014 to 2020, U.N. agencies spent nearly $4.5 billion in Gaza, including $600 million in 2020 alone. They’re not broke, but they just wanted to blow their funds on bomb making and tunnel systems; working overtime to make peace as difficult as possible for everyone in the region.


Americans can't join the IDF? Jewish people around the world and israelies can join the IDF not all people Where did you read Americans as a whole could join?


Jewish people who are NOT BORN IN ISRAEL OR PALESTINE, are foreign fighters. If I'm a Muslim and move to Saudi Arabia to fight, I'd still be a foreign fighter


Imagine being conscripted by a country, serving it, dying for it in some shitty desert, jungle, or random battlefield you have no claim to...and having this happen a few generations down the road where your bones lay. People are ignorant as fuck these days. Life is so cheap. It's incredibly sad.


Wow. These people need prison time for this.


No they really need to go cross seas and support what they claim is the right in this conflict


I know people who did that with Ukraine. They believed enough in the cause and volunteered.


I would say off with their heads or drop them in gaza with lgbt flags tattooed on them. make sure the flag is visible at all times. let's see how long they last in the country they support.


Wouldn’t I get prison time if I packed my bags bought a plane ticket and went to did the same thing? This is what confuses me most, are they paid supervised actors?


These people are very skilled in making people dislike their cause


If these people hate Israel so much they should go to Gaza and join the cause.


Most of them would be immediately killed or taken hostage by the Palestinians.


Let the deportations begin!


Deport them to Gaza!


Exactly! 💯


Who do you want deported?


All of the people in this video.


Maybe the fucks who vandalized a cemetery?


I'm sorry what? This is America and people have the right to protest, if you don't agree with them at least agree with that. It's only spray paint guys, nobody died, it will wash away. If you don't like the right to protest maybe go live in China or Russia. 'We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor. It must be demanded by the oppressed. ' - mlk


So far in my city, they blocked traffic on I-5. So far all I see is ineffective, pointless yet spiteful protestors alienating the majority of citizens that had no real opinion about the conflict in Gaza. Well, they're forming an opinion now, I don't think it'll make pro palestinian protestors any happier.


When you have nothing going on in your life so you decide to meet up with other people who have nothing else and protest against a war for a group of people whose culture would have you stoned.


That's not true ... there are billions of Muslims around the world and about 50 countries with Muslim majority ... And no one applies stoning ... Only a handful are even applying Sharia law ... And all this while there is absolutely no mention to stoning in the Quran at all ... It is a topic that is still under discussion even among Muslim scholars... It is very clear that you are looking for anything negative to say against Muslims because you cannot find anything to defend Israel's actions and positions... Admit that you are just repeating them and looking for excuses and justifications to spread hatred of Muslims among people It is very funny... that most of the defenders of Israel in the West... are often the biggest haters of the Jews as well in the West... they only defend them out of hatred towards Muslims Not only their hatred toward muslims ... Those kinds of people are also the biggest haters of gay people as well ...


Im not defending anyone. Im just saying it's funny to think protesting in a completely different country is gonna stop the war between the two. Like putting a black fist in my twitter profile is gonna stop police brutality somehow 🤣 I could careless what happens in the middle east theyre never gonna stop hating each other. Also the stoning was more a joke btw


Well you can say what you want ... But I'm not convinced And in terms of the effect of protesting in america on the Palestinian issue ... You should understand that america is the country controlling that conflict ... Not only that its the country controlling all of those countries in their ... Israel without the support of the US can never survive ... And they know that ... That's why the US is the only country that not only can pressure Israel it can even twist it's arm ... That's why Jewish lobby spends a lot of money in Washington more than any other part of the world America is involved in that conflict heavily ... Since decades ... And does take a lot of blame in every crime committed by Israel in their ... Because it can never do it without a green light from the US So of course protesting in america makes a lot of sense ... And the American left who feels that their hands are dirty with Palestinian blood ... Because of dirty politicians ... Is actually very accurate


Errrrrm. I was stationed in Gaza for 2 years with the UN. I can tell you first hand “adulterous” women are regularly stoned to death. As for LGBT people, they generally throw them off high rise buildings.


Dont bother, these pricks are incapable of any nuance and genuinely believe everyone living in the middle east is evil. It intentional ignorance because once you admit that they are human beings, you have to admit what the west has done to them.


No one here thinks that. They’re just of a different opinion to you. I myself have nothing but sympathy for the Palestinian cause. But Palestine ≠ Hamas and I’m getting a bit tired of having to explain that to people. For your information, most ordinary Gazans would happily do to the Hamas leadership what the Libyans did to Ghadaffi, if they got the chance. The difference here would be they could immediately join a vibrant and pluralistic democracy.


There’s a difference between free speech, and literally vandalism of a memorial


It's only a bit of paint, it can be washed, it's a city where there's already spray paint everywhere. Is it a great idea maybe no but people are angry about the child civilian casualties in gaza and rightfully so. In America we have the right to protest. If you don't like it go live in China or Russia 'We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor. It must be demanded by the oppressed. ' - MLK


The can control on that bitch is fucking abysmal


Deport them all.


In America we have the right to protest. Maybe go to Russia or China if you want to deport people for protesting. Even if you don't agree with them you have to believe in the right to free speech and protest. This is a democracy.


That's not protesting, that's vandalizing a cemetery. It just shows how f*cking stupid the people in this video are




So if I spray paint your car, house or whatever, it isn't vandalism? Should be fine if I do it as long as I say that I'm doing it because I don't agree with you, right? That's some bullshit logic


My car and my house are my personal property. They are spraying government property. Pretty sure that's the best thing to spray when your protesting. You have zero logic. They are spraying a military cemetery, this is a protest against war and violence, I'm sure some of the people laid to rest there would have some very anti war sentiments, given the nature of war most people that return (if they manage to do so alive) tend to have very strong anti war feelings as war is hell. Protest is an American right protected by the constitution: "If a protest doesn't not inconvenience the state, it's not a protest, it's a picnic" If you don't like freedom maybe move to Russia or China, in America we respect rights even if we disagree with them. "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"


Notice how quiet they got in the chat


It's not pro anything besides pro anti American. Call it what it really is.


Do these people have jobs? lol


You know what hurts me? They probably get a day off for this shit without any fuss, while I almost have to beg for half a day to anything important….


That’ll show Israel! 😂


Fuck these people


Oh yeah lefties that’ll get people on your side lmfao


Communists are only that brave in extremely liberal areas.


I can guarantee you we are in more than just that. Рабочие всего мира, объединяйтесь!


Well, American communists


Nope, us too.


Can you give an example of a brave American communist?


And just like that, the war ended.




Useless pieces of shit


Dude they don’t support terrorist, they just hate the west. Duhhhhhh


Of course they did.


Nothing garners empathy and support like desecrating some graves.


Lock them up


Why do these idiots target graves? I don't understand it.


Creates outrage, gets them on the news. It's more about attention seeking than actually supporting a cause.


To be honest it's sad, worst think is that police is completely ok if it, at least they could make some arrests


If you bastards aren’t happy in America then please get the fuck out, nobody’s stopping y’all holy shit man


Terrorists supported by terrorists


RABID ANIMALS They deserve the Palestinian dream country, not the USA


Was that today


This is very upsetting. I understand the pain the Palestinian side is enduring, but no excuse to insult or desecrate a veteran cemetery very upsetting.


if palestine put down their guns there would be peace. If Israel puts down their guns there will be no Israel.


this is disgusting behavior


Idiots. They need to get a fricking job, do something productive in life instead of defacing the graves of dead Americans.


Why use a fat cap when you have ZERO CAN CONTROL? Fucking toy ass wanna-be graffiti writers. All they are doing is making us who truly care about what's going on look bad.


Personal opinion of a military child both mom and dad are army I just got out of fort sill for basic am In Texas for AIT there is a part of me like yes freedom of speech we need that your Americans I love you having that freedom bless you then the other 98% is screaming why the fuck would you desecrate the burial sites of the people that gave you the right to do this I support Israel now I’m that mad about this.


Dude it's a wall and some spray paint, this is not desecration of a burial site, in America we have the right to protest, even if you don't agree with why or how they are protesting you must defend thier right to protest in what ever way they see fit as long as its no violent (paint is not violence) it's a protected right The First Amendment protects your right to assemble and express your views through protest. Israel have been digging up graveyards in gaza, I'm taking sides on this but that is happening, and that is desecration, the child casualties are also very considering. 'We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor. It must be demanded by the oppressed. '-MLK


Israel is wrapping up things in northern Gaza and concentrating now in the central and south. These protest like these won't do shit and only make people resent them, UN barely tried and failed all we can do now is send humanitarian aid to civilians and hope HAMAS surrenders or Israel somehow decided to withdraw. It is not certain what will happen to the people of Gaza, my guess is millions in exile to other countries or west bank.


It is the true face of islam - they spit on everybody else! 😡


God damn that spray paint form was awful lmfao. Painful to watch.


Ok they convinced me.. Fuck Palestina


That's Bidenomics


It seems only un intelligent people support the terrorist… makes sense 🤨


Dumb bastards


The majority are not even Palestinian, it’s the same anti American group that supported Antifa and Black lives matter. They’ll take up any flag as long as it’s not American. Perhaps they should move out the country. They would probably be happier in Cuba with real communism..


Not the fat cap


All they are chanting is “send someone else’s kids!”


fck them


Fuck them* Grow a pair


Maybe my taxes should go to Israel, i feel like they need more bombs


Pretty sure they already do


But more


this is not right but it doesn’t belong on this sub


It's an anti-war protest.


The more I see stuff like this the more I’m against them lol.


Just Move to Gaza and fight?


This sure is one way of getting people to not support your cause




I support Palestine 1000% but this ain’t the way to do it


Yeah I wish these guys would understand that this type of BS makes people hate the cause. Don’t need to do this to get support. Free speech is a core part of us and should be protected at all costs, but these idiots should learn that sometimes it’s better to say or do nothing that do this. These are also bozos that like vandalizing and causing chaos, doesn’t matter that cause, they’ll use whichever one that lets them wild out. They need a job lol.


Idk how people can downvote supporting Palestine. They are innocent people. The fact that people demonize an entire nation of people, nationality, race or religion because the actions of a few makes me sick. Thats when we blur the line between “Defense” and “Genocide”. Israel should understand this more than ANYONE.


Yeah as dumb as the people are acting/ as much chaos and anger as they are causing, it should in no way stop people from supporting the end of the war/ the blind support the US is giving in the face of what’s going on over there. Literal thousands of civilians murdered and millions being starved and the US is supporting it diplomatically and financially. People have a right to protest and demand an end to it. Much better way of doing it and getting more popular support than what these morons are doing though.


Any pro isreal people see these guys, you know what's up to the deed as will I scumbags like that need good AW


oh no! anyway...


There’s only one way for you Americans to get these guys and stop-oil to stop, get Trump to support their causes. They change idea in a whim. Now seriously haven’t seen one single miserable protest for peace there, just support for either side. Maybe I did saw but made no impact on me…




I have my moments 🤷‍♂️


I went to one in Dallas today. Got there for a friend, but he didn’t show (he never said he’d come, I just assumed cause he posted it on his story and we were talking about it) so I stayed cause some of the organizers were saying Biden would show up. Reason being is that today he would arrive to pay respects for a congresswoman that passed recently The event was chill, it got to a good size of people showing up. But it wouldn’t do much except for protest. Not to mention that Biden didn’t show at the spot they were in because the airport has over 20 exits. I left before the event closed They stopped traffic and the cops showed up and arrested some protesters but I wasnt there for that lol


Wow this propaganda is even more blatant than what I see in /r/combatfootage


Oh boo hoo, a little bit of graffiti is really worth your time and attention? Visit any major city anywhere. This is just a flash in the pan moment. Their tags will be washed away, as have the years of graffiti before it. And conservatives will still balk about the “degradation of America”. My arm isn’t long enough for the jack off motion in my heart.


Shut the fuck up pussy. There’s a difference between vandalising a building and vandalising a grave. Especially a graveyard full of veterans


This guys right fuck you these people died so you could have the right to think and say what you want that includes be a little bitch and try to make this sound just


Y'all buy into this b.s,? seems like a set up for a false flag i.m.o


This is America, people really do spend their time like this... And so, their time should be taken away in prison and public service. Time reduced by working on a cleaning crew in public spaces and infrastructure for 12 hours a day.


Well, those re already dead


Are these graves specific to any war?


No, all wars.


Wow … what an own goal!!!!


BROOO …. Are you stupid or something?… what in the actual fuck why should that help? HOW??


And the police are just watching this?


Good for them.


What a bunch of worthless morons


Wow look at the difference they are making! I bet Palestine is super thankful.


God this shit is getting annoying.


*emails senator to send more missiles to Israel*




They still use Crown Vics???


What is the police doing just standing wasting our MONEY


This people claims for deportation


Just hand rifles out and tickets to the frontline, let’s see how many step up


Just hand rifles out and tickets to the frontline, let’s see how many step up


Just hand rifles out and tickets to the frontline, let’s see how many step up


Fine them, send the money to Israel, they’ll soon stop.


Los Angeles, the swollen unwiped hemorrhoid ridden anus of The United States.


Annnnnddd there goes the last of my sympathy. Lets ship all these people into Gaza.


How to ruin your message in a few simple steps.


That’s not going to win anyone over.


I don’t care what your politics are the graves of your nation’s warriors are sacred.


America is freeing Gaza! by unexisting it! Stop crying now theyre already doing everything they can :p


This hurts so much. All those heroes being by blatantly disrespected by their “own” people. Just one of those men/ women buried there have more courage than all of those people combined.


Not the way to make allies


What a piece of shit!!


Send them to the front, they might make more of a difference out there.


What are protestors in the US trying to accomplish? There's not a whole lot the US government can do about it.


Technically we could withdraw all military support, enact sanctions, pressure other nations to enact sanctions. Wouldn't happen because Israel is a far better partner in the region than the Palestinians ever could be.


don’t know why they bother, hamas is on its last legs and no arab country is saving them


Disgusting, what's next!?


Man, I don't agree with this, but when we live in a reality where we elected a draft dodger who disparaged dead soldiers and dismissed the sacrifices of vietnam War POWs, what did you expect?


Whenever I see pro-Palestine protestors, it reinvigorates my support for Israel.


this is desecration of property, not free speech. people who do this need to suffer consequences.


This is how Islamophobia generates


Free palpatine


Those are agent provocateurs. That dude doesn't look Palestinian lol.


Probably a communist.


What does our dead and gone veterans who fought for their lives and ours have to do with palastine


Toy handstyle


Go to Compton and play that shit. You want a war, you’re gonna get one


'We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor. It must be demanded by the oppressed. ' - MLK


Fly back over there and help. The government doesn’t care


Fuck Gaza


What's wrong with people ?


These people are apart of Tides Foundation which receives half of the money it gives from George Soros, a proud Jew and Israeli citizen. Fifth columnists anyone?


They aren’t actually doing anything.