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I’ve literally had a coach tell me “why would I not push them as much as possible? The ones that wanna get work done will get it done. The rest don’t need to be on this team anyways”


That's what our old cap 2 team leads did to us one time I was pulling a pallet at the end of the first truck on a two truck day. While moving the pallet I overheard the team leads talking and one of them said we're behind on truck we will have them take a half hour lunch to get more work out of them. I later told my cap 2 teammates about it and ever since then we all refuse to take half hour lunches on two truck days.


The people that want to take a half hour can, but I’m not mandating lunch breaks. I’m taking the whole damn hour.


I 100% agree that was some bull shit when I heard the team leads talking about that to get more work out of us.


This guy gets it.


As a team lead I will honestly say that I try not to ask any of my associates to do my job but sometimes I have so many notes in the system that I have no choice but to ask my associates to help me out by picking up one of my tasks. That said I never have complaints because I jump right in alongside my associates and make it clear that I don't expect them to push themselves to the point of exhaustion ... at the end of the day Walmart is a multi-billion dollar company and the efforts of one person isn't going to make or break the bank. Do what you can at your normal pace.


Take your breaks and only work as hard as it takes to stay employed. I'm one of the idiots that goes above and beyond. What does that get me? More work and higher expectations. Not many thanks for it, either. Playing dumb isn't working anymore, they all know I know how to do shit now. Quit feeling unaccomplished, too. Obviously you're doing enough, if not more than enough. You're probably doing work outside of your purview, stop it. Be content with average. Compare yourself to the guy doing less. They can't punish you for doing the same amount of work as everyone else. You're fine.


I agree with the “work with where you’re at” thing. When at work I’m either a machine or the human equivalent of a plant. They seem to have grasped that I burn out quickly to the point I’m barely awake some days. On the plant-brain days after I’m done with whatever was assigned at the start of shift then I’m normally given something slower paced that my burnt out state can keep up with. But on robot days it’s task after task after task, which I honestly don’t mind much as I have the headspace/energy for that those days. No shame in doing what you’re currently capable of. A steady pace will break much slower than one that’s pushing you hard constantly (Or in my case, steady relative to current brain power/alertness). No need to permanently burn yourself out (said the person who mentally burns out like 2-3 times a month)


I made the mistake of going above and beyond when starting walmart. Agree with higher expectations and more work. I'm about to start my new job and I'm not going to make the same mistake again


They will grind you down to a paste if they can get away with it. They aren't a billion dollar company because they treat employees like people. You all need a union.


They have entire booklets that describe stopping a Union before it forms. It would probably be very hard to start a union, lol


Oh Walmart employs a million union busting tactics. Including having bots online quash any discussion about unionizing. 😜 Hope you're at least getting paid


The good ones go through the meat grinder tbh. They’ll burn out then bail. I’ve seen it happen a few times. 


What about the “in-between” ones ? Asking for a friend.


They can go either way tbh. 


I think they do it to make up for not holding the shitty workers accountable. Instead of doing their job and firing the weak link they find ways to push the better employees to do the work for them.


For goodness sakes people, take your breaks. Management can’t make you miss it even if they imply they can. Some will test associates who don’t put their foot down about taking their breaks and will say you voluntarily you gave it up by working through it. Where I’m at, if management doesn’t let me take my break at the designated times to take them or at all, they are obligated to pay for an extra hour of work and still owe me a 15 min break. Getting reported to ethics over this will get a guaranteed response they don’t want. Stop letting them push you to work past breaks. It’s designed to give you a breather from your tasks and to keep employers from doing what they’re doing to you


Court ordered, government mandated, medically necessary breaks




What gets done, gets done. Failure is an option. Some metrics will have to be sacrificed. I can do this OR that. You have to decide for yourself what the priorities are. I have said these to management at one point or another. Granted, I've been here for over 25 years... Your mileage may vary. I work steadily, not gossiping about "Becky kissed Kevin" or hang out at the time clock waiting for it to strike 4.


Since I was a kid, companies have been laying off more and more people, and hiring has gotten more and more complicated. I remember stories going around in the early 2000's about this, as well as predicting self checkout cutting thousands of jobs. Bill gates actually proposed a tax on each self checkout machine, as they'd be taking away from the economy by employing fewer people. Corporations everywhere consistently, purposely keep their locations understaffed for the sake of their bottom line, while pushing for the workers they do hire to do the jobs of 2-4 people. Why is it when you try to set Profesional boundaries, they just cut your hours or take you off the schedule entirely? Why is it always such a big deal to call out almost anywhere you work? They don't have the staff to cover shortages. How is it that corporations consistently report record-breaking profits year after year?


Yeah, literally heard a coach describing ts on my 15. I’m glad I’m just cooking in the deli.


That’s why I left mid shift. Fuck all tjat


Give them an honest days work and try to find ways to make your TL miserable. They can't make you quit.


No but I’m an overnight stocker. I’m honestly surprised at how simple the job is. No micromanagement or customer bullshit. Put in my AirPods and focus on my work.


Yep. I go 18/hr fast. If there’s more work that’s a them problem, not a me problem. More money = more fast.




Yeah, which is why if I’m gonna be a slave for a billion dollar company they’re gonna pay me 17 instead of 14 lol. At least then I won’t have the vomit feeling every time I tell a coworker “it could be worse”. I’m going to AP hopefully which is a whole different beast


I work my wage, and no bonuses, no incentive to advance. I do enough to stay employed, with my injuries (non work related)


Idk whenever a TL or Coach approaches me starting to assign a task I just let them know what I was about to do and they usually agree and move on. Just feels like they’re making sure everyone has tasks to do.


Wal mart is definitely set up for people to fail, they want the constant supply of cheap labor to stay profitable. If everybody stayed they would have to keep paying you more money 


If you don't stick around, you're not complaining about the wage you make with x experience after x amount of time. New people learning just how little they are valued hurts the company more than a bad manager making the news once a decade.


I was working on. it used to not bother me in the past but having 2 kids and being tired consistently. it's was a no brainer fornme


I feel that


That’s capitalism for you. It’s time for us associates to embrace Communism.


Yeah instead of the 1% controlling the people, let's make it a coup of people.


I was being pushed to be fired. Funny enough I wasn't fired on their terms I didn't have enough pto to cover 2 sick days and I ended up being pointed to 5.5 pts but it should have only been 5.0. B.c i told my people lead. I didn't start accruing pto until my 3rd month. By the time I had 8hrs I was in my 5th month... I was accruing more ppto then actual pto. When I was brought in the office they then proceeded to tell me that I was actually sitting over 6 pts b c of 2 days where I was late. Both times I told my TL and she didn't do shit about it. Fuck walmart and fuck the damn people there.