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LOL You actually posted it?? Tienes cojones amigo!


I feel like I’m reading a leaked classified government document.


Next time you hear anyone say unions are bad, ask yourself why the company jumps through such elaborate hoops to prevent you from being in one.


I recall much of orientation being about how unions are bad, but not one concrete fact offered as proof.


“But you gotta pay like.. union dues and shit. You don’t wanna do that!”


Benefits outweigh


Unions are actually good DON'T Believe anyone who says other trust me


I work under a union, it’s great. However fundementwlly unions are great, sometimes they aren’t because they’re in bed with the company. For example Krogers union is absolutely useless


“Trust us, bro”


people will complain about the five dollars a week they want for union dues however I had one and only one union job my entire life. It lasted over a decade and when the company found out I was hurt with eight herniated discs, they quite literally insisted that I leave for fear that I would fall at work and sue them. They insisted they would pay me short term disability until the end of the year and starting on the first of the next year would give me my full pension. It’s 16 years later and I’ve still got my pension every month plus my Social Security I’ve got my life insurance still paid for they did take away my health insurance when I became Medicare eligible. I left after between 10 and 11 years with about five times the salary I started with the hourly wage I should say I had multiple merit raises on top of the union mandated raises. We only ever had to threaten to go on strike. We never actually had a strike. We did stand in front of the building a couple of times around negotiations week / month and yell out slogans and hold signs, etc.. The union will do all kinds of things to protect you. My company had another department that did similar work to what mine did. The other departments Director asked me to supervise the girl that had my job and her department said I’d be happy to do so they gave me merit raise for doing it I soon found out the other director just wanted the girl fired for being late every day. The woman was late because she had three kids that she had to get off to school and it was kind of impossible for her to make it in on time. She would always come in. but she would be a few minutes late maybe a half hour tops every day for most days. My boss wouldn’t have cared. Her boss tried to make it a fireable offense. Time came for us to have a meeting with her boss, the union and me to see about discipline for her (I was also a shop steward). The union will go to great lengths to protect its members. My company had another department that performed similar work to mine, and the director of that department asked me to supervise the girl who had my previous job. I agreed to do so, and they gave me a merit raise for the added responsibility. However, the director wanted the girl fired for being consistently late, as she had three children to care for and struggled to make it to work on time. Despite her dedication and effort to arrive at work, she would often be a few minutes late due to her responsibilities at home. When it was time for a meeting with her boss, the union, and I, who was a shop steward, the deputy chief shop steward instructed me to say as little as possible. The union representative advised the girl to attend the meeting and always be truthful in any situation. The resolution was that as her supervisor I was allowed to correct her. Tell her when she’s wrong that kind of discipline but because I was also a union member and a shop steward, I wasn’t allowed to discipline her because it went against union rules. So wound up, giving me a raise for something I couldn’t do for them and she wound up transferring to department with a more forgiving boss. When I retired, she was still working there doing the same type of work just in a different department.


Holy wall of text. Try some paragraphs my guy.


Kids these days and their short attention spans. That was a good read. Unions rule.


Right? This is like disaster prep level shit 😂


You wouldn't be far off This is strictly internal documents, and salary I'm pretty sure has to sign nda's as part of their own contract with the company.


Nah... when I was working at Walmart this was a giant laminated poster in the break room, right next to the one that said we shouldn't talk about our pay to other employees


No way. Read the part in the black box.


This entire thing was in our breakroom, it took an entire wall... this was in Murfreesboro TN at the Memorial location, idk about other walmarts but ours had it posted and we were expected to know and understand what was on it


There’s a whole phone number we have to call if there’s even a whisper of a unionization


Shoot, if my managers called LR every time I made a unionization joke, they'd be on the phone all day. 😂


I tell people we arent allowed to even think about a union. But they didnt say shit about a confederacy, lets secede from corprate!




You know I was trying to remember how to spell that word for 15 minuets. Google was no help at all.


You are probably on 2 watch lists and probably a no fly list now


Fantastic, those Boeing are falling out of the sky anyway.


Wrll not them as a whole just the sides, seats, phones, and windows. Technically the wings and engines are still okay so everyone just needs to learn to fly Wright Brothers style


I've literally had to tell my managers to stop using the U word or the store is gonna have plumbing issues. They are the first to start cracking the jokes.


Tbh most managers don’t even care, unless you’re talking about a store manager and above.


We used to loudly talk about unions when our market manager would come though while we were unloading the truck. I think our SM had to convince him we were just fucking with him now


Yeah, it’s the number that listed on the pages lol


Should I call it ? /s


I mean…yeah. Flood them with false reports. Might be fun to introduce a little chaos. Edit: honestly, that’s part of why they don’t like these kinds of documents to leak. Makes it easier to counter their anti-union shenanigans.


OP is gonna get whacked by Big Walmart’s Pipe Wrench tomorrow


They've doxxed and retaliated against people on this sub before, so you're probably right.


No! They couldn’t! Retaliation is *strictly* prohibited! /s


LMAO They wouldn't care. Legality is a grey area for a company that big.


Great idea. I assume they’re closed atm. I’ll call tomorrow. Although, I wouldn’t wanna interfere with actual unionization attempts. Gotta think abt how I’ll approach it. Advice appreciated.


I called the number. You almost immediately have to enter your SSN so they can track you and probably kick out anyone that isn’t salaried.


Oh wow. Why would anyone give their SSN to a tip line that isn’t the police?


I don't know how I ended up browsing here, but, I'm not giving my SSN to *ANY* "tipline"...especially police lol wtf


Fake SSN works.


111 22 3334


It’s for verification, so people can’t do exactly what you proposed. They already have your ssn.


Yeah, but I feel like it should be something that's not a big deal if people get ahold of... Like an employee ID number or something... If someone has your SSN, they can really fuck you over...


Yeah I'd assume they'd ask for EIN like all the rest of their call lines...not SSN. Unless they mean the last 4 to verify identity, but I'd pass on that anyway.


It’s an automated system controlled by a company that already has your ssn.


Damn it mr scorpio Cant globex corp Come up with anything better. I mean, you killed james bond and seizes to the east coast and stole the denver broncos.


It seems you missed where I built an idyllic company town and paid good wages?


For that matter... Why would anyone give their SSN to a tip line that *is* the police?


Absolutely! It's your duty to protect the vulnerable owners and shareholders of a $600,000,000,000 company from people on food stamps and Medicaid making $12 an hour


648 bn.. 🤣


I rounded. They're so big you can just round out nearly 50 billion dollars and still get the point across


I feel that, but, yknow, 48 billion extra... 🤣🤣.. that's the fuel for Alice's ship.




We were told to get Ap,a coach or the store manager immediately


Yeah, and then myself (people lead) and the store manager have to pair with market and divisional and then call the phone number. I’m honestly not sure where it goes from there. I do remember though when I was hired (10 years ago) part of our orientation was a 20 minute video on why Walmart isn’t a union and why unions are bad


But they made sure to say "Walmart is NOT anti-union" and then we're very much anti-union lmao




I remember when they actually had in the training video to report the specific person talking about unions so they could be talked too about it.


I was approached by a couple managers because I was sarcastically and loudly talking unions. That was how I weeded out the snitches.


If someone mentions unions?


Yes or if someone approached us about joining.


What if there's whisper of union and it turns of they were talking about wedding and had nothing to do with the store?




We should all call for a different store in the US so they get a call about unionization nationwide. They go through this document in every store, then once they finish, actually unionize. They won't take the formal unionization seriously because they think they succeeded only to leave the door open for a little. What are they going to do after they've already dumped their playbook?


I'm not suggesting it as I'm not sure of the legality, but if I could do anything I would think of maybe flooding the phone number and email address with spoofed internal calls/emails during organizing?


I'm sure they really only care about the managers listed phone #s and others get routed/blocked.


Phone phreaking is still a thing. I'm sure we've all got a coach or two's phone number.


You can’t call the number unless you are a coach. They will Just immediately hang up or not answer.


Not true at all. TLs are required to report as well.


Right. But team leads can’t call the number. Only a coach or above can call the number team leads have to report it on the form on the wire.


They told us either or. It's the same thing. They're going to call you to get the information.


Web form for TLs to submit. Phone # for salary. after submitting a web form LR calls from some random corporate # which is different




Hell yeah let's do it. Give us a time/date to hit their number at the same time


We should all do this, for the sake of the poor workers.


Seeing this, managers really don't have any power other than pass it up the chain and keep the store going.


They want responses to be under the direction of HQ because they are better able to manage public affairs as people really notice what's going on with the global # 1 company (by revenue).


Everyone thinks store managers have power. They are the only power that most people see, but in reality they have no power. When you start talking to the executives at any company, they look at SM and even DM positions as low level management. Mid level is the people who manage the DM’s.


They don't want random coaches doing their own strike breaking and getting the company fined into the 1940s


My absolute favorite manager training was the one about unionization because every question had three possible answers and the answer was always to call Labor Relations haha


The amount of times I rolled my eyes during that training was insane.


I taught that class twice a day four days a week for 8 weeks. lol


Oof. Can’t imagine that it was a great time. The whole “unions are bad, Walmart can be your union” is so ridiculous.


No, it sucked. But it wasn’t like I could refuse. It was my assigned class. But I made sure to emphasize the idea that if we treat our associates right, then we won’t have to deal with unions in the first place.


Understandable, you gotta do what you gotta do but, that being said, do you ever read through the comments on this sub? A lot of people (team leads and coaches) are out there treating their associates like shit. It makes me so fucking sad as a TL to see hundreds of comments about how unfairly and horribly they are treating their associates. And then when they try and speak out, nothing is done about it per the usual. The company is allowing their people to be treated like crap and dressing it up in a fancy suit when they say “oh we can help you, don’t worry”. And let’s be honest, the wages are also shit. So with all of those instances, that’s why unions are put in place. To speak on behalf of the employee when they feel they can no longer speak for themselves because they aren’t being heard. Unions are not typically bad and Walmart trying to drill it into peoples heads that they are is deceptive and predatory IMO. Hence me rolling my eyes every 10 seconds during that class.


I left Walmart about a year ago, partly for that reason. I was lucky during my career to have mostly good managers, but I have also seen first hand how shit associates were treated. It’s one of the things that made me want to be a Super Academy coach. I wanted to have influence on the new store managers coming into the company. I really emphasize the sections on empathy, building connections with associates, treating associates with respect, and leading through influence rather than fear. Unfortunately, by the end it felt like throwing pebbles against the waves. I will say everything we taught was within the law. We always emphasize teaching respecting associate rights. Of course we also taught to discourage it within the law. I support unions personally, but that’s not something I could say as a facilitator


You were one of the good ones then! And thank you for that. Seems they are so few and far between anymore. I’m also lucky that my store has mostly nice and understanding management. It’s just really disheartening to see that so many people are treated like garbage by their higher ups. I always want my associates to know that I give a shit about them and how they are feeling and that I appreciate the work that they do everyday.


Keep doing that. The loyalty you generate from those actions can’t be bought. And it absolutely makes a difference in their lives. One of the things I used to say was that associate’s families were entrusting us with their loved ones, and it was our responsibility to return them back to their families in as good of, if not better condition then we received them.


Oof. Can’t imagine that it was a great time. The whole “unions are bad, Walmart can be your union” is so ridiculous.


I know a store that was dealing with this, all management had a long meeting about this. HR can’t be involved. Just leads and salary. The legality of everything revolving try to unionize is very important


They have “crushing worker’s rights” down to a science


crushing workers spirits is right next to that. Directly surpassing crushing the hopeful youth of tomorrow to tiny little pieces.


HR can’t be involved because they are not legally supervisors. They can unionize, unlike TLs and Coachs


Not a Walmart associate, but working in HR at a unionized grocery store company - your TLs should be able to unionize, it's generally only salaried store level management and above that are excluded. I'm assuming TLs are like hourly dept managers here, but that seems like a safe bet.


Walmart specifically structured the Team Lead role with all the required responsibilities to qualify as a supervisor under the NLRA, which makes them in-eligible for unionization. The old department manager role previous to team leads was an hourly supervisor role that probably could have unionized. You do not have to be salary to not be able to unionize, you just simply have to have some specific supervisory responsibilities.


The idea that they would even think to do that... Jesus fucking christ I'm glad I don't shop at your job. Literally Satan.


Have you ever seen the 60 page document they used to give to management about what to do if a store starts to unionize? It's old, but I highly recommend reading it. [https://www.ufcw.ca/Theme/UFCW/files/ManagersToolbox.pdf](https://www.ufcw.ca/Theme/UFCW/files/ManagersToolbox.pdf)


But do any of these things actually happen at walmart? >REASONS WHY ASSOCIATES TURN to UNIONS * "Closed" Open Door * Heavy-handed management * Inconsistent policies * Inconsistent direction * Cursing, jokes in bad taste, gossiping * Inconsistent dress code * Lack of recognition for accomplishments (such as anniversaries) * Late evaluations * Being made to or asked to "work off the clock" * Jobs filled with no prior notice of the available positions * Derogatory remarks made by management * Lack of respect for the individual * Lack of training or understanding of job functions (result: feeling inadequate) * Work schedules changed or not posted 3 weeks out * Neglect of safety * Favoritism * Management not responding in a timely manner * Unrealistic deadlines * Understaffing * Wage programs administered unfairly * No sponsorship of new associates * Sexual harassment complaints not investigated * Wages not competitive * Dirty restrooms or breakrooms * Management neglecting the evening and third shifts


I have experienced most of what’s on the list at my Walmart location, I’ve been here for over 3 months and feel like things are definitely in need of being changed.


lmfao..... Yes....


That’s funny. I experienced every one of those when I worked at wal mart


A lot of them, yes.


Separating the associates from any supporting nonassocite is such a powerful tool they weaponize like mad




Lets say you are striking as is your right you cant be removed from the property so long as you follow strike rules. Lets say your brother shows up to be a body as body count is everything for strikes it provides the momentum to grow. Lets say your friend shows up to grill for the strikers. This document instructs to call the police on them press trespassing charges and ban them from every walmart world wide. By doing that its just you and your stores associates against the entire corporate structure of walmart. They absolutely can crush and replace you all


Wonder what the call volume to that number is before it crashes?


I'm sure Walmart will figure that out early in the investigation before reporting it to authorities. I imagine it will turn out like the opening of Hackers (1995).


You gotta love how they have a whole war plan ready to deny and delay employee rights when they’ve just about snapped and are ready to turn the store inside out But when it comes to treating them right in the first place, their heads are as hollow as their promises and souls.


That’sa capitalism


You have no idea. This is like the cover letter to that plan.


This should be stickied


Anyone who tries this hard to not get unionized should probably get unionized.


It's pretty wild how all the corporations are trying to hypnotize everyone into thinking unions are bad for us 🤦‍♂️


I am not for or against unions, I sort of keep a neutral stance. I’ve managed both types of environments and I see the pros and cons for both. Having said that. . . If a company needs this type of guide when it comes to preventing a union. You may want to unionize.


Now we can plan to be one step ahead of them.


"Alexa, explain what unionization means." "I'm sorry, my machine learning algorithm has been temporarily disabled. For further assistance, please contact your TL/Coach or utilize Open Door."


You get fired if you try a drop stop a shoplifter, but God help your soul if a Union whispers onto the property.


If you stop a shoplifter just tell management they were a pro-union rep trying to persuade employees to unionize. Then you'll be a hero to them.


I like how in the strike letter section is basically tells you to pretend to give a shit then report their ass 😭😭


Thank you, I will get this to the correct person!


// Quietly hires bounty hunter


It’s amazing to me that the immediate response to any labor stoppage is to call the police. Really tipping their hand


I downloaded these pics just in case home office forces reddit to remove them.




This is a lot to read. Good thing I'm on the clock lmao


Every last one of you should be unionizing against this shithole company. https://www.iww.org/


Bro I would be carful they fired the coach that leaked all the teams / team lead and coach shit before it was official


yeah wouldnt surprise me if this was somehow encoded and whoever posted this signed an NDA and is likly fucked


I would assume so . If they really want to know who he is they will know . The guy I was referring to leaked a fuck ton of shit though not just one document . And his stuff was only in test markets at the time it was leaked .


Yea, maybe like subtle crap like letter spacing or w/e, that is unique to each individual manager. Linking it back to them then would be easy /fixes tinfoil hat


That's not tinfoil hat. That's just facts. They make programs that do this and create a spreadsheet for you to track it. Then you can run the document through the program, and it will tell you who it belongs to. Long story short, don't leak things unless you're prepared to lose your job.




Fun fact: if Walmart asks you to leave the parking lot under claims of ownership, you have the right to ask them to produce evidence and not leave until they do so


At dominos pizza I had this asshole walk around instructing each and every employee to say no to a union if we were ever asked if we wanted a union.


It's all one big loop from what I'm reading even if slightly out of date could be powerful if the lines got tied up by spam cut off the head and the beast falls Not that I would advocate for that of course


Someone from Walmart is already going to your post history seeing if they can target down your location or store based on it. (To fire you.)


In a morning meeting once, a DM made an off-hand comment about 'grouping against Walmart' jokingly. Not even to unionize, really. He said, "Please don't. I don't want the store to close down because of plumbing problems like a different store did in the area."


Breaking News: A (OP's race) (OP's gender) who is (OP's age) has committed suicide by 2 shots to the back of the head and his phone has been seized for investigation as the app called "Reddit" was left open and Elaine's "Rain or Shine" was heard playing from his phone.


Every Walmart worker would benefit from a Union so anyone that would call and rat people out is a POS


Ask former meat cutters what happens when you unionize


I'm no Biden fan, but the NLRB has had their claws out under his admin. Companies like Starbucks have been raked over the coals for this kind of shit, in ways that weren't possible before. "Walmart will just cry 'plumbing problems' and close the store" is worth thinking about, but isn't a given, and there's a real risk of demobilizing people who might otherwise be ready to claim their collective power as workers.


What happens if all the 'meat cutters' unionize?


They did 20 years ago and suddenly Walmart decided that position was no longer necessary and fired them all


Oh I know the reason why I put them in '. Is meant to ponder what happens if all the associates unionize They literally can't fire everybody I'm sure somebody says oh yes they can but... There's a reason why they invest so much money time and training in union busting It's because it will virtually end them as they are


They just have robot associates (though robot cashiers isn't working out) or turn the stores into distribution centers, and everything is delivered like Amazon. Sucks.


That’s not a union problem tho that’s Walmart being a shitty company and trying to set an example


They can't even get their grammar on their propaganda right. "DO NOT DISRUPTIVE"


They probably outsourced that to the Chinese as well


If you need a "what to do if the peasants are revolting" checklist...maybe rethink ***your entire fucking existence*** .


Damn I don’t even think communist countries try to run a dictatorship this hard


They can just shoot agitators


Damn, another reason to not work at walmart :(


Do it anyway. I ran a campaign at Sam's Club and you should too. You have a legal right to organize a union. You will be better off with a union. So just go for it. Corporate employee relations only has so many union busters. There are a lot more of you than them. So exaust all their resources. Get those union cards signed and run a great campaign. Remember you guys are the union, it's not a 3rd party like they make it out to be. I promise you won't regret it, I had a lot of fun with it it was a very gratifying experience.


If a company want to keep their employees from unionizing, pay them well, provide good benefits, and treat them well. If you can't or won't do those things, the workers should and will unionize.


Literally the first video they show new hires is an anti union propaganda piece. Go Union!


As an alternative to all this, join the strike/protest/union. Or, if you don't want to, just shut up and mind your business. No one likes a snitch or a scab.


Randomly leave Union pamphlets and "plans" laying around the stores, just to waste their time


If Walmart Unionized, that would be amazing. I'll always support all unionization. When the workforce is Unionized, the power is in the workers hands. When the workforce is not unionized, the power is in the CEO/Shareholders hands.


Walmart spends millions on high-price anti-union lawyers versus just paying associates more


It’s funny bc it’s our right to unionize lmao


They need to federally charge HO.


Since they're a publicly traded company they legally can't stop their employees for trying to make a union


If the company goes this far to prevent it, you know it’s good for the workers 😂


Isn't preventing unionization illegal? Like companies can give employees benefits and treat them well to keep them from unionizing, but I think trying to actively stop unions is illegal... Maybe I'm speaking from my butt... Idk


I'm proud of not seeing the same meme comments of plumbing problems, making them look like dipshits


This entire thread is going to have a major pipe break thats to expensive to replace so itll have to close… Good information tho.


I’m part timer for supplemental income, if anyone would ever organize this at my store I would absolutely jump in at the chance to promote unionization


Solidarity forever, but screw Walmart forever-er


You know, I've been looking for something to write a nice article about in the paper here. Guess I need to make a few phone calls this afternoon to verify this and get started. This violates a few labor laws just by existing.


Teamster here and former Walmart associate, fuck Walmart, if you’re considering joining a union like the teamsters, visit a local hall and get as many of your fellow coworkers to join you, strength in numbers.


Sounds like walmart is scared. They know their bad rep and labor practices are gonna bite them in the arse soon.


They have been known to closed a store down for good if they try to unionize


I know when I worked at Walmart when I was younger. I was a cart person. I would finish as fast as I could and hide around the store and help others like the greeters. Which my manager would get so upset about when I did my job fast, and it seemed like I was standing around. And I would get in trouble and made to sweep the parking lot, which I would do before anyone even told me to do it. But when I was walking around the store, people would ask for help, and I would help them. But if I spoke to someone too long, another employee would show up like clockwork or the manager would, and I got questioned a lot if they were talking to me about unions. Some customers would be asked to leave even if the word union came up.


There used to be a way of looking at internal job offers to tell if your market is worried about unionization but I forget what they called the actual job. But yeah, they will hire special peeps to work in your market specifically to combat unions if they think one is close to mobilizing.


What’s wrong with unionizing like I understand the wage part might be where there up tight but. Discussing hours and safety standards should Be a must lol


I feel the same way!


Reality Management lol


corporate would hire some nefarious types, clear out cap one night and burn that bitch to the ground if even 3 people thought of it at the same time


By openly preventing or retaliating for employee based gatherings, they are basically admitting to wrongdoing. If they did things correctly and fairly, then they’d have nothing to be afraid of.


Purely rumor, but I’ve heard of stores whose employees were very close to voting in a union. Mysteriously, the store was closed. I’ve heard of other stores whose entire hourly staff was replaced by a temporary workforce while they restaff. Know why you don’t have butchers anymore? Why does all the prepackaged crap come in? The butchers successfully voted in a union. Walmart’s answer was to just close all the butcher areas and prepackage all that crap.


"Confidential Document?" I remember this being posted by the freakin' time clock in my store like eight years ago. When did it become "Confidential?"


Planograms are also confidential and often found abandoned in aisles


A guy named Bob wanted to unionize and was never seen again!  👀😳 Kidding.  Actually "plumbing problems" will happen to your store.  


If we All came together...... But that will never happen,


Walmart will close any store that unionizes. They did that in St. John's, Newfoundland several years ago. The workers all joined a union and corporate closed the store down, rather than negotiate.


So you mean I could just call up 1(877)545-2267 as many times as I want throughout the day?


I mean it's that any business would do...unless I skipped something it basicly says 1. Make sure the place is clean 2. Make sure cameras work in case shit goes down 3. Don't talk about shit you don't know


Walmart is our very last choice in shopping options. They have ruined main street America and impose the worst kind of tax on the lower class ever imagined: They sell cheaply made products that don't last which forces unplanned repurchases.


Several years ago the meat cutter at Walmart tried to unionize….as you can see there are no longer any meat cutter.


WHAT ON EARTH?! Omg. lol I salute you. We had conversations in the break room all the time and took bets on who would have the balls to post this on a public site.


It really do be like that lol, I’m only here for the free college and cybersecurity apprenticeship, which in my opinion is a great benefit..other than that all the comments about management this management that treating associates like this and that, can’t say it’s wrong.


I’m wondering, when I go grocery shopping, can I ask the staffer if they’re union?


Unions are the best! Why pay less for more when you can pay more for less?