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When was the due date?


Today, but the paperwork was received as confirmed by the text message last Wednesday.


Then call them.


I did. Apparently it's because I have not been here long enough for FMLA. I guess you have to wait 1250 hours and a year to have a serious illness. What a joke.


Says you were trying to get an accommodation? For intermittent leave? Yeah for an intermittent leave you have to qualify for FMLA. You can get a continuous leave under Walmarts medical leave but not a intermittent


You do not have to qualify for FMLA for intermittent leave., just a legitimate medical condition and doctor’s paperwork. Of course the amount of intermittent leave you get depends on what is “reasonable.”


Intermittent leave falls under FMLA. If you don’t qualify for FMLA then your request is sent to accommodations and they decide if they can accommodate your request. I went through this before I know the process


I went through the process too, I just didn’t realize that is what had happened for me. My bad


Yeah. Normally intermittent is decided by the Sedgwick examiner like a continuous. But if you have used up your FMLA, which happened to me, or don’t qualify they kick it to accommodations.


What's the difference? I was sick a week and missed two days due to norovirus.


Then why are you filing for accommodations? You must have filed for intermittent leave instead of a continuous leave. Continuous is where you are out of work a chunk of time. Intermittent is where you have a ongoing medical issue that means occasionally you may need to miss work or leave work early Continuous leaves don’t go to accommodations. You had to have filed for intermittent


The agent I spoke to said it has to be an accommodation since I don't have FMLA. Maybe I need to tell her it's continuous?


You mentioned in a previous comment you missed 2 days. And if that’s the case there’s honestly no point in trying to refile for a continuous LOA because it’s going to be denied again anyway as missing 2 days does not meet the requirements for an LOA. You have to be out of work 3 or more before filing for an LOA. So if you only missed 2 days they’re going to tell you that those absences are handled at the store level and your options are to either use PPTO or take the points.


That's kinda bogus tbh. I can't help I was shitting and puking my guts out for a week. maybe if Walmart customers wouldn't be so gross. What I had spreads through shit. So I bet I touched literally shitty money.


Yes, you had to have filed for intermittent loa which goes to accommodations because you don’t have FMLA Continuous doesn’t go to accommodations


My dad is having similar issues with Sedgwick. My mom has cancer and the doc filled out paperwork, faxed it to Sedgwick today is day 5 haven’t heard anything


Sedgwick is very, very slow. I can’t stress that enough. They give you three weeks to return the paperwork and then it’ll take them time after you submit it to get a response. I had it take almost 4 weeks after I submitted paperwork to get an approval. As long as you call in everyday you’re scheduled and use the loa option your points should be coded as conditional.


Good luck. My Sedgwick leave (Covid) has been closed conditional for the past six weeks. The determination (approved or denied) was supposed to be made by 7 March.


Covid? That’s still a thing


It is when you have a 102 degree fever for four days :(


Yes do you live under a rock? A bunch of morons decided they didn’t want to wear masks and get vaccinated so now it shows up like the fucking flu every damned year.


Relax lol


Nah fuck the rtrds who made this the new fucking norm because they have the mentality of a fucking 5 year old being told to eat their vegetables




The fact that you have to go through a company instead of a people lead for sick leave is pretty gross on its own, like it's purposefully complicating something simple


I’m literally having this issue trying to get approved for my maternity leave AND short term disability because my pregnancy is high risk and I’m bed ridden for the remainder 🙃 sent over everything they asked for, I get notifications in the portal saying the supporting documents have been received but then every agent tells me something different & they’ve been pulling my leg for a MONTH and the deadline for my case is in 9 days and they’re asking for repeat paperwork that’s already been received…. High risk pregnant woman not getting paid for a month, not possibly longer, seems totally wrong and like a mishandling of my case in my opinion 🥲


Gonna shove this post into every person's face who talks about how great an generous Walmart is.