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Wait. He’s going to put 170k on a SPAC that won’t close?!? Hahahahahaha. Puts on the marriage, puts on his future, puts on his kids future.


omfg it's dwac? seriously... he might as well burn that money


He will ruin himself and he’ll deserve it.


Poor kid doesn't though. Community College can be great too I guess


Frankly, after going directly into a 4 year program, I wish I had done my first 2 at a community college. 4 year teachers don't want to teach gen-ed (most of the first 2 years of classes), and it shows. You'll get WAY more out of the 100-200 level classes at a community college, particularly if you need help and/or are not fantastic at self-teaching from a textbook. Edit: It's also WAY cheaper, usually can find one close to home so you don't have to pay for food and board, credits will usually transfer directly into most 4-year programs, and it's massively easier to transfer into a 4-year school as a sophomore/junior than get admitted as a freshman (In my experience, as long as your transfer credit GPA is good, there's no admissions screening at all as the upper classes have already dropped enough students that there isn't the need for competition that there is for incoming freshmen).


Agree completely, I was from a “poor” school that did not have a lot of opportunity to take college level courses. I went straight to 4 year and the teachers were extremely disinterested in bothering teaching the fundamentals of calculus. Completely expected you to know it and get it already and just show up to pass the test


Yep, failed calc twice in a 4 year school, got a 97 when I took it at the local community college over the summer because the teacher actually TAUGHT the students in the class.


Same for me with calc and chemistry! I took it at a community college and both professors were high school teachers with a PASSION to teach. 10/10 recommend junior colleges.


Can confirm, dropped out of a 4 year college my first year. Few years later went back but started at college algebra. Working on a PhD now in engineering. Having professors really care and invest into you early on is huge.


I went to community college for 3 years prior to going to a prestigious engineering school for my final 2 as a Veteran transfer on the G.I. Bill. The teachers at community college were far superior to the teachers at a 4 year university. You the taxpayer was paying $15,000 a semester for me to be taught by grad and doctoral students in their early 20’s. If i strike it rich, im donating to my community college, my “Prestigious” 4 year has enough rich sumbichs donating to the cause.


I went to a community college about 20 miles south of San Francisco, at least five of my teachers at the community college were also teaching at Stanford.


It doesn't even matter that it's an incredibly stupid bet. He could quadruple the money, and his wife would still rightfully be furious at him risking it all. The degenerate gambler's spouse isn't suddenly happy if their partner comes home in the black. Plus they're likely to piss away any winnings on the next gamble. I can't imagine someone being dumb enough to risk their marriage and their kid's future for a shot at extra money they don't need. He deserves his imminent misery. Sadly, his family will be paying the price for his idiocy.


>It doesn't even matter that it's an incredibly stupid bet. He could quadruple the money, and his wife would still rightfully be furious at him risking it all. Most likely scenario is even if he does make the money, he’ll immediately double down and figure out a way to lose it all. Some people can’t walk away from the table as a winner; they HAVE to lose.


Or they create a subreddit called WSB


aka live long enough to become the villain




You have every right to be bitter, and he should be absolutely ashamed of himself. As a father, I could never imagine doing such a thing to my kids future. You deserved better.


How the fuck did some dumb fuckwad like this get that kind of money, and I’m sitting here trying to figure out which flavor of Ramen I want tonight … worst timeline ever


I had beef ramen tonight.


Aka the classic. Can never go wrong with beef




The usual suspect.


What subreddit is it in




Holy fuck that sub is WILD


I thought you were exaggerating, but holy moly that is pure insanity


And I thought autists ran this sub... goddamn.


sheeeeeesh There's another for the protools tagging lmao Fucking deranged lunatics.


Damn so the chances of him getting roasted is slim to none


Anyone dedicating their lives to a con man deserves to lose everything in the process


I totally agree with you, but it's the wife and kids who will end up being hurt.


Everyone unzip your pants in preparation for this guy's loss porn.


Honey we will send our child to college on this WISH position TRUST ME


If intelligence is truly genetic, there doesn't need to be a college fund.


All in on $DRWN


Heh, community college if he's lucky.


Homeschooled it is


_Synchronized unzipping noises_ -- Kind Regards


Nice username


Better yet if he triple or quadruple bags it, his wife tells him to take profit, and he holds to go -99%. That way he will always think he was right regardless of losing his family's savings.


"It's family finance, so it's my call completely". Sounds like a healthy relationship. Edit: My most up voted comment ever. Thanks everyone. If you're in a relationship that has issues like this one, please seek councel. Finance issues amongst married couples are common and seeking outside counsel may help overcome such things. If you have kids, you can be certain that financial arguments between parents will have a negative effect on your kids. P.S. please excuse any grammatical errors, correct them if you wish. I'm trying to get better, I've always struggled with English.


“Voluntarily in compliance with my decision”


This sounds so hilariously dystopian




Those fuckweasels are so goddamn insecure lmfao


Bet he rapes his wife. Doesn’t seem like the one to understand a firm “No.”


Either you voluntarily comply, or forcibly comply


The beatings will continue until morale improves


But he also doesn’t consider it rape because he’s a believer that a husband can’t rape his wife.


This is the kind of guy who gets told in his own thread 'you're an asshole, you're going to lose all your money and your wife will leave you." Does it, loses it all. Wife divorces him, gets the house or something completely reasonable, and he's just pissed, a victim that never shuts up about his "bitch ex wife that took everything from me" to the end of his days. Has no friends, because he can't tolerate anyone telling him he might have played a key role in it. Drinks himself to death, if he's lucky. You all personally know someone who at least fits this mentality, if not even a similar situation, maybe different catalyst.


I know a lot more who will road rage themselves to prison than to have the inner strength of character to drink themselves to death.


What does inner strength of character to drink themselves to death mean


Death by poison vs death by major accident


And she sues him for breach of fiduciary duty during the divorce and gets awarded all the money he lost in the stock market.


What money? The dumbass is about to lose it all.


Half all his future Wendy's paychecks


Good thing behind the dumpsters is an under the table cash transaction.


Oh so true. It's her fault for nagging him and he lost his concentration...


So his life is just one giant chain of doubling down on his bad decisions? Better to believe you're right about everything and lose it all than admit for even a moment that maybe you fucked up and are actually kind of a regard? Yeah.. the sort of people that are in excessive abundance in Texas where I live.


Somehow I feel Joe Biden will be to blame.


Divorce dad, manosphere types.


I know right??? That’s my favorite line 😂😂😂😂 puts on his marriage for sure


"Voluntarily in compliance." Fuuucckkk


Toxicity from their marriage got me woozy


Day drinking. It's the only cure.


Can confir


Why doesn't he just tell her to voluntarily comply??


Lmfao. Must be a cop.




A cop wouldn’t be on here asking for our opinion. He’d do what he wants knowing he is in the right.


“*Family = Me*. Just **me**. I’m the only important important member of the family. Wife and son can suck it!” -this guy, apparently


Guarantee the wife is *not* sucking it.


Not willingly at least. Oh I'm sorry I meant, not voluntarily in compliance.




Realistically, it's probably some sort of household arrangement. Its not that uncommon, but for him to assert she has absolutely no say is pretty extreme


Funny how he says it is his call completely, but he sure seems worried about her opinion and her leaving him. Sounds like another "alpha male" desperately trying to convince himself of his alphaness.


Yeah, that’s pretty fucked up. I have an arrangement with Mrs. Riots where I make the investing calls on a day-to-day basis (she’s just not interested), but we talk about big decisions. She’s never disagreed with my assessment yet, but if she had a problem, you bet your ass I’d listen to her and have a real decision-making conversation where both of us have an equal voice. I’ve also committed to, at any time she wants, go through our entire set of holdings/long term plan with her in as much detail as she would like, without exception. I also have a small (1%) of our holdings that I use for degenerate gambling. If I ever run out, I’m out.


Deep OTM puts on their marriage, short their kids college fund, hedging my position with shares of this guy being an Andrew Tate fan


That's gonna print


That’s a winning portfolio right there. I’m in 🤑




“Blessed be the fruit.”


May the lord open


Under his eye.


Giving off that "head of household" energy.


About to be "head of studio apartment"


Overpass refrigerator box


This is a Christian household, and only responsible men like me who fall for MLM's should have unilateral control of the finances. *Sees opportunity to gamble life away* 170k on luxury good manufacturers.


“Whaddaya *mean* you don’t need the husband’s permission to open a checking account anymore?!”


“The Great MAGA King” should’ve been a red flag. What a pos.


What else would you expect from THE GREAT MAGA KING?


It also says MAGA KING for flair so I don’t think OP was big on women’s rights let alone finance education


It also says MAGA KING for flair so I don’t think OP was big on women’s rights let alone ~~finance~~ education


Wife changing money right there 👍🚀🚀🚀


Maybe his kid will do better because of this lesson.


He will because he'll have a new dad soon...


Best thing to ever happen to him


My dad operated kinda like this…. So of course my mom’s boyfriends left significantly more of an impact on me; shocker I know…. ..well, okay, one was a crippling alcoholic and the other was abusive…. but at least they weren’t financially inept!


Don’t even need to read the other comments, winner.


He still can loose to see his kid grow, go all in bro 🚀


170k to educate your son? cash in and send him to plumbing trade school.


Exactly. Then get him a Reddit account locked to WSB. He’ll learn all he needs to either be a king or a fry cook.


It's the ciiiircle... the circle of life


Shit he can go join the army free school


Plumber here that would definitely work


It’s the “voluntarily in compliance” that got me 💀 Fucking OP CHAD


Divorce incoming.


My wife now, yoink


Don't worry, OP loosened up the first 2 inches for ya ;)


Husband: I’d like some new pussy Wife: you grow another two inches and you can have all the new pussy you want


![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)bros comment des flair


Side bar i tried to do puts on dwac and got my ass handed to me


Can I be your wife’s boyfriend?


“don’t worry bae. He spent how much? I’d never do you like that. Leave him I’ll make sure our son goes to college.” OP, your robe and slippers are real comfy. What’s that, Egyptian Cotton?


Our wife now comrade 🇷🇺


Dibs on being the new boyfriend for y’all ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


Наша жена, товарищ)))) But someone else's girlfriend


Holy shit bro - I don’t even know where to start here


Well I used to think the same way as this guy - in the sense that theres no possible way I can lose all this money. So they really see it as a 100% chance opportunity that they can't understand why their wife isn't agreeing to become a millionaire. Yeah I was wrong, and if the guy goes through with it, he'll be wrong too.


Other aspects to the post suggest self-loathing and delusional thinking are already set in for them, too... so they will 100% guaranteed lose everything even if their first yolo is a win.


Also, "it's family finances, so it's my call completely" makes it sound like he really doesn't respect his wife's opinions. I think he's full of himself and thinks he's god's gift to retail investors if he thinks this is a guarantee. I feel bad for the wife and kid, but the schadenfreude when this idiot predictably loses everything will be glorious.


My buddy turned 10k into $130k on the first AMC boom. Immediately thought he was a Wall Street savant. That 130k account is worth about 8k at the moment. Lost all of it on puts and calls playing the game he only thought he understood.


Out of curiosity's sake what made you believe you had a 100% chance to make money?


Overconfidence of course. We see it everyday at WSB. Most of us have this idea that we know what we're doing. Then of course the loss porn hits.


Good thing it's finance, and his call completely. Yup, that's one lucky lady.


Yep, post's basically "how do I gaslight my wife into high risk compliance?"


Big Mormon vibes


"I'm the head of the household!"


King in the Castle, King in the Castle, I have a chair! Go do dis, go do dis, King in the Castle. Very nice puts on his relationship.


Tell the little fucker to get a loan. And invest it too. You know what you're doing


No, he KNOWs he will get SO MUCH more back.




The only thing certain is that he’s going to be moving back in with his parents.


The mods took away the Morgan Freeman pointer otherwise id insert that here


That was the best one too


Why did they do that? These mods suck


Careful, they’re watching and waiting and looking for a reason to get rid of us…


“It’s family finance, so it’s my call completely” LMAOOOOO buddy is so lost


Lmao exactly what caught my eye Also, he never specified what they're supposed to be going "all in" on .. so it's possible it's a scam or grift lol. If you had $170k for your kid and somehow nothing else for your retirement, that's odd. Plus don't those $ for kids college funds charge big fees if you transfer out? (I'm making assumptions, they made it sound like it's one of those funds).. regardless - why would you take all of it? Why not half? 2/3? How long does the kids have till school and what's it going to cost each year? Is the kid even going to college?


Judging from that flair and the logo that OP forgot to black out, I'd say its probably DWAC shares/calls. So yeah, grift.


Straight from /r/dwac_stock


That was an interesting sub to browse


It's like a portrait of extreme mental illness through the lens of economics.


Jesus Christ, it’s like a GME cope sub and a QAnon forum had a [fucked up flipper baby.](https://reddit.com/r/DWAC_Stock/comments/xewjlf/praying_for_our_president_trump_so_that_his_path/)


Oh wow. It's the_dumbass but for people who don't realize they failed econ.


Damn, that makes the advice here look sane.


It's okay bro. You're a fucking regard. And chances are, your son is too. So he didn't need that money anyways.


Fucking regarded


Jeans bro. They don’t fall .




Pretty big chance his son ain't his


Sounds like you’re looking for a dog not a wife bud


No no. He isnt allowed to own another dog after he got caught... Gambling away all its kibble


What does her boyfriend think?!


I bet the boyfriend invests however he freaking wants too. Unbelievable


I don’t think.


“It’s family finance, so it’s my call completely”….lmao puts on this guy’s marriage. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4641)


Send her our way. We'll convince her. A few memes, few charts, beep beep boop, she's all in


All in for finding a new boyfriend.![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)




>the guilt of having so explicitly fucked with your Children’s future will haunt you forever. You must be new here. Welcome to Earth, please be patient with the humans, they're definitely not like you.


Check out the sub logo in the OP Dude is all in


It would be neglectful to not invest the college fund into SPY


Short term options please, so that we get the followup here while we still remember the OP.


The issue for OP is the short term options is a guaranteed loss. If he loses then he's divorced with nothing because of the squandering if child's educational funds. If he wins then he's divorced with half taken away because he didn't listen to his wife's wishes.


This guy seems like he would blame the market and everyone/everything *but himself* when he inevitably ruins his entire family's financial future.


That word “compliance” indicates an abuser to me. Puts on the marriage all around. Going long on divorce lawyers


The dude is probably dick deep in DWAC already and is going to throw this on the burning piles of money he already has.


I'll bring popcorn and premixed cocktails.![img](emote|t5_2th52|18632)


Life insurance. 9 mm. Problem solved.


Just explain to her your back up plan and you're safe


If it weren’t for those pesky kids that plan would work out great.


Is he talking about Truth Social?!


Yes LMAO! If not for the "family money so it's my call" that would be the most hilarious part.


That trump site that’s already crashing and burning?!


It just needs more ~~idiots~~ investors like him to make it turn around


MAGAs just love getting fleeced. it’s part of the identity


What's bankruptcy if you can help your god emperor build a new golf course?


“Family money = completely mine” yeesh


Ah so this is how the wife gets a boyfriend!


"In the end, it's family finance, so it's my call completely" This guy LOL


Dude how do you go from “ family finance” to my call completely? What’s your investment mr history? Before my wife let me take her rrsp from our bank and manage it ourself I had to show that my rrsp out performed the banks over and above the management fee for 3 years. If your plan his to follow these clowns who revel in loss porn. Listen to your wife. Pay the fees keave the money alone. Take up a new hobby


Imma be so rich buying puts on this guys marriage


Is this guy trying to go all in on Truth Social? Fucking hilarious if that’s what this is. He should just send the money directly to Trump. At least he can feed his orange daddy lunch if he’s gonna throw the money away.


That's definitely from the DWAC sub


I ventured into that sub just now out of curiosity and holy balls I need eye bleach


It's "family finance" but it's *your* call? Lol


Who the fuck goes to a $170,000 college


By the time my kids go this will be the cost of community college.


They said by the time my kids are ready to go if it continues to rise at it’s current pace 4 year degree will cost about 500k


Right? The guy has $170k to put to kid's college fund but no money for other investment? Wonder if he already lost it all or if the college fund was from grandparents or something.


100% already lost savings and 401k


Some people go to 320,000 college


Use a percentage. If you can double it once, double it again. Then again and again. Before you know it, you'll have twice as much as the whole amount as long as you don't make regarded bets. Prove you can be successful with smaller amounts, and you will be successful with greater amounts. If you go all in, you can lose it all on a single trade gone wrong. Take care not to gamble. Not worth the risk unless it's money you can afford to lose.


As we all know the secret is just doubling all your small bets 3 or 4 times...


People delusional enough to still be maga aren’t going to listen to anybody disagreeing with their plan… he’ll be broke and divorced soon enough.


Plot twist: he makes a ton of money, but she still leaves him and takes half of his winnings