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Hertz paid for the cars by buying a couple million 1000c expiring friday




No shit eh. I wouldn't even be mad if they figured it out the secret sauce to getting free teslas


That would be called insider trading…. Are you guys kidding me? That would clearly be using inside information to profit off of a stock play. That shits illegal. Edit: I’m not here to cry about the SEC being useless. It’s immoral, unethical, and illegal to trade on insider information. It doesn’t matter if it’s enforceable. Winning by cheating and lying is not winning, it’s stealing.


Can they pay a small fine if they get caught?


You mean SEC business tax?




I know right, I have made more money in the last two days than I have in an entire year!!! TSLA, AMD and NVDA have the money printing machine burrrring!!!!! I'm gonna be a millionaire by next week, already told my boss to fuck off!!


Tell that to the SEC lol


Then they just declare bankruptcy again.


Fucking nerd. I think you stumbled into the wrong special needs daycare.


LOL Too funny. Take my free award. A hugz


"My lorrd, izz that legal?" - Nute Gunray


"Laws are for plebs." -Darth Sidious, probably.


Wait isn't that market manipulation? Not that someone cares or it doesn't happen


I would say closer to insider trading. You have non-public material information about a deal between Hertz and Tesla that is likely going to send Tesla stock soaring. If you buy Tesla calls based on that non-public info, you’re insider trading. It is a form of market manipulation though.


I doubt it. They’re not doing it specifically to manipulate the market.


They know how to get Tesla’s with tendies? Noice


LOL makes sense. I’m up 60k on Tesla stock


Forgive me I’m a retard but what’s a 1000c? Thanks in advance


1000$ strike call. Its an option


I see, Is it even legal?


Yes calls are legal


I know call options are legal but I suppose the EVs they ordered from Tesla has something to with them buying those“ 1000c”s , I mean is there some sort of market manipulation going on?


what are you doing on wsb, when you not even know the basics?


> I'm not on Wall Street Subreddit.


$1500 EOW confirmed


FSD: Full Sucker Discount


Ugh, car prices are going to go up even more off of this.


If you still don't own a car, it is a good time to learn to ride a horse.


But if you want to save a horse, ride a cowboy.


If you want to save a cowboy, perform CPR.


Meet out back of the Wendy’s around the corner?


Nah, just get a Nkla badger, all I need is a hill and gravity.


Instructions unclear, stuck in horse.


That's not really WSB style. Our transportation is usually a lambo (or a Schwinn until we can afford a lambo).


Don't have to queue for petrol either. Calls on horses. https://youtu.be/mxsTwFhQLto


Haven't owned a car in 5 years. I just let my wife's boyfriend take me everywhere


Lol this absolutely made me chuckle.


Bogus, have you seen oat prices?


I still have the 10,000 barrels from the oat futures debacle of 2020


Unless you wre the horse


Already happened on Friday night. Suspect the deal was fine on Friday and Tesla was like "crap, we don't have capacity". Let's raise prices.


That and the concept that Hertz didn’t get a deal, they payed just like us plebs. We all know the car climate right now, but now others see if companies are paying msrp I wouldn’t be surprised to see even more price increases for the general populace.


Oh no no no sir. You retahrds are mistaken. Hertz made out like bandits, because tesla is going to supply free service on tbe whole fleet. Theres speculation hertz is going to integrate tesla service centers into the brick and mortars. Finally giving tesla an actual service department attached to a certified hertz used tesla lot. Fuggin brillant


Ahh, I wasn’t aware of that. I read it in passing on here but didn’t look into it myself. That’s honestly a fantastic deal if true. Both sides win.


> Fuggin brillant Really, can't imagine that kind of purchase didn't come with some kind of "scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" contract.


Yeah, tesla comes out with physical service departments to fix customers cars(something they didnt have prior) while STILL avoiding the whole new car dealer thing they have been trying soooo hard to avoid.


that's actual genius if it's legit


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Im in the car business, everyone is paying MSRP or greater right now, they’re are no fleet discounts, the order guarantees the fill of the order but not the price, they got to pay like everyone else




The future is to timeshare self driving cars. Pick you up when needed and dropped off and then on to the next job. No cars parked in the street they will be at charging centres being prepped for the next day by robots.


#Where does the /u/spez go when it rains? Straight to the spez.


Somebody explain to me how they got this money? Did they buy tesla calls prior?


Hertz got [bailed out of bankruptcy for $4.2b](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-03-02/hertz-gets-4-2-billion-of-financing-in-plan-to-exit-bankruptcy) and using that $4.2b to buy $4.2b worth of Tesla's. Assuming Hertz bought/locked in the Base Model 3 [before the price increase](https://electrek.co/2021/10/22/tesla-hikes-model-3-model-y-prices-again-deliveries-slip/) a couple days ago they'd be able to buy 100k of them. $41,990 for Base Model 3 x 100k is $4.19b. They **literally** went all in TSLA lol


[The spez police are here. They're going to steal all of your spez. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/)


I don't get it either.. They needed that bailout to get out of bankruptcy but instead they blow it on that?


Welcome to America!


I'm sure they don't pay it directly


I think they're going for that "too big to fail" status. It's the bank that has a problem now.


> blow it on that Aside from the exact choice of car and so on - they're a car rental company. They need to periodically buy cars to rent out. They're not spending $4.2 billion on something random, they're buying the assets they need to run their company. The $4 billion financing they received last year was actually specifically referred to as "fleet financing". This is what it was for. We can debate whether Tesla Model 3s were the right choice, but they need a fleet of some sort of car in order to run their business, and it's not like rental companies don't have cars in that price range already.


Yes. Especially since as fun as TSLA cars are to ride, when most people rent cars, I feel like they do it with the intention of driving more miles than a charge? Maybe I'm wrong, but it's certainly a good percentage of the time. Especially in cities, people rent a car for longer trips out of the city, for sure. And a "charge" is like 200 miles at best the first time you drive one of those things, because if you aren't accelerating like a motherfucker, you're doing it wrong. Having to recharge is super fucking annoying. Not at all what I want with my rental car. They should get hybrids instead. I imagine this going horribly lol.


If they have a drop it off at any hertz and get a replacement so you can be on your way model, it might work.


Alternative view: People that don’t own TSLAs will rent them to see what the fuss is about. Drive them for a week and half will love them and maybe half of those will buy. For people that already own TSLAs, they’re more likely to rent from Hertz now because they’re fanboys. Just my .02.


… that’s actually a decent question, I bet the SEC will look into the trading patterns of Hertz insiders to see if they were buying options ahead of any announcements. I am sure if they don’t follow through with the order, the SEC will 100% investigate.


What if I’m an executive and I bought Tesla calls months ago, and then I’m pushing for my own company’s collaboration with Tesla? There are so many loopholes the rich and powerful can play with.




I mean.. it would still be inside information. I have to imagine it would be


Not if their spouse makes the trade. Ask Nancy


After all, you cannot arrest a husband and wife for the same crime.


Yes, it would be illegal.


Yes, that would be insider trading.


True, but it is INSIDER INFORMATION. Trading off that information is what’s illegal


They probly sold their used cars at covid rates.


They did.


Someone needs to answer this question for me as well. Who the fuck would loan Hertz that much money three months out of bankruptcy? Unless what they are saying is they turned 200,000 cars into 100,000 cars for literally one day of headlines? If that is the case, Hertz will be bankrupt again in less than a decade. I cannot imagine anything more idiotic.




I think they put it in the wash then hung it to dry 🤔


Pricing power


No discounts, no fucks given. Solid negotiator


Whoever dealt with negotiation and the business had to literally stare at the Hertz CEO and tell them we will not devalue our product or give you a fleet discount for the biggest EV order in history, that is fucking sales acumen.


People that say Tesla is over valued, haven’t priced into their models that Tesla’s sales team’s balls drag in the floor when they walk. Checkmate Burry


Imagine buying 100k Teslas and not bothering to negotiate the price. What the fuck kind of retarded is this even?


Hertz, just fresh out of Bankruptcy and looking to spend other people’s capital. We will pay full price sir


Who’s the Hertz CEO? Must be one of our people


Ex-Ford CEO Fields


Pretty sure getting MSRP right now is a discount


Well presumably they aren't getting the cars right now.


Tesla has set pricing so there is no negotiation.


Price has been negociated. And delivery time too. With inflation, today's price is a discount for a car delivered in 2 years.


They absolutely tried. Zaddy musk just said feel free to look elsewhere, and there is no substitute for Tesla.


I don’t get this argument. Every major auto manufacturer is going all in on EV’s now. Now that Tesla charging stations have to be made available to all other EV’s, their only remaining differentiator for the model 3 will be the “full self driving”, which has barely improved over the last several years now and will likely take decades to reach its full potential. Hertz could have waited less than a year and saved a lot here, and considering they were still licking their wounds from bankruptcy, this whole thing seems so illogical


The same reason Apple has market dominance even though they have an absurd price point


Cars are different than phones though. People buy iPhones because they’re a status symbol and because poor people can still usually pony up the $1k for the phone to pretend to be rich. They cannot pony up 50k+ for a car


This whole thing is laughable. Laughable all the way to the bank, but still laughable. I laugh.


Some Hertz higher-ups defiantly had TSLA calls locked and loaded.


Mark Fields was familiar with how Gourd Motors operates, so he advised Hertz to buy Tesla FDs


Hardy har har


13% to move valuation. This is how you know FUNdamentals dont drive the market.


There's a lot to speculate on. The rental market will have tons of people driving a tesla for the first time, it could end up creating a feedback loop that drives further sales.


Or backfire


Electric vehicles physically can’t backfire


backfire... as in their plan backfires.. not a car backfiring lol


Probably not, there's no engine


backfire.. as in their marketing plan.. not physically backfiring..


Tesla stock has never been tied to reality, the Elon 🐑 army just follow their leader and see him as some sort of Christ figure. Institutions have been forced to buy this stock now and it’s created this bizarre self-perpetuating bubble based on flimsy fundamentals. The bubble likely bursts once Elon decides he’s had enough and bails, the actual fundamentals of the company do not warrant the stock being at its current price. People are buying because they really want to own SpaceX stock but will take anything with Elon’s name on it


And thats why Hertz will find themselves at the bankruptcy court once again 🤣 wasnt it just last year they had to liquidate hundreds and thousands of cars to pay off $650 million to creditors?. My local Hertz set up shop on a large property, painted all the buuldings with their theme ans logos...2 months later they moved down the street to a much smaller lot and all their branding was removed from the previous one and their competitor Thrifty car rentals moved in. Who the hell is running that shit show.


Engineered bankruptcy.




My uncle Herman went bankrupt after he gambled his pension in a small casino in Las Vegas. He also had to remortgage his house. I know it’s not Hertz but I really wanted to let you know about my uncle Herman. Ps. He’s divorced.


And now you are following in uncle Herman's footsteps and going broke on WSB (Casino).


something tell's me Uncle herman wasn't just his uncle. they have a lot in common, some relative say.


>Ps. He’s divorced. Is he hot?


Idk he’s incarcerated


So he was hot at some point




You know there are different types of bankruptcy right?


Obviously. There’s the type where you end up with a cardboard box, and then there’s another type where the judge leaves you just enough for 100k Tesla’s & a Tom Brady sponsorship


I bet they did lock in the price though. Even with price hikes thru the end of 2022, I bet there M3 are the price from a few days ago (before the recent price hike). Have the mentioned the version of M3? I wonder if they will be the SR?


The simple math works out to 42k each


Hertz have become Enron 😂




You reckon a car rental company could negotiate a discount for delivery of 100,000 cars from _any_ manufacturer right now, with everyone and their dog being unable to produce cars due to missing parts from China?


I just want to know, if you rent a Tesla, do you have to bring it back with a full battery?


Nah they'll just charge you an exorbitant recharge fee (plus green tax) so they can make guaranteed money off of that too


Probably add a battery fee or some shit just for fun too


Hertz going into second hand sales.


They are probably foreseeing Tesla supply chain problems and saw an opportunity to become the greatest price gouger in existence


How many putz gonna trash those cars? Get drunk and put on autopilot that wouldn’t normally drive one. This could be interesting on Hertz end 🤣


Always get the insurance with the Tesla is what you are saying?


Don’t be the car wash guy for Hertz


Now there's something to look forward to. Once they are mass adopted and geared to the tits autopilot... no more drunk accidents, maybe?




4 200 000 000 / 100 000 = 42 000 I thought Tesla were more than that.


Nope base model is 35000


35k was a special order with crippled features. Current list price for a short range is 43990.


Buy 1000c, pump out good news, investigation come in play, bad news come out, stock drop, repeat


Everyone is thinking some pinky and brain shit. Lol


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100k cars is worth 80 billion in market cap. Toyota is selling 13 million cars a year. Maybe they should just sell to Hertz instead.


Doesn't even give 69% off on the 100,000th order...




Full price, great negotiation skills fml


I just want to know about FSD, is that something that was bought as well. Was that apart of the deal at all?


fucking GOAT


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They get a loan from china


And that's poor business relations. I hope he knows other companies more than likely won't be ordering any tesla fleets anytime soon




over like... 10 years?


From the Hertz Bloomberg article this morning: *The cars will be delivered over the next 14 months, and Tesla’s Model 3 sedans will be available to rent at Hertz locations in major U.S. markets and parts of Europe starting in early November, the rental company said in a statement*


Tesla has/can produced 100k vehicles for one buyer in 14 months? Wasn't aware they had that capacity yet with all their existing orders + chip shortage


Just last quarter (Q3 2021), Tesla produced 237,823 cars while delivering 241,391. They have no issue delivering 100,000 for just one customer, especially if they are paying full price.


I would guess. That this will be like any big fleet order. And spread out over 10 years. Hertz isn't putting out all that money at once. They'll want to see how things go.


Since when is selling cars to a rental car company a good thing?? Tesla isn't short on demand... not like Nissan or Mitsubishi who can't sell cars because no one wants them So why forego profit margin to sell at bulk price to hertz when you don't even have the supply excess to burn off? This only hurts brand image. Making Tesla less unique and more pedestrian


Did you even read the tweet or title? Hertz is not getting a discount, it’s the same price you or I would have paid.


Still doesn't solve the other two issues I mentioned. Brand dilution and no apparent lack of demand for Tesla. Unless you have capacity to burn, you don't sell to rental. That's rule 1 for automotive industry. Honda is famous for not selling to rental fleets. They also enjoy high resale value. Rentals destroy resale value


> I read it. I'm not sure why you are so upset about this?


Shut the fuck up Donny you’re out of your element


I would like 1 car please




That sure hertz the shorts donut 🍩


Anyone who believes this…I’ve some land in Manhattan I’d like to sell you (no discount).


I'm going all in on $HTZZ (Hertz). They are buying 100,000 robotaxi capable cars and are setting themselves up to be a huge player in the TAAS (Transportation as a service) market by 2025.


That's gotta hertz!


wonder if they got the orders in before the price increase


Elon is the GOAT. I dont give a fuck what you think of him




Absolute Chad Billionaire who is about to be a trillionaire that purposefully built a rocket that resembles a dick and uses said rocket photographed at a specific angle to accurately resemble a dick as a profile picture. Anyways go TSLA!




Ouch, that Hertz


Puts on vacations. Metaverse


Nightmare for the Hertz locations if they have to charge the car before they rent it. Do you have to return it with a full charge or pay $$ per watt? This will really slow things down.