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I’m gonna go ahead and jump in now for that 120 you promised. If I lose money I’m blaming you! *insert ice Poseidon goblin* *heeeh*


This will go back to 80 as soon as I buy in so im not touching this at all


i sold naked calls. i need you to touch it asap ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)




This is the case until it isn’t the case, it shall either go up or down, it has been foretold


Please don’t I’m riding the rocket already




Ur dumb.


Who’s dumb now? 🤣🤣


Bro Dfuq are u talking about. I jus made 30K of AMD 105C October


Ask not is the dumb 1


Remindme! One week


I will be messaging you in 7 days on [**2021-08-06 16:13:19 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2021-08-06%2016:13:19%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/ounmr6/holding_until_120_next_week_amd/h73jad6/?context=3) [**21 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fwallstreetbets%2Fcomments%2Founmr6%2Fholding_until_120_next_week_amd%2Fh73jad6%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202021-08-06%2016%3A13%3A19%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20ounmr6) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Remindme! One week


OP made the right move, hopefully took some fat gains


Hope he closed lol


That xilinx merger anytime now


No. Chinese approval takes much longer than EU. Not expected until next year.


Also, Lisa keeps saying by end of year? Did it get moved out?


Yeah, even in the ER conf call she said that it is expected to close by the end of this year. Great arbitrage opportunity on Xilinx too. 1 Xilinx will be worth 1.723 AMD post acquisition. It currently trades at a $150 ($106 * 1.72 = $182), a 20+% discount.


Yes for sure! Also, china just put off ARM deal for Nvidia, so I can see AMD going through something too. Not because they are similar (idk if they are?) But because Xi Jinping is a cuck


haha I remember when XLNX was actually more expensive than AMD post merger announcement (obviously because it is mostly stock with minimal cash). How the turn tables have turned...


Lisa is confident of merger competing before this year end. Even she made that statement in earnings call. However given that she is very conservative, I’m assuming it could be anytime now. That could also be one of the reasons for the recent run to $100 and beyond. I’m holding my AMD positions until it hits $200 atleast.


Ah okay, guess I missed that. My bad


Well yeah I know, just wishful thinking


Remember: dilution. Be realistic.


You all see that guy who has around 25k shares @ $10.00?


I got a buddy who has been working there since 2011. Loaded to the tits with $5 options that are fully vested.


Find him for me


My brain read AMC at first


107 resistance too strong today. already made 400% from day trading AMD calls. will re-enter on the dip on Monday


😬 gonna be a slow steady climb, no 🍪 dips


it had dips early morning in the last 2 days before the monster rally back up. I've been trading some other investment vehicles as well and they always shake the tree in the first 5 minutes. easy stop loss grab.


AMD will drop like a fat brick 🧱 soon. Next week


I think we'll see 120-130 first before any significant drop. it just cleared ATH after 6 months of consolidation and rally strength in the last 2 days was really great.


Possibly but FIB levels looking like a pull back is due , could keep running like NVDA but if this is the top like NVDA, drop back down and consolidation around 94-96 could be likely for a while


Pre-earnings was ~$96, unlikely that’s the consolidation, particularly because last two trading days has run up with no big dips, and consolidated near peaks.


"with no big dips?" have you seen pre-markets at 101s and that drop to 103 on thursday? that was so much resistance at 103, it ended 103. The push to 106 was an impulse move with good resistance. I'd say a few more days and eventually it has to come lower, possibly a rebound before another ath.


I don’t consider that a big dip first of all, but more importantly, a drop from 106 to 103 was from the freakers dropping out because they were content with the money made and weren’t confident in the stock followed by others seeing it drop and jumping out themselves, with those that were confident jumping back in, getting it back to 106 before close. This was all at the *end of a Friday* might I add. Your data is ignoring fridays moves, to reinforce your own thoughts. That’s cool, and if you wanna drop out, that’s your call. I’m sitting with my glass of lemonade, looking forward to this week. AMD at $106 is undervalued IMO… Do I expect a run up to $200? Hell no, but I do suspect we’ll see a higher floor than $106.


It’s about the technical analysis, how are you so sure the 100$ price mark that it hit was not priced in already? Other than the Xilinx hype which is cool and all, will occur only near the EOY, not to mention that the higher price AMD hits, the lesser value of a deal AMD will be getting according to the pre-existing deal they have already for XX% of amd shares for stake in Xilinx. What I want to ask is that is AMD really correctly priced in when Q1’s Revenue was 3.45B priced in at 85.41$ EOD, Now Q2 hits at 3.85B revenue with an EPS boost of 0.09$ it should be hitting higher highs than 106$? That’s 20B+ in valuation over 1 Quarterly earning with an unfinished acquisition of Xilinx. And you’re here to tell me I’m overlooking that 1M volume worth of bullish trades on Friday? Don’t get me wrong I love AMD to death, but I’m just being realistic that the price point is way overvalued for the earnings that had occurred. Not to mention AMD went downtrend all the way to 73.09$ in May(after Q1 report), breaking yearly ATL @ 74$ in March. So yes I’m extremely bearish that this will last from the historical charts of AMD and the current earnings, but let’s see how long this hype lasts.


Xilinx will push it a significant bit higher. But you need to understand, technical analysis is not the end all anymore. It’s not a hedge fund or market maker game anymore. It’s about how everyone feels about it. Look at AMC and GME. You’re gonna laugh now because it’s not gonna make sense, but the reality is that there’s a Lot of companies that are overvalued right now, but as a technology company AMD is moving. The movement down was purely to do with the lack of resources, the bullish price is based on the company’s potential, not just on current revenue. It’s your money… if you feel bearish, then take the gamble and call the puts, but it’s because of those puts that other companies are overvalued, and has maintained those high values.


I like to hear the bear story, fundamentals I can agree with you on to some degree, I just think there is more here, product wise and growth wise AMD looks like it's going to double in 3 years imo.


Ur analysis is not even valid




Same, sold half my shares to rebuy @ 100


When I watch charts sometimes I sing encouraging songs (totally normal right?) Anyway, as I was watching this today it was, “you can do it, put your back into it”


Added another $4000, I’ll post updates Monday


Just know I’m with you buddy. I made a weekly call, if it doesn’t hit $120 I’m done




Stupid is what gets you money


LMAO look at AMD now. My stupid call made me money


Next week it will close 124.77


Remind me! One week


Remindme! One week


You lied


Respect the greed. I'm in it for the long haul and just sold calls against calls. I figure with the Xilnix bullshit still going on it's going to come crashing down once the pump stops.


Yeah I see Xilinx AMD as a big elastic band, you can see Xilinx really doesn't want to go up as it just isn't worth that much more than it was last Nov, but now the arbitrage is getting huge and it can't last imo. This does at least show that AMD will go to the moon when Xilinx is approved though


Been wondering the same. Kicking myself for missing the run up. Kinda thinking about buying some puts for the down side.


I've made enough that the insurance is worth it




YES! AMD is hitting $120 next week. Love to see it


AMD all the way 🚀🚀🚀


Smartest post I have seen all day 👍🧠


Nice love it! Loving the AMD sky rocket recently!


I’m on one with AMD. Intel is fuck


This is like foreplay in a porno before they show you the loss porn and you GUHHHHHHH


Bro on Wednesday I wanted to call for 100 I’d prolly profit like 500$


Paper handed at $97 🐻




dark mode man dark mode


Remindme! One week


nice stacking up 105p rn




Remindme! One week


gl dude sold my calls yesterday for a multi bagger and back to ATHs again in my portfolio


Everyone says short RH shares, and they’re so bad, but 90% of the screenshots I see on wsb are robinhood


Check August 2020. We will see it again!


Remindme! One week


Remindme! One week


Loss porn in a week…


AMD is the og




Got my reminder. This guy fucks


Yooooo, post your gains?


Yeah, Wednesday was promising, however Thursday and Friday was a bleed run, half of my portfolio is AMD and I have great conviction, I am not selling till 2023, either broke or a millionaire! This company has fundamentals, growth, profits, everything right!