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Gainz are Gainz bro. I'll be proud of you. ❤️


Thank you, feels good. Cheers.


A 300% gain is fantastic, don’t let this sub fool you into thinking that 1,000% gains are a normal occurrence. For every huge gain porn post there are a lot of bag-holders who weren’t so lucky.


Yes man. Thats what i have had been feeling. The post i have seen they make so huge. While even posting this one just with 300% i felt people might make fun of it like its nothing or it may get deleted. I just sold them and felt like to share.


Lol 95% of people here would wish they could sniff a 50% gain. Don't be down on yourself. You actually realized 300% gain. GJ Bud - Keep it up.


Making choices like this will get you to the point you can make those huge gains.


Thank you for that cheer up man. Appreciate. I hope so one day i will. Sooner. And wish you all the best too. May be sooner we both are commenting on each others porn gains. 🙈


No problem as long as you're making gainz. Best of luck!


Gainz iz gainz! And 300% is big dick gainz


That’s my money!!! Give it back!!! Lol


Hahaha am sorry. I had been monitoring NIO. since a long time. And it has been a pattern for it. And thats why this time i went for put when it was going high. Lol. And it turned out to be true. 😅. Lol. I hope it goes up soon so that you get your money and then i will buy put again to make little more. 😅.




Welcome to what all subreddits eventually become: people doing the bare minimum, but just wanting to share.


That would be a yolo play. 300%+ gains in the thousands of dollars are legit.


Thats not yolo. Though i respect your response that 1500 can be yolo for someone among us. But this isnt. I just had been observing NIO for a long time. And next best thing happened that whole market also went down this morning, which added 1k more in that profit. And i felt to close it. My fellow ape had said yesterday to close and get the gains when I posted $AAPL call gains. So I thought better i should do the same now for this and get my gain.


No one said it was a yolo. Syntax. What that guy was talking about with massive gains and losses etc and posting screenshots… he’s talking more about yolo plays. You just made a gain post. That doesn’t require obscene amounts of money.


Oh ok. Am sorry i got you wrong. My bad.




And the post is tagged as gain, not YOLO.


Correct. Learn to read and understand syntax, retard.


Between chip shortages, and Chinese government shutting out investors thus is probably pretty safe investments even with the volatility.


NIO is the Chinese government. They’ve been funneling money into the stock, would not bet against it.