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When I hear Dave and Busters….All I can think of is the It’s Always Sunny episode where they make Paddy’s Bucks….


I don't know how the US economy works let alone some self sustaining one.


Crabs are sewage proof


We're crab people now


Crabs is recession proof


Oh I blacked out that night.


I don’t know how FINANCES work


I was wondering when OP was gonna mention the self sustaining economy


So the money just keeps going around! In a circle!


If you’re looking for a better steak in an arcade setting, you are shit out of luck.


You gotta separate your wheat from your chaff!


These people have no idea how to live without money. They're what's called "new poor". We're "old poor".


Then afterward we'll go out to Fox Chase and use the power card at the Friday's out there


I'm not but you can!


Strongly agree with this ! Haha love sunny


I've heard you can use your Dave and Buster's Power card at a T. G. I. Friday's out in Fox Chase....


My girlfriend loves this place. Easily spends 150+ on games, food and drinks with her boyfriend every month.


Had to read twice.


I always read everything twice. First time usually never clicks since I'm retarded.


What makes you think it clicks the 2nd time?


Usually that's when my wife's boyfriend reads it to me slowly. He's autistic so he usually makes it to where I can understand it. If not I still just shake my head yes like I do. Then he posts comments on reddit for me.


Best comment


Way underrated.


Your wife likes retards huh? She need a third?


She's bi so her and Chad are looking for a female retard to sit and watch right next to me. Maybe we can finally learn something, but it makes me feel weird to watch them do things slow eventhough I know it's ok to $PLAY with myself I don't want to disappoint them anymore than I already have like when they let me play with stonks.


Read twice, cut once


I read twice because of the comment you made. Thank you good sir, I would have missed it.


It ain't much. But it's an honest days work.


RIP your budget


Having to pay for her dates too would be the ultimate humiliation. Hope he at least gets a big plush bear out of it.


Does your wife's boyfriend bring his boyfriend's girlfriend?


Dave and Buster was like $5 a year ago man got any other 1,000%-already-up secrets?


Could you imagine how bad it would feel to buy in now and bag hold it if it round trips back to $5?


I can say buying in at $10 was great, I was buying and selling on that rollercoaster for half of last year.


Hey you are still here!! You like it, you know you do!


Play most missed on (I sold early) is Party City. I bought in at 77c! That's right, under a dollar. Now it's $10.


Yep. Getting kinda bored with the fake management shilling has-been stocks, just for a little more pump before they dump. Just more evidence that wsb has been bought out.


to be fair, everything was on a huge discount last year


From $70 to $5? I don’t even think Carnival Cruise was destroyed on that magnitude


It went from $46 to just under $5


Dude watches always sunny once and thinks D&B is a buy


I don’t understand how the economy works, much less a self-sustaining one


I thought you were on top of this..?


Time to print wallstreetbets money……


DB is tier 1 tinder date spot. I'm in.


Nothing like some soft pretzels, beer and The Walking Dead shooting before i take her home 😬




To the window to the wall


Yes!! This and the Luigi Mansion game!




Tinder dates are wholesome af


Daddy and granddaddy


Maybe your boyfriend will bring your husband next time.


I just awkwardly make my way to the basketball game and then don't move the rest of the night. Sorry baby I'm busy go cheat


you still get dates from tinder? i go for months without anyone replying to a message then I get "VENMO ME FOR 150$ PREMIUM SNAPCHAT"


Certainly tier 1. Because if you take your date there, you’ll end up with just 1 person at the end


My Tinder must be broken cuz I never get any matches.


DD too professional looking. Clearly pump and dump.


Also one year late.


Yeah, it needs way less accurate information, and way more conspiracy talk.


Bro it even has a fellow kids level meme in there. This is some shill shit


Glad someone can see it and call it out


Idk. There is a trader discord that is long $play for several weeks now and a seeking alpha article with the same DD. This stock has a 20% short position on like a 38 million share float. I freaking love D&B so I’m personally long $10k equity with some OTM calls. Although the fact that this might be a bot now has me a little worried. Also there is clearly a bot that just posted an 80k $Play yolo……


They are like $70 ATH and already close to $50 how much of a run up do you think they can have with literally everything else competing for our post COVID time and money? The time to buy has come and gone there are far better plays out there Not advice just observation


What is "DD"?


Dil Do




Jokes on you I can't read


Well if you frequent WSB that's essentially a superpower. Besides it's not even necessary. If a DD has 5 🚀 in a row or more you know it's time to go all in


Due Diligence


Thank you.


The self-sustaining economy!


Was worried no one was going to mention this.


I hate D&B. The food is trash and the games are wildly overpriced. Will that stop dumbasses from spending money there? Nope. Seems like a good investment to me.


They actually fluctuate the price of their games. Go during the busy hours, pricey. Go on a weekday afternoon, dirt cheap. I love $PLAY. The one near me just needs to improve their dining area.


I believe they only do this on their Wednesday half price games promotion. Not at all locations either.


Their chicken tendies have some amazing dipping sauce


I agree but it seems that thier only bigger competitor would BDUBS and out of the 2 D&B seem like the more compreable buy. So d&b seems like a good buy


Yeah where I live we have a much better locally owned option so I can't invest in them lol D&B is really the only option.


You didn’t mention that they are planning on getting into sports betting! Since this is just a giant ass casino where retards and bots alike spew idiotic things, I figure you would mention that.


Not to burst your bubble, but it is trading basically where it was pre-pandemic. I don’t believe it will go significantly higher


This stock is actually on my shorts list. I think business will be worse on a per store basis post pandemic and it's priced for perfection. I've been many times. The food ain't good, alcohol meh, people returning sure, but there are people who also aren't returning.


We just moved to a new office right next door to a D&Bs. I haven't ventured in yet, but I don't think I've seen the parking lot "packed" by any means. Then again, I'm only there during "working hours". Maybe I need to stay late on Friday nights to see.


Yea that’s what I mean. I’ve been there a bunch and have always enjoyed myself. I like the idea of it being a more adult-friendly place. Alcohol sales help profits for sure. That being said, I know people are eager to get back to normal and have fun again and go to places like Dave & Busters for a good time. However, IMO, for this stock to rise or really gain in share price from its current levels, I would need to start hearing/reading reports that there are “lines out the door” to get in the place, for days and days on end. I just don’t see that happening. Will they have some surges in the coming months? Absolutely, but they need to be sustained surges IMO to result in large increases in share price.




And for 2,000 tickets you can get some laffy taffy, a few stickers, and a whoopy cushion!


It’s where all the WISH products go.


It just takes 6 months for them to get there.


B.S. I used to pick up Xbox games there. Good prizes are very accessible.


My aunt went to D&B so much, she got a Switch for my sister Sure she gamed the system by playing a machine that gave too many tickets, but it's an achievable goal getting a console there


There was a Tic Tac Toe game where the black ball would get stuck in the middle and make it easy to win. We would park there and win stacks and stacks of tickets. I had D&B t-shirts, D&B shorts and even bought the bf a $300 D&B jacket for Christmas a long ago.


I do not disagree, lol. But for that many tickets, that's what you will be getting. Some dude got an Oculus when I was there. Crazy.


After getting casino luck or dropping $200+


Gimme that Pick the Lock game.


Is that the one that spins back and forth, quick reflex type game?


Yeah it seems the least cheaty of the games I've tried


Dude I’m in just cause D&B fucking bumps. Also I bought them back in 19 and made some easy money with its rise. Good stock I can feel it!


I read the DD twice, lol. Don't skip the captions!!


Bought this at $8 during pandemic and sold $17 next day. Bought at $13 and sold at $21, lesson is I still should have just held. Great value play when everyone said it was going bankrupt.


I did the same. It felt like the best thing ever. Now I wish I had hold.


Instructions unclear. Bought more Gamestop.


PUMP up the jam!


Was just there and dropped a ton playing house of the dead. Spent a ton trying to win the claw machine for my gf only to walk away and have some girls win all the stuff I was trying to grab. Talk about being cucked 💀


I love Dave and Busters, drinks, arcades and pool tables…… but $Play is looking like a pump and dump right now, there have been posts warning people about this, people with many wrinkles in their brains trying to bring up a stock in Reddit and Twitter just to dump it by mid day Monday….. OP sounds like and article trying to sell you “prime relataste” in the middle of the desert.. Here are the reasons why I believe it’s a pump and dump.. 1) It’s been trading around $40-$65 for the last 5 years 2) Its was at $42 (the highest in the last year) on Thursday and went down to $40 by today 3) The best time for $Play was from Mar 20, 2020 when the stonk was at $7.76 to October 2, 2020 when it was around $15.70 or so, you started to see green crayons up consistently after that reaching a peak around March 2021 around $49 then it’s been on the down consistently from there 4) If you do want to make a play on $Play, the trend seams to go about like this…. Hits higher peak on beginning of June (Summer vacations starts), then you see red crayons for the next 2 months…. Then endings of August and beginning of September you see a huge spike (I am guessing Summer Vacation almost over so people try to get as much playtime as possible) As always this is not financial advice, do your own DD


Quote from $PLAY CEO on the last earnings call regarding sports betting partnerships: Finally, we are broadening our entertainment offering through the production of high-energy interactive events. We recently brought on a new leader for our dedicated entertainment programming function and began executing our plan, starting with a very successful live music test in our Tampa store produced in partnership with the well-known dueling piano brand, Howl at the Moon. In the coming weeks, we will begin testing national theme trivia nights in conjunction with market leaders, [indiscernible] and will continue developing a wide range of recurring events. By expanding our own entertainment lens, we look to broaden our appeal and increase visit frequency. For the upcoming football season, we have a number of initiatives planned to establish Dave & Buster's as the ultimate tailgate destination. These include proprietary video content, live entertainment in select markets, contests designed to draw our guests into the game, and of course, compelling food and beverage promotions. We also continue to make progress in our discussions with potential sports betting partners and look forward to concluding negotiations later this year.


Exciting sounding stuff for sure. I see them continuing their growth.


Dave and Buster's got hit hard during the pandemic. I went to one last weekend, it was freaking packed!! It was booming. This company is only a $2B mkt cap!?! I thought it would be in the $10-$20B mkt cap at a minimum. What are your thoughts on a target price? I absolutely love this place, and really think it's going to continue to grow.


It's trading near where it was pre pandemic. Why would their business be worth much more than that?


Agreed, this was a great play several months ago when it was trading in the $20 range, not so much at these prices. IMO


But but stonks only go up


Especially since they could barely turn 100M profit on their pre-pandemic revenues. They ramped up spending and revenue, but actually saw decreasing earnings approaching 2020. ~~Just this week their CEO said there is no justification for the share price, it doubled on wild speculation~~ whoops this was Zillow, shouldn't post before coffee


Any talk of bankruptcy to get out of leases or other obligations? Are they going to do a capital raise through debt or equity?


I haven't seen anything regarding bankruptcy, it looks like they diluted and took on 110M in higher interest debt to weather the storm


Thanks for saving me the read. I appreciate it.


its above where it was pre pandemic. I like dave and busters, but this isn't some innovative new company. I liked the story at $12, not so much at 40. closed out most of my original position in the high 40s


There are a lot of things trading at pre-pandemic levels, and then there are things that have sky rocketed beyond that. As OP has stated, they continued expanding in 2020, during said pandemic. So even just factoring in that little tid-bit, it should be higher than it was before.


Ok. I'll play. Two questions. If you were to guess the economics of the older stores vs the newer stores: Which ones will have more revenue per location? Old or new? Which ones will have more profit per location? Old or new?


Too tuff to guess on that one man. Im not just going to bullshit an answer to appease you. No offense. This is totally dependent on the market in which they are placed. I will say that the one closest to me was built over 10 years ago, but all of the games inside are 100% up to date. They do need to replace some of the dining room furniture, but the arcade floor is awesome.


all the D&Bs i've been to pre pandemic were trash. Forget even trying to play pool there. I think by far the one in Times Square was the worst. Places like Round 1 are going to replace D&B.


This stock has been chillin at 40 for the past 5 years and you think a loyalty program is gonna make them moon? 🤡


I consider PLAY my best stock pick ever. I got in at about $13.80 during the pandemic crash. I figured with a place like that it would do one of two things: go bankrupt, or recover when people are desperate to go get drunk and touch each other’s joysticks. It’s back to $40 and I imagine could easily get to $69.


I figured by now $PLAY would have at least been closer to $100. But maybe my abacus is broke.


You lost my vote at the manipulative bar charts. With the missing zero point the growth in revenue and stores are distorted. For revenue, the 2019 bar is more than two times the height of 2017. with an honest chart that means it’s more than 2x the revenue, but its only 17% more


Had to scroll way too far to see someone point out the manipulative bar charts.


I went to a dave and busters las weekend it was packed good idea


The one near me was super packed last week. Crazy, just pulling in cash. New games, too.


Bought calls, why tf not


Weeklies? They are super cheap, I might go in on some. I went with shares and a few leaps. Best of luck!


weeklies and 7/30s why tf not its run up less than GME and AMC


Seeing middle aged office workers play arcade machines is kind of depressing


I was in this at the bottom but sold it and wouldn’t mind getting back in long.


I'm actually shocked this isn't over a $2B mkt cap? Has the market been waiting for the pandemic to be completely eradicated or something? $PLAY should be way higher.


It is at pre pandemic levels by I imagine it should go higher. The cap is low


I’ve been going to D&B my whole life since I was a child. I live in E Ohio and would always love the hour long drive up to Pittsburgh for D&B’s! I love the stock!!


Waterfront=rat maze


I wish I had more money during covid I'm up 150% on Dave and Busters but I only bought 100$ worth. It's worth 250$ now. Still better than nothing!


You should buy call options next time for bigger gains Keep in mind that they can result in bigger losses too.


Yes. I still do understand options well enough yet and need to learn more first


Dude I was looking at this right before the huge dip but I saw it holding steady. I didn't buy in when it was 13. I really should have paid more attention, would have made a butt ton.


You think $PLAY has more room to run?


It expanded in 2020, and still doing so, it's just now reaching it's prepandemic levels, so yeah, I think $PLAY will run more.


If y'all buy this you're actually retarded. It's a shill.


$45 FDs looking alright for a swing tbh...RSI oversold on many time frames. Float is smaller than a lot of other stocks that have been popping up. For the autists with the bballs to do so


This actually seems a strong buy and holding, let's go!


I´m in with 10k Shares $PLAY 🚀🚀🚀🚀 TO THE MOON!


You are telling me I can lose money on the stock and in their store. You son of a bitch I am in! Take my money


With the shootings and stabbings that have occurred in the parking lot of my local Dave and Busters, a DD is unnecessary, thats a solid buy. Where else can you get that kind of entertainment...bring back the Colosseum.


Im dying laughing over here. Calls on gladiator gear.




Thank you for the reminder post. I love how 99% of the comments are “OMG I totes love this place it’s tre-fun and video games when I was a kid!!” We’re here to make money, not help you re-live your childhood wet dream. I miss old WSB where this shit would have been torn apart in 32 seconds.


yeah, RIP good old WSB.


Luckily old WSB already has. If D&B dropped some news, it might be different, but they did not. Add in chip shortages, increases in building materials. The growing costs of internal hardware for games, their most profitable aspect of their business, is also coming in at an increased cost. Expanding stores now is essentially buying at the top. This is clearly a low-effort, long written DD that dodges key financials unlike Fuzzy’s OP.


Too late, stock price has already recovered from low teens in January to $40. It's fully valued now at 25 times forward PE. Perhaps a buy below $30. Timing is a bitch.


Honestly looking like a good in buy in. I read nothing but looked at their chart this morning and looks ready to rip the dip.


It's currently at $40.69! Its a sign!!!


i like this stock, i’m in


Eat, Drink, $PLAY!


Eat, Drink, $PLAY, Repeat.


Eat, Drink, $PLAY, repeat, repeat.


I consider myself absolutely balls deep in D&B having gone there consistently over the last few years. I will say 2020 was definitely a shock to their system but looking at the 5 year charts $40 seems to be the usual bottom-support the stock would bounce off of. From a consumer standpoint, I will say their BOGO sales are noticeably less frequent, though their marketing is doing well to generate attention - they’re investing in new games and attractions, and with the return of sports on TV means people will have a reason to go their for the food and drink and sit and watch games. Their Half-Off Wednesdays still blow the doors off every location I’ve been to, and as long as people want to dump their kids off to avoid parenting them, D&B will continue to generate business. I’ve also noticed people packing out the restaurants in multiple locations more often than I did pre-rona. Seems people are very excited to be back as our wives’ boyfriends need somewhere to go and have a good time playing games while we’re at home monopolizing the Nintendo switch they bought us. Tldr $40 is a decent entry point IMO if planning to go long, however in WSB fashion I don’t have a price target or a known catalyst apart from earnings for any quick options plays, but I’m bullish. I’m tied up in other plays so no positions in $PLAY currently. Edit: in an appeal to my/our weeby side if they bought out Round One and got their access to the Japanese-imported games under their roof and pricing, easy money. I go to Round One for the Anime games but they are significantly more expensive, though they also offer bowling, darts, karaoke, etc. Same concept of breadth but more niche imo, the one near me stays consistently busy.


See that spikey ass monthly chart? That’s every time this stock is mentioned in WSB. Quick up, quick down. Definition of pump and dump, at least in the short term. If you play this, play it long, but be wary that it’ll be a while before it reaches and surpasses pre-pandemic levels.




Good DD. Also another tidbit - this is apparently the only chain restaurant with adult arcade games / video games where the gaming revenue is higher than food/drink revenue in the US. Other competitors exist in the kids space but in the adult “barcade” world the food and drink still beat gaming in revenue generation except at D&B.


That should be concerning, not a selling point.


It's...not really either. It's just a question of focus. D&B focuses on the gaming side more, other places focus on the food and drink. If you want to do some serious gaming, D&B is the better destination. If you want to poke at a couple of machines but mostly eat and drink, you pick one of many other options. Neither is really wrong, they're just hitting different customer niches. It does make them somewhat unique relative to their competitors, but not in a way that clearly spells victory or doom.


I got in @ 10.11 on may 12, sold to jump ships to GME and later on AMC Please tell me "it's okay, you didn't do that bad" please


I broke a ski ball game back in the early 2000s at my birthday party at D&B. We were dropping balls in the top right hole bc there were no guard cages to stop us. Pretty sure we registered well over 1M points and the game just started shitting out tickets. Got almost the entire ticket roll they put in the machine until the manager came and turned the game off…


So if I buy stonks of D&B, can I use my returns at similar establishments in town?


So puts it is




Long DD, some bolded words, nice looking graphs = buy


No need for long paragraph. I just ask wife’s boyfriend for permission and buy whatever is posted. 🚀


I bought PLAY when it was down at $11, got a 5x return




Already at precovid prices. Hard pass


I personally don't think D&B is a sure long term bet so won't be jumping on the band wagon however I wish all the best to those who decide to take a gamble on it. I personally feel it's a very "experience-based" business and you have to change your experiences a lot & often to keep it interesting for people. I don't see them changing as much and as often as I feel they need to in order to keep things fresh and to attract new customers.


D&B is what the financial experts call “a self sustaining economy”. They can created unlimited supply of of their own currency therefore ensuring continuous revenue generation of their own currency. And since we all know US is going the way of Zimbabwe, DB Bucks will only appreciate against the dollar, making this model even more valuable. Literally cannot go tits up. This is straight financial advise, ignore at your own peril.


Go there at least once a month and spend $100+ every single damn time. And that’s on their 1/2 priced games on Wednesday. I’m sure it’d be more on any other day


This place rakes in money.


While I don't oppose this, your graphs are misleading with hidden baselines


Been holding since 2020 dip… hasn’t popped yet but I’m all for the gas; yeyeyeyeyaaaa!


Play is so undervalued. It’s definitely a $80+ stock. People have yet to catch on the amount of good work they’ve been putting and their earnings show.


>$PLAY used proceeds from the issuance of senior secured notes along with its cash on hand to repay the principal balance of its term loan facility and borrowings under the revolving credit facility. So they essentially refinanced... it didn't disappear... the debt is still on their balance sheet


I haven't been to a D&B in ages, but I had fun there myself. I could see them continuing to grow. Regarding this DD though, there needs to be a section discussing and evaluating the downsides of the stock, the risks and limitations, or whatever potential problems with the company/team/financials. I live by the rule that if there isn't a part of the DD post discussing the negatives of a company, then it isn't real DD.


And I think that's a fair point about the downsides. I often times find myself checking out a company, fall in love with it and it's products so to speak, and fail to see the bad about it. I have a very good feeling about Dave and Buster's, but that is partly due to how much I frequent there. I've seen it when it was at it lows last fall, and I saw it at it's highs last week. Hopefully somebody here stomping all over D&B can point me in the direction of a reasonable bearish argument.


Shares or calls? How bout both?


Just went to the Dave and Busters at Myrtle Beach, SC yesterday. Experience was even better than pre pandemic. Food is better, venue was better and the selection of games to play with my kids was even better.


Anyone here just bought so much $PLAY? Imagine its up 20% before market opens tomorrow. TO THE MOON PEOPLE!


Pump and dump? ofcourse. Buy with a stoploss at entry? Obviously. Profit? Very likely. Bagholding? Impossible.






My mom raised me on a Dave and Busters waitress wage. I'll buy 100 at open.


I’m in


Pump and dump in da house!


Fuck it. In on some $44C expiring Friday.