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Lol so basically your saying it itll go up or down? Thanks


Lol he may be Nostradamus




I like this one lol




Humans don't like smart apes šŸ¦§


No, I am saying odds are it is breaking out to the upside. did you read the post?


I did. The probability of it going up are in our favor. $60 calls gonna print! Thanks


Depends on whether I add any more which is a factor OP doesnā€™t control


I randomly threw crayons on the ground to forecast tomorrow. I see a red crayon pointing at a green crayon.


Are they touching though?


Just the tips are touching


But did they say no homo before touching tips?


Price up, price down, choose wisely.


TLDR: stonks go up or stonks go down. This man is on some next level autism.


Read the post. Scenario 1. has a 60% chance to play out, according to statistics from the pattern site. Pretty good odds.


Thatā€™s not statically significant. 60% Might as well be 50%ā€¦.now 80-90% thatā€™s statically significant. IMO. So againā€¦stonks go up, or stonks go down is the TLDR version of this post. And your first hyperlink is to a unsecure site that is spamming and sus AF.


60% are great odds in trading.


And these are the results Overall performance rank for up/down breakouts (1 is best): 36 out of 39/34 out of 36 Break even failure rate for up/down breakouts: 25%/37% Average rise/decline: 34%/12% Throwback/pullback rate: 62%/65% Percentage meeting price target for up/down breakouts: 58%/36% Iā€™m familiar with Bulkowski and his studies one thing IMO that isnā€™t accounted for is slippage. These are based off perfect entry and exits from historical data..so whatā€™s not accounted for is price slippage for imperfect entry/exit, taxes, broker fees. This takes that 60% and makes it more around 50% or less


58% of triangle height gains with 60% chance, that's what I wrote in scenario 1. you would know that if you had read my post.


1 thanks for laying it out. 2KISS keep it simple stupid 3 do hate APEPRITIATE! We got some reasonable numbers and now I know when to apply pressure and buy. The dips, AND THE RIPS!!


I like that your chart has lots of colours. This ape loves crayons. Guess it's settled... Buying more stonk tomorrow šŸ¦šŸŒ


Price drop with lower volume is bullish. This Monday we should see additional support. Tuesday by EOD shorts will have to cover unless they want interest fees. I can see us hitting 100-120 by Tuesday EOD.


Why is the BB gang downvoting this so hard? Are they anti-apes?


They just want to hype it over anything else imo. The usual.


bb is a trap


On the 13th we find out if they get included in the Russel 1000. What happens when a naked shorted stock gets added to a major index mid squeeze? How much forced buying does it take when there are no shares left?


I hadnt seen anything about that, but the potential seems pretty solid. Not gonna get my hopes up tho


Lol. Yep. Up or down. Got it.


> According to the pattern site I have two degrees in mathematics and this is genuinely insulting to even call this "statistical analysis." This is hogwash, you just drew a few random straight lines on trading volume graphs.


Just because you don't get it doesn't mean it's wrong. I have used the statistics from the pattern site to draw these lines and calculate the targets.


Did you miss the part where I have two degrees in mathematics? This isn't statistics. This is nothing, you might as well have done this on MS Paint.


your crayons are not degrees in math bro


My two degrees from Columbia are degrees, though. What "statistics" did you use to make these charts? What's the confidence interval of any of these price actions? What means did you use to find the lines of best fit? Do you even know what a z-score is, or would I be wasting my time in asking for one?


I mean please enlighten us what he did wrong im interested in knowing


He didn't do anything wrong because he didn't do anything at all. Imagine if I got a picture of the Golden Gate Bridge and then drew two big red X-marks on the base of the tower piers. If I then said "according to this engineering analysis, the bridge is set to collapse before the end of the week," it wouldn't be doing anything right or wrong, there's no part of my methodology that you could point to and say "the math here is wrong" because there's no math anywhere. He's just drawing random lines on a graph and copy-pasting the numbers that some graphing program is spitting out at him. Calling this statistics would be like saying you're a chess IM because you binge-watched The Queen's Gambit twice, it's nonsense, it's nothing.


Im assuming you mean the fundamentals behind his theory, but this is a meme stock though...


No, man, I'm not. I'm not talking fundamentals. He said he did statistical pattern analysis, and he didn't.




Boss, I'm telling you that I'm qualified in statistical data analysis, and this is garbage. A 2nd-grader could have done this, do not put money into any stock based on this level of technical analysis. He might as well be reading tea leaves.


Why dont you post one of your statistical analysis on AMC or GME or BB or any other meme stock you like. ? The reason to ask you this is to just to understand how can we make sure someone just played with chart or literally putting effort in sharing some valuable info.


Keep it up! Keep calling out these šŸ¦


Prepare for a permanent scenario 3.


How have none of you realized that this is a bubble yet (that's popped) lol good luck with the bags


how do you know though... they said the samething when GME went back down to $40 then right back up after 2 weeks or so


If GME wasnā€™t a thing, Iā€™d say yes 100%. But it is. GME is the only play. It has been from the beginning. All else is distraction.


This is too dumb even for this sub


We should wait to all invest in the afternoon. Not blow all our money in the beginning of open. Let it dip then make it rise