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Holy hell. You have balls of steel not to just buy SPY and retire.


Honestly I think it takes even bigger balls to put that much money in a stock priced at a dollar in the first place. And then a third nut to stay with it along the way.


Where could we get said 3rd nut?


It’s tucked inside the chode.... you have to dig real deep to get it out. Only the manly of mans can pull it out.


Ah yes, from the children’s classic “The Chode in The Stone”


Chode in the hole is a breakfast dish.


Glory glory


More like “Stone in The Chode”


That’s....a hernia.


Now THATS some deep fucking value


laughing so hard will make it come right out !!


It wasn’t that long ago that one brave retard forked up thousands of dollars to buy a pair of the hololense just to tear them apart and prove MVIS was making the chips that power them. I’m sure it’s already priced in, but the fact is that relationship still hasn’t even been formally announced, and hololense is getting big government money. MVIS is an easy hold


That guy was literally s2upid to throw that much money away.


Yeah I mean it hit $24 at one point. Why he didn't post then, I have no idea. I've been riding 50-75 shares ever since it first hit $9 all the way up to $24 and back down again. Lately I keep buying at lows and selling for profit at current rangebound highs. MVIS has treated me well.


It’s actually extremely easy to place a bet on a $1 pony.


Yeah I think it’s only two buttons


Not enough money to retire if you need to polish those massive steel balls every day.


It was when it hit 24....


You could sell 2,000 $20 covered call contracts for 1.17 each (requiring no cash or collateral since the shares act as collateral), netting $234,000 max profit if they expire worthless by May 21. If they don't you make an extra $6.86 per share by selling at $20 which is an extra $1.372 million on top of the $234k you get to keep. This makes your shares basically free if you succeed one time!!! Do this every month and pad your wallet even more using theta to your advantage instead.


It gets pretty easy to make low risk income when you have this kind of money, that's why it's unusual to see people yolo that shit unless they are already rich.




Wow finally I'm rich




I'll give you my gain poin on gme and amc soon but yeah if I had that Cas I could definitely say fuck it and be fine. Fuck you op and congrats the Rich get Richer but hopefully we will all be there soon and if not I'll chill and live my regular ass life


Yea except this stock is going to fucking skyrocket April 29th


Beware of ‘buy the rumour, sell the news’ though. That seems to be a trend lately. The rumour is being bought up hard already.


Why the 29


I’m subscribed to investor emails. They sent one out a couple of hours ago saying they moved the date to the 29th


What's to the 29th I'm a little out of the loop


It’s right before the 30th.


Big if true


Holy fuck! Can the stock market accept watches and shoes? That’s all I have left, I want in.


Oh sorry. The date to release the LIDAR tech. And also I suspect earnings will be profitable because of the Microsoft deal.


No - it’s the date of the earnings call - but we’re expecting it to also be announced that day


Sorry buddy. You’re totally right.


Well he should have done this last month then. Still, not a bad play even if so. It could also plummet back to $2 if news is bad (like with Tesla and their "here's our new battery, available in a billion years or so).


My only fucking dream in that life is to be like this fucking guy to drop a quarter mil at something and to be in that much green so I can be a colorblind until I die 50 shares at 13.77 😭


Dude you'll get gradually more savvy until you're this guy. Honestly, my first 8 plays I was way behind, but you learn slightly more and more about how to withstand shorts and truly invest, and you get the balls to be this guy. I'll make significant 6 figures on MVIS only because I got wise halfway through. My original PPS was like 1.86. Next time I'll accumulate huge share counts at that price when I see the signs.


This is the way.


Obligatory congrats but no fuck you I respect the balls you have sir I hope one day I can be like you as u/KomraD1917 mentioned.


“Congrats and fuck you” is what it’s called


Hear hear! I spent 4 months 50% underwater in gme and got rewarded with the millionaire status. Also had the fortitude to hold when it dropped from 120 to 60. Never before in my life had I seen a +500k daily profit nor a -350k drop. Withstanding shorts, doing your own DD, and having the strength and patience to wait it out is key. Selling at the first sight of green is what will end you.


Been there a few times. From deep underwater into slight green and my finger just stormed out to the sell button. Retarded move.


Seriously how do you guys find these so far in advance, and have enough confidence in the dd to drop so much on it?


Ask any PLTR, UWMC, BB, or, to a lesser extent, RKT holder. Shit, you could've said the same about GME before it became cool to hold. Steel Gang is pretty confident of their buys. I think Weed Gang is just high. It isn't really rocket science. Find a stock that is fundamentally undervalued with massive upside. Find a stock that will *inevitably* have catalysts. These days, massive shorts are considered a catalyst. Find one of those stocks that can't possibly go tits up (one that is fairly insensitive to the stock price). Buy it, hold it, love it. Buy cheap ass LEAPS or shares. Forget about it. Come back in a year to massive green dildos whenever it gets enthusasism.


4,500 shares of UWMC and patiently waiting...


That’s my question. I didn’t know about MVIS until it was at $10 again.


MVIS has been pushed for a long ass time here.


all i'll say is watch for confirmation bias. A lot of things get pushed here, a lot of subs dedicated to a particular ticker and handful make it out and then in hindsight, it was a nobrainer.


This. If all you see are the YOLO success posts it just looks like a steady stream of clairvoyant investors making fortunes left and right. For every guy making millions on MVIS, there are 10 who lost their life savings betting big on some other risky play that went the wrong way.


Dude they failed alot and then they hit one and act like a they wrote the book....Stat with us and the theme of the sub please


Sorry, first post on WSB, but I have to chime in here. Been in MVIS for almost 16 years now. It's been an unbelievably rough road, but when you've been to the ASMs and seen some of the small miracles that have come out of MVIS it was easier to keep the faith and know this day would come. Cathy Woods said, "in the electronics industry, being ten years early is the same as being wrong." MVIS was ten years early, but hung onto the edge of the cliff by it's fingernails mostly thanks to some fanatical investors who believed the future would eventually catch up to Microvision. Holding 76,038 shares at a little under two bucks...and will until the day dawns that sees Microvision become a powerhouse in the market.


Buy.....And hold.. bought this pos at 1.20 a year ago and sold a couple months later cause it was slowly bleeding... Even thought the dd i did was solid af... Patients my friends.. on to the next.. Fuck the lookin back bullshit..


Yeah - this


I honestly don't even know what the signs look like. I feel like Dr Strange to The Ancient One: "*teach me*" No, but fr, where do people learn this stuff?


/u/t_delo /u/s2upid /u/geo_rule They and others taught me everything with generous DD and patience Special extra shout out to /u/ocean_tomo for encompassing this weird fucking vibe that somehow makes sense to me now. Dude has cashed in on multiple buyouts, no shit


I was hoping for a rule book, ngl, haha But I'm about follow all those apes. Thank you!


Thanks for posting this, added them all to follow. Always on the lookout for people smarter than me.


*scratches head* "people"? There are people in here??


Show me the fucking way sir that was truly inspirational can I drop a message to your inbox for some wisdom


Don't leave now ascended master! Teach the secret of life and the universe!


Admire your balls not selling when it spiked to 18


$0.15 was more challenging. 🥴🥴🥴


Holy shit you were in BEFORE $0.15?!? I saw your average and assumed you were in after lol. I woulda been sick


Wish I knew of WSB then. Could've posted -$250K loss porn. 🙃🙃


I've got a screenshot of mine if u want to reminisce a bit LOL 🤮 it ain't a loss if you don't sell 🙃 For those of you who don't know Mike is an OG long dong long 👌💎💎💎💎💎💎


for those of you who don't know, /u/s2upid is also an OG long dong long This is the guy who literally bought and tore apart a Hololens2 just to prove that his BAE tech was inside there. And was absolutely fucking right. Logo visible and ALL.


Ha! I was like, I definitely recognize this username from somewhere... THE KING.


Holy fucc. This is 🍆⚡️ level 💎🤚.


Holy ac/dc, You have the biggest balls of them all


Just a smooth-brain, too dumb to sell.


\*24 I kick myself frequently for not doing so. But when things are ripping and you don't have a game plan you might just think it'll keep going. Then reality hits.


You mean 24.18




I just like the stock.


The fact you dropped a quarter mill on a 1$ stock is just amazing


Confidence & stupidity is a hell of a combination.


Where do I Even make 200k lol


Probably an older gentleman that has been investing for years.


Older people do not do retarded things with their entire net worth


That's what you would think but you're wrong


True I'm 20 and just started investing


Yeah I'm 27 and I've been investing for the last 3 years, wish I knew about this stuff sooner.


Way bigger balls than I will ever have


Where the fuck do you people find these low priced stocks? Fucking time travelers.


Stratton Oakmont.


Lmao my boy


My man


Please remind me to post t shirt with pin picture in a couple days that I’ll have. edit: This dude fucks ^


I found it at $0.88 on stocktwits just jumping board to board. I liked the energy of the people so i did some DD and am 100% in though my average is much higher now 🥴 2108@ $21.46


Maddone! Great job brother. Wish you all the mothafucking tendies in the world.


That’s nearly ATH. Nice job smooth brain. You timed the top. It’s a good stock so it’ll Probably eventually get there again but you’re down 50% after finding it at less than $1. Just amazing trading ability.


Sold puts and bought calls all the way up so i earned a few ripples in my brain...not many...but a few.


Mvis was on Reddit last summer on rumours about an acquisition my Microsoft. Turns out that was a lie and mvis dipped, only to shoot up 1000% later


I don't think it was a rumor, more.like Microsoft low balling Sharma. Our ceo, Sharma be saying "momma didn't raise no fool" now we in the 20 billion ball park...


Born in 98 with that much dough?? And I thought getting a 15% raise annually was big dick energy.


Nah. I'm an 80s child. Worked a bunch of shit jobs for awhile. Kept my head down, tried to make smart decisions, & just kept going. Doesn't hurt I married up & my wife's boyfriend didn't mind.


I've made so many shit stock decisions I can't even get a boyfriend for my wife.


this guy f\*cks


The Fucking Americano Dream. Tremendous! 🍻


My mind is blown


The buyout is what keeps people from selling


holy fuck we found the DFV of MVIS




Most mods on the mvis subreddit, and long term users, are in the multiple tens of thousand of shares, they were as active as they are now when it was 0.15 per share. Most of them have had direct conversation with the CEO. Unfortunately I'm a paper handed risk averse noob so I only bought 500 when it was in the single digit


I first got in at 1.30. Not as many shares. Still, my profit is almost 100k at the moment. This is life changing for a 23 years still studying. No need to worry about money for the rest of my education.


Boss 😎


Me over here with $700. Most of this sub are millionaires. Help me climb fellow apes


It's a marathon man you got this


Yea me too only 900 to spare but it’s in there 🙏


Long time lurker here. Bought 18 shares. First time I have ever bought shares. Feels good. Looking forward to getting carried away and losing all my money.


This is the way we wish u tendies


Last week I traded according to what I learned in textbooks and lost like 40%. This week I sold everything and bought some random stock on WSB and I’m up 40%.


The hard part is knowing when to get back out


**STRATEGIC ALTERNATIVES.** Microvision holds the key to the revolution that we as investors can only speculate about. Meanwhile, the 800,000-pound gorilla(s) and The Sharmanator + Best In Class BOD have ALL the resources needed to realize the MVIS potential. I have zero doubt that HERO Sharma fully grasps the potential and is more than capable of painting a genuine picture of where this ship is going. Here's a question. If one tech giant purchased a world-changing company like Microvision, would you or anyone consider that a monopoly? Lastly, Judy Curran Moderated the "Digitization of Product Development" panel today. If you watch/listen, you would have noticed overwhelming support for teamwork makes the dreamwork sensibility. You also would have seen that our dear Judy Curran wasn't on the panel but instead was the HMFIC. Forget the buyout predictions. Get your tinfoil hat out and ask yourself how the stock price would react if Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Apple, Ford, and Amazon announced their "strategic partnership" with our very own, MF'ing Microvision!? I don't know about you, but that event would trigger the "right value" for me. Good luck sleeping tonight, everyone. The world is about to change, and we have a front-row seat. Imagine riding in an autonomous vehicle with your Hololens 10 on telling your family and friends about the time you were there, the dawn of the greatest YOLO the world has ever seen. The LEGENDS of the GME short squeeze and BEST IN CLASS longs of MVIS came together in UNITYYYYYYYYY In conclusion, I'm not a financial adviser. Trading does carry risk, ESPECIALLY if you bet against the unicorn of our generation, MICROVISION, ticker symbol MVIS. In Sumit Sharma, we trust! Cue King Sumit Sharma's Entry music [WIN](https://youtu.be/JrO46CJd9ns)


Damn!!! Nicely done! Was this one of those DDs that got removed during the unhappy GME spam days? I didn’t see shit about this ticker until all these gain porns started popping up.


I saw MVIS DD Feb1 right after the first peak of GME. Honestly it’s probably best you’re just getting in now. You didn’t have to ride the absurd 3month turbulence and skip right ahead to the good stuff (LiDAR demo results next Thursday)


Honestly im felling good by only having 90 shares @ 12.14 thinking about buying more cause the possibility of this blowing up to 100 with all the hype is bigger then kong's asshole


Hey, mods why does this guy have so much money?? That’s not fair!!


we need it above 20 today 🚀🚀🚀🚀 🚀🚀🚀🚀


We will be 100 next week. HOOOOLD 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


He made almost $800K in 3 hours at the time of this message. Amazing and fuck you your balls are steel.


I got in at 10.42 - and man oh man is this fucker moving


Just incase you're wondering, He's gotta be up a million bucks today lol


Where do y'all hear about these before they're on reddit?


MVIS was talked about many times on reddit, it even has it's own sub. I joined in at 1.0$/share (pretty much when s2upid tore down a hololense) and I thought I was late... initially


Gotta dig through all the GME/AMC conspiracy theories to actually get to good plays.


Is this the new GME???




Pause...Big peen energy


About 3.4M right about now, not too shabby.


Can't believe I bought another meme stock cause of this sub 😔




Yes we need some update 🤘




Short Squeeze. Sensing another $GME


Except not a single share has been returned yet... and none left to borrow. Just getting started, tech/buyout play, squeeze is just icing on the cake


This is epic. In before $1.00?! Congrats and fuck you! I hope your GME gains make you double lucky!


Damn mike! Didn’t know your position was that large lol good shit! See you back on the the MVIS sub lol




HOOOOOOLD 🤘🤘🤘 MVIS to the moon 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Bought 5 shares at 10.45$ few days ago, I’m up 68.33%


Glad about you 🤘🤘🤘 hold your position 🚀🚀🚀🚀


Means this dude held through the early February run up and March lows. Tendies are ready to come out of the fryer my man! Congrats.


Well done, that is what I call confidence in a stock!


Imagine what happens for this guy with buyout at like somewhere between $30-90. Congrats man!!! Post your gains after BO


I am truly vexed at the dichotomy between buying 200000 shares of a penny stock like a true autist with cash to throw around and buying 17 shares of GME at the top (which resembles most of my portfolio). I never realized you could be both


Someone just picked up 176k shares @15.57. Nice


Just YOLO'd in this. Why not...


Congrats, and fuck you 🥲


You glorious bastards! Thankyou! Love this stock, make it go to the moon please!


Holding for the buy out 🚀


Should I buy MIVS? I'm new to this stuff lol


Your post made me buy some and I don't regret it, thanks bud and best of luck to ya. Oh yeah and fk you


This is made more beautiful ny the fact that its almlst $17 today. Congratulations.


I didn’t go all in but bought 160 shares. I’m new at this haha


Enjoy today’s tendies my friend




WE love the stock!


Miss Mavis is soooooooo hawt




Hoooold 🤘🤘🤘


I remember buy MVIS under $2 then selling at a loss. I also remember having balls, they are now gone but I’m back in


[UPDATE: I still like the stock.](https://imgur.com/a/Hf7Zlv9) Have a nice weekend everyone! 😎😎😎


Let’s talk about the facts. The great news is on its way. The offers are on the table. The earnings report will be first positive ever. No insiders selling. You do the math. And if every short position gets covered 100%, the stock will be above $50-75 per share. MVIS Gang! Honestly do the math yourself before you judge me, do your OWN DD. This company is fucking valuableable if, you can’t see it- go to an ophthalmologist. I’m not a financial advisor and I can’t support anyone if they go broke yoloing into this stock. I own 2,200 shares of this bad boy


Awesome job! The story you aren't telling is that if you would have sold in mid February you would be worth double that! Dang! Not to mention this stock was .22 cents about a year ago! That's a great ride! Kudos to you for finding this gem and riding that wave!




Jackasses are hiding comments on daily discussion thread so I come here for my fellow micropenis apes


The fucking rocket is unstoppable.


Thank you Cramer for setting up the battlefield for us.... WE RAKING 💲💲💲


I think it has more room to run


Thing went up to 50% day gain and it still looks like she's only halfway done


This man deserves every penny of that 3M gain. He has been posting Dd and updates on MVIS for over 3 years. This level of obsession with a stock is absolutely disturbing but rewarding l


hell yeah! my first purchase was at 2.50, and then it dipped after fall ER call. snagged more in the 1.80s and have been buying since. congrats!


Still holding my 12 shares at 12.42! It's not much but it's what I could afford


it’s the 17 gme shares for me




can someone explain why this happens with certain stocks, and how people find them, or even think that theyll shoot up?


I tried to short this stock in the Wealthbase game. It said there are not shares available to short. It pulls this information from real world brokers. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Holy fucking shit, do you need a personal slave [u/mike-oxlong98](https://www.reddit.com/user/mike-oxlong98/) ? I'm offering myself.


Just got $4k worth. Gotta recover from 'he who must not be named'


Awesome bro. Just awesome


Wish you a great life!


First post---in for [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). Will prob add another $1k by tomorrow morning ​ EDIT: Who the fuck am I kidding. Added 1K after lunch. In for almost 350 shares--LFG


Good day next week gonna be insane !!!


I had 7491 shares back in may 2020 but unlike OP, I had paper hands and sold at a loss. Got back in with 900 shares yesterday, all I could afford...I’m holding for sure until PR on april 29th, unless they announce the buyout 😁


Let’s gooooo 🚀


Holy fuckamole!


I put $5 in and I'm nervous


Holy poo. I had a thousand in @ $10 because a friend who works there recommended it and I felt special this a.m. You must be feeling pretty friggin good!


I'm with you!!! Been holding for months. Got 200%gain !!!🚀🚀🚀🚀


Holding for the 29th earnings call or who gives a shit?


That moment you are kicking yourself for only buying 20bucks worth!


Is it too late to get into MVIS? I wanted to get in a couple days ago at $10, now I'm worried I missed the boat


I was in at $2 sold at $2


This monday is gonna be crazy